The villain also has spring

Chapter 349 2.34 Under the hope of life extension

Thanks to qiilinn for the monthly pass, Yue Zhiling for the reward and the lazy half comment.

It's the end of the month, how about some votes?


"Damn it!" Wu Chen cursed angrily: "Blink, did you see the speed at which the passage was closed just now? Can ordinary people escape?"

"I can't." Blinking also had a sullen look on his face.Just now Wu Chen was directly knocked into the air, and she was almost burned to ashes by the energy membrane.If she hadn't opened the door in time, both she and Wu Chen would be in danger.

With a brain wave, Tianhuo, who was on guard on the spot, immediately put away his weapon, knelt down on one knee, and opened the cockpit.

Wu Chen and Shining immediately sat in and returned to the back of the white swan.Wu Chen had an arc-shaped imprint on his forehead for no reason, just like a high-tech tattoo, which can fluoresce when the light is dark.

"Master, let me check." As soon as the cockpit was put down, Claulia came up to meet him.

"Yeah." Wu Chen was also worried.It seems that the avatar is not satisfied with his answer?

Letting you save the world is worthy of you!Besides, as a human being, isn't it imperative to save one's home planet?

You're all right, but... hey, you're the ones who messed up the earth, but blamed me, don't you feel any remorse or guilt?

I'll depend on it, you muscular, simple-minded guys are responsible for more than 80% of the pollutants, and now you want us to wipe your ass for you, and you are willing to take more responsibility!It's because there is only one earth, so let's finish playing together without taking responsibility, right?

Your mother really belongs to your father!

"Honey, let's not be angry." Ennayi persuaded softly.

"Oh." Wu Chen sighed, "It's fine if I don't give the reward, why does it seem like I owe her. I really regret it now, why didn't I refuse it at the time. I really want to see how her dead fish face can do it." What a wonderful expression!"

"Master, this is a magical signal receiving source." After scanning, Claulia smiled and said.

"Signal source?" Wu Chen touched the forehead, and could indeed feel the slightly raised engraving.

"That's right, it is powered by the master's peripheral nerves and can sense a signal source of a special frequency. This is the key item that the No. 9 gene ball gave to the master." Claulia pursed her lips and smiled.

"Looking for the remaining gene balls?" Wu Chen really felt much better.

"It should be like this. And the hollow pipeline hidden in this arc-shaped engraving, we judge that it is a miniature map of the underground pipeline network before the war. Compared with the known topographic map, T160 found another line marked on the map. A gene ball is also deep in the pipeline network that we have not explored."

Seeing Wu Chen whose scars healed and forgot the pain was eager to try, Claulia poured cold water with the rigor of a scientist: "Master, I must remind you that even if all the gene pools are found, under the current situation, we Nor can it restore the planet's ecosystems."

"Black clouds." Wu Chen thought of the poisonous mist sprayed by humans covering the sky.

"Yes, there are also machine cities." Claulia added; "They are the masters of the earth, aren't they?"

"That's right..." Wu Chen realized that this was an impossible task!There are too many problems to be solved, it is not as simple as collecting a few gene balls!For example, even if Wu Chen found all the gene balls, so what?The ground world is completely occupied by robots!Demolish them?

I just hehehe...

Having said that, Rome was not built in a day, and the seven-color ball was not built in a day.

Original shorts are not available every day, and sister juice is not unlimited drinking...

Take it one step at a time.

With this gene ball as the center, white swans, blackbirds, and two auxiliary road hawks attacked from all directions, and quickly searched the entire underground pipe network.After summarizing, the White Swan combination reassembled, and Arcie and Alita, who were driving two improved Auxiliary Hawk 'jet helicopters', ascended into the bottom cabin, and the two Auxiliary Roadhawks were followed by the plane space in the flap.

The white swan hovering in mid-air quickly turned the spout and returned along the way.

When crossing the nuclear bomb crater, the mechanical octopus still gathered around to watch.The white swan did not stop, and flew straight into the pipeline leading to Zion.

After submitting the map, the assessment came down quickly: S.

Wu Chen asked, the S rating is equal to 3 grids. Grade A is one grid, A+ is two grids, and S is naturally three grids.In other words, as long as Wu Chen takes 3 more S-rated tasks, he can be promoted.

Referring to the general location of the second gene ball, Wu Chen took over the task of exploring similar areas.

The deck liaison officer hurried over to ask if he needed supplies.Wu Chen originally wanted to refuse directly, but in order not to attract more attention, he still held his nose and agreed.

The so-called replenishment...

The white swan that jumped in from Hong Kong really doesn't need it.

Quietly throwing the supplies purchased at the expense of one grid in batches in the refugee nest, the white swan rushed out of Gate No. 13 with light packs.

Wu Chen, who felt his back itching, went to take a bath again.Speaking of which, ever since he came to Zion, or the underground pipe network, Wu Chen always felt that something was wrong with him.It's not itchy here, it's sour there. T160 has self-inspected many times, and the ventilation and circulation system of the white swan has been operating normally.No problem at all.

And Claulia also specially collected air samples for testing, and there was no problem.

In the face of the facts, Wu Chen could only bow his head, admitting that it was a psychological effect.'s really itchy.

After leaving the range of Zion, the white swan immediately activated the communication radar to collect communications from all parties.There is a lot of information along the way, Zion's spaceship, the player's mechanical bug, and the undead flying machine... Originally, they each had their own communication channels and encryption protocols, but we all have them, so the information obtained is summarized. Still pretty impressive.

This section of the pipeline, which has not been explored by Zion, has long been smashed by the players of Steel Fortress.

Wu Chen used his ID to directly contact the Fortress players to update the map.Finding that there were some special marks on it, Wu Chen immediately asked, "Gamma, what do these marks mean?"

"The red one is the mechanical beast's lair, the green one is the polluted area, and the blue one is the mine site." Gamma's answer was concise and clear.

"Received." The so-called contaminated area is a kind of 'like virus' program from the robot city and mother body, which can infect all electronic equipment and transform people.

A viroid is not a virus in the usual sense, but a normal program.It's just that before being replaced or deleted, they didn't accept their fate and wait for death, but escaped from the machine city or the mother's body to the real world, forcibly invaded an electronic device or transformed a person, and took the body as their own.And through the way of electromagnetic waves, its own program will radiate and cover a certain area.This area is the infection area that Gamma mentioned.

The end of the Matrix is ​​completely different from the well-ordered electronic world that Wu Chen entered, and this is the place of absolute chaos.

Wu Chen looked at the delineated green infected area, and found that it actually accounted for one-fifth of the entire map.

What program is so powerful!

With curiosity, the white swan bypassed the infected area far away and flew towards the location of the second gene ball.

However, there are always surprises in life.

Drilling into another pipeline from the temporary passage opened by the fortress players, the white swan's radar immediately discovered the situation.

A small, futuristic spaceship, belching sparks and smoke, sat across the center of the pipe.And in the ruins not far from it, a human-like creature was curled up, whimpering weakly.

"Master, we need to remove the small spaceship before we can pass." T160 immediately erected a space-based firewall, released the Hydra defense software, and the energy shield has also been quietly activated.

"I'll accompany you." Ennayi was about to take the Seraph's shell, but Wu Chen shook his head and refused.

"This is close to the pollution area, so the life of Cybertron must stay away." Wu Chen didn't even activate the Skyfire MT, and directly teleported off the plane with Blink.

What Wu Chen held in his hand was also an electromagnetic nail gun without any electronic auxiliary programs or chips.Blink is a colloid jumpsuit made of nanomaterials, and he doesn't even wear a gun.

The two went to check the sparking aircraft first, and after confirming that it would not explode, Wu Chen pulled out the high-energy battery board according to T160's instructions.Then the two walked towards the fallen human on guard.

"Bounty hunter." Wu Chen recognized the special outfit at a glance.

"Alive." Blink held the crystal in his hand, ready to open a protective door (a portal used to absorb attacks) in front of Wu Chen at any time.

Wu Chen tried to kick his explosion-proof combat boots, "Hey, are you okay?"

"Woo!" The bounty hunter, who was curled up, buried his head deeper.

"Hey..." Wu Chen kicked again.

"Roar!" The bounty hunter jumped up like an enraged beast.

Wu Chen pulled the trigger subconsciously.

The high-energy tungsten nail shot out violently, and the left half of his body exploded. The hunter was smashed into the ruins, and smashed into pieces all over the ground!

"Reform people." Looking at Zizi's huge wound from electric shock, Wu Chen couldn't help but heave a sigh of relief.

Just when Wu Chen relaxed a little, the hunter's left eye exploded, and the mechanical eyeball flew out like a bullet!

Blink opened the door subconsciously, but the target of the eyeballs was not Wu Chen, but the white swan!

It is also a metal eyeball, but in Wu Chen's eyes, the senses are completely different!

What Wu Chen saw was a ferocious mosaic grimace wrapped in bullets, trailing a miserable green source code light tail, rushing towards the white swan crying and howling all the way!

boom!Although the mechanical eyeballs exploded into pieces on the energy shield that rose in time on the casing, the miserable green poisonous mist instantly swallowed the white swan.

"My, mine, it's all mine..." The intermittent electronic noise from the headset was full of endless evil and greed.Hearing this, Wu Chen was terrified, and felt hot rash.

"Master, don't worry... he... is not... my opponent." T160's intermittent sound transmission gave Wu Chen a reassurance in time.

Sure enough, a Hydra, an energy body almost as huge as a white swan, suddenly raised its nine heads, and sprayed a deadly corrosive acid mist at the virus program covering the white swan!

"Aw—" The electronic ghost was riddled with holes.

The nine snake brains kept biting, tearing up and devouring large pieces of the green mist wrapped around the ghost.The thinner electronic ghost still wanted to escape, but crashed into the space-based firewall and was caught.It was then torn apart and devoured by the Hydra.

Wu Chen inherited the energy perspective of Metrix 2.0 and completely watched the whole process of the battle.

"Very nutritious..." T160 actually hiccupped?

Just, are you sure you won't be poisoned!

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