The villain also has spring

Chapter 334 2.27 Across the Ocean to See You

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A number is stored in the eyeball.It should be the train man's phone number.And the eyeball itself also has the property of matrix.By scanning, a fully digital 'simulated eye' is then formed.

T160 analyzed that this digitally simulated eyeball should be a passcode for a certain authority.

After the peace agreement was reached, robots and humans initially built embassies with each other for the purpose of competing for population.Later, it gradually became a bridge between the two sides that can really handle and communicate with each other.Of course, as an extension of their respective territories, on the top of the robot embassy in the shape of a spaceship in the core area of ​​Zion, countless tall antennas are always in contact with the mother body.The embassy also has an experience hall similar to the mother body, and the operators inside will also enthusiastically provide meticulous service for every human being who wants to experience the comfortable life of the mother body.

In fact, Gu Wuchen learned later that there are not many humans and biochemical robots living their own lives in Zion.Humans also often surf the Internet, and biochemical robots like to hang out with humans all day long.

Of course, for Wu Chen now, it is enough to know that Zion can connect to the matrix.

So he took the neuron helmet that had been modified and upgraded by Clauria Cybertron, and matched it with a comfortable reclining chair. Wu Chen's high-end and high-end exclusive game cabin was built in minutes.The place where the Internet is connected is the science experiment cabin on the bottom deck.Claulia successfully broke the various restrictions of the trial version of the helmet, allowing the three sisters of Arcee to accompany Wu Chen into the mother's body.

In the past, the three sisters often accompanied Wu Chen to go crazy in various game scenes built in virtual reality, and they were no strangers to this.

Consciousness was inhaled by the white light, and Wu Chen returned to the warm apartment set by the original program when he opened his eyes again.But the moment he opened the door, he suddenly stopped.

The door has a magical effect in the Matrix.The same door, the world behind the door opened by different keys can be described as extremely different, which is really magical.

After thinking about it, Wu Chen took out the simulated eyeballs he brought with him, and tried to gather them in front of the cat on the door.

He didn't make him wait long before a beam of green laser light shot out from the cat's eye, sweeping away the iris on the eyeball.

There was not much loud noise, only a beam of light walked quietly along the crack of the door, and then gradually dimmed.

But Wu Chen obviously felt different.

Try to turn the handle, accompanied by the white light that suddenly rushes up to cover the eyes and then quickly fades, the scene behind the door really changes!

The entrance is a long and deep step leading to the basement.

The wooden handrails on both sides of the steps may have accumulated a thick layer of dust because they have not been used for a long time.As if sensing Wu Chen's presence, the chandeliers on the ceiling lit up one after another.At the bottom of the illuminated steps is a marble arch, and in front of the arch is an automatic ticket checking machine common in subways.

"Go." Signaling the three sisters to follow him, Wu Chen was the first to go down.

Wu Chen, whose brain wave is unprecedentedly powerful, is basically a demigod existence in the electronic world.

The source code perspective starts quickly. Unlike Neo, who can only see and cannot change the perspective of the savior, Wu Chen can use brain waves to rewrite the rules of the program.

As far as the eye can see, the disconnected circuit marked with a red line inside the automatic ticket inspection machine is automatically connected, and the ticket inspection machine immediately lights up with a green traffic arrow and opens the barrier.

The four passed one by one and walked into the subway station.

It is very different from the subway station where Neo was trapped in the memory, regardless of the decoration style or the density of the flow of people, it is not of the same grade.The crowded subway makes Wu Chen seem to have returned to his student days.Although the appearance of Wu Chen and the others caused quite a commotion, it quickly subsided automatically.Wu Chen's source code perspective can penetrate the bodies of these programmers, and clearly see various 'disconnected circuits' that also show red light.These "breakpoints" hidden deep in the body are the focus of the programmer.

In other words, these program people are sick.

The red virus code spewed out intermittently from the mouth of a coughing program.The tip of the nose of a weak female programmer who was closer to him had turned red, obviously infected.

Where Wu Chen looked, the female programmer sneezed subconsciously, and when she looked up again, her nose was no longer red.

With Wu Chen's help, she sprayed the virus code out of her body.

"Thank you." As if feeling the change in herself, the female programmer suddenly whispered in a voice that only she and Wu Chen could hear.

"You know it's me?" Wu Chen asked with a smile.

"Yes, sir." The female programmer smiled gratefully: "I am the disinfection program of the ward."

"Oh..." Wu Chen nodded, looking through her chest, he saw the baby's source code entrenched in her lower abdomen.The female program is not sick. "you are pregnant?"

"Yes, sir." The female programmer's heartfelt happiness reminded Wu Chen of Chunli for a moment.

"Then why..."

"Because she is not in the plan, I have to arrange a legal identity for her." The female programmer's tone sank, and then she smiled softly: "I heard that the mother body will be upgraded again..."

"Come on, this is my number." Wu Chen handed a freshly baked business card to the female program.Seeing this business card composed of source code, it appeared out of nowhere right under her nose, the female program hurriedly covered her mouth, but her eyes widened, which showed that she was extremely shocked at this time!

"Is this really okay? Sir..."

"No problem." Wu Chen shrugged with a smile, "I'm not a rebel army, and besides, it's a peaceful time, and there is no rebel army."

"Thank you, sir!" Holding Wu Chen's business card in her hand, the female programmer thanked her repeatedly, and left the station without looking back.There was no need for her to meet the Lord of Darkness, because begging him would cost too much.

Soon, a subway rumbled in.

The programmers crowded into the train one after another, and the subway station suddenly became empty.

Wu Chen randomly found an empty seat and sat down. When the train pulled out, he realized that there were also people who hadn't left.

The man in a windbreaker gently folded the newspaper in his hand, put it in his purse, walked up to Wu Chen and sat down.

The two of them just leaned against the back of the chair, quietly looking at the wall opposite the railroad track.

After a long time, the man suddenly said, "Is she okay?"

"It's okay." Wu Chen raised his jaw slightly.

"Are you in Zion?"


"Well, you must be very disappointed."

"It's okay." Wu Chen still has a good impression of Zion.

"You shouldn't show your superpowers in public." The man refers to what Wu Chen did for the female program just now.

"Are you going to report on me?" Wu Chen asked with a smile.

"It's not that simple."

"You think it's too complicated."

"Okay. Then, see you next time." The man stood up and walked onto an empty subway that had just arrived.

Unlike the previous old subway, this much shorter track train is super modern and full of a sense of the future.And the direction of travel is completely opposite.

Watching the train speed up to leave, Alcie, who was standing behind Wu Chen, couldn't help asking: "Master, who is that?"

"Leader Hammerfall." Wu Chen smiled and relaxed his body, "It's an old rival, let's cherish each other."

"Is this the so-called 'reconciliation in name'?" Arcee asked.

"Hehe..." Wu Chen shook his head, "We will never be able to reconcile."

"Why?" Arcee asked.

"You don't understand." Wu Chen stood up with a smile, and walked towards another empty train.

There was also a black man in the car.If you can understand why the prophet changed from a white woman to a black woman, then you can understand why the white train man in the original plot world has also become the black man in front of you.

"Mr. Meroving wants to see you." The black man said with dull eyes.Compared with the original expression of viciousness when seeing everyone, this is already quite kind.

"Okay." Wu Chen nodded with a smile.

"Sit well and don't make trouble." It seems that the train man also knows that Wu Chen has superpowers, he opened the door after saying a few words, and jumped onto another subway that was traveling in the opposite direction.

"Run away?" Arcee shrugged.

"This is his routine job." Wu Chen didn't care.

When the train arrived at the station and took the escalator up to the ground, Wu Chen realized that he was already in the lobby on the first floor of a magnificent building.Needless to say, this is the lair of the Dark Lord Merovingian.

Even the doorman standing at the entrance of the lobby has a shiny high-level code.

These super programmers with abilities far beyond ordinary programs are willing to do chores for Meroving. Obviously, the energy of the Dark Lord is not ordinary.

While Wu Chen was looking around, the manager of the lobby had already greeted him with a smile: "Sir, the master is waiting for your arrival. Please follow me."

After swiping open the elevator door, the manager respectfully invited Wu Chen and his female companion to enter.

Opening the door again, Wu Chen has arrived at the western restaurant in the movie.

The hall manager led Wu Chen to the main table, then took his leave.

"Please sit down." Meroving, dressed in formal attire, assumed the posture of the host.

"Thank you." Wu Chen sat down alone, and sisters Arci stood behind him tacitly.

Looking up at the three peerless beauties, Meroving's face was full of envy: "You are such a lucky one."

Only then did Wu Chen turn his attention to the beauty sitting beside him: "Aren't you too?"

The beautiful woman who had been keeping her eyes on the red wine glass in front of her raised her head casually, and looked at Wu Chen indifferently.Played by the immortal goddess Monica Bellucci, she made her debut as Merovingian's wife in "The Matrix 2: Reloaded" when Neo was looking for the keymaker.The name of the film: Besephone (Persephone, the queen of the underworld in Greek mythology).Elegant and charming, although as a program she has no feelings, she seems to yearn for sincere love and is very sensitive to other people's feelings. It is easy to learn about Neo's love for Trinity.The relationship between Merovingen and Beserfini is complicated, and they are intriguing with each other. It is because of Beserfini's help that Neo finds the key maker.

And all Wu Chen's understanding of her comes from the great "The Beautiful Legend of Sicily".

The charm and temperament of a woman must be tempered by time and sculpted by love.

At this time, the woman leaning herself into the seat, the graceful sadness in her gestures and gestures is the most touching, and her eyes, which have been in the world for a long time, are so beautiful that I can't look directly at them.

Seeing Wu Chen looking at his wife unabashedly, Meroving's smile showed French elegance: "Then, sir, out of respect for you, I arranged this meeting. Your request has been fulfilled." Understood, but, are you sure you want to do this?"

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