The villain also has spring

Chapter 356 2.38 The doomsday gangsters in the attack

Thanks to GP-03D Shi Helan, Gu TL for the monthly pass and Mogong~lx for the reward.

PS: Monthly pass plus change, is there any more?


Because of Wu Chen's strong rise, it is obviously inappropriate to call this area a polluted area, so everyone naturally renamed it with the green color that marked the polluted area on the map.So the polluted area occupied by Wu Chen is called the 'green zone'.

Just when all kinds of rumors in the green zone spread like crazy to the underground world, Wu Chen's entire defense system had already been established.Several pipeline entrances have also been blocked, and mechanical checkpoints have been set up, and various defensive weapons are densely packed, ensuring that even a robotic cockroach cannot escape.

Now the most worrying thing is the top of the head.

Although there is a thick rock formation, if you use a drill to drill down from the ground, there will always be a day when you will be drilled through.Isn't that how Zion fell? After T160 scanning, it was found that the upper crust of the ground is about 8000 meters above the ground. It is very hard granite and associated metal deposits, and it is very difficult to drill through.Moreover, Wu Chen also arranged enough detection points. Once it is determined that someone really wants to do this, Wu Chen's elite troops can counterattack immediately.

Forges also use the thermal energy of the lava in the core of the earth.A long alloy pipe was driven deep into the earth's core to create a manually controlled fire spray can.This is a very mature technology, and it is not a post-apocalyptic invention.As early as before the doomsday, human beings had already penetrated into the interior of the earth with their tentacles.Many engineering pipelines are built to explore the center of the earth.

There is a saying in the scientific community: the earth was split from the sun.It was originally a hot melt, but after a long period of cold shrinkage, it consolidated into the earth with a hard outer shell.In this way, it may be imagined that the core of the earth is an ultra-high temperature melting pot that is constantly undergoing nuclear fusion reactions like the sun.

The half-life of uranium-238 is 45 billion years. In other words, the huge energy generated during this period is only a drop in the ocean for human use.So there is no need to worry that human beings will exhaust the energy in the earth.Of course, the existing technology is completely unable to reach the real core area, but relies on energy sources such as underground volcanoes that are relatively close to the surface.It's not really just sticking a straw to the center of the earth, and then drinking as much as you want!

Wu Chen is still a hundred secrets and one sparse.

Peace agreement.

Because the robot has not yet evolved into intrigue and deceitful smiles, it will turn its face and deny people, so after signing an agreement, it must be implemented meticulously.So when a few bandits walked up to the sentry tower and detonated the EMP, Wu Chen's mechanical guards didn't respond at all!

The logic is also correct. We have signed an agreement with humans. If humans do not attack us, we cannot attack humans first.If humans attack us, we can fight back...

However, I didn't expect that after an electromagnetic pulse bomb, we collectively burped!

If it didn't take too much time to cut open the thick alloy gate, and the noise was too loud, after being heard by Wu Chen, he and Shining drove the MT to take a look, Nima, he met a robber. !

Without further ado, Yuan Shenren slashed horizontally, cutting the idiots in front of the door into cucumber pieces.

After receiving the master's order, the robot migrant worker immediately rushed over to repair the checkpoint.

Wu Chen asked Claulia to update the identification friend or foe system to prevent such incidents from happening again.

Sure enough, as soon as the second group of menacing doomsday gangsters entered the range, they were bombarded head-on by electromagnetic cannons like raindrops.Scattered into pieces.

The next few tentative attacks by the bandits were all smashed into eggs by the torrential attacks of the mechanical checkpoints.Flesh and metal were all smashed into pieces, and even the bones that could tell who was who were not found.The bandits finally subsided.However, several successful defensive battles became a rock to test Wu Chen's hardness, and the refugees crowded in the Zion refugee hive began to march towards the green zone!

"Immigration?" Wu Chen was taken aback when he got the news, "How can they be sure that we are good people?"

"First you got rid of the evil program, then you got rid of the bandits, and then the major forces in the underground world established embassies one after another. Although Zion is not among them, doesn't that explain everything?" Ennayi laughed.

"Understood." In a sense, Wu Chen possessed sufficient strength (dealt with Agent Jones and killed the bandits) and obtained sufficient guarantees (embassy), so the refugees flocked here.The best place to house refugees is, of course, the surrounding rock walls.Just like digging a cave dwelling, use a rock formation drilling machine to drill holes in the rock wall, and then build corridors and elevators outside, so that a cave dwelling like Zion is built.

However, Wu Chen doesn't like this kind of building with obvious apocalyptic style.Although it's good to be in the end, you should still enjoy it.After confirming that the rock wall is hard and mixed with a small amount of iron-nickel lean ore, Wu Chen's construction plan started soon.

The architectural style refers to the stacked nested Rubik's cube in "Total Recall".It is a block nesting a block, and then doing a seemingly disordered but aesthetically pleasing stack according to the terrain.The rock wall is not only pulled out one layer, but kept going deep inward, and a huge rock wall space was pulled out.

Counting from the outermost rock face, a total of 12 blocks were drawn out.Standing on the outermost side and looking inside, it is like the legendary giant stone carvings with layers of hollows, buildings, squares, streets, gardens... under the nesting of simple Rubik's cubes, an epic full of rich connotation and beauty is gathered. picture scroll.

Digging houses is what players who are used to playing dungeon games are best at...

The rock formation drilling machine copied by Wu Chen from the Predator Hunting Planet stopped completely until the main shaft was broken when encountering hard alloy veins.And because of the extensive experience involved in the reconstruction of Hong Kong, T160 is handy in designing underground cities.

All kinds of facilities are available and the layout is reasonable.

Rail transit is the biggest bright spot.The fully suspended magnetic flux train is driven by the simplest electromagnetic induction coil, which is safe and fast.

Of course, the elevators extending in all directions are also the highlight of the whole city.In the huge urban Rubik's Cube, high-speed elevators can not only move up and down, but also move forward, backward, left, and right to transport passengers to their destinations.Of course, this is also inspired by "Total Recall".

The screening and registration of refugees has been carried out in an orderly manner.

Refugees who are allowed to enter must first go through layers of dust removal and disinfection, and then be sprayed with a set of high-tech living clothes (a gift from a female waste picker to Wu Chen).Then refer to the various data tested in the ability test field, assign jobs, and go through a series of virtual reality skills training. After passing the test, you will get a house and a stable job in Rubik's Cube City.

Such as train drivers, building managers, city cleaners and even chefs, bodyguards and so on.As long as it is a post that maintains the operation of the city, the T160 provides a fairly complete solution.

Wu Chen's purpose is simple, he wants to create a city that can maintain its operation without relying on robots.

Anyway, if there are problems, we will improve it. In this way, we will renovate the city while accepting refugees. Unknowingly, the population of Rubik's Cube City has exceeded [-].

A population of 1 is already very impressive in the doomsday world of Matrix!

Of course, Wu Chen's robot army is responsible for the security of the entire city.The robot technology in this world is already very mature, and Wu Chen doesn't need to bring it in from the outside.This also saved him a lot of resources.

Of course, like all hacker strongholds, Wu Chen also let T160 establish a virtual reality network.Because he found that people in this era, especially those rescued from the mother's womb, have more or less 'Internet addiction'.Most people have mild Internet addiction, and of course there are very rare severe patients.

Connecting to the virtual reality network regularly every day has become a common way of leisure.

Wu Chen is trying to integrate some of the rules of the electronic world into the virtual network to see what magical chemical reactions will happen.

The focus of Clauria's recent research is the 'transport headset' from the world of King of Fighters.This small headset, after being activated, can teleport fighters into a specially opened different space, and then teleport back after deciding the winner.Judging from the flow of time (the close-up of the small water droplets that Huo Wu fell in the shower, the frame was finished and it has not yet landed), it is almost a snap of the fingers.In other words, the time flow of this space opened up with the help of the energy of the three Japanese artifacts is much faster than reality.

This is a different space as magical as the electronic world, and Claulia showed great interest.

Because in a sense, the space created by the three Japanese artifacts is an important source of Wu Chen's third maintenance ring.Claulia would love to crack her rules and pack all of Hong Kong in!

Yes, that's what she thought.

"Honey, you guessed it right." Ennayi said with a smile as soon as the technical nerd who climbed up from the bottom deck sat down after fooling around all night.

"What?" Wu Chen hadn't recovered from the immediate sense of sight of the pile of makeup.Sure enough, there is only a sheet between the lady and the ****?Alita, who was a prodigal genius a few days ago, has rapidly grown into an elite wow.

The bare-bottomed Arcie once joked that the eldest sister is so suffocated...

"The spies from the Dirty Dog Gang have come in, and are carefully exploring the coding rules of the defense system, and are gradually making a detour to the core code area." Ennayi offered a cup of tea.

Smelling the familiar fragrance of tea, Wu Chen shook his head vigorously, driving away the thoughts that filled his head.

"Have you broken through the outer firewall?" Wu Chen was slightly surprised.

"It's the T160 that released the water, but this hacker still has some strength." Seeing that Wu Chen returned to normal, Ennayi couldn't help but pursed her lips and smiled.

"Be careful when arranging surveillance, and don't startle the snake." Wu Chen is also planning to use him to find the lair of the entire Dirty Dog Gang and uproot them.

"I know." Ennayi nodded with a smile, showing Wu Chen the harvest during this period.

"Yesterday, the population of Rubik's Cube City exceeded 3, and more people are coming here along the pipeline." Ennayi then cut the screen to a pipeline in front of a checkpoint.

It was only then that Wu Chen discovered that many refugees who hadn't arrived in time had already turned the pipeline outside the checkpoint into a temporary shelter.All kinds of aircraft are piled up along the way.

"This is a huge safety hazard." The high-energy battery panels of the aircraft are simply powerful time bombs.

And there are so many piles!

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