Chapter 485
"Hua Guo demonstrated its ability to rescue hostages. After ensuring the safety of the citizens on the fishing boats on the high seas, they arrested all the robbers who left. Hua Guo has demonstrated a strong emergency response mechanism in this regard."

The next day, various news media were broadcasting about the hijacking incident of Huaguo Fucheng and Tianshun Building. Because this incident attracted too much attention, it was reported by some media at first.

However, the relevant departments of Huaguo came forward and reluctantly suppressed this matter, because at that time no one knew which ending this incident would lead to.

After everything was over and the dust settled, Hua Guo relaxed the restrictions in this area, allowing news organizations to broadcast the incident.

As soon as this incident happened, the pictures revealed, as well as some empirical evidence, all made the people of Huaguo feel a strong sense of belonging and were even more excited.

More than 100 robbers took a thousand hostages, but none of the thousand hostages died, they were all rescued, and finally all the robbers were captured.

This is not only a shock to the people of Huaguo. In the world, those countries that understand the situation react more violently than the people of Huaguo, because they know the ins and outs of the matter, but they did not expect that Huaguo actually used an unknown weapon. Make the mercenary's transport explode for no reason.

Then, with unknown weapons, the power system and oxygen system of the submarine that let the mercenaries leave were destroyed at the same time. Such an unknown technology made several big countries that regard Hua as their opponent feel terrified.

Although Hua Guo was clarifying that it was the fault of the submarine itself, no one believed Hua Guo's words. All countries knew that Hua Guo was the best at concealing clumsiness. In the intelligence agencies of all countries, there was an order to investigate Hua Guo's secret weapons.

Without investigating what the weapon was, they would end up feeling uneasy.

The heat of the robbery incident slowly suppressed Wang Hao's reputation.

The news from the outside world did not have much impact on Haohan R&D Center. After transporting construction materials by plane to the island, Tianyin No. [-] and No. [-] flew back in the dark in the early morning of the same day.

Back and forth for the research and construction of the island, transporting construction materials, and Haohan R & D Center, and manufactured a Tianyin, three planes, transported every day, one back and forth every day.

As for the construction of the island, the robots worked tirelessly, slowly hollowing out the hill in the middle, and a steel structure appeared inside the mountain. If you look at it from the outside, the island is no different from normal.

But now inside the island, there has been an earth-shaking change. Inside the island, engineering robots are digging down to open up the island's research and development center.

As time passed day by day, Wang Hao was designing the blueprints for the construction of the island, and at the same time researching other applications of electromagnetism.

It wasn't until a phone call came to Wang Hao that he realized that it was almost the end of the year.

"Brother, I was abandoned by my mother and my sister to join you, okay?" Zhang Nan called his brother with a bitter face.

"What's the matter, why did you abandon you?" Wang Hao said with a puzzled expression.

"Mom and Dad said they want to pursue their dreams and travel in Europe. Regardless of our sister, I will be filming in Hangzhou, and I will be filming in Yanjing after the filming, and I will not come back. I am very pitiful." Zhang Nan's face flashed Feeling helpless, he never thought that he would hear a word from his parents.

Chasing dreams
Zhang Nan had a bitter face. It was also the first time he had heard of his parents' ideal, which was to travel all over the planet. Normally, the two of them still had jobs, so naturally they didn't have much time. But one of the advantages of being a teacher is, There are winter and summer vacations.

This time, I plan to take advantage of the winter vacation to go to Europe, and Zhang Xin, because he took another play, was promoted from a small supporting role to the third female lead, but at the end of the day, he was the only one. In Changnan, it was a natural tragedy.

"Chasing dreams. Okay, then you can come to Gancheng." Wang Hao thought for a while, with a smile on his face. He could imagine Zhang Nan's face was probably in a daze when he heard this.

Zhang Nanlai didn't have a big influence on him. When the time comes, throw it on the first floor of the test building and let Zhang Nan play football alone. He doesn't need to worry about it at all.

After Wang Hao hung up the phone, he received a call from Zhang's father. The words were similar to what he said to Zhang Nan. It was nothing more than that, you have grown up too, and we are going to have a sweet event and chase our dreams.

Hearing this with his own ears, and Wang Hao listening to Zhang Nan, there is still a big difference, which made him a little confused. Looking at the hung up phone, he let out a sigh of relief.

"It's fine. It's fine."

Wang Hao muttered to himself, and then dialed another phone. What he dialed was permission. A phone call from Zhang Nan made him realize clearly that another year was going to pass, and it was almost the end of the year.

"Have you remembered all the work that needed to be done years ago?" Xu Xu said with a serious face, and at this time he showed a leadership aura.

Xu Xu looked at the seven or eight people in front of him, and his face also showed a look of vicissitudes, and a hint of bitterness. Being Wang Hao's assistant, he realized that it was definitely not a good job.

"President Xu, I understand."

The group of people in front of Xu Xu, some older than Xu Xu, some of the same age as Xu Xu, but no one younger than Xu Xu, all respectfully responded to Xu Xu's words.

These people are not other people, but some assistants that Xu Xu recruited later. He really can't manage so many projects, especially with two positions similar to the boss.

Xu Xu is now not only the principal of a school, but also the person in charge of a foundation. He naturally does not have much energy to juggle two full-time jobs, after getting Wang Hao's approval.

He naturally expanded the team, forming an office group of seven or eight people, and the office location, Nantian Group, also generously gave permission for a floor to arrange.

As a result, seven or eight people work on one floor, and one can imagine the ample space.

bell bell bell
"It's the boss's phone, you guys go out first, we'll talk about it later, I'll answer the phone first." After glancing at the phone, Xu Xu hurriedly said to the others.

After hearing the words of permission, the eyes of the others lit up. They had never seen their boss before, so they were naturally very curious.


After seeing a large group of people leaving with curious eyes, Xu Xu picked up the phone and spoke.

"Brother Xu, it's the end of the year. Please inform the bosses of the major companies to hold a meeting. Also, I want to talk to Chen Tang. You can arrange it in the afternoon of the meeting."

After Wang Hao connected the phone, he spoke.

"Okay, I will notify Chen Tang."

Xu nodded lightly. If Wang Hao didn't mention Chen Tang, he would have forgotten about this person. He usually manages the affairs of the school, but there is one place that he doesn't care about.

That is the school's experimental area, and Chen Tang has been staying in the school's experimental area.

(End of this chapter)

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