Chapter 123 Beauty Teacher
After Qin Tian had a simple breakfast of bread and milk, he packed up the textbooks of various subjects that Murong Fei had given him, and then drove the two sisters Murong Fei to school.

Morning is usually the peak time for traffic jams, but there are almost no office workers like Qin Tian who go out after six o'clock, so under the guidance of Murong Fei and Su Xuejiao, the car arrived at the school in half an hour.

The head teacher of Su Xuejiao's third class in the third year is a gentle man with glasses, Zhang Wuji, the math teacher.

When Murong Fei came forward to explain the situation, the man with glasses kept adjusting his glasses. In front of Murong Fei, he seemed to be too nervous to stand still.

"It seems that Murong Fei's lethality is really extraordinary." Qin Tian sighed when he saw this scene from a distance.

Standing outside the classroom, Qin Tian looked at a group of students in the classroom who were reading Chinese early, and suddenly showed a bitter face, Nima, will you study with this group of little kids from now on?

Zhang Wuji had already received a notice from the Academic Affairs Office that a student would be transferred to his class today.Although it is known that it is a related household, who is not related to the students in the International Foreign Language Middle School?
In addition, it was Murong Fei, a beautiful woman, who came to say hello, so Zhang Wuji naturally nodded frequently, swearing and cursing that he would take good care of Qin Tian.

After Murong Fei left, Zhang Wuji watched Murong Fei's back for a long time before realizing that the student was still outside the classroom.

Turning around, I saw Qin Tian looking at him. Zhang Wuji was embarrassed for a while, adjusted his glasses, and said, "Qin Tian, ​​I'm Zhang Wuji, the head teacher of Class 1, and I'm also the math teacher of your class. What about your business, your sister just gave me Having said that, don't worry, as long as you study hard, I can help you, and I will help you. Go in."


Hearing Zhang Wuji's words, Qin Tian couldn't laugh or cry, this President Fei is too... naughty, he actually said it was my sister?Well... it's cheap for you!
Qin Tian curled his lips and put on an obedient look: "Thank you, Teacher Zhang."

After finishing speaking, Qin Tian walked into the classroom under Zhang Wuji's watchful eye.

His seat was in the last row, so when Qin Tian walked from the front of the classroom to the last row, the eyes of all the students in the class were focused on him, except of course Su Xuejiao.

"Hey, hello classmate, are you a new transfer? My name is Tan Songze."

When Qin Tian walked to the last row and sat down, the boy at the same table greeted him immediately.

This is a boy with a fashionable hairstyle. He looks tall, handsome and sunny.

"Qin Tian."

Qin Tian replied, then put down his schoolbag on the seat and went to sleep.

"I'll go, I have a personality. Teacher Wang dares to sleep in the morning self-study, bull!"

Seeing that Qin Tian didn't care about sleeping, Tan Songze gave him a thumbs up, and then continued to recite the text: "The autumn of Renxu, the seventh month is over, Su Zi and the guests are boating under the red cliff..."

He woke up at six o'clock in the morning. Qin Tian was so sleepy that he lay down on the desk and soon fell asleep. The morning reading sounds of the surrounding students were like an accompaniment. The louder the sound, the more he fell asleep. fragrant.

"Well, it smells so good..."

In his sleep, Qin Tian's nose moved, and he smelled the scent of Zu Malone perfume, which was so refreshing that he couldn't help swallowing.

"Dong dong!"

Suddenly, his desk was knocked twice, very loudly.

Qin Tian turned over, didn't care, and continued to sleep.

dong dong!

There were two more knocks on the desk.

Then, Qin Tian felt someone push him.

He turned over again and continued to sleep.


"Ha ha……"

In the dimness, the sound of reading around seemed to disappear, replaced by the sound of men and women laughing.

"Qin Tian, ​​Qin Tian..."

Tan Songze, Qin Tian's tablemate, whispered and quickly pushed him twice: "Teacher Wang is here."

Teacher Wong?

Hearing Tan Songze's words vaguely, Qin Tian was a little confused and didn't react.

When he opened his sleepy eyes, he looked up, only to realize that there was a person standing beside Zhuo.

A woman, beauty.

A beautiful teacher in a blue dress and long hair shawl!

The woman looks like she is in her 20s, with an oval face and eyebrows like distant black, she looks very delicate.However, at this moment, she was pursing her red lips, and there was obvious interest and anger on that beautiful face.

"Are you new here?" The beautiful teacher spoke, her voice was so sweet that people suspected that she was singing.

"Yeah." Qin Tian nodded, then looked at her: "Are you a Chinese teacher? What's your name?"


As soon as Qin Tian said this, all the students in the class burst into laughter.

"I'll go, what the hell is this newcomer, what do you call him... Didn't wake up! Hahaha."

"This related account seems to be a little short on IQ."

"Silly is so cute."

After hearing Qin Tian's words, the students in the class laughed, sarcastically, and some laughed so hard that their stomachs ached.

"Wang Yuyan."

The beautiful teacher said something lightly, then turned her head and glanced at the teacher behind her. Immediately, the laughter in the classroom stopped, and it became quiet in an instant.

"Damn, this teacher is so young, so deterrent?"

After seeing Wang Yuyan's intimidating power, Qin Tian blinked his eyes. When Wang Yuyan looked at him with dissatisfied eyes, Qin Tian hurriedly said hello, "Oh, teacher Wang."

"Ha ha……"

Another classmate started laughing.

"Don't get close to me!"

Wang Yuyan stared at Qin Tian fiercely, and said, "What were you doing just now?"

"Ahem, sleep."

"This is Chinese language self-study early, why are you sleeping?"

"Uh... you asked, of course I went to bed because I was sleepy."


Qin Tian and Wang Yuyan's question and answer, especially Qin Tian's answer, made all the students in the class laugh.

Even Su Xuejiao laughed, thinking that this stinky Qin Tian is really interesting, you dare to mess with Wang Meigui, haha, kind!
Wang Yuyan is a Chinese teacher who was recruited after graduating from university three years ago. She has a strict personality. She took Su Xuejiao's class as soon as she entered the school. Anyone who dares to get close to her will definitely be "very hurt".

No one expected that on Qin Tian's first day here, before he had time to introduce himself in class, he would provoke Wang Meigui...

"Sleeping in her class, hehe, I think this new classmate will be beaten by Wang Meigui this time."

"No, the newcomer dares to sleep in class before he has figured out the situation. Isn't he courting death?"

"Haha, it's been a long time since I saw Wang Meigui lose her temper. This time I happened to be watching a movie."

When Wang Yuyan stared at Qin Tian's rising anger, the surrounding students really looked like they were gloating at the show.

[This is the second update today.The current recommendation ticket is 1100, if it can reach 1200 today, continue for three more!Thanks to the local tyrants who rewarded! 】

(End of this chapter)

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