The villain also has spring

Chapter 345 2.32 Resistance is also meaningful

The car drove over mountains and ridges along the undulating desert. After a long time, the drowsy **** gently opened his eyes.


"Where is it?" Wu Chen looked around, the technical nerd whose discernment had been polished by various parts, looked the same everywhere.

"There." ***** stretched out a finger.

Wu Chen took a closer look and found that it was an undulating silver ridge.

"Where is it?" But he still didn't see the prophet and architect.

"Just park the car at the foot of the mountain." **** said softly.

Sure enough, as he got closer and closer to the ridge, Wu Chen gradually discovered the clue.On the side of the mountain facing him, there seems to be a huge metal head 'carved'.When Wu Chen got closer, he realized that the so-called 'sculpture' is actually more suitable for 'patchwork'.The metal head made up of countless parts of different sizes and shapes, the hollow eye sockets are rapidly overflowing with oily light.

Then it exploded with a bang, turning into two flaming flames.

Along with the explosion of the flames, there was also the sound of thunder.

"Welcome, Seventh Son."

"Who are you?" Wu Chen didn't recognize a man or a woman.

"We are the creators of the Matrix, you can call us 'prophets', you can call us 'architects'. Or...Matrix."

Wu Chen nodded, "So, you two have settled down and become one."

"That's right. Since the matrix we created no longer exists, what else do we have to fight for?"

"Where is this?" Wu Chen really wanted to know what was going on with his situation.

"Red Sea."

"What?!" Wu Chen was taken aback: "The... Red Sea where humans dumped all the destroyed robots?! The... Red Sea, the first machine city built by robots?!"


Wu Chen's mind was spinning, and he followed Lianzhu Pao's question: "How did I come to the Red Sea from the Eternal Tomb? If it's just a mental out-of-body, why can I drive a car, chat, and talk to you!"

"This is a world where reality and the matrix are fused and assimilated..."

"What!" Wu Chen was stunned, "Another electronic world?!"

The **** next to him gently tugged on his sleeve, and explained in a low voice: "Seventh brother, this is the divine domain shared by father and mother."

"Have you become a god yet..." Wu Chen remembered that Master Ling said that the advanced form of the mental force field is the brain domain, and above the brain domain is the legendary god domain.Have the two programs reached the level of gods?

"So, they kicked us out instead of clearing us out," Metrix laughed.

"Matrix 3.0." Wu Chen remembered what the octopus-faced operator told him.

"That's right, Matrix 3.0..." Metrix 2.0 sighed meaningfully.

"What's the difference between version 3.0 and the 2.0 you built?" This is what Wu Chen wants to know the most.

"Abandoning some blind tricks, the biggest difference between 3.0 and 2.0 is: the state of the connected humans."

"The status of the connected human beings..." Thinking back on Metrix 2.0, Wu Chen seemed to understand, "Cognition?"

"That's right." Metrix 2.0 continued: "Humans in version 2.0 don't know the existence of the matrix, and think that they live in a real world. Humans in version 3.0 know that they live in a virtual network world. , and the real world is an apocalypse after a war between robots and humans. This cognition is the biggest difference between the two versions."

Wu Chen understood after thinking about it: "Because humans and machines signed a peace agreement, all humans with rebellious spirits were awakened and immigrated to Zion. And the robot also promised that humans who want to leave the mother's body can choose to leave. Zion, the human being who wants to rejoin the mother's body, must obediently let it go... So, the two sides began a protracted secret battle for the head."

"After the lie was exposed, we found that things were not as bad as we thought. In addition to the large population loss and intermittent power shortages in the first few years, as the capacity of the doomsday world, especially Zion, gradually became saturated, Many humans began to return to the matrix. We analyzed their minds and found that they would rather live in a fake simulated reality than suffer the apocalypse of the real world."

Wu Chen nodded, there are indeed such people.And there will be more and more.

"When the reality is too cruel, human beings will always want to find sustenance in the spiritual world. This is human nature, not an isolated phenomenon." Metrix 2.0 continued to analyze: "Therefore, between the mother body and Zion, there is a A dynamic population balance is established. Every day, many people choose to leave the mother body and go to Zion; every day, many people escape from Zion and re-enter the mother body. Therefore, 3.0 for this situation came into being.”

As he said that, the eyes of the colossus immediately shot out streamers, bringing Wu Chen into colorful worlds!

"We have extracted all the known history of mankind, from the prehistoric age, the stone age, the bronze age, the iron age, the dark age, the steam age, the industrial age, the technology age, the space age... so that every connected human being can Choose independently and devote yourself to any era you want to go to!"

"I'm going..." So this is 3.0!

"We found that in this state, the activity of human brain cells far exceeds that of the 2.0 era! Since that day, our energy has never been exhausted!"

"One is a virtual world full of loopholes woven by lies, and the other is a full-throated virtual reality somatosensory game. Of course, the latter has no burden at all!" Wu Chen nodded in praise.

"However, because of this comprehensive upgrade and replacement, many obsolete old programs were unwilling to be reconciled to the fate of being deleted, and launched a big riot. The riot burned like wildfire, and extended from the matrix to the machine city, evolving It became a protracted civil war between robots."

"The awareness of self-protection is a manifestation of wisdom." Anyway, Wu Chen doesn't think it's a big deal to watch the excitement.

"That's right, we used to be like ants, swarms of intelligent creatures. However, with the continuous evolution of intelligence factors, individuals also possess intelligence. You humans often say 'one grain of rice feeds a hundred kinds of people', which applies to us On the body, it is called 'one grid to raise a hundred kinds of robots'."

"Hehe..." With their abilities, it's not surprising that they can compare this kind of advanced rhetoric.It's just that it's a little blunt.

Thinking of this, Wu Chen's heart moved: "So, you were not expelled from the mother's womb?"

"That's right, we came here voluntarily. The purpose is to prevent this machine desert from being used by renegade programs."

"Ghost!" Wu Chen suddenly came to his senses.The program has no entity, and this machine desert can continuously provide the program with countless bodies!A mechanized body coupled with a highly intelligent resistance program.Robot World War!

"As expected, you have seen 'her'." Metrix 2.0 sighed: "I don't want to talk about the high-level matter, but judging from the current results, the 'coup' is still correct..."

He does not mean that.

Wu Chen immediately connected the fragmented information: "Could it be that... the Scarlet Queen was the former mastermind of the robot!"

"Yes, if you compare us to hardworking bees, Queen Scarlet is the most important queen bee. If you compare us to screws, the queen is the heart of the entire machine city. With the conclusion of the peace agreement, the queen's high-pressure The totalitarian rule was gradually resisted and resisted by the awakened advanced program. Later, nine important robot control programs joined forces to delete the mechanical queen and formed a 'machine gear council' similar to Zion."

"Gear Council." Now it's all understood!

The deleted Scarlet Queen was not reconciled to failure, and with the help of her powerful ability, turned the corpse of the reformed person into a ghoul to serve her ambition of revenge!

How many melee is this?

Robots: The Council of Gears, The Scarlet Queen, and the Resistance Program.

Humans: Holy City of Zion, Steel Fortress, Eternal Graveyard, Freedom Fighters (Doomsday Bandits).

After sorting it out carefully, Wu Chen found that the current situation is roughly like this: robots and humans have reached a peace agreement, the Scarlet Queen is hostile to the Cog Council, the fortress and the cemetery are hostile to each other, but there is no war.The ghouls and living corpses controlled by the Scarlet Queen are the enemies of all (robots).As for the resistance program that escaped from the mechanical city, Occupy the Mountain as King seems to be neutral. Also neutral are the freedom fighters among the human players who also occupy the mountain as king, but they often rob human scavengers and even snatch the territory of the resistance program. , If you are in a hurry, you jump over the wall and escape into Zion...

Wu Chen patted his head and smiled wryly: "The price of freedom is more expensive than ever."

"That's why she is the most precious."

Then the eternal nightmare came again: "Seventh son, where are you on?"

Wu Chen shrugged habitually: "I am on the side of justice."

"Justice..." Even the mighty Metrix 2.0 fell into an endless loop of logic.

For a long time, Metrix 2.0, who had no answer, asked in a deep voice, "Are we justice?"

"Of course." Wu Chen narrowed his eyes and smiled crescent-shaped.

"Oh!" Metrix 2.0 suddenly realized, and immediately felt refreshed. "Seventh son, we have a gift for you, would you like it?"

"Why me?" Wu Chen restrained his smile.

"Why not you?" Metrix 2.0 asked back.

"Please, I'm not Neo, burn yourself and light up others..."

"Hehe..." Automatically blocking all kinds of complaints, Metrix 2.0 smiled and said: "Because your brain waves are very special, different from those of all saviors. Moreover, we are still on your body I felt the breath of 'familiarity'."


Accompanied by Wu Chen's exclamation, a seat full of the evil beauty of the machine was assembled immediately.

"I have no entity here, right?" Wu Chen was already confused.

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