The villain also has spring

Chapter 315 2.17 The next super villain

Thanks to dfsdfffaaaa for the monthly pass.


The super nuclear bomb instantly destroyed this group of interstellar natives.

And part of the energy naturally rushed towards the big snake magic ring that connects the two worlds.

If the Orochi Oculus is compared to the average inner diameter of a Japanese female worry, the energy shock wave pouring in from this part is simply the size of Godzilla!

The magic ring was exploded with almost no resistance!

Shattered time and space swept across the world, but anyone who was swept by this chaotic wave of time and space, no matter people or objects, would be instantly shattered into glass shards and collapsed!Then it quickly dispersed into smoke and disappeared into the air!

Before being swallowed by the chaotic time and space, the white swan successfully activated the space bridge to escape.The rest of the Chitauri and their warships were not so lucky.After the wave passed, the fly ash annihilated, and collectively disappeared into the oscillating time and space, as if they never existed at all.And at the moment when the lightning magic ring exploded, the big snake magic pattern on the chest of the perfect species that had just repaired its body also cracked without warning!What was shattered together was the will and soul that Red Queen and Suzuki Kenta put together indiscriminately!

The wave of time and space that devoured everything stopped abruptly before touching the ruins of the tallest building in Hong Kong.

The confined Expeditionary Knight spacecraft also successfully survived the attack of the wave.

Wu Chen opened his eyes again, and saw an old metal face with a big beard.Inspector.

The hottest war machine that appeared in Change 4.He likes to make cigarettes with a bullet casing in his mouth, and his whole body is covered with weapon pendants that integrate human technology.

"Little guy, are you alright?" Seeing Wu Chen open his eyes, the inspector smiled and exhaled smoke rings full of gunpowder.

"It's okay." Wu Chen forced a wry smile as his headache seemed to split open.

"I heard this is your city?" The inspector pouted at the dilapidated war ruins around him.

"Yes." Wu Chen controlled the mecha and struggled to sit up, only to realize that he was in a glass teahouse with transparent sides.The stickers of "Oriental Swallow Restaurant" that can be seen everywhere on the doors and windows make the scene quickly overlap with the memory. This is the main scene of the Battle of Hong Kong in Change 4.The man-made Transformers infected by Galvatron besieged the Autobots here, and the Autobots, who were out of ammunition and food, were waiting for the Dragon Knights (Brother Zhuzi and Grim Lock) to fall from the sky.

According to the background information of the plot world, the robot dinosaur is an "expedition knight" created by the creator of Transformers, but he betrayed for some unknown reason, and was captured in confinement and imprisoned in the knight spaceship.It is estimated that he and Zhuzi brother have fallen to the back of Victoria Mountain.Although the real shooting location is Wulong Tiankeng in Chongqing, strictly speaking according to the setting of the plot world, it is really on the back of Taiping Mountain (also known as Victoria Peak or Raqi Mountain).A few robot dinosaurs can reach it by climbing over a mountain.

Withdrawing his gaze from the Pulling Flag Mountain, Wu Chen looked up again at the giant Cybertron starship hanging from the sky, and the countless cables connecting the ruins of the building, and said with difficulty: "Inspector, some evil human organizations are Attacking the starship, I guess only relying on confinement and his mass-produced crew will be powerless to resist."

"Ah--" Leng Buding sneezed loudly, and the inspector rubbed his nose and said in a low voice, "We saw someone enter the anchor cabin from the cable, and thought it was yours."

"No, they are not my people." Wu Chen is not good at revealing the player's true identity.

"I don't think there's anything wrong with adding licks to that lump of metal shit in the confinement." The person speaking was wearing a windbreaker and goggles, holding a crosshair with two guns.If you take a closer look, you really have the demeanor of a little brother Ma.

"If they snatch the spaceship and don't attack Hong Kong..." Wu Chen thought of the peace contract with the three major regiments.Although he knew that in this tragic offensive and defensive battle, the three major regiments would inevitably trip him up, but Wu Chen couldn't blatantly seek revenge.In other words, he can't come forward to prevent players from capturing the Cybertron starship, at most he can only do bad things secretly like the three major regiments.

But having said that, he is now powerless to fight anymore.As for playing tricks in the dark, it's not Wu Chen's specialty (really?)...

"Inspector, someone detonated a super virus bomb just now, have you all been infected, how is the situation now?" Wu Chen asked instead.

"We can still handle this level of virus infection." The inspector sucked his thick snot, and it seemed that the state was not as relaxed as he said.

For a full-size Transformer, this is also a very serious super flu that can be fatal if the body's resistance is weak.Just like the H7N9 bird flu that swept Hong Kong a few years ago.

However, thinking of Ennayi who was still sleeping, Wu Chen's heart sank again.

"Wu!" A familiar voice came from the brightly lit tea room. The bald man with a big bag on his back was prostrated under the dining table and was waving at him. He was none other than Joshua, the president of KSI!

"Joshua!" Wu Chen followed Joshua's shoulder and saw the 'seed' bomb under him.There is also the Yige family, the protagonist of the 4th human being who hides under the table.

"Wu, get me out of this damn glass coffin!" Joshua had had enough of the explosions and fragments.

Cade Yigger, who was holding a Cybertronian sword-like weapon, retorted: "Please take a look, where else can I go? The whole city is a battlefield!"

The inspector nodded: "Wu Chen, your city cannot be kept. More than 80% of the buildings have been severely damaged, and almost all the residents have been infected with this disgusting thing." The corpse of a biochemical beast was thrown out.

There are alien species that are more disgusting than biochemical beasts on the confinement spaceship. There is a little green guy who vomited the disgusting mucus of his beard, and was shot and killed by him.Therefore, these swarming biochemical beasts did not surprise the Autobots, and a round of salvos was done in minutes.After the biochemical beasts found out that this was a group of hard bones (is that really calcium?), they also wisely avoided it.Ceded the battlefield to the Autobots and artificial Decepticons.

However, when the super virus broke out and the infected Transformers consumed their own energy rapidly, the inspector and the others could only chat, spank and complain, unable to undertake high-intensity battles at all.The condition of the artificial Decepticons surrounding them was even worse, and many lost consciousness.

Even if the fire was forced to fire, the accuracy was still a thousand miles away.

On the other hand, the male protagonist who has changed to 4 is fierce at this time, and has started the mode of picking beans and earning points.

Viruses can spread by electromagnetic waves, so Wu Chen's headset has been in a silent state.Fortunately, it has been confirmed that the White Swan's Hydra defense software can swallow these supercomputer viruses, so Wu Chen can safely contact the White Swan that has escaped into the earth's orbit.

"T160, please contact the submarine base and ask if the electromagnetic shielding compartment has been built."


Wu Chen did not contact the White Queen directly, but through the White Swan far away in Earth orbit, also to prevent infection.

T160 quickly sent good news, "Master, the isolation cabin has been built, which is the original lifting deck."

"Okay." The flicker connected with Wu Chen's brain wave immediately opened the door of time and space.

A purplish-red portal about the same size as the Skyfire MT mech stood up in front of him out of nowhere, startling the inspector.

"This is..." As expected of the president of KSI, Joshua's expression immediately became extremely solemn.With a bang, he stood up straight from under the table without even wanting his life.

"Portal." Wu Chen looked at the few remaining humans in Hong Kong, and said calmly, "Detective, please lead them away."

"Okay." What Wu Chen did before has already been labeled as an Autobot.The Autobot camp trusted him enough.Without saying a word, the inspector led the crowd in.

When Joshua left, Wu Chen whispered something to him.

Pushing his glasses habitually, to make sure that Wu Chen was not joking, the KSI president nodded solemnly.

The devastated Hong Kong Island, theoretically speaking, has completely lost the value of being exclusive to the main world.Even if it is successfully defended, it is in ruins and the population is zero, how can it develop?

Not caring about the man-made Decepticons shooting at him indiscriminately, Wu Chen took a deep breath, started the engine behind him, and flew into the air.The moment the line of sight crossed the flag mountain, I saw King Qingtian riding a Tyrannosaurus rex rumbling over...

Optimus Prime, who has a leadership module, just can't die...

As far as the eye can see, the beautiful blocks that were neatly divided by vertical and horizontal streets have turned into endless ugly ruins.

The remaining biochemical beasts, sentinel robots, Cybertron bounty hunters, Chitauri, and players, as well as Wu Chen's clone warriors, are fighting fiercely in a building, a certain street, or a certain block .It is hard to see large-scale organized troops, most of them are in groups of three or five, or in groups of three or two, fighting together, fighting fiercely with red eyes.

Wu Chen has seen it, and it seems that his clone warrior is not weak at all!

Thanks to the supercomputer virus, the command system was completely paralyzed, resulting in the complete loss of the command hierarchy.As for the sentinel robot infected by the virus, the core database seems to have been greatly damaged.Although he can still fight, he can no longer tell the priority.As long as it is a moving object, all will be killed without mercy!

The same goes for biochemical beasts.Losing the remote control of the perfect species, the biochemical beast also went completely crazy.Start attacking all active targets.

Sentinel robots are not the only ones infected?

The same goes for Cybertron hunters!

Anyway, just one word: chaos!

Two words: war!

Thick smoke billows everywhere, guns fire from all sides, flames and explosions can be seen everywhere, and the lives of the precarious tall buildings are finally exhausted by endless battles, moaning and cutting off their spines, and one after another they collapse into ruins and ashes .

Wu Chen flew around the gray sky of Hong Kong Island, and issued a final announcement with the mouth of sky fire: "Order all combatants to leave the battle and quickly evacuate to a safe zone!"

Seeing Tianhuo MT passing overhead, Die Wu subconsciously let out a sigh of relief under the ruins: "Let's go."

"En." Pu Jinji, who had been by her side all the time, nodded lightly, "Is your disciple ready to give up?"

"It's not like..." Die Wu smiled and shook her head.

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