The villain also has spring

Chapter 395 2.57 Simple Test

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PS: It’s almost enough to add updates, everyone, come on~


But Sauron laughed and said, "This is a lift for robots, so you don't need to consider the feelings of the passengers!"

In other words, the people who were on duty here before were all machine workers.

The geothermal power plant is built in an underground crater, and long rotating elevators lead to the depths of the volcano.Although hundreds of years have passed, this subterranean volcano continues to release heat.And in the depths of the earth, there is indeed a hot little sun hidden.As Clauria said, the amount of energy humans use is just a drop in the ocean compared to the total amount naturally emitted by the Earth's core.

After an unknown amount of time, the rotating elevator finally slowed down and stopped slowly.

"Follow my footsteps, don't go wrong." Zoro pointed back to his eyes, signaling Wu Chen to keep a close eye on him.

"Okay." Stepping on the steps of the Hunter King, he walked through the empty underground hall and came to an alloy gate.After verifying his identity, Sauron led Wu Chen and others inside.

Compared with the few gene balls Wu Chen had seen before, this gene ball has been completely opened.Behind the alloy gate is a futuristic high-tech laboratory.It is also wrapped in a layer of energy membrane.Through the honeycomb-shaped energy membrane, Wu Chen saw a busy figure.

"Ma'am, the person you are looking for is here." Sauron said respectfully.

"Wait a minute." After entering the final data, the figure slowly turned around.

"Biochemical robot?" Blinking frowned slightly, but Wu Chen saw a different light from the perspective of the energy body.

The energy membrane quickly faded to the sides, revealing enough gaps to enter and exit.Sauron stopped Shining and the others from the gap, and signaled Wu Chen to go in alone.

After comforting his girlfriend, Wu Chen walked in alone.

Different from the various races I have seen before, the energy body of this biochemical robot in front of him is emitting golden light.Like the golden codes that make up the high-level programs in the matrix.

Sweeping Wu Chen's forehead with the laser light in both eyes, the biochemical robot nodded in satisfaction: "It is indeed my sisters."

"Let me introduce myself. I am a senior researcher at the International Bioethics Committee (IBC) of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO). You can call me... No. 3." When the biochemical robot said its name, it suddenly laughed at itself .

"You are the humanoid brain in Gene Ball No. 3." Wu Chen understood, "But aren't you all NGOs? The United Nations counts too?"

"That's right. Shortly after the battle started, the United Nations was disbanded and turned into a non-governmental organization. Because... the country has perished." The biochemical robot smiled with a complicated expression.

Wu Chen smiled wryly and shook his head: "The one who gave me the task was No. 9, and you were No. 3. How did you arrange them?"

"Disorder is the unique chaotic logical thinking of human beings. Doesn't it lead you to the right path?" The biochemical robot smiled.

"So, you found yourself a robot body." Wu Chen somewhat understood the 'chaotic logic'.

"That's right." The biochemical robot pointed to its left chest and head, "This is the biggest difference between humans and machines."

"So appearances don't matter." Wu Chen continued her words.

"That's right." The biochemical robot smiled: "We voluntarily gave up our human body to become the brain that guards the gene ball, and then I found myself a biochemical robot body, but no matter how it changes, I am still me in essence. "Worthy of being a senior expert of the International Bioethics Committee, with strong internal support.

"You opened the gene ball yourself?"

"That's right." The biochemical robot said with a smile: "Instead of waiting hard, it's better to do something for human beings." Saying that, the biochemical robot pouted at Sauron outside the membrane again, "He is one of my few One of the results."

"Sure enough." Wu Chen hurriedly asked: "The mechanical workers in the geothermal power plant were also eliminated by you."

"I mixed among them, observed them, studied them, until I inadvertently rescued Sauron who was severely injured by the machine city's defection program. You should be able to think of the rest."

Under her guidance, Sauron awakened humanity, and then led the defected ghost hunters to capture the geothermal power plant and transform it into a bounty hunter base for hundreds of years.

As the only 'extroverted' personality he has encountered, Wu Chen decided to dig out as much as possible the secrets they guarded.

"What will happen if I find enough gene balls?"

"No one knows." The biochemical robot shook its head lightly. "The core of the entire 'Prometheus' project is to save human civilization. As for the specific details, we have no way of knowing."

Wu Chen was not surprised.As an important project of unofficial international organizations, the 'Prometheus Project' must be another important record for restarting the earth.Facts have proved that the official war plan failed completely, and succeeded in bringing mankind to a desperate situation.

And as the record of the 'Prometheus Project', began to play light and heat.

The mythical Prometheus not only created humans and brought fire to humans, but also taught humans a lot of knowledge and opened up human civilization.

Use his name to name the entire human civilization restart plan, which shows the grandeur of this unofficial plan.It also shows that those who participated in the design of this plan are extremely confident in the results of the project.

But Wu Chen wondered, shouldn't the robots occupying the surface be considered?Yes, you have preserved the complete life system of the earth, but how do these biological systems thrive in the world occupied by robots?

Even the possibility of survival is extremely low!

Referring to the fact that robots have taken the trouble to replace all organic creatures with machine life, it is not difficult to see that they will not make this plan come true!

Wu Chen still decided to ask: "When this plan started, did you know that the earth would become what it is now?"

"We have anticipated the failure of the human government." The biochemical robot's expression was not unexpected.

"In other words, you know that robots will rule the earth, and all organic matter will be replaced by machine creatures?"


"Do you still have the confidence to realize this grand blueprint?"


"..." Wu Chen stared into the eyes of the biochemical robot for a long time, and finally he could only breathe out helplessly.

"Young man, you have to have confidence in us." The biochemical robot made a surprise move.

"Hehe..." Wu Chen was bleeding all over.

"I've heard about some of your deeds. How about, do you want to include this bounty hunter base?" The biochemical robot blinked.

"Eh?" Wu Chen was taken aback, obviously not following her train of thought.

"Referring to the next adventure, you need some powerful helpers." The biochemical robot said calmly.

"I also have a hunch." Wu Chen nodded solemnly.Only then did I find a few gene balls, all kinds of bandits, exorcists, and ghost hunters emerged one after another, and the missions were also to renovate various body positions, which made Wu Chen want to die... How could he overcome all obstacles to get to today, Wu Chen himself I can't figure it out. Wow!

"Very good." The biochemical robot nodded happily: "As you can see, the ghost hunters are all artificial humans, and they have no reproductive ability. So they were all born in the machine city. I have been trying to build this into an artificial human base. .Unfortunately, they all failed. As the modified body of the ghost hunter, the cyborg has undergone a very special process..."

"Special craftsmanship?" Is this a description of a human being?

"That's right. Every chef has his own 'secret recipe'. The secret recipe of the ghost hunter is in the hands of the machine city. In the past, this mysterious base for manufacturing ghost hunters was one of the core assets of the machine city. Numerous robot octopuses guard it heavily. However, with the collective escape of the ghost hunters, the ghost hunters and transformation bases judged to be "failures" have long been classified as "negative assets" by the machine city." The biochemical robot smiled and handed Wu Chen a memory stick.

"So, my task is to find this 'secret recipe'?" Wu Chen stretched out his hand to take it.

"That's right. There are detailed mission instructions inside." The biochemical robot added: "If you are unfortunately captured by the machine city, remember, we have never met, and of course this conversation does not exist at all."

Wu Chen immediately came to his senses, this is indeed something that only human beings can do!

The mission location is the machine city.According to the division of spheres of influence between humans and robots, the territory above the ground is the sacred and inviolable territory of robots, and Wu Chen's mission is equivalent to invading.

This matter can be big or small, and if the machine city persists, whether the peace agreement will be torn up or not, but a small-scale, high-intensity counterattack is certain.

That's why the biochemical robot said that he has nothing to do with this matter (does he have a wet system?).

Wu Chen, who has watched similar plots for countless times, nodded: "Understood."

The technical geek didn't ask to give himself a stamp. Before completing the important side task of retrieving the 'secret recipe', the biochemical robot would not update the main line.

It seems that Sauron also knows about Wu Chen's mission.Before leaving, he patted Wu Chen on the shoulder heavily as a sign of encouragement.

The white swan flew into the pipeline leading to the low-light black market, and T160 had already cracked the memory stick.

Various picture documents are quickly integrated.Soon, a holographic topographic map was slowly displayed in front of Wu Chen.

"Master, the ghost hunter's incubation base is not in the machine city, but hidden in a human battery farm far away from the city. She has marked the detailed path for us, and we can reach the farm's sewer through the underground pipeline. Although The hatching base has long been closed, but the farm is still running. It’s just that this strange pipeline is not marked on our current map, and no one knows what’s inside.”

Wu Chen saw that this unknown pipeline seemed to be closer to the edge of the green zone.Could it be that there is still a hidden pipeline connecting the machine city?

Thinking of the predecessor of the Green Zone, the infected zone occupied by Agent Jones, Wu Chen became more determined in his judgment.The programmer who escaped from the mother's body chose to settle in the green zone, it must be for this reason!

"Go back to the green zone first."

"Yes." The white swan spouted azure blue tail flames, and accelerated towards the depths of the pipeline...

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