Black Technology R&D Center

Chapter 471 1 side is difficult, 8 sides are aided

Chapter 471
"Honey, don't you want to do some charity work?" Mai Yun looked at the phone, as if she had discovered some big news, and said.

"That's right, but now the public welfare is really too difficult, there is no public welfare organization that can be reassured." Li Chen nodded lightly, as if he had thought of something, he couldn't help but said.

"Why don't you donate to this foundation? Take a look at the news just published by the People's Daily." Mai Yun handed over the phone and said.

"Bafang Foundation? Isn't this the Liar Foundation?" Li Chen raised his head and said in bewilderment with a hint of doubt on his face.

"Read on." Mai Yun smiled slightly. She thought she was also reporting the inside information of the Bafang Foundation, but after reading the news carefully, she realized that she was wrong.

"The role model of young people in Huaguo. At the age of weak crown, a 20-year-old young man who silently dedicated to the public welfare of Huaguo. On the Internet, there are too many condemnations of the Bafang Foundation. As a media organization for the people, we want to explore it. The truth, after digging deeper, the Bafang Foundation is not as everyone imagined, it is full of the smell of copper, full of dark transactions.

After many follow-ups, the People's Daily had an in-depth understanding of the detailed expenditure details of the Bafang Foundation, discovered the people who were assisted, and found that the assistance in it was not a special case. According to statistics, the public welfare amount of the Bafang Foundation is 68 billion, of which the recipients , including impoverished students, impoverished mountainous areas, and impoverished medical care.

Finally, I have to say that this is a real public welfare undertaking. If you are interested, you can carry out detailed supervision and accounting on the expenditures of the Bafang Foundation, and you will find that the transparency of the use of public welfare funds by the Bafang Foundation is completely beyond the reach of the public. All imaginations. "

Li Chen finished reading these word by word, his face was slightly startled, he hurried to the front of the computer, sat down, and checked the official website of the Bafang Foundation on the computer.

"Really." Li Chen looked at the official website of the Bafang Foundation and muttered to himself, the amount of funds in it was completely beyond everyone's imagination.

Although he has not been verified, but looking at the use of such funds, a thought suddenly arises in his heart about the Bafang Foundation. It may be like what the People's Daily said. There is indeed a very strong misinterpretation of the Bafang Foundation.

"Dad, I'm back, look who I brought here." The Riemann didn't come into the house, but his voice came into the house.

"My daughter is back." Mai Yun was overjoyed, and left her husband directly, and walked out.

"Xiaoxin, Lao Li, don't look, Xiaoxin is here..."

After Mai Yun went out, she suddenly said in surprise.

" we come." Li Chen froze, stood up hastily, and walked out.

He knew who Xiao Xin was, Zhang Xin, Yan Ying, who applied for the exam with his daughter at the time, but the starting point of the other party was far higher than his daughter, so he went to the set to watch Zhang Xin's filming with his daughter.

After watching it, Li Chen knew that Zhang Xin would definitely become a top star, because the quality shown in the other party was really too strong.

"Uncle." Zhang Xin politely smiled at Li Chen who came out of the room.

"Xiaoxin is here, is the play over?" Li Chen looked at Zhang Xin's young and beautiful face with a smile on his face. Zhang Xin is already a star now, but he couldn't see it from the other party. To the shelf of any star, just like ordinary people.

"Dad, your news is too outdated. Sister Xiaoxin finished filming a long time ago, and she is working as a teacher's assistant at school." Li Man looked at Zhang Xin, and his face couldn't help sighing. My starting point is much higher than my own. Once I entered the school, the teacher would not be able to teach me, so I should be an acting teaching assistant.

Looking at myself, I was still learning from Zhang Xin like a student.

"Oh, the news is indeed outdated."

Li Chen touched his forehead a little embarrassedly.

"Dad, what were you doing in the room just now?" Riemann rolled his eyes at his father, and said curiously.

"It's not the hot news on the Internet, it's about the Bafang Foundation, by the way... I just want to know something from Xiaoxin. The boss of this foundation is always called Wang Hao. Was it your brother who made it?" As Li Chen spoke, as if he had thought of something, he couldn't help looking at Zhang Xin, with a look of curiosity on his face.

"I only found out about it after I got out of school and after watching the news." Zhang Xin nodded lightly, as a tacit acquiescence. It was indeed after she got out of school that she found out about this foundation.

For her brother's behavior, she is no longer surprised. After asking about the situation, although she was worried about her brother's reputation on the Internet, Wang Hao's calm mood still affected her, so she didn't overdo it. Worry.

"What you said about this is nothing on the Internet. Sister Xiaoxin asked Brother Wang Hao. It is not like what is said on the Internet. Bafang Foundation does not accept donations from individuals at all, but only collects donations from some groups. , and even the salaries of Foundation employees are independent.”

Riemann said angrily that after Zhang Xin explained it to him, she was also somewhat angry at the words on the Internet at first.

"My brother doesn't like being famous. Because of his experience, he is very keen on public welfare. Therefore, he only uses the funds donated by some of his companies to do public welfare."

Zhang Xin explained to her brother with a smile. Although she knew that this matter would definitely be resolved, she still didn't want anyone to misunderstand her brother.

Her brother's attitude towards public welfare has indeed greatly affected her, and her heart has made her feel a kind of spirit. Maybe Wang Hao himself has not discovered the spirit, which is gradually affecting Zhang Xin.

Because of his brother, Zhang Xin has a new understanding of public welfare.

"What. I don't believe in foundations anymore..."

"Me too, foundation donations are all scams."

"The online version of the People's Daily has been updated. It's about this foundation. You should check it out quickly. It's crazy."

When netizens were discussing frantically on the Internet, suddenly there was a different voice. Now that someone found out, more people would naturally see this news.

Moreover, there is a detailed verification method in this news. After the news appeared, the first reaction of many people who saw this news was not to believe it.

After distrusting the news, the first reaction is to go to the Bafang Foundation's official website, read the assistance information, and then follow these assistance information step by step to check.

The power of netizens is infinite. After only 10 minutes, many netizens spontaneously checked everything about the Bafang Foundation, and couldn't help but stare blankly at the feedback from netizens in various provinces and cities on the Internet. Condition.

"Flying city in your province, medical assistance, after verification, there is no discrepancy with Bafang's description."

"Tibet Province, road aid construction, verification is correct."

"The earthquake reconstruction work in province C is one billion and twenty million, and it is correct after verification."

"Aiding college students in Tibet, I randomly checked three of them, and there was no discrepancy with the description of Bafang Fund."

After one piece of information was fed back, all the netizens who paid attention to this matter couldn't help but stare at the computer screen blankly.

I don't know how to speak, they are the most vicious people of the Black Bafang Foundation, and the verification process was carried out very quickly, but what was different from their imagination was that after the verification, they found that the Bafang Foundation's aid funds From the rebuilding of the disaster area with one billion yuan, to the subsidy for a college student's studies, without exception, all of them are true.

It is precisely because of this that they lose their minds. This is completely inconsistent with the shady scenes of public welfare and charitable organizations they imagined. Instead, they discovered a foundation that is really doing things.

"I was wrong and one side is in trouble. Bafang's support for public welfare is not a family matter, not the responsibility of a foundation. I joined the public welfare of Bafang Foundation at will. This is a public welfare fund with conscience. I apologize for my previous behavior."

A netizen looked at the verification information one by one. He silently wrote such a paragraph on his Weibo, and spontaneously intercepted all the verification information and posted it on his Weibo.

"I made a mistake. I apologize for my previous behavior. If one party is in trouble, all parties will support me. I want to become a member of all parties. From now on, I will only donate to the public welfare fund of all parties. Although my apology came relatively late, I still I want to say something to Bafang Public Welfare Fund, I'm sorry..."

After taking the lead, countless netizens naturally realized their mistakes. The Bafang Fund is not only not shady, but also a public welfare fund that really does practical things. Many netizens, on the Bafang Foundation, saw that it belongs to public welfare undertakings. bright.

Bafang Fund is like a bright place, with its proven aid record, every netizen silently wrote a paragraph, just to let Bafang Public Welfare Fund be whitewashed.

Try to let more people know what Bafang Foundation is doing.

"You are outstanding." In an independent and luxurious villa in the north, a middle-aged man sighed.

"Dad, what Renjie, are you referring to me?" Wang Cong's face flashed doubts. The word Renjie was a very rare word in his father's mouth. He had never seen it before. His father said this word.

"You? It's too far away. Let's see for yourself."

The middle-aged man handed a document in his hand to Wang Cong, shook his head and said.

PS: extra account, extra account, two more salted fish walnuts and three more please praise, please subscribe, please ask for tickets

(End of this chapter)

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