Black Technology R&D Center

Chapter 1157 Coping

Chapter 1157 Coping
"Battle for the survival of civilization.."

Gao Mo looked at the universe, the Protoss and the Zerg seemed to be angered by the Yanhuang Clan, and there was a reflection on his face, but the more he thought about it, the more he was sure of one thing, that is now, it is a battle for civilization survival. Facing the Protoss and the Zerg, the two big groups that are as vast as the sky and the earth.

Almost every galaxy has Protoss and Zerg, and there are not a few Protoss and Zerg.

"Which civilization is this? Which civilization? However, this attack method always feels like I've seen it before."

The great commander of the Protoss looked at the sudden appearance of the Yanhuang Clan, and his eyes showed a strong slaughter aura. Because of such a huge loss, it was like a loss that was taken away by a wave, even if it was a battle with the Zerg. There is no such big loss.

After seeing each black body star field, it slowly spread, and after spreading to the extreme, there was a slow recovery again, which made him always feel a sense of deja vu, and after hearing a voice, there was a sudden look on his face. .

"The leader of the source god, this civilization was conveyed by an iron wing. They also received a powerful blow, and they were attacked by this weapon. This civilization is called the Yanhuang Alliance, also known as the Yanhuang Clan."

After a Protoss spoke, he instantly thought of something and said.

"Yanhuang clan."

The great commander of the Protoss, Yuan, after hearing the words of the Protoss, his eyes flashed slightly. Among the Protoss, there is a title-level legion, and above the title-level legion, there is a new title, that is, the Legion of God .

The leader of the Legion of God will basically add a word of God after the name, and Yuan is the commander of the Legion of God, called Yuanshen.

At this time, after seeing the appearance of the Yanhuang Clan, his legion was beaten and retreated, which made his eyes very ugly.

"To mobilize the Yuanshen Legion, I want to see if the other party can block my Legion's attack."

There was a strong killing intent on Yuan's face, and after pondering for a while, he made a decision in an instant.

creak creak
And the same Zerg also sent out a new sound wave, which instantly communicated all around.

"And the commander?"

After Wang Hao discovered this sound wave, a look of surprise appeared on his face.

"Find the commander and blow it up directly. In addition, find a way to measure the distance of the mother of the Zerg, and throw an antimatter bomb over it."

Wang Hao also has his own understanding of the Zerg. In the face of the biological wave emitted by the Zerg, although he does not know the specific meaning, he is very clear that there is still a Zerg commander who is directing these Zerg.

This moved Wang Hao's mind.

"Yes, according to my current calculations, the distance between the subspace and the universe is not stable, but the error is not large, it should be within five miles."

Long Nao thought about it, and after a while, he said, because the distance between the universe and the universe is not the same, there is still a big error in the distance of the universe to measure the distance of the universe, but the approximate distance, he still can be calculated.

"Okay, no, just try a few more bombs."

Facing the Protoss and the Zerg, Wang Hao did not have the slightest sympathy, because the Protoss and the Zerg had already involved the war in any galaxy he knew. To unite the Protoss and the Zerg to clean up the civilization of the universe, and the Yanhuang civilization has naturally become the object of cleanup.

Faced with such a cleanup, he naturally couldn't be captured, so he had only one choice, either to flee or to resist head-on.

But now, after passing through many galaxies, the swarms of Protoss and Zerg seem to have already taken over the entire universe, causing Wang Hao's heart to sink slightly. I worry about whether the universe will destroy only the Yanhuang Alliance after the Protoss and the Zerg.

At that time, facing the encirclement and suppression of these two major civilizations, the pressure of the Yanhuang Alliance can be imagined.

When he came to this galaxy, he discovered that the civilization of the universe has not yet died out, and some civilizations are stubbornly resisting.

This made him have an idea, that is, based on this galaxy, the self-rescue of the Yanhuang Alliance may also be the self-rescue of the universe, because if he goes further, it is estimated that it will be difficult to find a galaxy with resistance.

"it is good."

After hearing Wang Hao's words, Long Nao naturally did not hesitate, and directly chose to launch several anti-matter bombs directly to attack the mother of the Zerg who were far away.

After all, the farther the distance between the subspace and the universe is, the harder it is to calculate, and if the calculation is not in place, maybe the antimatter bomb will explode directly from the wormhole as soon as it comes out of the wormhole. Although making bombs is not troublesome, at such a critical moment, an anti-material bomb may have a great impact on the war situation.

It's not wrong to save a little bit of use. It still takes time and a lot of materials to produce an antimatter bomb.


The commander of the Legion of God, Yuan, suddenly felt the shock of the Shenxin battleship, and a look of horror appeared on his face.

"See clearly, where did this attack come from?"

There was a look of horror on Yuan's face. In the face of such a sudden explosion, he was really caught off guard and completely unprepared. Even if the fleet was strictly guarded, he was still attacked.

"I found that the opponent's attack was launched directly in the warp."

A Protoss can't believe it because of the situation of the cosmic subspace. He clearly knows that he wants to open the subspace directly from the inside. Even if it is the Protoss, the most powerful weapon, he dare not say that it can be opened from the subspace. , open the wormhole and enter the universe.

But the other party has succeeded now, which makes many researchers and commanders of the Protoss show a look of unbelievable fear.

Because among the Protoss, there is a saying that the civilization that has conquered the subspace of the universe may be the real top civilization in the universe, because the Protoss, as a powerful civilization, naturally knows what the advantages of the subspace are. .

If a powerful warship enters the cosmic subspace, it will become possible to break through the flight limit of the speed of light.

The universe subspace is actually a problem that the Protoss has always wanted to break through, but it has never been broken.

But now, it has been breached by an unheard of civilization, which makes the researchers of the Protoss, how dare to believe it?

"Warp space? Turn on the energy field and turn it on with all your strength."

After Yuan heard this, his body couldn't help trembling for a moment. He was clear about the horror level of the warp, but once civilization mastered it, it meant that the attack would become unpredictable, although the Protoss did not study it. , the inner opening method of the universe subspace, but it is the defense method that has been researched.

That is to use the energy force field to forcibly disrupt it, making it more difficult and changeable to open the subspace.

(End of this chapter)

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