Bai Naixian was sitting close to Jiang Chen, upon hearing this, she immediately stuck to Jiang Chen's body.

Jiang Chen himself didn't like Bai Shuixian as a pretentious woman, but he was too embarrassed to push her away because of her background in the same country.

Bai Shuixian thought that Jiang Chen had finally found out that he was alright, that is, he was getting closer, but Lin Ying looked at this scene a little dazzlingly, why did Bai Shuixian lose their female cultivator like this?Can't live without a man?

Just when Lin Ying was about to yell at her, what Bai Shuixian said made Lin Ying completely lose her desire to speak.

"Oh, fellow Daoist Jiang, we've all come here, so it's better not to look for the five elements!"

Hearing this, Jiang Chen raised his eyebrows and glanced at Lin Ying with a questioning look. As the only girl present, if Lin Ying thought so, Jiang Chen would be disappointed, but she would follow their wishes and keep them. here.

But seeing Lin Ying's hesitant to speak, Jiang Chen knew that Lin Ying was different from Bai Naixian, so he quickly stood up.

Before Bai Shuixian stuck to Jiang Chen's body as if he had no bones, Jiang Chen stood up like this, but Bai Shuixian shook him a bit.


As if to show the female cultivator's weakness, Bai Narcissus yelled on purpose, but Jiang Chen didn't think so, but Jia Gui, who was watching Bai Narcissus from the side, gave Jiang Chen a look.

That way seemed to be asking Jiang Chen why he didn't help Bai Narcissus in time?Jiang Chen looked puzzled and went on to say that he was gone.

"The five elements are a must. If we don't have them, we won't be able to enter the ancient battlefield."

"It's just that the person who transmitted the sound last night didn't say whether each team must find a set of five elements, or everyone must find a set of five elements."

"So I decided that we should not waste time looking for it, but we can station the looting team on the spot."

Bai Naixian laughed like a flower when she heard Jiang Chen's decision not to sit in the open air like before.

He thought that Jiang Chen had followed her advice before making the decision, so he was so excited that he wanted to pounce on Jiang Chen again, but this time Jiang Chen was a good learner and did not let Bai Shuixian pounce on him.

But Lin Ying was a little tangled for a while, "Jiang Daoyou, wouldn't it be a little bad if we did this? After all, the five elements of those teams were obtained by themselves!"

"If we rob them here, will it be regarded as something for nothing? If so, will we be regarded by them as evil spirits?"

Jiang Chen did not expect that Lin Ying, as a female cultivator, would have such an upright concept of cultivation!
However, special times and special actions, now they have reached the periphery of the ancient battlefield, and they can enter the ancient battlefield only by gathering the five elements.

Jiang Chen is still unwilling to leave here and be entered into the ancient battlefield by other teams first. Right now, this way of robbing is the most convenient and fastest way.

"Friend Lin, other people's five elements are obtained through their own strength, and so are we!"

"As long as we can beat them to the ground, we also rely on our own strength to obtain them, but they obtained them from some monsters, and we obtained them from them."

"And there are certain rules when we come to participate in the national war. The waiter didn't tell us that we can't get things from other people in the rules, so we rob them, which is the tacit approval of the rules."

Yi Jun, who has been listening, now agrees with Jiang Chen's approach.

"I agree with the decision to come here to participate in the national war is for the national honor, so no matter how you get these things, it is right."

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