The villain also has spring

Chapter 1107 6.13 Chasing revenge in the dark night

In Wu Chen's memory, all kinds of villains also have their own ways of death.

However, the boss died, and the evil organization did not disband, but grew stronger under the leadership of the new boss.For example, the AIM of the crippled man of science and technology is living happily now.In addition to benefiting from the mature and modern organizational structure, the continuous extension of the plot line is also the decisive key.Just like after the Green Goblin was killed by Spider-Man, the son of the Green Goblin became a new generation of Green Goblins.

These dark heritages can always find suitable heirs.

Then, another question arose.

Now, who inherits the dark legacy of these great villains?

Wu Chen needs to find out.

Another more important problem is that the plot and comics are completely two lines.

Using the experience of reading comics in the past to view and deal with the characters and events in the plot world, there will obviously be deviations of one kind or another.For example, some data show that Emma Frost, who appeared in "X-Men: First Class", is the real White Queen, and is not the same character as Emma, ​​the younger sister of Silver Fox in "Wolverine" in 2009, although They are the same person in the comics (Director: Otherwise, why would I reverse the future? Isn't it just to clean up these messy plot lines?)...

In Days of Future Past, Magneto said on the plane that Emma, ​​the White Queen, died due to mutant experiments.Although there is no photo of her autopsy, in the final battle, the Sentinel robot can be seen transforming into a diamond body to resist the high temperature of the sunspots. The sound and special effects of the deformation are exactly the same as those of the White Queen in the first battle.

However, the White Queen appeared in the new Hong Kong that has been dancing for thousands of years, and appeared well.

Powerful psychic powers even affected Zangelf.Wu Chen was also convinced that she was the true White Queen.

What secrets are there, and what unknown circumstances are there?

And so on, Wu Chen needs to sort out the timeline and plot line, and there are many more.

After all, this is the story world of Shelter, not Marvel's comic book world.

Not disappointing Wu Chen, Ophelia, the scientific officer on the white swan, immediately sent back the test results of the blood samples.

The abilities of the two mutants are petrification and regeneration.

They are all very useful abilities.

Let Ophelia continue to trace the clues, and Wu Chen accompanied Su Yueming to Long Island to meet the 'current owner of Rockefeller Center'.

Long Island is a well-known rich area in New York.The environment here is beautiful and tree-lined.If you want to go to bustling Manhattan, a helicopter is enough.The development of private aviation is one of the signs that New York far exceeds other so-called international metropolises on earth.Almost every skyscraper has a helicopter platform on the top floor.10 minutes from Long Island.

For the sake of safety, Wu Chen didn't take the city government's official helicopter, but asked Alcie to drive her MH-53 Pavehawk helicopter transformed from the dazzling MT mecha, and drove a group of people to the destination.

Landed in a beautiful private estate.

After walking along the boulder-lined road for a while, we saw the beautiful manor in the shape of an old castle.

Walking into the foyer, in front of the fireplace in the living room on the left, several strangers in clothes and leather shoes were sitting or standing, talking in low voices.Hearing footsteps, he immediately terminated the conversation tacitly.The old man surrounded by the crowd stood up with a smile. He was the middleman of this transaction, the Mayor of New York.

"Mr. Wu, Ms. Su."

"Mayor." Wu Chen nodded with a smile.

"Then, please come with me." Perhaps it was a personal meeting, so the mayor seemed very casual.Of course, this may also be related to the familiarity with the owner of the manor.

Wu Chen thought it would be in the study.I didn't want the mayor to lead him directly to the master bedroom.

'Current owner of Rockefeller Center' wants to meet Wu Chen in his bedroom?

Not to mention Wu Chen, even Su Yueming was stunned.Some cranky beauties subconsciously hugged Wu Chen's arms tightly.

Before opening the door, Wu Chen smelled a strong smell of disinfectant.There is also the decay of life that expensive air fresheners cannot cover up.

Yes, the decay of life.

Judging from the mayor's behavior after entering the door, he is quite familiar with everything in the bedroom.

Wu Chen and Su Yueming followed his prompt and waited outside the corridor.Through a narrow viewing angle, Wu Chen could vaguely see the mayor sitting on the edge of the bed, whispering something to the owner of the bed.The body language full of dependence and the inadvertently softened voice all show that the relationship between the mayor and the "current owner of Rockefeller Center" is very close.

Not long after, the mayor turned around and beckoned Wu Chen and Su Yueming to come in.

Out of respect for his master, Wu Chen was very cautious.Holding Su Yueming's arm, he walked gently into the bedroom and walked towards the mayor's position.

When looking over the head of the mayor, Wu Chen finally saw the current owner of Rockefeller Center.

A bedridden, white-haired, skinny white old woman.

No wonder the meeting place is in the bedroom.It seemed that the old woman was incapacitated.In the cloudy eyes staring at Wu Chen, there was rarely a trace of clarity.More is the pain that settles over time.

Seeing a trace of pity flashing in Wu Chen's eyes, the old woman said a few words to the mayor with difficulty.The mayor immediately got up gently, kissed the old woman's wrinkled cheeks, tucked the quilt for her, and gave Wu Chen a reminding look, then walked out of the bedroom gently, and closed the door behind him.

'How's New York? 'The voice rang directly in Wu Chen's mind.

Wu Chen's whole body tightened suddenly, the old woman in front of him was by no means an ordinary person.

The reason why the old woman was able to transmit her spiritual power into Wu Chen's mind was because of Wu Chen's pity at that moment.

Of course, apart from talking to Wu Chen, this weak mental power can't do much.

Wu Chen smiled slightly, and communicated with her with spirit: "It's okay. '

'What attracts you the most? '

'Take a short walk to meet a superhero. 'Wu Chen said with a smile.Su Yueming, who didn't know what happened, wanted to speak several times, but Wu Chen squeezed his palm and stopped him quietly.

'oh?Hehe...' A smile flashed in the old woman's eyes.

Seeing Wu Chen's expression, Su Yueming immediately felt at ease.Apparently, the two were having an exchange that she didn't yet understand.

'I heard that your Academy of Life Sciences has produced a medicine that can rejuvenate your youth. '

'Rejuvenation Needle.One injection can restore the body to its prime.No matter the appearance or the inside, it will be the same young. 'Wu Chen understood.Rejuvenation Medicine Injection, referred to as Rejuvenation Needle, is a low-end product of waste and waste utilization that the Academy of Life Sciences will love to strengthen genetic medicine.It can restore youth and prolong life appropriately, but it does not have other strengthening abilities.

It seems that the old woman wants to get this magical injection.

'Rejuvenation Needle. The old woman nodded slightly: "Norman wants a rejuvenation needle." '

'Yes, ma'am. 'Wu Chen nodded slightly.The Norman in the old woman's mouth is the mayor of New York who just left.Sure enough, restoring youth and prolonging life are higher pursuits beyond money.Su Yueming couldn't pay, but Wu Chen could.That's why the Lord Mayor is happy to tie the knot.

Wu Chen had already considered the risks.A rejuvenation has very limited impact on the plot line, and Wu Chen can afford it.

Seeing Wu Chen agreeing so readily, the old woman's eyes brightened again.

'As for me, young man, is there anything you can do to cure me? '

'What's your question? 'Wu Chen needs more information to judge.

'Born blind and paralyzed.ALS caused by Myasthenia Gravis. 'Myasthenia gravis is an autoimmune disease caused by transmission dysfunction at the junction of nerves and muscles. The main clinical manifestations are partial or general skeletal muscle weakness and fatigue.It can be cured early.However, after deteriorating into ALS, it becomes a terminal illness that cannot be cured.

ALS, scientifically known as Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS), also known as Motor Neuron Disease (MND), is a disease that slowly corrodes the nervous system. In the later stages, people need to rely on life support devices to survive.

Obviously, judging from the performance of the old woman, she should have reached a later stage.

As for congenital blindness?Wu Chen really didn't see it.

'There is no doubt that the reason why I can see you is through my heart. 'The old woman explained with a smile.

Mutants have a confusion.The power of the mind and the power of the spirit are often confused.However, in Wu Chen's view, these are completely two concepts.Mental force is also called spiritual field force.It is usually released in the form of brain waves.As long as it is an intelligent creature, it has more or less spiritual power.And the power of the mind, to surpass the spirit, is a kind of super-sensory ability that surpasses the normal senses.

For example, the connection between Wu Chen and his girlfriend is a spiritual link.And the connection with Ennayi, the goddess of the soul, in addition to the spirit, there is also a mysterious spiritual connection.

Whether the power of the mind can stimulate the power of the mind, Wu Chen is still unclear.

But in general, the rules of the heart take precedence over the spirit.

'Have you tried other treatments? 'Wu Chen thought for a while.

The old woman pouted at the bedside table, "Look for yourself." '

Wu Chen tried to open the bedside table. A few of them were obviously not yet officially put into production. On the label of the medicine from the laboratory, GH325 was impressively marked with a marker pen!


A resurrection drug developed by S.H.I.E.L.D. using the remains of the Kree.It was originally hoped to resurrect the Avengers who died in battle, but it was not used.It was later used as the resurrection of Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.Among them is the acting director of S.H.I.E.L.D., Phil Coulson (Phil Coulson's story, please refer to the American drama "Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.").

'You have been using GH325 to continue your life? 'This is too extravagant!By the way, old lady, what the hell are you...

'Um.It started out pretty well.However, like all miracle drugs, the longer you use it, the less effective it will be.Now, it doesn't work anymore. '

'Are you sure it's just ALS? 'its not right.If it's just ALS, a GH325 that can bring the dead back to life should be enough!How could it get worse after using it for so long?

' As you can imagine, my problem is here. The old woman stretched out her hand with difficulty, and pointed to her head, "I have the ability to predict the future."Ability to know fragments of some future event.However, whenever I use my powers, the condition worsens.For a long time, rely on various specific drugs to maintain life. '

This is a huge problem.

No wonder the GH325 can't handle it!In other words, because the old woman is a mutant, GH325, which can bring the dead back to life for ordinary people, has limited effect on her.Coupled with the use of predictive superpowers to continuously consume vitality, the old lady's physical functions are deteriorating, and now it has reached the point of exhaustion.

Does Wu Chen have the ability to heal her?

Maybe there is.

However, is it worth paying such a high price just for the ownership of Rockefeller Center?This towering building in Manhattan would not be worth mentioning if it were moved to the new Hong Kong.Even the civilians who have just been naturalized in the new Hong Kong live in the dew area, and the conditions are far better than this old building.

To put it bluntly, it can even throw away a whole gray mountain range in Manhattan.

The only reason for Wu Chen to sit here is because Su Yueming wanted it.Wu Chen, who didn't have much work experience, of course couldn't understand Su Yueming's yearning for Manhattan as a successful businessman.It's more of a complex.

Since Su Yueming likes it, Wu Chen is willing to accept this condition.

'Ma'am, I have a geneticist who is a mutant like you and is also a very good pharmacist.Rejuvenation needle is one of her scientific achievements.Now that she has arrived in New York with me, would you like to go for treatment? '

'But Dean Ophelia of the new Hong Kong Academy of Life Sciences? ’ The old woman obviously knew Wu Chen’s details very well, ‘Has Yashida survived? '

'That's right.It was her. '

'Okay, Wu Chen.I am willing to give it a try. 'The old woman was decisive.Perhaps the condition was far more serious than Wu Chen imagined, and she couldn't afford it anymore.

'So we make a deal? 'Wu Chen needs a definite answer.

'make a deal. The old woman nodded: "As long as you arrive at Dean Ophelia's place and start the treatment, whether you succeed or not, you will receive the Rockefeller Center." '

'Yes, ma'am. 'Wu Chen got up gently.

As soon as he walked out of the bedroom, Su Yueming hurriedly asked, "How is it?"

"It's done." Wu Chen smiled and closed the door.

"It's really great!" Su Yueming couldn't help beaming with joy.

It seems that people around her don't know that the old woman has superpowers.After receiving the servant's message, the mayor returned to the hall after seeing the old woman again.Only then did he confirm the result with Wu Chen.

"Congratulations to Mr. Wu for getting what he wanted." The mayor was also very happy because soon he will get a rejuvenation needle that can restore youth and prolong life.For politicians in high positions, being able to regain their youth is definitely an irresistible temptation.What's more, it can prolong life!

Thinking of the beautiful mistresses he was looking forward to and waiting for him to conquer, the mayor's excitement was beyond words.

"Thank you." Wu Chen readily accepted without mentioning the mayor's gains from it.Just as the mayor's request depends on the old woman to relay it.There is no need to talk about these private deals.

"Mr. Wu, transfer now?" The mayor, who couldn't wait for a moment, pouted at Wu Chen's civilian-painted helicopter outside the window. The MH-53 Pave Hawk heavy-duty assault transport helicopter is indeed the perfect vehicle for transporting old women.

"Then now." Really eager.

Watching the old woman being gently carried into the cabin by the female sentinel, and the helicopter taking off smoothly, the mayor suddenly said in a voice that Wu Chen could hear: "Congratulations, Mr. Wu."

"Oh?" There is no need to congratulate twice on the same thing.Apparently, the mayor meant something else.

"Being able to have a good relationship with Mrs. Weber will definitely be of great help to you." The mayor's eyes were full of special meaning.

"Help me what?" Mrs. Weber was obviously referring to the seriously ill old woman who had just been transported to the White Swan.

"Help you become the king of Manhattan." The mayor said word by word.

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