The villain also has spring

Chapter 369 2.44 Queen of the Starry Night

Thanks to Jeff1977, the account I hate to lose, the king of diving!!, Fangbei, and the monthly pass of the big tea bowl.

PS: Add more.Is there any more?


Judging from the experience of technical nerds in shelters, the main plot will definitely give rise to a large number of branch plots.Wu Chen actually entered the Matrix plot world with the purpose of saving Ennayi.However, with the deepening of the adventure, he came into contact with various plot characters and branch plots, and also got a better understanding of the doomsday world after the trilogy plot has ended.Compared with the main line seen in the movie, the profound world view has completely subverted his understanding of the Matrix and greatly expanded his vision.

At present, among all the known missions, there are two main threads: the 'true peace' received from Metrix 2.0, and the 'earth gene pool' triggered by himself.

And "The Black Hand Must Die" is obviously an important branch line under the "Earth Gene Pool".

Meikanxiut, no, it should be said that all the prostitutes are planning a complete subversion of the existing power system of the bandit black market.

They want to bloodbath the whole city!

Could a whore alone do it?


Because Ruanrou Township is a tomb of heroes!

But which bandit leader who is doing well doesn't have a few regular friends?If these beautiful snakes who are obsessed with death are not worth their lives, if they are ruthless, they don't want to kill anyone!A man with a sperm on his head is completely defenseless!

However, this kind of assassination of a specific target has a high success rate, but its impact on the entire battle situation is very limited.

The reason is very simple, when the prostitutes are on the bed, the bandits will not all be whoring!What if there are a large number of bandits who don't have sex with prostitutes?

And those who have real power, which one doesn't have a harem of a team!

No need to go out whoring wow!

This is also the reason why the Queen of the Night has not activated it for a long time.

There is no need to tell Wu Chen the crime behind the black hand.Wu Chen, who has experienced the baptism of various plot games, can make up his own brain every minute.Wu Chen didn't have any psychological burden to kill these people.What's more, if he wants to get in touch with the gene ball protected by layers of Brotherhood of the Black Hand, he must remove all obstacles.

It is simply delusional to try to convince these bandits who have never been to kindergarten and who don't know how to share Oreo's virginity, let Wu Chen get in close contact with the omnipotent Mrs. Magic Ball!

Leaving aside the dark psychology of using oneself to judge others, even if Wu Chen were to tell the truth to slander them in front of Mrs. Magic Ball, the consequences would not be borne by the bandits!

If Shimmer City is called the treasury of bandit dens, Lady Magic Ball is obviously the most shining pearl in the treasury!

Would you open up your treasure trove for a stranger to watch?

of course not!

no way! !

Do not! ! !

Therefore, Wu Chen knew from the very beginning that he had to change his method.That's why he brought Blink with him.

According to the original idea of ​​the technical house, first find out the specific coordinates of the gene ball, and then dive as close as possible, and then let Blink release the portal and step over it in one step.In this way, the battlefield can be compressed to the closest range to the gene ball.The odds of winning for Wu Chen and his elite team will be great enough.

But after listening to Mei Kanxiet's narration, Wu Chen found that he still thought of the bandits simply.These uneducated but experienced gangsters are extremely ferocious and full of wolfishness.Like protecting his eggs, he piled up the advanced weapons and equipment he had looted around the gene ball.

Among them is the deflecting gravity field weapon that can block the portal.

"How did the bandit get in by himself?" Wu Chen couldn't help asking.

"Six keys, one for each of the six hands of the Brotherhood of the Black Hand. Only when the six keys are gathered together can the passage to the gene ball be opened." Meicanxiet replied.

Well, if you want to advance the main storyline, you must collect six keys.

If you ask a bandit, will the bandit give it?

will not.

Therefore, Wu Chen's goal coincided with the girls' goals in an instant.You can only collect all 6 keys by engaging the remaining five black hands.

"Where have you been?" After confirming the target, Wu Chen immediately asked.

"We've been planning for a long time. In a few days, the annual Midsummer Night Carnival will be held. Bandits, big and small, will gather here. The celebration will last all night. Every year on this day, countless bandits die in wine vats and hotbeds. .”

Midsummer Night's Carnival was born out of the old Midsummer Festival.

Sweden, Finland and other Nordic countries are close to the North Pole and have a long winter. Most areas cannot see the sun for almost half a year.The area is at its sunniest time of year around Midsummer, the longest day of the year with little or no darkness.Therefore, on this day, people celebrate the day when light drives out darkness and all things strive for glory.The bonfire party is an important part of the festival.According to ancient tradition, the bonfire is lit by the newlyweds.People dressed in national costumes performed various traditional folk handicrafts, lit a raging bonfire, sang and danced to celebrate the Midsummer Night.

The Doom Bandits apparently took inspiration from the Vikings.At this time of year, there's a downright doomsday bash.

Like all carnivals, alcohol and prostitutes quickly break down the bandits' will to fight.Setting the time to do it at this moment, the Queen of the Night obviously thought it through.

"Are those prostitutes reliable?" This was what Wu Chen was most worried about.

"It depends on who it is. If it is a stinky man who spends money for pleasure, the prostitutes are 'stinky bastards' who only recognize money but not people. However, no matter how dirty the soul is, it also has its own sparkle. For a lady, a prostitute is the most loyal believer." Mecansiot not only uses 'master' but also 'believer'.

"It's like two sides of a coin." Wu Chen understood, and then asked again: "How will the black hand brothers solve it?"

"On the day of the Midsummer Night Carnival, the Brotherhood of the Black Hand will also gather together to discuss the distribution of benefits before the next carnival." Meikanxiet is very familiar with the festival.

"Mafia party?"

"That's right, my master." Because of the Queen of the Night, Mei Kanxiut already regarded Wu Chen as his master!

"Mecanxiet, according to my experience, the more opportunities that look like opportunities, the more often they are not opportunities. They are even fatal traps." Wu Chen responded with enough caution to this obvious flaw.

"Master, do you know how they treat our sisters?" Meikan Xiute's undisguised resentment could burn the whole world.

Wu Chen sighed, "I understand."

Wu Chen could imagine how cruel bandits would treat weak prostitutes.

Therefore, bloodbathing the entire Shimmer City is not only wishful thinking of the Queen of the Night, but also the ultimate dream of all whores!In order to protect this unattainable dream, the prostitutes will willingly give everything, even their scattered lives that have been raped!

Soon, Ennayi, who took good care of the new sister, also flew up.

Ennayi, who has experienced the test of life and death, has matured enough.As the hostess of the plane, she no longer shows off the body of the seraphim, which means that her small body already has a big enough heart.

Just like Iron Man no longer needs a power ring.

"Honey, Astria has fallen asleep, and all indicators are normal."

"Okay." Wu Chen responded with a smile.

In the world of Matrix, the appearance of machine creatures has no psychological burden at all.It's just that what Meikanxiute didn't expect was that Wu Chen actually had a little robot companion.

Of course, unlike the programmed robots she knew, the one hovering beside Wu Chen was a Transformer with fire.

Seeing that the hostess seemed to have something to say, Meikan Xiute said goodbye wisely, and returned to Chunli's cabin to guard the sleeping Astria.

"Honey, do you understand the current situation?"

"What's the situation?" Wu Chen looked puzzled.

"Your current identity."

"Identity? Player?" Wu Chen still failed to grasp the point.

"The lord player." Ennayi corrected: "A big player who owns a piece of the main world."

Wu Chen nodded: "You are talking about Hong Kong."

Ennayi smiled and shook her head: "Honey, what would I do without me?"

Wu Chen stretched his waist: "So, you are my god-given treasure."

"That's right." Ennayi smiled softly: "Under the framework of science fiction/near future, the rating of New Hong Kong belongs to: metropolis. And each metropolis can accommodate several satellite cities. For example New York, which also belongs to the metropolis, has nine satellite cities: Newark, Stanford, Norwalk, Stony Brook, Paterson, Edison, Poughkeepsie, Bridgeport, and East Brunswick. Of course, this is a division in the usual sense. As the plane lords of the magical sanctuary world, these satellite cities can be scattered in different story worlds."

"I understand." Wu Chen nodded happily: "Green zone?"

"That's right, the Green Zone, the Black Market, the Steel Fortress, the Eternal Graveyard, the Machine Order, and the ruins of the Red Sea!" Ennayi said with clear eyes.

"Wait!" Wu Chen was taken aback, "Honey, are you going to move the entire Matrix into it?"

"No way." Ennayi smiled softly: "Just like the integration of plots, in the world of the shelter, the plot worlds can also be connected with each other. But the only problem is the timeline. I want to combine different timelines It is completely impossible to pull them together. However, because our main world is located in the flurry of millennium world where the space-time loop is closed, it makes all this possible!"

Wu Chen nodded: "What use are these to us?"

"It's very useful!" Ennayi spoke quickly: "The satellite cities are the hematopoietic machines of the central city! Fresh blood is constantly being delivered! For example, in the Green Zone, in addition to various skilled workers and machine warriors, the biggest specialty is : "Super hacker"!And this shimmering black market, no matter whether it is flesh and blood or black market transactions, can provide a lot of surplus funds and entertainment points, and it is also an important source of news and information!As for the Steel Fortress and the Eternal Graveyard, needless to say, the specialty of the former is "Mechanical Giants", and the latter is "Machine Transformed Humans"!Of course, the most valuable are the five former saviors!My dear, hurry up and eat those three old women too! "

"..." Although I fully understand why Ennayi's eyes are shining, but the technical geek still doesn't want to fuck too much... Excuse me!

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