The villain also has spring

Chapter 367 2.43 Brotherhood of the Black Hand

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To be able to wear a pair of pre-apocalyptic nano-spray stockings in the real world, it is obvious that Mrs. Silver Hands has a very high-level life interest and taste.

Of course, Wu Chen's clothing in the Green Zone also has this technique.It's just that no one can spray it so thin.

Bare legs and stockings are two different ways for women to live their lives.In a sense, Wu Chen prefers the latter.

So from the very beginning, Wu Chen had a good impression of this bandit leader.

After exchanging pleasantries, Wu Chen quickly got to the point.

Meikan Xiute thoughtfully moved a seat so that Wu Chen and Mrs. Yinshou sat opposite each other.Signaled the 'patient' to relax himself as much as possible, and slowly closed his eyes under his comfort.

Omega brainwaves continued to be released, and Wu Chen transformed his consciousness into an electron, which invaded the energy circuit in Mrs. Silver Hand's body.

According to Wu Chen's understanding, the human body is a complex energy circuit.Commands start in the brain, through neurons that connect and control the entire body.This is the 'control loop' of the human body.What drives the body is the "power circuit" with the heart as the core and connected by blood vessels.

Therefore, no matter which system has a problem, it must be a short circuit or an open circuit in a certain circuit.

As long as Wu Chen finds these interrupted circuits, he can know what is wrong with the patient's body.

The Mrs. Silver Hand in front of her has an 'artificial nerve bundle' that connects the cerebral cortex and the robotic prosthesis implanted under the scalp because of the robotic prosthetic.It was these artificial nerve bundles that went wrong.

The polymer composite structure of artificial nerve bundles resembles graphene.The sheets of the hexagonal honeycomb structure are closely connected, relying on the power supply of brain nerves to control the activities of the robotic prosthesis.

The high-energy battery that comes with the robotic prosthesis can obtain huge energy far beyond the limit of the human body without relying on the heart.In other words, the control circuit connected to the brain has obtained feedback from the machine prosthesis beyond the human body.

It sounds complicated, but it's actually very simple.Just like human brain waves cannot control MT deformation mechs.

Lady Silverhand does not have an engineered biological human brain to withstand the 'neurofeedback' of robotic prosthetics.

For example, if the human body is a 220V civilian circuit, the machine prosthetic with its own power supply is a 380V industrial circuit.The result of connecting machine prosthetics to civilian circuits can only be overloading and burning the entire circuit.And one of the most important functions of these artificial nerve bundles is to play the role of 'energy regulator'.

Amplifying the electrical signals from the human brain and attenuating the electrical signals coming back from the robotic prosthetic throughout the circuit connected to the robotic prosthetic.

Wu Chen discovered that these artificial nerve bundles had lost their function as energy regulators.Powerful electrical signals from robotic prosthetics are trying to destroy Mrs. Silverhand's human brain.

However, with the deepening of exploration, Wu Chen discovered that these powerful electrical signals seemed to have a clear purpose!The specific cranial nerves they are trying to destroy are the brain's defense mechanism!In other words, it was Lady Silverhand's mental firewall!

Virus invasion!

Unlike Dr. Onizuka's metal prosthetics, the robot technology of the Matrix is ​​quite mature.Moreover, it is a strong electromagnetic field environment where programs are everywhere.Even though Mrs. Silver Hand is usually cautious, there is still a problem with the program controlling the robotic prosthetic limb!

The program residing in the control chip of the robotic arm is not reconciled to controlling only one arm, but is moving towards a higher goal!

It is trying to break through Mrs. Silver Hand's mental defenses, invade the brain, and thus control the entire body!

The creations from the machine world corrode the soul of the host, this is the so-called rusty soul disease!

Of course, Mrs. Silverhand couldn't imagine that the culprit of all this was her mechanical prosthetic limb!

Before being discovered by the prosthetic program, Wu Chen's consciousness suddenly jumped out.

Mrs. Silver Hand, who was disconnected from Wu Chen, also opened her eyes suddenly.

Wu Chen subconsciously supported Mrs. Yinshou who was leaning forward, sighed and laughed: "I finally understand why the machine-engineered human must replace half of the biological brain."

"What's wrong with me?" Mrs. Silver Hands gently broke free from Wu Chen's arm and asked wearily.

"It's not your problem, but something wrong with your silver hand."

"My hand?" Madam's gaze subconsciously turned to her prosthetic limb, "It has always been very useful."

Wu Chen nodded: "The reason why it works well is because it is not an ordinary 'dead thing', but a living body with 'self-awareness'. Because it has considerable intelligence, it can understand every message you convey. The commands are understood and executed perfectly. Now, it is not satisfied with just being a hand, but wants to replace you and become the master of the whole body."

"How is it possible!" Wu Chen's words were too unbelievable.Not to mention a female bandit, even Mei Kanxiet has an unbelievable expression on her face!

"If you want to blame, blame this magical world. 'Programs' are like the infants of the machine world. God has endowed them with the same evolutionary ability and infinite possibilities as humans. The program in the mechanical prosthesis is no exception, it is also It is constantly evolving. Now, one arm can no longer accommodate the 'growth' it, so it began to try to expand its territory, wanting to get a new and bigger body."

Mrs. Silverhand finally understood: "So the program that controls my hand wants to control me?"


After a brief pause, Mrs. Silver Hand immediately made up her mind.



"Give me the laser pistol."


Is this playing self-harm?

Wu Chen sighed and interrupted the conversation between the two women.

"Ma'am, I have another way." Wu Chen said calmly, "I can perform a remodeling operation on you, but I need your cooperation."

"Please tell me, I believe in you, Seventh Son."

"I need you to go to my white swan." Wu Chen stared into her eyes and said.

After all, the airport is Chishou's territory, and Wu Chen, who has fully taken over the rights and interests of the Dirty Dog Gang, inevitably makes people suspect that he has colluded with Chishou.Wu Chen judges others by himself, and finds it difficult for the other party to accept.

However, Mrs. Silver Hand nodded without hesitation, "Let's go."

"Okay." Wu Chen gave her a high look immediately.

Be decisive and take risks.The woman in front of her can achieve today's achievements, absolutely not by her face.With this in mind, Wu Chen immediately restrained the naked desire in his eyes and became cautious enough.

Infected by Mrs. Silver Hand's resolute style, Wu Chen immediately set off and led a group of people back to the airport.

Perhaps it was because of the prompt decision that Chishou's intelligence system failed to function in time, and everyone safely entered the plane.When the white swan lifted the aft deck and turned into an airtight whole, Wu Chen's safety was sufficiently guaranteed.

Leaving her own tavern, Meicanxiet was in a state of extreme tension, but Mrs. Silver Hand was chatting with Sister Arcee calmly.

She is really not nervous.

Sure enough, she is a strong woman who has seen big storms.

The operation Wu Chen wanted to perform on her was actually very simple.Replaced her mechanical prosthetics with metal cells.

These metal cells with group will, strictly speaking, are a kind of living 'cellular organisms'.From the division of life, it is more inclined to the classification of human organisms.Just like no matter how strong the worker bee is, it will not rebel against the queen bee, so the metal cells will never rebel or erase the "human will" as the master brain.

Because what drives them is the 'sole master' of group will, the human brain.

These are two systems that are completely different from mechanical prosthetics.

Claulia, who had already done similar surgery for Wu Chen's agent Sophie Fatal, was very familiar with it.

"Ma'am, I will first inject 'concentrated cell fluid' into your robotic prosthesis, the Edman alloy in the cell fluid will assimilate the metals that make up the prosthetic limb, and generate a high-level nutrient solution that can nourish the metal cells, and the metal cells will multiply rapidly." , replace all your metal arms. The whole process is very safe and you will not experience any discomfort." Claulia smiled and took the needle.

"Thank you." Mrs. Silver Hand responded with a smile.

As if water was being poured into the metal arm, the special needle was easily inserted into the arm, and the Edman alloy liquid was slowly injected.

Lola's dual guns have also received similar enhancements, but that time only Adamantium alloy was injected into it, and this time, the metal cell fluid with Adamantium alloy as the culture medium was injected into it.

"I have a question." Mei Kanxiet, who seemed to understand but half understood, whispered in Wu Chen's ear: "How can you be sure that the metal cells will regard the will of the lady as the sole master, rather than the control program for choosing the prosthetic limb? "

"Because metal cells are cells. Cells are the unique life composition of organic life. The magical telepathy and the unique 'format' belonging to living bodies cannot be imitated by a blunt and boring program." Wu Chen replied softly .

With the continuous injection of metal cells, the mechanical arm changed rapidly.Some non-metal accessories were gradually pushed out of the arm, and the program that felt the crisis also launched a Jedi counterattack.

However, in all its ways of fighting back, it is insulated from the metal cells.At the moment when the control chip was eaten away by the metal cells, an electric arc jumped out of the mechanical arm and hit the white swan's bulkhead.

"Hmph!" Claulia smiled without surprise.

Faced with an invincible opponent, the program did not choose to perish with the host, but chose the most sensible escape!Or maybe the "self" T160 was purposely gathered to make the program feel like it could take advantage of it, so it resolutely abandoned the original body (mechanical prosthesis) and prepared to occupy a more powerful white swan!

However, when the Super Hydra slowly emerged from the firewall, the program's fate was doomed!

Nine bloody mouths brutally shredded this small program that hadn't yet formed, devouring it to the bone!

At the same time, the micro-current released by the metal cells has rushed into Mrs. Silver Hand's cerebral cortex along the artificial neurons, and successfully linked with her consciousness!

Claulia grabbed Mrs. Silverhand's trembling metal hand and said softly, "Close your eyes, feel them, understand them, and embrace them."

Recalling Claulia's advice in her heart, Mrs. Silver Hands slowly closed her eyes...

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