The villain also has spring

Chapter 392 2.55 Exploring Vault 13

Thank you TCZZ for the monthly pass.

Take a closer look at this chapter, although it is very brain-burning, it is also very interesting.

PS: It seems that only I can explain clearly the spirit, matter, body and soul.


"My dear, the ubiquitous strong electromagnetic field has turned these dead priests into existences similar to programmed people!" Ennayi quickly gave the result.

"You mean, these 'ghosts' that haven't disappeared are the spiritual force fields of the priests?"

"Yes, or a complete 'neural circuit'!"

Sure enough, what Wu Chen saw in each glowing human body was a criss-crossing human neural network composed of countless nodes!

This is the energy body of the neural network materialized in the strong electromagnetic environment!

It contains most of the human body and even the complete neural network!

And these energy bodies holding exorcism wands and shields are gathering towards Wu Chen purposefully!

"Don't do anything!" Seeing that the robot dog was opening its mouth wide, about to release an electromagnetic pulse missile, Wu Chen hastily stopped it.Because he possesses magical abilities, he doesn't feel the malice of the energy body.And the sharper Omega Brainwave Screen did not trigger an early warning!

Sure enough, these powerful energy bodies did not launch an attack, but surrounded Wu Chen one after another.As the eyes of the energy body gradually converged on a 'person', Wu Chen also saw this special energy body.

From her 'dress', Wu Chen quickly confirmed her identity.A dead former Archbishop of Aurora.

In the eyes of everyone, the Archbishop of Aurora leaned on his staff and walked slowly to the opposite of Wu Chen.

"The great spiritual power, why did you disturb our long sleep?"

I go!

The horrified look on Wu Chen's face was instantly understood by the Aurora Archbishop.Then he smiled and said, "You must be surprised to see or even hear us 'ghosts'."

"I really didn't expect that souls really exist." Wu Chen's whole body was refreshed.

"We are a 'spiritual force field covered by undissipated thoughts'. We who have dedicated our lives to the church have honed our strong will and spiritual power and strengthened our thinking in the confrontation with the devil. These powerful thoughts can transcend the shackles of time and space, wrap our nerves that are still discharging, and reshape our energetic body." Although Archbishop Aurora said it in a general and awkward manner, Wu Chen understood it 100%!

"You use your thinking to reshape a 'shell' with its own time axis, which is used to wrap the neural network all over the body, and prevent the energy from being released as much as possible, so that your spiritual force field can exist for a long time. And the power all over the body The strong electromagnetic field in the cabin is also 'recharging' you all the time. Therefore, although your human 'shell' has long since died and decayed, your 'energy body' can still exist for a long time."

"It can be understood in this way." Archbishop Aurora nodded happily.

Wu Chen glanced over the foggy faces, swallowed and said, "Then, can you tell me what's going on?"

"As you can see, the previous popes ended their lives in a cruel way. The reason is simple. They couldn't bear the powerful energy and strong will gathered by their beliefs, and lost themselves and became puppets of the entire church. and the mouthpiece of the collective will. Whenever this happens, the pope is 'sentenced'."

Nima, this really is an elephant pit!

No, according to the bandits, this is a proper whale pit!

No wonder the priestess smiled kindly when she heard that the Pope was going to be elected!

Wu Chen was cold all over: "Because it is the terminal of the entire brainwave network access, the Pope, who was connected by everyone with brainwaves, was wiped out of his own will by the entire church, and reduced to a puppet of the collective will?!"

That is to say, as the terminal of the entire brainwave network, the pope is under the powerful brainwave access of the priests all the time, and along with the brainwaves, what invades the brain is not only energy, but also brainwaves. The master's emotional portrayal, will fragments and various thought fragments!Once this kind of brain wave connection with the nature of hacking breaks through the Pope's defense, it will automatically have the 'write' permission!The chaotic will, thinking, and even fragments of a certain memory from the entire church, countless groups of priests, are all stuffed into the pope's head!If things go on like this, the poor pope will be bit by bit eaten away, emptied, and erased of all his memory and will, and become a puppet of the entire order controlled by the priests of the entire order!

Hammerfell leader!

Wu Chen came to his senses: "Zero, is the leader of Hammerfall... one of the previous popes?!"

"The answer is very close." Zero spoke!

Wu Chen nodded quickly: "The leader of Hammerfell is a digital code, and the pope is still the domain of human thinking. Let me think about it..."

Wu Chen's soliloquy did not affect the former Archbishop Aurora: "Excuse me, strong man, what exactly do you want to do?"

Hearing the sound, Wu Chen raised his head, and then came back to his senses, followed by a wry smile and spread his hands: "I'm here to get the Thunder suit. In fact, I might be the next pope."

The former Archbishop Aurora stared into Wu Chen's eyes with a serious expression: "This is a terrible job, are you sure you want to do it?"

After pondering for a long time, Wu Chen nodded slowly but firmly: "The main reason why you have not disappeared is actually that the will of the pope who formed a network with you has not disappeared." Wu Chen cast his eyes on the tragic deaths in the cabinet. The pope's mummy said calmly: "Actually, the spiritual force fields of the popes have already been 'magnetized' by the strong electromagnetic field covering the power cabin, and have become part of it."

"That's right, Vault 13 is our exclusive world." Archbishop Aurora smiled and revealed the answer: "From the moment you step out of the elevator, you have entered a magical world where matter and spirit are cohesive. "

"So, this is also a quantum world?" Wu Chen suddenly thought of Schrödinger's pickup method.Before being observed by Wu Chen, the energy bodies of these group priests had been in a so-called "probability cloud" state, and once observed, they collapsed into entities.

"You can understand it this way." Archbishop Aurora nodded slightly with complicated eyes.

"So, the real test is not to get back the Thunder suit?" Wu Chen had an expression that knew it would not be so simple.

"No, the real test is to retrieve the Lightning Triple Crown and the Thunder Striking Wand." Archbishop Aurora added: "The premise is that you find them first."

It's all clear now.

"It's no wonder that there is no so-called suit on the bodies of the previous popes. It turns out that it has become a 'probability cloud'."

The so-called probability cloud means that according to the calculation results of quantum mechanics, the electrons in the atom do not move along a certain orbit, but are discovered around the nucleus according to a certain probability. People vividly call this probability distribution "probability cloud". .

The most important basis for Wu Chen's previous guess that matter and spirit can be transformed into each other in the quantum world is the magical properties of quantum.

The so-called quantum refers to the smallest indivisible basic unit of matter.So in the quantum world, both matter and spirit exist in the smallest basic unit.Because, when Wu Chen quantized the hundreds of millions of cells that make up his body, his spirit was also quantized (spiritual field is also a kind of substance like the released brain waves).From the perspective of the smallest and most basic indivisible quantum, matter and spirit are the same matter (quantum) and are in the same state (quantum state).That's why Wu Chen said that in the quantum world, matter and spirit can be transformed into each other (please refer to 1.86 Celebration, Closing and Farewell).

So here comes the question, if there is no difference between the body as a spiritual container and the 'soul' wrapped in the body, then why doesn't our soul overflow?Conversely, why doesn't our body feed back the spirit?

The reason is simple: thinking and personality.

Personality is the spiritual dimension of a person.The purpose of her existence is to shape the 'soul'.So in the spiritual dimension guarded by the personality, she (the personality) successfully isolates the body and the soul.Even in the quantized world, the spirit and the body will not be confused (huh... this can be explained clearly, Nima, I am such a genius).

An object without a soul naturally has no so-called personality, and if there is no personality, it cannot be shaped by the personality.

For example, the Thunder suit that Wu Chen is looking for is a 'dead thing' that does not possess various powerful fields such as mental field, gravitational field, gravitational field, electromagnetic field, etc.After being quantized, their state of existence will become a probability cloud, or simply called a quantum cloud. (Please note: The so-called quantum cloud here is different from the purely physical quantum cloud. I assume that the cloud does not refer to the trajectory of a single electron, but refers to the entire object spreading into a quantized cloud.)

This is also the true meaning of Archbishop Aurora's phrase 'the premise is that you have to find them first'.It is also the core of the whole 'Pope's successor' trial.It tests not only the strength of mental strength, but also a strong personality that matches it.

In other words, the reason why the Triple Crown of Lightning and the Wand of Thunder Striking Down were not on the previous Pope's body was because they had become quantum clouds!Scattered in this quantized world in front of you!

And the reason why the 'souls' of these dead priests did not disperse into quantum clouds is obviously because they have a strong personality (spiritual dimension)!Bind yourself firmly to human form!

The reason why the entire power cabin can still maintain its original shape is even simpler. The largest energy field that can be shaped is the magnetic fluid-like generator that surrounds the entire cabin!Coupled with the huge mass of super-density alloys and the strong electrostatic attraction between internal metal ions, they are all important means to successfully resist quantum cloudification!

It is determined that the power cabin we are in is a small quantum world, and the problem is simple.

Under the gaze of countless groups of priests' souls, Wu Chen's left hand turned into a metal skeleton hand silently and naturally, tumbling with cold flames.

At the fingertips of the straight outstretched metal fingers, a group of enchanting flames are bursting into full bloom.The ashes floating out of the flames actually shone with the light of a mosaic!

That's right, Wu Chen is trying to introduce the rules of the electronic world into the power cabin in front of him!

Mosaic reorganization is the core rule of the electronic world, all programs and substances are piled up layer by layer in a mosaic way!However--

Wu Chen, who was instantly drawn by a warm and familiar throbbing, suddenly burst into tears.

Everything in front of him quickly flipped and reorganized in his hazy vision.Grainy mosaics, shining with light, flew out from an inconspicuous corner of the power cabin, and fell into a cloud of rolling mosaics entrenched in the midair.Soon, the entire cloud and mist turned into a mosaic that kept turning.

It's as if there are countless Rubik's Cubes randomly piled up together, and every ring visible to the naked eye on the Rubik's Cube is constantly changing up, down, left, and right!

Soon, the base of a crown full of the evil beauty of the machine was 'transformed' by the mosaic!

The expression of the former Aurora Archbishop's energy body is beyond the extreme of human beings-shock!

Waiting for the large mosaics that are constantly changing the light and shadow to form the outline of the thunder and light triple crown, the smaller mosaics begin to relay shape.In this way, the mosaic gets smaller and smaller, but the triple crown of Lei Guang becomes clearer and clearer!

When the mosaic was too small to be seen by the naked eye, and he could only feel their existence from the twinkling stars of the triple crown, Wu Chen's overly agitated heart finally calmed down.

"It turns out that this is my impurity..."

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