The villain also has spring

Chapter 323 2.21 Under the City Charter

Thanks to Zhiying, 椛欀菥 for the monthly pass and rules, and diving first for the reward.


As the CEO of a high-tech company, Su Yueming would be completely uncontrollably dazzled and deeply addicted to it every time he came to the city core.

Even though Cybertron's technology has been sleeping with the entire planet for tens of thousands of years, it is far ahead of human beings.

When Su Yueming arrived at the maintenance deck in a single-person airship, the renovation of the Water Drop was nearing completion.Sure enough, Su Damei was deeply fascinated when she saw the starship.

"Or the original Water Drop?" Su Yueming asked with a flushed face.

It means whether the transformation has shrunk.Wu Chen nodded with a smile: "Dark matter engines, proton cannons, laser beams, energy shields, gravity generators, various guided missiles, and space bridges."

"How is the space bridge realized?"

"So there is." Including scorpion-type warships, they also have similar capabilities.But for some reason, this ability has been inactive.Wu Chen thought that it should be the reason why the head warrior among the three warriors didn't hatch.The so-called leader fighter means that the body and head can be changed separately.The head can be turned into a mini King Kong, and the body can be turned into a vehicle, and then the transformed mini King Kong sits in the driver's cab and drives the vehicle that his body has become...

For example, the head warrior of another Sark giant who later became the leader of the Decepticons was named: Lord Zak.The head fighter of the Big Mac Ford is named: Cerberus.

"The Transformers' vitality is terribly long, so you don't have to worry too much about where you want to go." Su Yueming's thoughts were indeed very humane.

Wu Chen smiled: "That's right. With almost unlimited lives, they are really not in a hurry. So whether the space bridge starts or not is not a problem."

Claulia on the side explained with a smile: "What the Sark giant installed is not a space bridge, but a "twisted shuttle". "

The large-scale use of sublight motors has enabled scientists on Cybertron to see the dawn of space travel.The Twisted Shuttle combines the FTL technology with the "wormhole" theory of point-to-point transmission between universes.The technology first requires increasing the flight speed of the spacecraft to sub-light speed, and then creating a wormhole to connect the two corresponding endpoints in space-time.At the same time, the flying speed of the spacecraft reaches the speed of light, passing through the wormhole created by the twisted shuttle, and reaching the destination.However, it is worth noting that it is very dangerous to distort time and space with a twisted shuttle that has defective surfaces or outdated functions. This usually leads to complete damage to the spaceship or causes the spaceship to disappear into the vast alien space.

"Which one is better?" This is the question Wu Chen cares about.

"Previously, when the natural enemy was preparing to move Cybertron to the vicinity of the earth, it still used the space bridge technology. When the Retribution and the Ark left Cybertron, they were already twisted shuttles. The two technologies coexisted at the same time, from a stable In terms of performance, the warp shuttle is more suitable for the super-space travel of large spaceships." Clauria gave her own judgment.

"Understood." According to Wu Chen's understanding, both technologies are sufficient.

After the renovation, the Water Drop was transferred to the exclusive dock, and the site was handed over to Clauria. Wu Chen mysteriously led Su Yueming to the 'Expedition Knights Temple'.

In the plot of Change 4, the male protagonist who rushed to the confinement knight spaceship to save his daughter and his daughter's racing driver boyfriend broke into the temple by mistake and triggered the unlocking of the weapon arsenal hidden in the wall.Now, the guards have been replaced by ancient knights who are bigger than Optimus Prime.Su Yueming immediately found their source: "Robot dinosaur?!"

"That's right." Wu Chen nodded with a smile, "Cybertron's ancient legendary knight machine dinosaur troop: steel cable (transformed into a mechanical Tyrannosaurus rex), iron slag (transformed into a mechanical triceratops), howling (transformed into a mechanical three-spine Dragon), flying standard (transformed into a two-headed mechanical pterosaur), only the silt is missing (did you dislike me Director! Director: Actually, the budget was overrun).”

"How did you convince them to stay?" The iron-like facts prove that strange-shaped reptiles are Yujie's favorite!

"It's nothing. After watching the battle between Madame Butterfly and Madame Styx and the Sark giant, they decided to stay and be guards." Wu Chen pouted at the tall temple statue.

Su Yueming looked up at the sky, only to realize that the metal goddesses supporting the entire dome back to back were Madame Butterfly and Madame Styx!

"Isn't Madame Butterfly in Cybertron? How was Madame Styx born? Also, what happened to Joan of Arc? They said that Alice was transformed, is this true?" like asking questions.

"We have a space bridge. We used to let her stay on Cybertron because there was no place to put it. Now we have private land, so we moved it here." Wu Chen didn't tell her that she was placed behind the main plane. No matter where you teleport, you only need 1 point!And there is no need to use expensive space bridges anymore, just call Master Zero!

"The process of giving birth to Mrs. Styx is similar to that of Mrs. Butterfly, except that the huge energy needed is not provided by the magic ball, but by the huge energy of the seed explosion to materialize the mosaic body of the electronic world. Because the explosion point is in Sark It’s inside the giant’s body, that’s why there is a sense of seeing the birth of an alien.” Swallowing his saliva, Wu Chen continued: “As for Joan of Arc, she is indeed the ultimate evolution of Alice.”

"Cybertronians turned into humans?" Thinking of Wu Chen's hotter Alcie sisters, Su Yueming felt a sense of crisis and frustration spontaneously.

"The specific process is to first transform one's body into Esso's digital DNA helix format, and then be reversed by laser light to become a human being." Wu Chen briefly explained the process.Of course, the most important factor here is the universal rules of the sanctuary that can be used for everything.

Su Yueming didn't listen carefully to Wu Chen's explanation, and now all her attention was directed to the "City Charter" compiled by Wu Chen.

As the supreme law applicable to the whole of Hong Kong, there are too many clauses that need to be explained.

Of course, what Su Yueming is most concerned about is marriage-related content, but as a very successful entrepreneur, she will never show her cards prematurely in negotiations.

"What's the matter with your level, do people still have three, six or nine levels?"

At the beginning of the city charter, in the natural human rights, Hong Kong residents are divided into: "refugees", "civilians", "voters", "citizens", "honors", "council (official) officials", "yuan (court) elders" ", seven levels, and each level is divided into three levels of nine stars.One to three stars is the elementary level, four to six stars is the middle level, and seven to nine levels is the advanced level.

Take councilors as an example: councilors with one to three stars are mostly floor managers, skyscraper management committees, and neighborhood councilors; four to six stars are mostly councilors from communities and districts; seven stars are mostly councilors from large districts; eight stars are mostly councilors Bauhinia Councilor, Jiuxing is a senior councilor.Nine-star councilors go up to one-star veterans.

These are not difficult to understand, what Su Yueming wants to ask is, why is there no you here!

Wu Chen pressed his thumb against the charter, and the hidden content was immediately displayed on the tablet.

It turns out that above the elders, there are "governors" and "lords"!

Wu Chen scratched his head: "This is my private domain, so the lord is obviously me. As for the governor, it is for future expansion." Wu Chen's implication is that if there is a second main world in the future, Don't you need a governor?

Su Yueming suddenly felt hot all over, and his breathing began to feel hot!Taking a deep breath and calming down, Su Yueming pointed to the second place: "The points of the seven colors are linked to their identities?"

"Yes." Wu Chen continued to nod: "Citizens and below can get the highest green points, citizens can get cyan points, and honorable people can get blue points. The lowest purple also needs councilors or officials."

"Where's the old man?"

"The difference between a veteran and a member lies in the proportion of purple points. For example, a Bauhinia member's monthly income is 5000 points. Among them, 100 points are red security points, 2000 points are orange salary points, and 2000 points are Yellow annuity reward points, 800 green credit points, 60 cyan merit points, 30 blue city contribution points, and 10 purple city elite points." Wu Chen then called out the veteran's income: "The veteran The monthly income is 10000 points. Among them, 100 points are red protection points, 4000 points are orange salary maintenance points, 4000 points are yellow annuity reward points, 1600 points are green credit points, 180 points are cyan merit points, and 90 points are blue City contribution points, and 30 purple city elite points."

Referring to Wu Chen's price tag on the bubble boat, it is obvious that the more advanced the creation, the more points it needs, and the higher the chance of appearing high-end color points.

Like a droplet-class starship.

Wu Chen's price is 100 million points.Among them, [-] gold hidden points are required!

Just like there are governors and lords above the elders, there are silver and gold hidden points above the purple elite points!

Even if you reach the level of governor, you will only gain silver hiding points. The legendary gold is something that ordinary people will never be able to achieve.

It was only then that Su Yueming discovered that Wu Chen's ranks were closely linked, affecting and controlling every aspect of life.These days, the only thing that the giant's super brain uses a lot of resources to do is to continuously simulate and fine-tune the parameters of Wu Chen's hierarchy.Try to pursue advantages and avoid disadvantages as much as possible to achieve perfection.For example, civilians who are 18 years old and have not been disenfranchised will automatically become one-star voters.Please note that voters only have the right to vote, not to be elected.

The voting rights of one-star voters are also limited to the floors and skyscrapers where they are located.With the increase of participation in social activities, the accumulation of experience and the recognition of the public, the stars will continue to increase.When reaching 4 stars, you can elect community and district councilors, and if you have seven stars or more, you can select district councilors. Only nine-star voters are eligible to elect Zijin councilors.

When you reach the level of citizen, you will automatically get the right to be elected.Like voters, one-star citizens can only run for floor leaders.and so on.

This is Wu Chen's bold attempt to reverse the biggest drawback in the popular Western democratic election system of "counting heads".The disadvantage of pan-democracy is that 'individuals' can be elected, and they are ranked according to the number of people.There are too many uncontrollable factors: the quality of the voters, the ambitions of the candidates, whether they have the support of chaebols, whether they have governance experience, whether there is any partisan strife, whether there is any underworld involved...etc. negative factors.Therefore, black gold politics, gold dollar politics, warlord politics, oligarchic politics, inaction government, gang-fighting parliament...

The method used by Wu Chen is very similar to the "experimental field" model advocated by China, where true knowledge is obtained through practice and expanded layer by layer.First give you the smallest piece of field, which can be planted well, and then give you a larger one, which can be planted well, and then give you a bigger one, which can be planted, and then expand, so that you can go up layer by layer, as long as you have the ability, you can From grassroots civil servants to cabinet ministers!

There is no force in the middle that can stop you!

The reason is very simple, all evaluation and supervision systems are completed by the super brain of the Sac giant!

As long as Wu Chen sets the rules and standards perfectly enough, the Sark giant will naturally implement 100% without the slightest deviation!

Reducing the intervention of human factors as much as possible is the biggest advantage of a technical nerd who has ultra-high-tech means and can truly stay out of it!

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