The villain also has spring

Chapter 899 5.9 Hand Pickable Stars

Thanks to the Auxiliary Army Corps, Nanguo Young Master, Hong Kong Man Fans, Silver Husky's monthly pass, and Ben Ben Xiaohui for their rewards.

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Divination with the help of the ten toenails of the Ice Goddess.The nine-headed ghost car seems very imaginative.

"Where is it?" Wu Chen remembered that the ghost car's lair seemed to be on the Arctic Cabinet Mountain.Of course, this is recorded in the Great Wilderness Sutra.Switching to Qinzhongjie should have corresponding changes.

"The highest peak among the [-] mountains surrounding the Longchi Snowfield is the Star Picking Building on the north top." The big-horned deer blurted out.

"The Tower of Stars on the North Peak?" The ancient sentence is completely drizzle to Wu Chen (Bei Gongqiu: ...).

"That's right. The North Peak is known as the Wall of Desperation. It is covered with solid ice, as smooth as a mirror. From the bottom up, you can chop it with knives and axes. In addition, the whole mountain is shrouded in the eye of a terrifying polar storm. Traveling through." The big horned deer sighed: "Even if you put on a shikigami, it will consume a lot of spiritual power. Forcibly traveling through, the combat effectiveness will definitely be greatly reduced."

"A polar storm."

"That's right, if you want to reach the Star Picking Tower on the north top, you must break the samadhi demon wind."

"Samadhi Demonic Wind..." Wu Chen's heart moved, "Fixed Wind Orb?"

"It's the Wind Bead."

Dingfengzhu is also called Dingfengdan.Wind is the essence of water.Soil can overcome water.So to put it bluntly, Dingfeng Pill is an earth genus elixir.Dingfeng is just one of the most basic applications of the Five Elements.

Like all elixirs, Dingfengzhu can also be taken.

About the "medicine" in the Qijue of alchemy.It sounds simple, isn't it just taking drugs?actually not.Just like the Tianyi Shenshui in the Shenshui Palace, the poisoned person bursts and dies.In the final analysis, his own skill is not enough to refine the divine water and collect it for his own use.

Therefore, not everyone can take pills.

The more advanced the elixir, the higher the requirements for the user.I thought that Pohou would eat Laojun's elixir as beans, but he is the Monkey King... Try another person?

Long ago, his vitality was swollen, and he exploded and died.

The story of some useless material practicing peerless martial arts by taking medicine violently must not be imitated (author, you are thinking too much! Do you know if you don’t have a brain?!).

It's three-point poison (you really still have to keep rushing...).

If you think about it, you will understand. There are strict measures for taking medicine when you are sick. If you switch to a more powerful pill, you can eat it in unlimited quantities?

Well, it will really explode!

And the "medicine technique" in the Qijue of alchemy is to prevent the medicine from being too effective, hurting one's vitality, and even exploding one's body to death.

As for how the medicine technique is done, I won’t show it for the time being, let’s talk about it when I have a chance (to be honest, didn’t you think about it...).

To refine a Dingfeng Pill, the materials needed must be very advanced.However, Wu Chen didn't need to bother.

Because, he has actually refined one.

That's right, it was the golden pill that was refined in the demon refining furnace earlier.It happened to be soil.In other words, as long as it is treated a little, it will be a very good Dingfeng Pill!

Seeing Wu Chen holding the golden pill in his hand, he looked at himself with a half-smile.The big-horned deer circled obediently and began to swim back and forth in the square in front of the temple...

Wu Chen had already thought of it before, since the encounter with the big horned deer, the goddess of ice and snow was secretly guiding the series of events.For example, the big horned deer took him to find the monster beast.Thinking about it now, the reason why he brought himself to the cave of the fire-scale python was not only because the fire-scale python happened to be a fire-type monster.It's because there is a secret barrel of a senior demon hunter left behind in its snake cave!And this secret barrel can go straight to the cave of the demon hunter!

So the suggestion to specifically ask Wu Chen to go back and search for the Firescale Python Cave made perfect sense.

The reason why the Ice and Snow Goddess did this was because she wanted Wu Chen to inherit the legacy of his predecessor, the demon hunter...

The old Orion once said that the goddess of ice and snow is the protector of all hunters.

Could it be...

"Dajiao, are all demon hunters believers of the goddess?" Wu Chen simply asked.

"The most loyal believer." Now that Wu Chen has already guessed, there is no need for the big horned deer to continue to hide: "The demon hunter is the top hunter. It is also the ultimate job that all hunters yearn for. Ordinary hunters hunt wild beasts, advanced Hunters hunt monsters and beasts, and ultimate hunters hunt demons and goblins. The Universe Transformation Realm is captured by the goddess out of thin air with divine power, and is exclusive to demon hunters."

This shit... isn't it the hunter's dreamland! ?Didn’t you know that Lao Tzu passed the level of “Bloodborne Curse” in the seventh week?

Wait, if that's the case, isn't the Ice and Snow Goddess just...

"Dajiao, have you ever heard of a third umbilical cord?" Wu Chen asked seriously.

"No..." The big horned deer answered honestly.

It all makes sense now.

When Wu Chen traveled through time and space and came to Qinzhongjie, it was the goddess of ice and snow who first got in touch with T160.Under her guidance, T160 had an insight into the world rules of Qinzhongjie, and then changed Wu Chen's grooming outfit into what it is now.

That's right, this is Wu Chen's complete experience.

Even the teleportation point is in Longchi Snowfield, which is the common choice of Goddess and T160.

Otherwise, the realm in Qinzhong is so big, how could Wu Chen land here lightly?

Judging from the current situation, the Ice and Snow Goddess has not shown the slightest evil tentacles.And judging from the fact that she guards hunters and kills demons and ghosts, she should be a positive goddess.However, her identity as an ancient god made Wu Chen quite afraid.In other words, the moon god who created the hunter's dream in the blood curse is also an ancient god...

"Master, as long as we embed the Wind-fixing Orb on the staff, we can pass through the eye of the polar storm safely." The big-horned deer didn't see Wu Chen's complicated inner activities, and suggested happily.It really feels good to not have to carry these secrets.

"Understood." Wu Chen had no other choice, anyway, be cautious, take one step at a time.

Now that he knew so much background information, Wu Chen simply explained the fact that his shoulder armor could not be inlaid: "Dajiao, does the goddess know why my shoulder armor cannot be inlaid with inner alchemy like the Demon Slayer Knife?"

"On this point, the goddess is not clear." The big horned deer and the goddess discussed this issue.

"Understood." Wu Chen sighed.Still clueless.

Having stored enough food, furs, and firewood for the winter, Wu Chen was ready to set off for the Star Picking Tower on the North Peak.

Since shikigami soldiers are called "divine soldiers", they can change just like the Great Sage's Ruyi Golden Cudgel.

As a result, the two shikigami are connected to each other and jointly transformed into a two-body mechanism spaceship.

There are many ballistas on the deck, and the living deck is located in the poop at the stern. The cabins are beautifully decorated and fully functional.There is also a garage for two blimps and a lounge area for dining and lounging.Wu Chen was also surprised to find that the interior structure of the comfortable and gorgeous captain's cabin was the carriage for the hunting pry that Zhuge Qingyou spared no expense to build for him!

In other words, the shikigami who can perform three-stage changes has not forgotten the previous two-stage changes!

The catamaran has two figureheads.On the left is the transformed snake, and on the right is the nine infants.They are all human-headed and snake-body, full of wild beauty from ancient times.

Wu Chen held the magic staff embedded with the Dingfeng Pill in his hand, signaling to the two shikigami who controlled the catamaran spaceship with their primordial spirits to ascend to the top of the temple and speed up to the north peak.

This fixed wind bead is really miraculous.

Although the wind was howling along the way, the ice and snow were flying, but the mechanical ship seemed to be sailing briskly on the smooth sea like a mirror.The purpose of transforming into a catamaran is to keep it stable.Coupled with the escort of Dingfengzhu, the spaceship rides the wind and waves, as if entering an uninhabited land.

I remember that Mrs. Rose told him that there are two directions to the strings: the tail and the head.At the "Zhenchi" on the head of the piano, there are eyes of seven strings.Because Longchi is surrounded by mountains on three sides, if you want to go to Zhenchi, you need to climb over many icebergs, the storm will block out the sun, and the road is dangerous, which cannot be done by humans.Therefore, the only way is to go to Yanzu.However, now that there is a treasure ship of magic weapons, and this magical wind-fixing bead, I'm still afraid of the danger of a bird!Ping trip ah!

If everything goes as Wu Chen expected, it would be a good choice to fly over the mountains and go directly to the Eye of the Seven Strings on the head of the piano.

Because by doing so, he successfully avoided the siege and interception of Han Baili, the lord of Songwu City.

Needless to say, Wu Chen was really tempted.

So he rushed to the big-horned deer lying on the side, chewing the grass comfortably and asked: "Dajiao, if you don't go to Yanzhu Mountain, if you fly to the eye of the piano head, will it be easier to catch people off guard? "

"Master, no one can say for sure how many monsters and ghosts are hidden in these [-] mountains. On the contrary, the road to Yanzhu Mountain is Yimapingchuan. Besides, among the mountains, there is a flaming mountain that runs from east to west. Legend has it that this mountain leads directly to the Nine Mountains. The deep abyss is full of magic light all day long, filled with sulfur, and it is difficult for vehicles and boats to travel, and birds cannot cross. It is better to cross the wilderness, and it is safer to go to Yanzhu Mountain." The big horned deer revealed another secret.

"The Flame Mountain that leads directly to Jiuyou?" Wu Chen seemed to have thought of something.It's a pity that it was fleeting and I can't remember it anymore.

"Master, Wuduo Mountain is ahead." Murong Yan walked down from the cockpit.Wuduo Mountain is a large mountain range that stretches for thousands of miles.Like five connected clouds.The North Peak is located in the center of Wuduo Mountain. From a distance, you can only see the cliffs and ice walls that are level with Wuduo Mountain. The part that is higher than the mountain range is shrouded in terrible polar storms.

A hurricane can be seen as a blade storm formed by countless sharp ice blades.

Not only is it bone-piercing and extremely cold, but it also has terrifying damage.

If you rush in rashly, the ship will inevitably be destroyed.Wu Chen, who didn't dare to be too big, raised his staff and walked to the front deck.Feeling the pressure of the storm, the wind-fixing beads inlaid on the head of the staff gradually released a dark yellow light.The light shines brighter in the confrontation with the storm.First, there were ripples that fluctuated layer by layer, and then turned into swaying waves, falling from Wu Chen's head to the surroundings like a fountain.In the blink of an eye, the entire catamaran is wrapped.

The terrifying wind wall formed by countless sharp ice blades was completely defeated in the confrontation with Dingfengzhu.The hull wrapped by light waves easily melts through.

The catamaran spaceship slowly entered from the cavity melted by the Wind-fixing Orb.The ice blades three feet away from the stern quickly recharged, filling the hole.However, under the protection of Dingfengzhu, no matter how frantically the dense ice blades cut, they all melted and disintegrated in the collision with the black-yellow light curtain.

The catamaran successfully passed through the wall of the hurricane and entered the eye of the storm.

Feeling the ebb of the hurricane, the Dingfeng Pearl slowly extinguished its divine light.Wu Chen looked up, and saw an irregular mountain peak, like a super huge ice edge, piercing the sky.Majestic and majestic.

The surface of the mountain is covered with a thick layer of ice.This layer of solid ice was tempered by the hurricane, and became smooth as a mirror, with sharp edges and corners.Polished all the time, after countless years, the thick ice was honed into purer ice crystals.

Ice crystals are solid crystals like crystals.Even in the sun, it will not melt.It can be used as ore to make various weapons, and it can also be polished into various accessories as gemstones.

"Master, look quickly." Murong Xun excitedly pointed to the top of the mountain.

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