Chapter 1140 Fire

With the establishment of major civilizations, countless creatures with extremely strange images appeared in the dark belt of the galaxy.

This made the Yanhuang Alliance including Wang Hao, the Protoss, and now the resistance alliance headed by the Lightcaster civilization.

At this time, they were all dignified, seeing countless creatures appearing in the dark belt of the galaxy.

"The Zerg is coming."

In the command center of the Yanhuang Alliance, Wang Hao looked at the Zerg race, the overwhelming sea of ​​insects, with a strong look on his face, because he knew that a big war was about to break out, and it even directly related to whether the Yanhuang Alliance could continue to exist. .

"Is the particle beam cannon set up?"

Wang Hao's complexion was unusually dignified, and everyone in the command center was more or less dignified.

"It has been erected."

The person in charge of the particle beam cannon also responded immediately.

However, the appearance of the term particle beam cannon instantly attracted the minds of the four members of the Nuoji tribe, because the four of them had never heard of particle beam cannons before. Civilizations all use laser cannons, but the only difference is the power of the laser cannons.

The powerful ones are even tens of times or even hundreds of times the power of the most common ones. As for the charging time, let alone the fast ones are even more outrageous.

But the four people of the Nuoji clan heard the particle beam cannon at this time, which made the four of them look at the so-called particle beam cannon immediately.

"Isn't this a laser cannon? Why is it called a particle beam?"

After seeing the particle beam cannon, the four of them also had strong doubts, because the four of them discovered that the existence of this kind of cannon was very similar to their own laser cannon.

But when the cannons started to emit energy, the eyes of the four people suddenly changed, because they all saw a familiar feeling.

"It's that kind of weapon"

Noah stared blankly, with a look of memory on his face.

Before joining the resistance alliance, the Protoss came. In fact, he still has many questions in his heart that have not been resolved. One of them is about the Yanhuang Alliance. However, because of the arrival of the Protoss, the Hengyuan Empire and the Scarlet Empire began to enter In the tense preparations.

Therefore, even if Noah just wanted to find the answer, he did not dare to talk directly to the Yanhuang Alliance. After all, he had experienced the irritable behavior of the Yanhuang Alliance before, and the weapon that had been restricting the movement of the Nuoji fleet was actually the weapon he wanted the most. understand.

However, Anshan Iron and Steel of the Hengyuan Empire was too busy, and the Wuyan of the Scarlet Empire also had no time to take care of it, because the pressure from the protoss raid force was not small, and when the war clan of the Yanhuang Alliance solved the raid force, there was the arrival of the Shenxin warship. Not to mention.

The lightforged civilization came out of the dark belt of the galaxy, and was beaten by the gods like a grandson. After joining the resistance alliance, it barely preserved its own battleship, and then just as the lightforged civilization, under the offensive of the gods, slowly When retreating, Zerg appeared again.

Everything was tied together, and there was no buffer time for them at all.

"Damn, it's that fat ball..."

When the particle beam appeared and the weapon was launched, the familiar appearance made the four of them stare blankly for a moment.

"It's really that fat ball."

Yan Ningxin saw this so-called particle beam, and after releasing a slow energy ball, her eyes froze for a moment, and she even had the urge to swear, because she was really shadowed by this energy ball.

"I feel that following the Yanhuang Alliance is the right way. There are so many things that I almost forgot about the Yanhuang Alliance's weapon."

Noah's face showed a strong sense of gratitude, because he found that he had taken the step of the Yanhuang Alliance, which seemed to be the right way, because after seeing the terrifying weapon of the Yanhuang Alliance before, he immediately remembered it.

"Brother Hao, what is this particle beam, can it hit it so slowly?"

Fang Bing, who has not yet gone to the front line, looked speechless when he saw the appearance of the particle beam, because in his opinion, the name of the particle beam seemed to be really powerful, but at this speed, he felt that he could do it at will. In a flash, he dodged.

"This weapon can't be fast. I think the slower the better, especially when facing the sea of ​​insects. Anyway, the distance is not far, and you will know in a while."

Wang Hao looked at the particle beam. It was different from the previous particle beam. After firing, the previous particle beam was like a laser, and the speed was not bad at all. A novel use of light beams, he discovered, was that the slower the particle beam travels, the better.

The ability of the particle beam to attract the energy of the universe to expand itself, Wang Hao also studied it later, and found some ways. With such a characteristic, I have to mention a characteristic of the particle beam.

The formation of the particle beam is actually the fusion of particles, and it is precisely because of the fusion that the particle beam has the ability to attract cosmic particles into the interior and form new changes. How this change is formed is still troubled With Wang Hao.

Because after the particle beam exits the chamber, to put it bluntly, it is actually composed of particle energy. It is impossible for him to install a detection device on the particle. After the particles are fused, the internal energy structure is very complicated. After exiting the chamber, the speed is not slow. It is difficult to detect internal changes through the electromagnetic field, and if the electromagnetic field is too close, it will block the fusion of particles.

Therefore, Wang Hao only knows some general principles about the fusion of particle beams, but he is not clear about the detailed internal changes, so he can only explore slowly.

However, although the detailed internal changes have not been studied, it does not affect the maximum power of the particle beam.

The solution Wang Hao thought of was very simple, that is to forcibly slow down the speed of the particle beam, so that the particle beam can fly for a longer time in the universe.

The appearance is like a spherical shape that has been shrunk countless times from the Nuoji clan before, which is why Noah recognized it at a glance.

If the distance is too far, Wang Hao will definitely choose what he did last time to fight the Nuoji clan, which is close to half the speed of light. After all, at this speed, if he wants to fly from his position at that time to the dark belt of the galaxy, he may even have to fly 100 years.

The attack process will take 100 years, and the opponent probably has already circled behind you, but this time it is different, the distance is not far, naturally the slower the better, so as to exert the characteristics of particle beam attraction and maximize its power.

"The slower the better?"

Fang Bing's eyes froze, and he didn't understand the meaning that the slower the better, after all, in his mind, it's not the world's weapon, and it's the truth to be fast and not broken?
"Why should the slower the better?"

Yan Ningxin also had the same question, she couldn't figure out why the ball of light should be as slow as possible, but in the following time, she finally saw the reason why it was better to be as slow as possible.

Because after observing for a while, Yan Ningxin suddenly discovered that the sphere had grown a lot bigger. She thought of the huge fat ball attack she encountered before, and her eyes froze for a moment.

"It is absorbing the energy of the universe. The energy ball is getting bigger."

After Yan Ningxin discovered a problem, she couldn't help but burst out. She looked at the spherical energy ball in disbelief. It was so slow that she wanted to push it, but when the energy ball got bigger and bigger, she couldn't believe it. after.

She finally discovered the reason for the scattered attacks, even the attacks were staggered, it was all to make room for the energy balls so as not to collide with each other.

The resulting blow surface will be very terrifying.

"This weapon, according to this kind of attack wave, probably has nothing to do with us."

Noah looked at the wave after wave of particle beams. Seriously speaking, it should be said that the particle light sphere was launched. His eyes showed a strong surprise, and he felt that he didn't need to shoot at all.

"Yes, this is probably the vanguard of the Zerg. The particle beam has a large attack range, but the attack power of a single target is not as good as that of a laser weapon. It is estimated that there will be many Zerg surviving. It is time for you to take action."

After Wang Hao heard Noah's words, he turned his head and glanced at the other party, and said.

Since it is an alliance, as Wang Hao, who has seen through the laws of the universe, it is naturally impossible to protect the Nuoji tribe without any benefits. I believe that the real bloody battle will come after the Zerg tribe survives the attack of the particle beam.

(End of this chapter)

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