The villain also has spring

Chapter 931 5.25 Ancient ancestors, hidden in the prehistoric

Thanks to Hatchet Eight Stalks, Envy Xu Xian for being a Snake, Hanyue Canglang's monthly ticket, and half a lazy man, Benzene Xiaohui, Envy Xu Xian for being a Snake.


However, what Wu Chen doesn't understand is, what is the purpose of abstinence?

So he asked again: "Shopkeeper, I still have one thing I don't know."

"Please say."

"Since the Holy Mother of Yushan can cure diseases, and you followed her to settle in Yushan, have you ever recovered from your illness?"

"Of course." The middle-aged man touched his cheek subconsciously: "Look at me, do you have symptoms of half demonization?"

"Thus, if you forbid the desire to talk, the demonization disease will not recur." Wu Chen understood.Just like the "taboo food" in Chinese medicine, although some diseases are cured, if they eat certain foods, they will relapse.That's why there is a taboo to say.

"It's natural." The middle-aged man nodded solemnly.Looking at his expression, he thought of his poor sister again.

Wu Chen asked some more things related to Cliff City, and the middle-aged man answered them one by one.

After a conversation, everything that should be understood has been clearly understood.If you don't understand, you can only wait for the answer later.Anyway, the time flow in Cliff City is very slow, Wu Chen has plenty of time.

The guests gradually came to the door, and the middle-aged man took his leave and left.Wu Chen was left to drink by himself.

Soon, Wu Chen drank all of Tao Ge's wine by himself.This degree of wine is similar to red wine.Drinking too much can also be intoxicating.Wu Chen seemed to be sitting alone, but in fact he had been communicating rapidly with the four shikigami in the cave.By piecing together the received information, the outline of the whole incident gradually became clear.

Regarding the original intention of the Holy Mother of Yushan to do this, Wu Chen felt that curing diseases was the first, and gaining believers was the second.As for which is more important, it depends on what angle you stand at.From the perspective of the ancestors, saving lives is of course the most important thing.From the perspective of the Virgin Mary, faith should be more important.

The ancestors and the Holy Mother, each took what they needed.There is no right or wrong, or good and evil.

Wu Chen felt that the ancestors and today's humans should be different.Because they are stronger.Compared with humans, how to put it, it is like the difference between magicians and Muggles.Or the difference between ancient martial arts masters and ordinary people.Wu Chen used to read ancient books and often used this word to describe someone's bravery: raw (hand), tear (tear), tiger (ghost), leopard (zi).

Thinking about it now, the ancestors could really do it!

Wu Chen felt that the reason why the ancient ancestors were so powerful should be the era in which the ancestors lived, with abundant spiritual energy and alien beasts.

The peripheral nerves of the Father God are like radiation after a nuclear war, all over the place (Pangu: I don’t need money for my brain nerves?).If you are not careful, you will be "infected" by the peripheral nerves of the Father God, and even directly attached to your body.That's right, these peripheral nerves from the Father God are what later generations call: ancient magic talismans.

Because of the different shapes, in order to facilitate the distinction and memory, the ancestors engraved the ancient talismans on animal bones and bronzes.It became the inscription seen by later generations.The reason why these ancient and mysterious patterns have lost their due magical effect is because just like radiation has a half-life, the peripheral nerves of the Father God are also gradually diluted and worn out over a long period of time.So the power is not there.The talisman has naturally become a symbol and mark with only symbolic meaning.

Of course, this is all Wu Chen's imagination (that's how world-class).

It is impossible to test whether the truth of the matter is like this.

As mentioned earlier, divinity is divided into humanity and animality.Whether it is Nuwa's deliberate division or natural division, in the final analysis, both human and animal nature come from Pangu.Therefore, the integration between them becomes possible.This is the original reason why people will be infected with demonization disease after eating monster meat.

Wu Chen was the only one in the entire cave who could drink from Tao Ge.The rest of the drinkers share a pottery hé (hé), and after warming up, drink in small sips.After all, they can only drink three bowls a day.

Anyway, the people who come here only drink and don't eat.These people don't care whether the hostess is there or not.No one noticed the lack of a hostess (would I think about those sex things?).After Wu Chen finished drinking, he greeted the boss and quietly left the cave.Ready to go shopping in Cliff City.

The whole city was built around the ring-shaped mountain in the crater, and the walls were cut.

There is a spacious circular stone road with living caves on both sides.Doors, windows and corridors were also opened at intervals to let through the light of magma and flames.If he hadn't known in advance that this is a city of abstinence, Wu Chen would have been confused by the peaceful atmosphere.

The ancestors were generally powerful and had many beautiful tattoos on their bodies.Obviously, these tattoos and future tattoos are completely different concepts.Because Wu Chen already felt the terrifying energy from the tattoo.

These are the ancient engravings spread out from the ancient spirit talismans.The engraving is composed of arcane circuits, representing a terrifying divine power from the father god Pangu.

The combat power of these people is very impressive.

If you can recruit...

Is there some jumper?Shaking his head, he drove away the divergent thoughts.Looking up, I saw a towering stone sculpture of a woman.I found the plaque of "Lairen Cave" from the grotto behind the stone sculpture, and then I stretched my head to look at it, and it seemed to be a clothing store.

The stone wall facing the entrance of the cave is carved with a statue of a goddess.The shape of the entire cliff statue is like a solemn and solemn shrine.

In this era, sericulture has not yet appeared.The ancestors wore mostly sackcloth.There are also people in fur hunting suits like Wu Chen, most of whom belong to the category of vulgar barbarians (Wu Chen: ...).Unlike the ramie in Wu Chen's impression, the stone walls on both sides of the cave are covered with vines.Judging from the vines soaked in a pool of clear water in the hall, the material for weaving the linen is these green-black vines glowing with fire.

"Make clothes?" The voice came from behind.Wu Chen turned his head when he heard the sound, and saw a beautiful young girl sticking her head out from the window sill made by chiseling the wall.The crater was just outside the window, what was she doing climbing out?

"Well, make clothes." Wu Chen hurried forward, trying to give her a hand, but the girl flew up, grabbed a vine and jumped into the cave.

Wu Chen stretched his head to look.No wonder, vines grow on the inner wall of the crater.Layers of plates are covered with volcanic rock walls, densely packed and endless.There are only a few vines that creep into the cave hall from the corridors and windows.

"You're new here, right?" The girl put down the basket, took a hemp rope from her waist, and gave Wu Chen a measure.

"En." Wu Chen nodded, and stretched out his arms according to the girl's request. "What are these vines called?"

"Stone Fire Vine."

"Where does it lead?" Wu Chen asked with a seemingly casual smile.

"To..." The girl subconsciously shut up, "Why should I tell you?"

Wu Chen lowered his voice and said, "Is it leading to the next floor?"

The girl hurriedly reached out to cover his mouth.After a long time, after confirming that no one was passing by the door, the girl rolled her eyes, and then stared at Wu Chen again: "How do you know?"

"I smell meat." Wu Chen gently stretched out his hand, wiping away the oil stains from the corner of the girl's mouth. "Although I heard that the crater is fortified layer by layer and cannot communicate with each other, there must be some secret passages to go to the next layer, right? Because the next layer can't help your appetite, so you can eat and drink before coming back. "

"..." The girl's constantly changing expressions were obviously guessed by Wu Chen.

"Okay, okay, tell me, what do you want to do?"

Wu Chen smiled and said, "How can I go to the next floor?"

"Actually, I can't go to the next floor." The girl said honestly: "The stone fire vine can only hang down to the border of the second floor. However, there is too much food on the second floor, and those people just throw it away if they can't finish it." .Throw it into a volcano. Some of the food just happens to get tangled in the vines and I pick it up and eat it."

"Huh?" Wu Chen was stunned: "If that's the case, why didn't you demonize?" If the Cliff City on the first floor prohibits appetite, she ate the food on the second floor on the first floor, why didn't she Demonized?

"Food." Wu Chen came to his senses.

The disease of demonization is due to eating the meat of ancient monsters.For example, the Kui beef that Wu Chen ate.However, if it is not the meat of ancient monsters, it will not be poisonous if eaten!Wait, in that case, why should these ancestors be imprisoned layer by layer?

If the ancestors of the first floor go to the second floor, don't they need to abstinence?

There were thousands of thoughts, and a sudden flash of inspiration.

"Collect!" Wu Chen blurted out.

"The master is saying that this ghost mother of Yushan used layers of confinement methods to collect greed?" Murong Yan also understood.

"Exactly." Wu Chen thought more and more clearly: "Each imprisoned city is actually a container. Or simply called a pocket. When the greed that can't be dispelled accumulates in the pocket, it accumulates to a certain extent. , the ghost mother will devour all these greeds! And when her own body’s container can’t hold it, she will use the method of giving birth to expel the greed from her body!”

"So, it's the ghost mother herself who is greedy." Chu Qiushen sighed, "I really thought she was a holy mother who saves people from danger."

"How can I go to the next floor?" Wu Chen asked suddenly.

The girl who was busy re-measuring him shook her head: "No one knows. Maybe the person who sent you here knows."

"Ghost!" Wu Chen suddenly came to his senses.How to forget it.In other words, this guy will appear in the crater, it seems to be to lead people in!And the original intention of the ghost is not to be eaten by the tiger, but to become the servant of the tiger, and to lure others to be eaten by the tiger!

Attract people into the tiger's mouth.

Isn't this crater also a dangerous 'hukou'?

"When he led me down, he was eaten by a flying tiger." Wu Chen said gesturing.

"Flying Tiger?" The girl obviously knew: "The divine beast that guards Cliff City. Its name is Qiongqi."


One of the four murderers!

According to the "Shan Hai Jing", Qiong Qi looks like a tiger, is as big as a cow, has two wings on his back, likes to eat people, and will start eating people's heads, an ancient beast!

There are also records in ancient books that she has snow-white hair and two pale golden dragon horns on her forehead.It is said that when Qiongqi sees people fighting, he will eat the upright and reasonable side; when he hears that someone is honest and honest, he will bite that person's nose off;

Evil is everywhere.

A full-fledged ancient beast!

The guard of Cliff City turned out to be Qiongqi, one of the four murderers!

Needless to say, according to past experience, only by killing this beast can Wu Chen pass to the next level.Otherwise, he will be swallowed alive by Qiongqi like a ghost!And still eat it from scratch!

"How can I meet Qiongqi?" Wu Chen asked again.

"..." The girl raised her head in surprise: "Everyone can't avoid it, but you want to see it?"

"Yes, I want to meet it." Wu Chen smiled harmlessly.

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