My Lady Queen

Chapter 37: The Reward of Rice Grains

In the early morning, the warm sunlight shines softly on the old building. Most of the people have already got up, some are washing their hands, and some are having breakfast. There is a peaceful and peaceful atmosphere.


However, a sharp female voice pierced the tranquility. Everyone stopped what they were doing and looked in the direction of the sound in doubt.

Less than 1 seconds.


This time it was replaced by a male voice, but it should have come from the same direction.

Wishing rolled down from Mi Li's small single bed, then looked at his pants wittily, but fortunately everything was in good condition.

Immediately afterwards, a pillow flew off the bed and hit him hard on the head.

His brain short-circuited in an instant, and he crawled towards the door with both hands and feet, then opened the door of his own room, slipped in with an extremely ghostly posture, and closed the door with a "snap", and hid in the bed shivering.

Mi Li, who was drunk for the first time in her life, had a severe headache, and the half glass of beer tormented her dizzy.

Just now, when she woke up from her sweet dream, she was surprised to find that there was an extra person on her bed, and it was a man.

Not only that, but I also wrapped my hands and feet around his body without any image, like an octopus.

She quickly checked her clothes and found that she slept with clothes on last night, but this also made her somewhat relieved.

Finally, she remembered some fragments of last night.

"So, yesterday was the birthday you wished for me?" Mi Li murmured, reaching out to touch the exquisite necklace around her neck.

"Maybe, I misunderstood him."

The girl's face turned red all of a sudden.


in the hallway.

The little bald-headed neighbor who made a wish was full of toothpaste foam, and watched with a dumbfounded wish that he fled from Mi Li's room without moving the toothbrush in his hand for a long time.

"Oh, there's another one missing. It's really a flower stuck in cow dung."


Wishing is like an ostrich, lying on the bed with its buttocks pouted.

"Damn, damn, why did I fall asleep? I'm in trouble now. Where can I go to reason? Fortunately, my virginity was saved, woo woo woo, this is really unlucky."

"Tuk Tuk Tuk."

Just when he was about to cry, there was a knock on his door.

"Who is it!"

Unhappily making a wish, she crawled out of the bed, walked over angrily, and opened the door.

Outside the door, the crisp rice grains that had been cleaned up stood there in embarrassment.

Wishing suddenly became anxious: "Listen to my explanation, it's not what you think."

"Stop! I remember everything. Don't tell anyone what happened last night. Did you hear me?"

Mi Li quickly stopped his explanation.

Wishing nodded numbly.

With a small bag on her shoulders, Mi Li turned her head and walked towards the stairs.

After walking a few steps, she turned around and touched the pendant on her chest: "Also, thank you for your birthday present, I like it very much."

After speaking, he ran away without looking back.

Wishing did not understand what happened at all, when he heard a voice from the side: "Hmph, beast!"

He turned his head and saw that the little bald head closed the door with a "bang".

"That's it, it's all godlike."

Monk Zhang Er was puzzled when he made a wish.

No matter what happened in the past, life must go on, but Wishing has secretly made up his mind that he will never use that "summoning altar" again.

In the blink of an eye, three days have passed, and during this period, Wishing found another job as a food delivery worker. Yiyi called him several times, but he didn't answer.

In the heart of making a wish, he and Yiyi are people from two worlds, so it's better not to contact each other anymore.

This afternoon, as soon as Xu Hui came home, he saw Mi Li walking up and down in front of his door, looking very preoccupied.

Because of what happened that night, Wishing has always been particularly uncomfortable seeing Mi Li recently, and wanted to walk over with his head down.

"Make a wish!"

Unexpectedly, Mi Li stopped him.

Make a wish and quickly take a half-step back: "I said you have never finished, that day was a misunderstanding!"

Mi Li blushed, stomped her feet and said, "Oh, I'm not talking about that day. Our magazine has a party tonight, and each employee can bring a family member... Oh, no, it's a friend. I don't have any acquaintances here , if you have time, go there, I heard there are a lot of delicious food."

Wishing pinched his chin, looked at the ceiling, and meditated: "Oh, then should I be considered a family member or a friend?"

"Hey, what you should care about is not whether this is good or not!"

Mi Li blushed with embarrassment, took out something from her bag, stuffed it into the wishing arms, and ran away again.

"Hey, why did I say again?"

Make a wish and muttered and looked at the things in his hand.

This is a VIP ticket with the time and place on it. Judging from the title, it should be a spring new product launch event of a certain fashion brand. The family members of the employees are required to attend, just to support their popularity.

Wishing to know, Mi Li majored in art design, and currently works for a well-known fashion magazine in S City, where she is doing art editing and other work.

But if you know it, you know that before that, the only interaction between Wishing and Mi Li was when they met in the corridor and nodded to say hello. Today's matter can be called a breakthrough.

"Could it be that this is the legendary "date"? "

Wishing eyes lit up, hands on hips, looked up to the sky and laughed loudly: "Hahahaha, I am also the one who was dated by a girl!"

Since all the little girls took the initiative, they had no choice but to "reluctantly" agree to make a wish.

Seeing that it was still early, Wishing first took a good shower, changed into clean clothes, then stepped on a shared bicycle, and went to the banquet leisurely.

The venue of the party is by a big river in S City. According to Wishing, the starting price of houses in this area is [-]. If wishing to live a lifetime without eating or drinking, you can buy a toilet here.

The party was held on the top floor of a Linjiang building. After checking the tickets, I made a wish and boarded the direct elevator.

As soon as the elevator door opened, a gust of cool riverside night breeze blew over accompanied by melodious light music.

The entrance is a circular field the size of half a football field, surrounded by transparent glass.

There was a small stage near the river, which was beautifully arranged, but there was no one there. Obviously, the party had not officially started yet.

Because the theme of the party is the new product launch, the dinner was designed in the form of a buffet. All kinds of pastries and dishes that could not be named were placed on silver plates, and several waiters in tuxedos held the trays. There are colorful drinks on top.

Wishing for this party, I didn't eat any food, I picked up a plate and rushed up. After a while, the plate was filled with all kinds of delicacies like a hill.

He found a place where no one was around and was about to feast, when he suddenly heard someone calling his name:
"Make a wish!"

Wishing to look up, his eyes straightened.

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