The villain also has spring

Chapter 134 1.45 Charcoal Grilled Worm

The knowledge and energy endowed by the fragments of the fire source, coupled with the linear increase of the metal cells, have made Ennayi's improvement rapid.Facing the countless black muzzles of the surrounding starship guards, Seraph knelt down on one knee, and gently pressed the ground with her long and beautiful palm.

Similar to providing coordinates for Skyfire's teleportation to the Egyptian pyramids, the runes in the energy state appeared immediately!

"Fire!" The captain of the guard who thought the intruder knelt down and surrendered hastily ordered.However, when the order reaches the ears of the guards, it is passed to the brain, and then it is fed back to the finger, and then the trigger is pulled. This time difference is enough!Seraph's figure twisted suddenly, and was vaporized by countless laser beams.

do you died?The guards looked at each other suspiciously.

"Ah!" The captain of the guard screamed while clutching his stomach.I saw a fiery long knife piercing from behind, smashing his tinder core.

"Teleportation through time and space!" The guard pulled the trigger crazily, without any hesitation that the energy beams shot indiscriminately might penetrate the body of his companion!

Like a tiger entering a flock of sheep, the Seraph wielded a sword to chase after him and slash wildly, harvesting the lives of the Decepticons.And the Decepticons, who were blocked by their companions, were pierced through the back of the head by the tail stabs shot from the top of their heads one after another.The robot dog pounced on a tiger, crushed the head of the panic-stricken victim, picked up the dispenser of the four laser guns (born with four hands) and started a frenzied slaughter.To say that these few are excellent miscellaneous soldiers, but they can never be the main force.There must be a strong leader who rushes forward to attract the enemy's firepower, and they assist in waiting for the opportunity to pick up beans, so that they can exert their maximum combat effectiveness.If you were to hide behind and let the miscellaneous soldiers take the lead like the lucky and unlucky guy in the crater, the result would only be a disastrous defeat.Neither a streamlined robot dog nor a lightly armored giant scorpion is a good material for a human shield.

"Master, these are mass-produced Decepticons with low intelligence and not worth much." Seeing Wu Chen counting each one, T160 couldn't help but said.

"Can't they also transform?" Wu Chen was not convinced.

"Yes." T160 scanned and said: "How should I put it, the most suitable name for them is actually Sai Xing robot."

"Transformers artificial man, I understand." No wonder it's worthless, Wu Chen nodded.

After chopping up the last Decepticon soldiers, and swiping the knife to block the stray bullets from the dispenser, Seraphim exhaled fiery turbid air.

The dispenser that almost hit the owner trembled in fright, and hid far behind the robot dog, for fear of being chopped into pieces by the angry hostess.

After scanning the remains of the guards, the password to open the bridge was not found.The thick alloy door cannot be destroyed by manpower, and the powerful and chaotic unknown force field behind the door also prevents Ennayi from teleporting through.In a hurry, a confused call suddenly came from my ear: "Master, I have found the code to open the gate."

"Where is it?" Ennayi was overjoyed.

"I'll bring him here right away." After finishing the communication, he smiled dazedly and cast his eyes on the soles of his feet.The miniature King Kong whose neck was stepped on by him was the last survivor.

Looking at the disemboweled companion and the fragments of limbs scattered all over the ground, the miniature King Kong struggled vigorously, spitting out the oil poured into his mouth. "Confused, let me go! Without me, you can't get into the main control cabin!"

"Zhi Duoxing, you'd better bless you to be useful." Miluan pulled Zhi Duoxing's flamboyant fluorescent hair and dragged him out like a dead dog.

Ennayi recognized the miniature King Kong that was dragged out by the confusion at a glance: "Little Zhuge, also known as Zhi Duoxing, brain unit (Brains). It was originally the brain unit (Brains). It was originally the brain unit (Brains). One of the protozoa, at first it was considered to have no independent personality, a slave who did not know how to resist, and killed at will. But as the complexity of the project involved deepened, the self-awareness of the brain unit gradually awakened, and Zhi Duoxing escaped during a small absenteeism He fell into the claws of the big train, and later came to Sam by accident, holding a lot of military secrets of the Decepticons..."

Wu Chen remembered it: "How did it get on the boat?"

"Perhaps he arrived on Earth on board the Retribution." Ennayi said with a smile, "Anyway, it's good news for us."

With the help of Xiao Zhuge, Ennayi successfully entered the main control room.Facing the stunned mass-produced Decepticons, Seraphim slowly raised his butcher knife...

The clean and tidy panoramic bridge was quickly covered in debris and slime.

The brutal way of killing is related to Ennayi's weapon.If it is replaced with a thermal weapon, it should be much more elegant.It's just that, for the reptiles such as giant scorpions and robot dogs, they admire the current Ennayi even more.Because she is hot-blooded, fierce enough, and original enough.

"Master, quickly contact the Alcie sisters and ask them to find a long street to lure the big bug out." After controlling the spaceship, Ennayi immediately talked to Wu Chen.

"Okay." Wu Chen immediately contacted Sister Arcee.

"Sisters, the master asked us to find a long street and try to lure the bugs out of the ground." Elite Alita passed Wu Chen's order to her companions.

"Ennayi has occupied the enemy's mothership. This is our chance." Lanmei Claulia quickly made a judgment: "There is a side street ahead, which is long enough. Sister, tell Ennayi, let's go there! "

"Okay." Elite Alita's eyes flickered, and she sent a message to Ennayi through the white swan.

"Leave your people away with lead feet!" After completing the arrangement, Arcee sent a message to the red racing car that was trailing and attacking.

"Arcie, what do you want to do." The red racing car hurriedly asked.

"We have occupied the mothership of the Decepticons and are leading the bugs into the death trap." Arcee explained the situation simply and clearly.

"Haha! Tell your leader that I like him!" The Thunder Rescue Team quickly left the battle, wiped out the besieged Decepticons, and turned into a hidden street.Without the restraint of the Thunder Rescue Team, the drill worm suddenly accelerated, and its all-consuming mouthparts whizzed towards the three sisters.The bodies of the three Alcie sisters, which were just full of energy, turned into three bright neon lights and rushed away!

Seeing the prey escape from the tiger's mouth, the sharp driller rushed forward, the asphalt road arched layer by layer, and the cracks chased away like a snake.

"Be careful!" The speed was so fast that sisters Alcie could only grind the glass curtain wall of the corner building and make a forced turn.The sharp drill worm even jumped out of the ground sideways, smashing its huge body on the building to forcefully complete the turn.Being smashed down by the huge metal fat bug, the whole building bent violently, and the deformed structure crazily burst out the glass and steel bars, sweeping everything like a storm, and instantly smashed the building across the street.

The projected steel fragments rained down, and the Alcie sisters dodged left and right, and their speed gradually slowed down.

boom!Accidentally ran over the steel bar slanted out of the ground, and Arce Arce blew out her tire.The female warrior immediately lost control, rolled and hit the ground.

"Third Sister!" Jingying Alita and Lanmei Claulia rushed to the rescue.Kankan helped up the injured female soldier, the soles of her feet shook violently, and the three of them were thrown into the air like cannonballs!

The ruins that collapsed together with the three disappeared quickly, and a towering mouth suddenly stretched out to the bottom of the feet!

"Go!" The jet pipe erupted violently, and the three of them used their strength to jump up a certain distance.

The positive rings are closed, and the mouthparts ready to eat a meal are violently expanded, chasing the prey straight into the air!

Seeing the three sisters, who lost their lift, being pulled towards the bug's big mouth by gravity, the terrifying laser beam pierced the air and directly inserted the mouthpiece!

After a brief stalemate, the fat insect's silvery shell lit up with red spots one after another.The erythema expanded rapidly, and the molten steel sprayed out like pustules that had been punctured!The body of the big bug who was killed by a single blow instantly lost its support, and the mouthparts of the three sisters chasing and biting fell to the ground, and the crimson molten steel pouring from the abdominal cavity actually pulled out a beautiful waterfall of lava fire from midair!

"No—" Fat Worm's owner attacked the mothership like a mad dog, but the scarlet one-eyed was shattered by a single shot.

"Shockwave, your opponent is me." The iron giant that fell like a meteor is not exactly - Optimus Prime!

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