The villain also has spring

Chapter 933 5.26 To be a tiger's minion

As the saying goes, life has its own antidote, and ten steps must have fragrant herbs.

The human affairs in the world are just like tofu in brine, one thing drops one thing.

Don't you see, the antidote Broken Heart Grass was actually born beside Qinghua.The stone fire vine growing in the belly of the volcano may be able to help Wu Chen.Maybe (=.=).

The so-called guardian spirit talisman is a secret circuit formed by a small segment of Pangu's peripheral nerves discharging 'electricity' by itself.The hemp clothes woven vertically and horizontally have a very high affinity for the five elements, and can absorb spiritual energy from nature, and have a certain automatic charging effect.

What Xiling brocade has to do is to make this automatic charging effect as possible as possible.

The essence of the 'talisman' is actually a small but powerful energy shield.

The core of energy is the peripheral nerve of God the Father.Because it comes from the God of Creation, the 'brain waves' released by this small piece of divine peripheral nerve have properties beyond four dimensions.Therefore, those who are blessed by the 'talisman' are surrounded by a spiritual force field from the Father God.It is equivalent to opening a hyperspace shield.

Speaking of which, the image of the ancient talisman has finally become fuller (the world-class imagination is going to be rough again, here it comes).

First, it is an energy source.The nerve endings from the father god are a kind of divine energy that is much more powerful than 'all energy sources known to mankind'.Although the size looks small, it is a high-dimensional creation beyond four dimensions.It's as if the entire Milky Way can be shrunk down into a pendant that can be worn around a cat's neck.The energy of this small piece of peripheral nerve is unimaginable.

Secondly, because it is an energy source, this piece of peripheral nerve will continuously release energy outward.If a suitable medium is encountered, these external energies will form a complete loop.That is, a complete process of 'release from the peripheral nerve, conduction through the medium, and finally return to the peripheral nerve'.This energy transmission line is called the secret circuit.And the 'circuit diagram' or simply 'pattern' formed in the whole process is the "secret engraving".

Arcane engravings are generally circular (actually spherical).Echoing the Liuren style plate, it embodies the profound meaning of Qimen Dunjia's formation.

In the final analysis, whether it is the five elements or the energy talisman, they all come from the Great God Pan Gu.

Again, the ancient spirit talisman was not artificially created.It is the divinity left over from the great god Pangu since the beginning of the world.Just like the human brain is divided into various functional areas, including auditory center, language center, visual center, olfactory center, taste center, motor center and so on.Pan Gu's brain obviously had its own unique divisions.

This also caused the peripheral nerves of Pangu from different functional areas to have different powers.Some are as light as a swallow, some are as strong as an ox, some move mountains and fill the sea, some have three hundred at night, and they still hold up to the sky when they wake up in the morning.

Therefore, the ancient ancestors collected these talismans and recorded them in books.For the convenience of preservation, it was even engraved in bronze heavy vessels or hidden caves, becoming a bloodline totem and cultural symbol that future generations yearn for.

Finally, regarding the talisman, it cannot be simply regarded as a kind of energy, such as the electric energy we are familiar with.Because the talisman has the properties of transcending the horizon and transcending time and space.It is also a legacy of divinity from high dimensions.Therefore, when considering its characteristics, we must pay attention to its own high-dimensional attributes.And the divinity of the convergence of matter and spirit.That is, material energyization and spiritual substantiation are produced alternately and are in a wonderful balance.

In short, the ancient spirit talisman is the most precious support system in the entire Qinzhongjie.

One more word.Spiritual talismans don't have to be engraved on bronze or paper.Demon skins, animal bones, and even human bodies (who told us we are the spirits of all things) are all fine.It's just that the divinity from the Father God remains, the power is too powerful, and it is too difficult to control it, so whether it can be controlled or not has become a steep difficulty in front of all magicians.

As mentioned earlier, human beings were conceived by a small piece of Pangu's cranial nerve.

In fact, the same is true for all monsters.A small section of nerve endings with powerful energy and regularity stretches continuously, giving birth to many 'tentacles', which are connected to each other, and then thrive into a complete 'inner circuit of life body', thus becoming a baby, or becoming a head Cubs... Think about it, isn't it similar to the gestation of humans from the mother's womb?

Therefore, in the final analysis, "every ancient beast contains a small piece of brain nerve from the father god".And the monster's "life body circuit" bred by the amputated nerve is the energy symbols in Wu Chen's mind (worship, mortals!).

Closer to home.

If a piece of hemp clothing with the three attributes of wood, fire, and earth wants to become the attribute of the five elements, it must introduce the other two attributes of the arcane circuit.There are two ways, one is to embed spirit stones or inner alchemy.Second, introduce ancient magic symbols with the above attributes.The magic circuit is extended by itself from the magic talisman.

The two missing genera are gold and water.

The five elements of Xiling brocade belong to gold, so the spider silk with healing effect born is originally a water system.Because gold makes water.And because it belongs to gold itself, the spider silk born naturally has two attributes of gold and water.

Just enough to make up.So, she planned to use her original spider silk to embroider a beautiful pattern on the clothes woven with stone, fire and hemp thread.It doesn't matter what shape the pattern is, as long as it is long enough.

What are you embroidering?

Spiders are clearly out of place.Phoenix?It seems a bit feminine.The hydra doesn't seem to be good either, let alone the snake...


When Wu Chen woke up naturally after sleeping, the two beauties were still holding their pink cheeks, sitting aside and meditating.Wu Chen asked Fang Zhi, and the two were struggling with what flowers to embroider.What's so difficult about it?Wu Chen immediately hand-painted a pattern and handed it to the two of them.

"Master, at first glance, this picture is just a square face with a dull face, but the more you look at it, the more it looks like a myriad of things... I don't know what is the origin?" Anyway, as long as Wu Chen thinks it is good, Xiling Jin will also think it is good.

"My good friends, they're called Autobots. That's their trademark."

"Autobot..." Although Xilingjin knew every word, why was it so profound when combined?

Thus, a big Autobot logo was embroidered on Mafu's chest by Xiling Jin.Needless to say, the momentum suddenly rose.

Wu Chen hates people being kind to him the most.My heart fluttered, and I wanted to hold the Xiling brocade to have sex with each other.Fortunately, I still know that the enemy is at hand. Losing vitality at this time is tantamount to cutting off an arm.So she whispered to her ear and made an appointment with Xiling Jin.

The beauty she offends is infinitely shy, but also infinitely sweet.He lowered his eyebrows and agreed softly.

Xiling Jin and Chu Qiushen's shikigami weapons cannot be done anymore.

Because of the lack of Luban wood.The mechanism technique of this era is far from taking shape.Even Luban will not be born until about 3000 years later.Wu Chen sometimes wonders why mechanism techniques appear.

Is it because the ancient ferocious beasts are getting rarer day by day, so people came up with the idea of ​​using mechanism beasts to replace them.As for the second-stage transformation and the third-stage transformation, it should be an imitation of the "fairies" transformation spell.

However, the deeper pursuit should be the worship and admiration of the Creator.

Just like the mechanism master Zhuge Qingyou tried his best to be a vivid mechanism bird, this is an attempt to get closer to the Creator spiritually.A quest that comes from a deeper level.

Wu Chen expressed his understanding.

Qiongqi's lair is called Huoyun Cave.

It is a jujube-shaped honeycomb stone floating in the midair of the volcano.The flames and smoke emitted by the volcano first penetrated through the countless pores under the honeycomb stone, and then spewed out from the conch-shaped flue at the top.

It is said that this jujube pit-shaped honeycomb stone was the heart of an ancient god.

After the fall of the ancient god, it was occupied by Qiongqi and became a lair.

Wu Chen's psychic eyes also discovered that the eye of the magic circle that sealed the Cliff City was this Beehive Grotto.As long as the honeycomb stone is destroyed, the magic circle will be self-defeating.Of course, the prerequisite for destroying the honeycomb stone is to kill Qiongqi, one of the four ancient evils in Huoyun Grotto.

Wu Chen was wearing a five-element battle suit, holding a demon-slaying knife in his hand, and took out a magic weapon made from a nine-tailed snake from the five-color spirit pot, and put it on his left arm.Taking a deep breath, he teleported himself out of the cave.

The time flow in Cliff City is very slow, which is also the result of the abundance of ancient evil energy.

Once you wake up, you don't have to.

Pushing open the door and going out, as soon as he walked to the cave hall, he saw the shop owner sitting alone at the previous stone table, pouring himself a drink.

"You really have an extraordinary background." The man in the middle smiled and said, "Hunter?"

Wu Chen holds a sharp blade and wears it all over his body.Coupled with the skills shown in the back kitchen during the day, the fool also knew that he was not here to recruit relatives, but to hunt monsters.

"Demon Slayer." Wu Chen said bluntly.

"Demon Slayer..." Although it was the first time I heard it, it was not difficult to understand.The middle-aged man nodded: "In the past, there were people like you who came here with the same purpose as you. However, they all died. Either they were swallowed alive by Qiongqi, or they became the husband-in-law of the ghost mother. The former died. It's quite a pleasure, the latter..."

"I understand." Wu Chen nodded slightly.

"You don't understand." The middle-aged man stood up slowly, and pulled open the left skirt with all his strength, revealing the colorful tattoos on his chest.

"Tāotiè pattern." Wu Chen blurted out. "Shan Hai Jing Bei Shan Jing" has a cloud: "The mountain of Gouwu has a lot of jade on it, and a lot of copper below it. There are beasts, which look like a sheep's body and a human face, their eyes are in the armpit, tiger teeth and claws, and their voice Such as a baby, the name is called the roe owl, and it is a cannibal." The roe owl is gluttony.

The Taotie pattern, this kind of pattern, is known to have first appeared on the Liangzhu Culture jade articles in the lower reaches of the Yangtze River 5000 years ago.It is a common decoration on bronze wares.It is a patterned animal face, so it is also called animal face pattern.Taotie is a monster that has no body, only a big head and a big mouth. It is very greedy and eats whatever it sees. Because it eats too much, it is finally stuffed to death.It is a symbol of greed.

Wu Chen's heart moved, could it be that the desire to eat and drink in the cliff city is not forbidden by people, but by this ancient beast? !

"It's the beast glutton." The middle-aged man gently stroked the animal face tattoo on his chest, followed by hooking his fingers, and tore off the whole piece of skin!

Wu Chen tensed subconsciously.

The middle-aged man was sweating profusely, his face was pale, and with the last of his strength, he handed the bloody Taotie tattoo to Wu Chen from a distance: "I am the queen of Fuxi, so I don't need to say my name. From now on, you He is the head of our clan."

"Why did you give me such a precious fetish?" Wu Chen hurried forward to hold it.

"You have a heart to save people." The middle-aged man smiled with relief: "My sister has been ill for a long time. There are many people who have seen it, but you are the only one who saved people. Time is not waiting for me, and, take it..." After finishing speaking, he fainted .

"..." Wu Chen felt shameful.This is the fourth most precious gift he has received.

"Master, the beast is gluttonous, devouring the heaven and the earth! With this 'Beast Face Divine Pattern', great things can be accomplished!" Not only Murong Yan, but also the four Shikigami were ecstatic.

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