Black Technology R&D Center

Chapter 718 Production

Chapter 718 Production
"follow me."

There was a touch of curiosity in Wang Hao's eyes. He had always heard that the third hand of the third hand family had such a keen sense of touch.

However, this special touch hand only exists in his research, and has not been used for actual manipulation. This time, he is going to let these three-handed aliens perform actual operations. He will take a good look at it, and this time The spaceship was one of his attempts.

He is not afraid of being messed up by these aliens. It's a big deal. If he messes up, he won't activate the aliens next time, and just let the intelligent production center carry out production.

His purpose this time is actually to build spaceships, and another purpose is to see the depth of the three-handed family, especially how sharp the three-handed people are called by the other party.

"What is this preparation for? Isn't it preparing to dissect us?" Ge Lun originally thought that he would be scanned again, but after walking with Wang Hao, he realized that he was not taking them to the previous scanning room at all.

This always made him feel a little unknown.

"Come on. Let's take a look at this. Are you interested?" Wang Hao brought the three aliens to the central control center, took out three documents, and handed them to Goethe and the three aliens.

"A recruitment contract?"

There was a look of surprise on Goth's face. The contract was actually written in Interstellar Common Language. The first four characters were exactly the recruitment contract. But after reading it for a while, his face suddenly revealed a touch of anger.

"Impossible to sign..."

Goethe looked at the clauses in it, which were completely like unequal treaties. He shook his head without hesitation. This recruitment contract gave him the hope of becoming a free agent.

At this moment, the joy made him forget his situation, as if he had returned to the interstellar world. Some large forces had extraordinary enthusiasm and respect for the recruitment of third-hand workers.

"Well, I understand. Then don't sign the contract, Xiaolong, continue to supervise the three aliens according to the previous supervision mechanism, and work another twelve hours a day. If the quality and quantity are not completed, they will be punished by electric shock."

Wang Hao shook his head with regret on his face. Originally, seeing these aliens cooperate with his research so much, he still thought that he should directly recruit them as manufacturing workers.

Although there are many mandatory clauses in the contract, it should definitely be unfair to the third-hand family, but they are definitely treated better than prisoners.

But he didn't expect that the other party actually rejected the proposal to become a skilled worker on the vast island, which made him shake his head involuntarily. He wanted to help the other party improve his life, but the other party didn't appreciate it, so forget it, and continue to use it according to the standard of prisoners of war.

"Don't let us sign..."

Hearing Wang Hao's calm words, Goethe trembled all over his body, and then he remembered his situation. He is now a prisoner. If this is taken into consideration, the requirements in the terms are much better than their current treatment. too much.

It is completely a difference between heaven and earth. Taking this factor into consideration and signing such a clause, he is not unacceptable.

"Why don't you experience twelve hours of work and see which one is better?"

Wang Hao looked at the three aliens in Goth with a smile on his face, but said something that made the three aliens shudder.

"No experience. We sign."

Goethe quickly wrote a few words on it with lightning speed. Although the signing of this contract seems very low-end, it is not much different from the process on the interstellar network. The difference is that it is legal in the interstellar network. It is signed in the terminal, and has the conditions for supporting interstellar law.

Illegal ones can only be supported by reputation. For example, some of their fugitive criminals and some forces that have not joined the Interstellar Regional Alliance can only be maintained by credit.

Before Wang Hao returned to China, he decided to build a spaceship. Using this time, he began to perfect the design drawings and absorbed the scanned drawings of the spaceships from the third-hand clan. Their design has reached the final stage.

The entire spaceship is like a huge air carrier, and it looks like an alien spaceship, very irregular. Maybe this is the aesthetics of the earth and stars. Most of the spaceships imagined in many movies are flat spaceships.

Of course, what Wang Hao considered was not so simple, but after a long time of consideration, he still chose this shape. First, the benefits of this shape are not weaker than some other functional models. , so he chose such a spaceship shape that fit his aesthetics.

As time passed, Wang Hao looked at some data in his hand, and after a clear comparison, he discovered that the manufacturing ability of the third-hand clan was really real.

"These workers are pretty good. The keen sense of the third-hand family really has a unique advantage in manufacturing."

Wang Hao is also feeling emotional, the manufacturing ability possessed by the third-hand clan does not mean how fast the manufacturing ability is, even if it is the production center.

The production speed is also much faster than that of the third-hand family.

However, the third-hand family has one thing that machines cannot replace, that is, they have their own understanding of manufacturing. During the production, they will make some minor adjustments to make the performance and running-in degree reach an extreme.

In Wang Hao's view, the production center produces assembly line products, while the third-hand family produces customized products.

After discovering the true characteristics of the third-hand family, Wang Hao arranged for the third-hand family to produce some core components, such as the cosmic energy engine he researched.

There are two other important things, one is the stabilizer, and now Wang Hao has reached an extreme in the development of the stabilizer.

Under his research, the stabilizing device has been updated for a long time. It has been updated for a long time. It has two important functions. Use the stable device to move quickly to achieve the purpose of dodging.

And the last thing is something that Wang Hao made based on the principle of the protective cover of the transit base, that is, the spaceship energy protective cover.

Although this protective cover, Wang Hao also knows that it is very bad, not to mention unstable, it also consumes energy, and the use of energy is very rough, but the dogma in Wang Hao's heart is to try, and he knows that any research cannot be accomplished overnight. .

Only those who dare to experiment will have real results. Wang Hao has already seen very clearly what he is researching, so he naturally wanted to make this energy protection shield according to some principles he understood.

However, there was a huge gap with the protective cover of the Nuoski family's transfer base. According to the level of civilization he understood, he was only at the level of a primary civilization, while the protective cover of the Nuoski family was a high-level civilization.

(End of this chapter)

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