The villain also has spring

Chapter 1132 6.26 Frank

As the saying goes, hooligans are not to be feared, but they are cultured.

Isn't there such a joke?

Said that a certain thief broke into the house, just entered the house, the hostess came back, hid under the bed, was found, violently resisted arrest and fled, and was arrested.In this case, according to law, he should be convicted of burglary and sentenced to ten years in prison.Later, I spent money to find a lawyer, and explained to him the conviction and sentencing of the crime of theft, robbery, and rape respectively. As a result, he wisely changed his statement, saying that he entered the house with the intention of rape, and in the end he tried three times for attempted rape. years, because the crime of rape has nothing to do with breaking and entering.Later, I found a gold medal lawyer. During the second trial, I told him that he should say this: When you want to rape, you find that the girl is extremely ugly, so you rein in the precipice, cover the bird and run away. In the end, the rape can be deemed suspended, because there is no harm. , may be exempted from criminal punishment.In the end, he gritted his teeth and found a senior barrister who taught him to say this: He actually fell in love with the hostess of this house and wanted to rape him, but unexpectedly the hostess came back first.Because the criminal law does not stipulate that raping a man is a crime, he was acquitted in the final trial.

Right, so the educated hooligans are the scariest (Lawyer: I'll sue you for defamation!).

According to the sentencing level, the more than a dozen relatively independent prisons in Rikers Island Prison are generally divided into three levels: inmates usually spend the early period in the "heavily guarded" prison, and the final sentence of 1 to 3 years before being transferred. The "moderate security" prison is the "last stop" for the inmates to serve their sentences. The emphasis is on psychological counseling before release from prison, and various skills reconstruction for returning to society.In addition, there is a level of "light security", which is the standard of imprisonment for reform homes and juvenile detention centers for juvenile delinquents.

And the barge prison floating on the sea is the legendary hidden level: "ultimate security" - death row.Similar to the ancient sky prison.

The prisoners are all serious criminals who have 'abnormal persons'.

With the help of TT40, the computer wizard also found Rachel Argosy's identity information.

Rachel Argosy (Rachel Argosy), from Maine (Maine), nicknamed Rhapsody (Rhapsody).Can use music to distort reality, induce hallucinations, mind control, fly and levitate.A talented violin and flute player.He was also a very popular music teacher among his students.Intellectual beauty with blond hair and blue eyes.However, during a music class, the X gene awakened and mutated into a blue-skinned mutant.He was fired from the school.He was later charged with murder and is now being held at the Barge Prison on Rikers Island.

It turned out to be Rhapsody.Just as the abilities of mutants will continue to strengthen over time, and even undergo a second awakening.Rachel Argosy's current ability is still unable to fly with mental power.However, being able to use music to hallucinate, and even manipulate the brain, is already very powerful.

Mutants who did not appear in these plots appeared one after another.Wu Chen felt unprecedented pressure.

Because, he can no longer make choices and judgments based on his understanding of the original plot.In the face of the wave of plots sweeping across time and space, everyone is involved, and it is impossible to be alone.Although it is not shown in the plot, it does not mean that these mutants do not exist.

Facts have also proved that computer wizards, Psylocke, codecs, and Rhapsody have been involved.

So, who is this behind-the-scenes Boss who never appeared in Days of Future Past?Wu Chen became more and more interested.

Now think about it, at the beginning of Reversal of the Future, in 2023, on a devastated and dead earth, whose command are these sentinels obeying?

Judging from the plot of Magneto and Iceman going to rescue the imprisoned imprisoned in the X Academy, it is obvious that several human scientists are responsible for her anatomical research.In other words, at this point in time, humans are still in control (please note).Although the X-Sentry is powerful, it still does not get rid of its status as a tool of war. It still belongs to the category of artificial intelligence, and it is far from evolving into an intelligent species.

Putting together these scattered plots, it is not difficult to find: the final ultimate boss is obviously an ordinary human being.

As for why the mutants should be exterminated, there are only a few possibilities.

One possibility is that, similar to the experience of Colonel William Stryker, because a loved one was killed by mutants, he was driven by a strong desire for revenge.

Another possibility is that, similar to Hugh Darrow, the inventor of biochemical organ modification technology in the "Deus Ex" series, because genetic conflicts allow biochemical organ modification that can benefit all mankind, but cannot save himself, So he felt resentful and decided to destroy his life's hard work with his own hands.

Another possibility is outright jealousy.Out of jealousy for mutants' magical abilities, immunity to almost all known human terminal diseases (including AIDS), and the powerful ability to surpass human life, let this ordinary person with a lot of resources choose to wipe out all mutants. mutants.

The typical "since I can't get it, I'll destroy it all", extremely selfish psychology is at work.

Of course, it is not ruled out that some extremely twisted mutants are enjoying the thrill of hunting their own kind.However, this possibility is extremely low.Because if this is the case, no need for Wu Chen to take action, whether it is Professor X's X-Men, Magneto's Mutant Brotherhood, or even Sebastian Shaw's Hellfire Club, they will get rid of this pervert as soon as possible .How can we wait until the lord takes action (the inner ghost can't bear it at all!).

So the target is very clear: an ordinary human being who holds a lot of power, cannot be mutated, and has a twisted mind.

The fuzzy calculation of TT40 also supports Wu Chen's judgment.

However, who is this ordinary person who holds a lot of power, cannot mutate, and is psychologically distorted?

I hope this trip to the prison can give clues.

An abandoned underground pipeline in Queens, New York.

This was once the section control room for a section of the underground pipe network.Later, it was abandoned due to the transformation of the pipe network.Now it has been transformed into a secret safe house.How to say, or that sentence, New York's resources are too rich.Not only is it a paradise for crime, but also a sanctuary for superheroes can be seen everywhere.Think about it, in the total length of 10600 kilometers of New York sewers, how many hidden safe houses are there, even the superheroes can't count them.

In the safe house in front of him, guns, ammunition, and various war materials can be seen everywhere, filling the empty concrete hall.In the dark corner densely divided by infrared booby-traps, I suddenly remembered the abnormal sound of the mobile phone vibrating.

The phone automatically connected: "Hello, Frank, Frank?"

"Yes." The owner of the safe house suddenly sat up.

"I sent you the information, please open it and have a look. I promise you will be very interested. Haha..."

"Hmm." The middle-aged man named Frank casually opened the tactical notebook next to the bed, and a holographic model of a Stebeck UJR taxi painted in desert camouflage was impressively in sight.

"What is it?"

"This is the camouflage taxi that everyone is talking about! My God, this is not a car, it is a beast of war! Although no one knows the specific function, it is not difficult to find some suspicious points from the declaration materials submitted by Jianneng Group! Such as nuclear power, electric propulsion, and superalloys from the moon!"

"This is a chariot." Frank saw it at a glance.

"That's right, this is a damn tank!" The voice said excitedly: "The latest news, he wants to recruit 6 veterans! The recruitment conditions are even harsher than the SEALs!"

"He wants to form an army." Frank skilfully flipped through the data that the taxi had made public.Self-weight, wheelbase, power system, etc., these astonishing figures have far exceeded the level that a car should have.

"Yes, buddy. He's going to do something big in New York!" The voice became more and more excited: "This is the largest private armed force in New York ever! Far more than the sum of the gangsters and depraved policemen you killed. Old man, war is coming!"

"No matter what he thinks, having such a powerful force is not good for New York." Frank said in a deep voice.

"That's right. Everyone is talking about it. Obviously, he must have discovered something, and he must be preparing something. Otherwise, why raise an army? You must know that an annual salary of 20 supports 6 people. It costs a year A staggering 120 billion! Yes, he is rich. But believe me, man, unless he makes more money, this is a worse deal than no one will do!"

"What does he want?" Frank murmured.

"That's what all New Yorkers want to know. Hey man, we're not the same as those stupid politicians and bankers with bonds in their asses, don't try to trick us with sweet words."

Frank seemed to have made up his mind: "Where is he recruiting?"

"Uh..." The voice slowed down and said, "Do you really want to go?"


"The recruitment point closest to you is at..." Accompanied by skilled keyboard tapping, the voice quickly answered: "Rego Park, Rego Center Phase II, follow the billboard .”

"Understood." Frank lightly pressed the phone.

Shaking off the dizziness caused by lack of sleep, the middle-aged man got up steadily, brushed his teeth, rinsed his mouth, shaved his face, and combed his hair.After eating a can of military canned food, he put on his whole body, put on a waterproof windbreaker, cut off the infrared lead wire of the booby trap, and walked out of the safe house.As the heavy alloy explosion-proof door slowly closed, the lead wire that had just been severed lit up again, cutting the safe house layer by layer.

Walk along the pipeline for a while, climb up the iron ladder leading to the upper floor, and then open the hidden secret door to reach the dark subway line.Walking to the nearest platform along the very familiar subway line, the middle-aged man quickly blended into the sparse crowd, and like all New Yorkers, he walked into the train that arrived later.

Reappeared, already arrived at Rego Park.

The eye-catching red exterior walls and huge posters of the second phase of the shopping center can be seen from afar.The poster uses an explosive title box, with a big $72.5 circled.There are three scarlet exclamation marks that seem to be dripping blood.

As the informant told him, following the billboards and the flow of people, Frank easily walked to the recruitment center set up on the top terrace.Four simple and strong temporary support swimming lanes are also set up on one side of the terrace.Candidates must have considerable swimming skills, as required by the conditions of recruitment.

"Sir, are you here to apply for the job?" Before the middle-aged man could sit down, a sweet-looking female employee had already walked over quickly.

"Yes." Frank nodded slightly.

"Then, sir, I have a form here, please fill it out first. All the items marked with * are required. If you don't understand something, you can ask me." The female staff skillfully took a form and handed it to A middle-aged man.

"Thank you." After a glance, there was nothing special.If you look closely, it is almost the same as the conscription form.Just so blatant?

After skillfully filling out the form, hand it over to the female staff member.After checking carefully, the female staff said please be patient, and then left with a smile.The horn above the head kept calling at intervals.After sitting for a long enough time, Frank realized that there were many disabled veterans.

Even a veteran who lost his legs and wore a simple metal prosthesis installed by the government for free passed the test and was successfully selected.

The familiar veterans around waved their fists, whistled, and congratulated him in vulgar but warm military language.There seemed to be a long-lost honor and lost confidence on the face of the veteran.Judging from the clothes of this group of veterans, they are all from the Green Berets (GreenBerets).And judging from their familiarity with each other, it is very likely that they belong to the same detachment.

"Green Beret" is the designation of the Army Special Forces.The Special Forces generally operate alone in contingents of 12.He is good at unconventional warfare, foreign/domestic defense, special reconnaissance, direct action, and anti-terrorism, and can perform special warfare missions such as non-proliferation, hostage rescue, targeted killing, and humanitarianism.

It is said that every team member is a master of guerrilla warfare, masters at least one foreign language, has his own technical expertise (weapons, engineering, communications, medical), has also received comprehensive cross-training in related professions, and has the ability to train and command when necessary The capacity of a company of infantry (note).

Judging from their conversations and the tactical code words mixed in, these guys have participated in the anti-terrorism war for ten years, and even were secretly dispatched to Syria to fight against IS elite troops.

The number of people is 7, with varying degrees of disabilities.In other words, at least 5 comrades did not come back alive.

And judging from the results, they all passed the test without exception.Including the veteran who lost his legs.

As a taxi driver, barely competent.

However, is the annual salary of 20 after tax really just a taxi driver?

Frank couldn't believe it.After thinking about it, he raised his hand to the female staff who was busy registering another veteran.

"What's the matter, sir?"

"Excuse me, do you still need a retest?" Frank asked out of his doubts.

"No, sir." The female staff shook her head firmly: "This is the only interview."

"Okay." Before the words finished, the overhead radio rang.

"Frank, Frank Castle."

"It's my turn." The middle-aged man stood up gently and walked forward steadily.

"Come on, sir." The female staff cheered him on behind him.

The middle-aged man waved his hand without looking back.

But, little sister, does he... really need it?

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