The villain also has spring

Chapter 454 2.86 Queen of Midnight

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By the time Wu Chen hurried back to the castle, the matter had already been finished.

Although he knew that because of the millennium of the flurry, all the game characters who had fought with the card bitch may appear (Zero said that certain conditions must be met), but when he saw Morika with a lollipop in his mouth, he still felt the same. I was so excited that my hands were shaking!

Although the lord who is holding someone's small hand and asking for warmth is full of warm manly, but will Mao's crotch bulge?

However, Mo Lika, who was held by her little hand, was drooling at the lord...

However, however!

This was not what surprised Wu Chen the most.

The most surprising thing is that Ophelia actually used the dantian engine to seal Dimitri's super kill - the blessing of midnight!

storm son? !

Wu Chen almost spat old blood.

So the two people's information in "Demon Warrior" rolled into my mind together with the sperm...

Dimitri, born in Romania in 1483, this arrogant vampire once tried to challenge Belioglu (Morica's adoptive father), the master of the devil world, but lost.So he was exiled from the demon world to the human world together with his castle.Because of the serious injury and defeat, as a demon who is not suitable to act in the sun, it is almost certain that it will turn to ashes when it is exposed to the sun. Only on the night of the full moon can I go out to walk the dog.

So during the days when Dimitri was confining himself in the castle and recharging his energy, 2B brave men who thought there were treasures hidden in the castle kept attacking him in the light of day.The result is naturally either anti-**** or anti-transformation (blood servant).

When Dimitri regains around 80% of his strength, the aura surrounds his body so he can shield him from the sun.So, he came up with the idea of ​​counterattacking the Demon World and challenging Belioglu again.

But at this time, it was not King Belioglu who met him, but his daughter, Queen Morika.

When he performs various special moves, he will appear in his true demon form: a big black demon with bat wings.

Now, here comes the point——

His most famous nirvana "Midnight Bliss" (Midnight Bliss) is almost a pioneer in leading the trend of femaleizing male game characters!In layman's terms, this passage is sissy!

It is probably because he is picky eater and does not suck blood from men, so before he sucks blood, Dimitri will make his opponent—first, change, become, female, sex!

Even in other games he participated in, he never let go of any male characters!Every fighting game that has him messing around will specially cooperate with his midnight blessing to draw a female image for each fighting character (artist: shed tears silently)!

This guy is the real sex-turning madman!

If you don’t believe me, let’s count, there are too many fucking people!

Yagami, Rampage Iori, Kusanagi Kyo, Takashi, Ken, Goki, Dalsim, Vega, Dimitri (yes, himself!)...even the octopus alien from Metal Slug!

Of course, there are also us noble, glamorous, sexy, generous, with panties, black... female storm!

Wait, I said Ophelia... What on earth are you trying to seal the blessing of midnight? !

Let's talk about Morika.

Born in Scotland in 1678, the female incubus Morika is the adopted daughter of one of the three rulers of the Demon Realm, "Beriolu Aslant", and she is also the princess of the Demon Realm.

Although she is the heir to one of the nobles in the demon world, Morika has a negative attitude towards politics, and is only interested in finding exciting and fun things in the human world, full of hedonism.To sum it up, eat, eat, eat, play, eat, eat, play, and then loop endlessly.

When her father was so weak that only his shadow remained, Morika woke up and decided to start fighting to protect the family.

The target to be fought is, first of all, the noble son of the vampire, Dimitri Maximov, who was once defeated by his adoptive father and who was concentrating on accumulating energy to take revenge on his adoptive father.

It is said that any woman who has been bitten by Dimitri will fall in love with him, so he has a group of beautiful women (back) silk (palace) groups composed of a group of girls. (Usually what we can see in the game is 4 girls in capes, but I swear to God there are far more than these!)

It seems that because of this, Morika's attitude towards this person has always been firm, must, absolutely, and cannot be bitten by you!

Even if he turns into a stone statue after losing, he won't let Dimitri say anything!

Of course, these are corny original plots.

Now that the two of them appeared in Hong Kong together and invaded his castle together, it was obvious that the conflict between the two parties had not yet reached the point where it could not be resolved!

Moreover, although Dimitri can walk in the sun, he is still unable to resist the saturation attack of ultraviolet rays.This shows that his ability has not passed the 80% line!

Wait, why are we saying this (=.=).

And about Ophelia...

What exactly do you want to seal the blessing of midnight? !

Now that Morika and Dimitri have both appeared, that is to say...

Wu Chen immediately said into the microphone: "Search all non-player alien brainwaves, and mark the coordinates."

Soon, the Sark giant made a search list.

Wu Chen casually clicked on the first one with the highest degree of fit: "Hong Kong Ocean Park, a well-known director created a spooky haunted house..."

"Go, go to Ocean Park."

"Long live—" Cammy, who thought she was going shopping, waved her arms excitedly.

With Jamie, Jill, and the Angel Witch sisters, Wu Chen hurried to Ocean Park by public transportation.First, I bought a big marshmallow for Jamie, and bought a lot of beautiful and delicious handmade lollipops for Beunita. The group happily walked into Ocean Park.

Jiami is very new to everything, anyway, she has time, so Wu Chen let her play everything she wanted.

And Beunita is still a childlike innocence, she pulls Jill and follows.Only Joan of Arc stayed by Wu Chen's side every step of the way.

Strolling from morning to night, everyone finally saw the haunted house that was said to require a life and death certificate to enter.

"Sign or not?" Beunita smiled and winked.

"Sign." Wu Chen raised his eyebrows.

The ubiquitous giant Sak has long pointed out the direction for Wu Chen.And Wu Chen's brainwave scan did not detect any other abnormalities.

So, amidst bursts of coquettish laughter, Wu Chen arrived in an antique building full of Qing Dynasty style.The circuit that drives the scary props has been cut off by Wu Chen in advance, and everyone lined up to walk through the neatly arranged coffins. Wu Chen suddenly stopped and motioned for Beunita to open the two wooden coffins beside him.

Two girl zombies wearing ancient shrouds were lying quietly in the coffin, their bodies were blue.

Although there were no stickers on their faces, Wu Chen was able to confirm their identities immediately.

Lei-Lei, with her sister Lin-Lin.

Lei Lei, born in China in 1730, is 155cm tall and weighs 43kg. It first appeared in "Demon Warrior", and later appeared in "Manga Heroes VS Capcom" and other works one after another.

Their mother is a famous demon extermination master, who sacrificed her life after successfully sealing the demon king.Later, Lei Lei turned herself into a zombie through a special spell, so that she could talk to her mother's soul, and at the same time gain powerful power to continue her mother's mission of killing demons.Her elder sister, Linlin, attached her soul to a magic talisman. She usually acts in a human form. When Lei Lei fights, she turns into a magic talisman to restrain her sister and prevent her from losing control due to her demon nature.This pair of sisters is a heroic existence in "Demon Warrior".Each version of the customs clearance plot is: after they fulfilled their mother's wish, they were guided by their mother who had become a fairy, and they were reincarnated to ordinary people to live a happy life.

"Is it them?" Jamie poked Leilei's stiff face curiously.

"Well, it's them." Wu Chen's brain waves have sensed their unique existence.

"Take it back?" Bayonetta was not sure.

"No, we're just here to take a look." Wu Chen narrowed his eyes slightly, and then the eyelids of the two zombie girls blinked.But it still didn't open.

"What are they here for?" Wu Chen couldn't help thinking when he signaled Jiami to close the coffin lid again, and returned back the way he came.

"Fighting characters are of course because of fighting." Jamie blurted out.

"I see!" Wu Chen nodded happily.

After returning to the castle, Wu Chen contacted Zero immediately.

"Zero, I want to hold a Smash Bros. game similar to "Ultimate Comic Heroes VS Capcom", "Street Fighter X Tekken", "SNKVSCAPCOM", etc. And maximize the impact of the game, what are you doing? idea?"

"This is very simple. You are a big player at the lord level now, and you can use too many resources. For example, you can follow the example of 'collect all the dragon balls and realize a wish'. As long as the reward is enough to attract attention, the influence will naturally be maximized." Ah." Zero gave him an idea.

"Can this pass you?" Wu Chen asked.

"It's very expensive." Zero seemed interested too.

"We're not short of money." Wu Chen patted his chest.

"I sent you the "Contest Application Form". You have played the competition mode before, so you should be familiar with it. "Zero said.

Wu Chen immediately thought of the killing tournament.That's player organized too, and open to all open worlds and everyone!

"So, the Killing Championship was also established through your application?"


It's all clear now.

When they got back to the castle, Ennayi had already sent the form to the database of the Sark giant.

The form is fairly simple.

Competition name, competition rules, competition awards, competition reference, competition size and competition insurance.

So, after an in-depth discussion, the form was sent to Zero.

"The World's No. [-] Martial Arts Association":

Organized by Lord Wu Chen, while the best player in the world is selected, the champion can also receive generous rewards.

According to the attributes of the fighters, the challenge is held in any open-air square, and there are eight seed players preset, and only those who beat the seed players are eligible to enter the knockout round.The knockout round adopts the lottery mode, and two teams will play against each other until the champion is determined.Falling off the field, admitting defeat or being knocked down are all failures. You must not kill your opponent during the game or you will be disqualified from the game.Injured contestants will be carried on a stretcher to a hospital designated by the Budokai for treatment.It is allowed to use simple appliances approved by the General Assembly and support groups and cheerleaders with less than 12 people.

The competition mode refers to Street Fighter: World Fighter.

It is held once a year and all insurance is purchased.

Each champion can make a request to the lord, and the lord will try his best to help him realize it.If it is impossible to achieve it, or it violates the lord's personal principles and cannot be realized, the lord will make up for it with 1000 purple city elite points!

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