The villain also has spring

Chapter 1153 6.36 Are you ready to be an enemy of the whole world?Down

"Forget it, that's the kind of person he is." Tony shrugged: "I'm sure that he did have... good intentions. At least he thinks so."

"I understand." Wu Chen nodded slightly.The purpose of Tony's call to the battlefield is still out of the overall situation.He didn't want the relationship between Wu Chen and the US team, so he turned against each other.

"Okay, Wu Chen." Seeing Wu Chen readily agree, Tony felt relieved immediately.

Seeing that Tony was about to cut off the call, Wu Chen couldn't help but asked, "About God's Wand, is there anything else you want to tell me?"

"No." Tony grinned: "I understand what you mean. Everyone knows that there are too many guys who want to destroy the world and can destroy the world. I believe that if you think about it, there are at least three or more The method to destroy the earth. The Rod of God is just the first to be exposed. So, I don’t care. Of course, if you change your mind and plan to blow up this planet, please send me a text message in advance.”

"Okay." Wu Chen ended the call happily.

Obviously, Tony cast a vote of confidence for Wu Chen.As Tony said, if Wu Chen wants to, he has many ways to destroy the world.Purgatory spikes, biochemical music, ring-shaped star destroyer on the moon, and the Death Star that is under construction... Wait, not too much.

Even a little doctor's Star Destroyer can kill all surface creatures with one shot.From this point of view, Captain America's request is just another ostrich mentality.

Just after finishing the conversation with Tony, Wu Chen received an invitation to connect with the Black Panther video.

Different from the captain, this time the Black Panther also took a clear stand on Wu Chen's side.Professor X and Magneto, who sent messages one after the other, naturally also voted Wu Chen's confidence.However, there are still some very important organizations and individuals, such as the Hellfire Club dedicated to transforming and ruling the world according to their own wishes, Mister Sinister, and Su Yueming's father...cautiously expressed concerns about the Purgatory Spikes .

Anyway, based on the news from various sources, TT40 made a [-]/[-] judgment.

The forces supporting Wu Chen and opposing Wu Chen were basically a tie.

50% vs. 50%.

The world is still divided...

However, these could no longer stop Wu Chen from making his final choice.After thinking about it, he asked TT40 to send encrypted communications to most countries, organizations, important individuals and news media in the world.Inform them that I will make the final choice public at the appropriate time.Please wait and see.

Afterwards, Wu Chen returned to the confinement cabin with ease, and accompanied the computer wizard, preparing to invade the core database of X Sentinel.

"Master, the structure of X Sentinel's core memory is very strange. It is between magnetic media and biological media, and there are many incomprehensible mutations in the code segment of the emotional equation..." The computer wizard said solemnly: "So, I I feel that X-Sentinel is probably a life form between robots and mutants..."

"Machine mutant?" Wu Chen blurted out.

"Or mutant robots." The computer wizard corrected with a smile.

"Yeah." Wu Chen nodded.

The computer wizard was right.Many times, people are subconsciously caught by the ever-changing magical abilities of Sentinel X, but ignore the core essence: that is, what species is Sentinel X?

Now, Wu Chen has a clearer answer.

Mutant robots, or machine mutants.

"Then, let's start." Wu Chen couldn't wait to know the secret of these guys' birth.

As we all know, Sentinel X is a continuation of the secret extermination program of Dr. Bolivar Trask, the "Father of Sentinels".

As the founder of Trask Industries, Bolivar Trask was a great scientist with great vision.He is also a representative figure of the human elite who is stronger and more depraved in the mouth of the US team.

According to the background information, Dr. Trask accidentally discovered the X gene when he was studying the mysteries of human DNA.This made him have great worries about the fate of mankind.He even speculates that the human race is about to become extinct.And it is the mutants who awakened the X gene that exterminated the human race.

Unlike Mister Sinister who was cast aside by the world, his advanced theoretical research has been recognized and funded by the government.So SK Industries named after him was established in 1967.And with the purpose of caring for the destiny of mankind, it has been at the forefront of human genetic development.

Dr. Trask, also a smooth businessman.There is no small political skill and corresponding ambition.Since the beginning of the Nixon administration, it has reached a series of civilian or military cooperation with domestic and foreign countries.He wholeheartedly wanted to save mankind, and after obtaining Mystique's gene, he created a new generation of sentinel robots in a pioneering way.

The plot line of reversing the future has already been determined. Before Uncle Wolf returned to the past and reversed the future, Dr. Bolivar Trask was killed by Mystique as early as 1973.

So, who inherited Trask Industries until the completion of X-Sentinel's research work?

It should be noted that the "successor" mentioned here does not refer to the so-called CEO who manages Trask Industries, but refers to the real inheritor of Dr. Trask's behest, who pushed the X-Sentinel project to such a terrifying level The mysterious man behind the scenes.

As for this person, TT40 tried his best, but failed to find any clues of his existence.

This is clearly a paradox.

If the mysterious person didn't exist, how could X-Sentinel have come to today step by step until destroying the world?

Therefore, this mysterious figure must exist.It's just that it's hidden so deep that no one has discovered it yet.

Wu Chen even thought about Mr. Scary.

After all, he is the top authority on mutant genetic research.However, if he was the one who helped Trask Industries perfect the Sentinel program, it's an even bigger paradox.

It's very simple, Mister Sinister wants to exterminate ordinary humans and hand over the world to mutants!

Ever since: Trask Industries tried its best to exterminate mutants and protect human beings.The Essex Group is doing everything they can to grow mutants and destroy humanity.

It would be strange if the two companies didn't fight each other when they met.

How could Mister Sinister help Trask Industries perfect the X-Sentinel project?

May I ask if the plot is really brain-dead to such an extent, what else would Wu Chen have to worry about?

Crazy open golden finger, flat push all the way with wind and lightning!

Well, the more I think about it, the more I feel that there is a huge secret hidden behind it.

The opportunity to unearth the tip of the iceberg of this great mystery hidden in the dust of history is now at hand.

X Sentinel.

"Master, it's started." Before putting on the neuron helmet, the computer wizard let out a long breath.

Wu Chen encouraged with a smile: "Relax, everything is up to me."

Your lord is definitely not exaggerating.The mental safety of the computer wizards who have already connected to the Ω Curtain Network is absolutely guaranteed.What's more, it's still in the exclusive shelter of the plot lord.

"Yeah." Infected by Wu Chen's smile, Endo Suzi was really not so nervous.

Taking a deep look at Wu Chen, Endo Suzi slowly put on the neuron helmet.

Accompanied by the dazzling streamer and the irresistible terrifying suction, Endo Suko froze, and his consciousness was sucked out of his body uncontrollably...

'Su Zi?Suzi? '

Familiar shouts, from far to near, came to my ears more and more clearly.Su Zi suddenly blinked his big watery eyes and found himself.

"This is……"

The entrance is a high-tech laboratory full of sense of the times.The reason I use 'age' is because looking around, all those bulky old electronics and flashing light-emitting diodes tell you that this was a time before tiny circuit boards.

50? 60?Or was it the 70s?

It wasn't until he saw the desk calendar with formulas and numbers scrawled on the corner of the experimental table that Su Zi determined the relatively accurate time: January 1973, 1.

With the help of the spiritual connection with Su Zi, Wu Chen, who can see everything Su Zi saw, should not be too familiar with this point in time: "On January 1973, 1, the Democratic Republic of Vietnam, the Provisional Revolutionary Government of the Republic of South Vietnam and the The United States and the Republic of Vietnam officially signed the "Agreement Concerning the End of the War and the Restoration of Peace in Vietnam" in Paris, also known as the "Paris Peace Treaty."

Within two months of the signing of the agreement, all U.S. troops withdrew from Vietnam.It was at this peace meeting that Dr. Bolivar Trask was killed by Mystique.Mystique was also captured alive on the spot, and by studying her X gene, X Sentinel was born. "

"So, this is the day after the Paris Peace Treaty?" Su Zi understood.

"Yes, it's the next day." Wu Chen was quite excited.Because he began to officially touch the historical secrets that the plot failed to show.

"What happened the next day...?" Su Zi, who suddenly thought of something, subconsciously glanced at his attire, then raised his head suddenly, scanned the surroundings quickly, and rushed to the bathroom.

Sure enough, the strange face in the mirror surprised both Wu Chen and Su Zi.

Because according to the rules of spiritual invasion, Su Zi should be the captured sentry at this time!

She should be a sentinel, how could she be a strange human researcher? !

"Peter?" Accompanied by the dull sound of toilet flushing, a familiar greeting suddenly sounded from behind.

Why do you feel familiar?

There is no need to turn around, just turn your face slightly, and you can see in the mirror a familiar stranger who is walking out of the single bathroom.

"Paul." Su Zi blurted out.Obviously, the owner of the body occupied by Su Zi is an old acquaintance with this researcher named Paul.

"I heard that you voluntarily joined 'that plan'?" The man who walked up to Su Zi turned on the faucet with a serious expression on his face.

"Yes." Su Zi didn't need to think about it, his body had already given the answer.

"Good job." Paul took a handful of cold water, flushed his face fiercely, and raised his head again, his face was full of sorrow.I don't know whether it is water or teardrops that remain on the face.After a pause, Paul trembled and said, "The doctor will be proud of you."

"Human beings will be proud of us." This was not what Su Zi wanted to say, but his body said it uncontrollably.

"Okay, buddy." Paul wiped off the water stains on his face, turned and walked out.The moment he pushed the door, he turned back and said, "There is a brief mourning ceremony, Dr. Franklin asked all of us to attend."

"Understood." Without waiting for Su Zi's order, the body gave the answer by itself.

'Dr. Franklin? 'Wu Chen was overjoyed.It's a completely unfamiliar name!

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