Black Technology R&D Center

Chapter 787 Please Don't Overdraw Your Patriotism (3 More)

Chapter 787 Please Don't Overdraw Your Patriotism (Third Watch)
(I posted the wrong chapter yesterday, which troubled all book friends. I am really sorry. I want to say sorry to everyone. The previous one has been replaced. If you haven’t read the previous chapter, you can go back to a few chapters. If you have subscribed, that chapter is not available. There will be repeated charges, and this chapter is not counted as repeated subscriptions. I apologize again to the book friends,)
"Don't get me wrong, I'm just sitting here, and I think Xiao Xiaozi is quite cute, so I chatted a few words."

Xiao Tian almost wanted to say Xiao Shen, but fortunately he reacted quickly enough, it was still difficult to distinguish between Xiao and small characters, he said with a smile on his face.

"Mom and Dad."

Right here, Xiao Tian heard two voices, one of which was a familiar voice that couldn't be more familiar, his body trembled involuntarily, he turned around hesitantly, and looked at a familiar figure that appeared.

But when he saw this familiar figure who was also eagerly running over, his heart twitched, and he was a little dazed for a moment. If he heard correctly just now, this strange middle-aged man actually called his parents. parents.

This situation made Xiao Tian unable to react.

"who are you?"

Liu Qiumei looked at the clone controlled by Xiao Tian with strong vigilance, and there was worry in her eyes after being frightened, but in her heart, she always felt familiar with this person, but when she thought about it carefully, she didn't know what to say. At first, she was confident that she had never seen this person before.

"I just chatted with the child, there is no malice, don't be nervous, I still have something to do, so I'm leaving first."

Xiao Tian took a deep look at his parents, at Liu Qiumei, at the middle-aged man, and even at his son. After reading it, he turned and left without hesitation.

Although he had many doubts in his heart, he knew that it was inappropriate for him to stay.

Xiao Tian needed to find a place to think quietly and investigate the specific situation. Looking at Liu Qiumei and the middle-aged man, he already knew the general situation. However, the middle-aged man's behavior towards his parents was different. Let him have some doubts.

The investigation was very difficult for Xiao Tian himself, but with the help of Wang Hao's extensive ability, he successfully investigated the detailed situation without much effort.

This made him stare blankly, with both complexities and a decision on his face, just as he guessed, Liu Qiumei re-established a family, but what was different was that the person named Nie Lian was a orphan.

Together with Liu Qiumei, he bears the responsibility of supporting his parents and Liu Qiumei's parents, and Xiao Tian read the news of the investigation, Nie Lian is very good to his parents, and even his father often calls Nie Lian home to drink.

Seeing such a situation, Xiao Tian thought for a while, then took out his mobile phone again, and called Wang Hao.

Under such an environment, Wang Hao does not have a strong burden for external expansion, especially for Yuan beasts and zombies. As long as he finds a city occupied by these two, he will definitely launch an army and attack the city immediately. Then directly dismantle the city and convert it into steel.

However, there are many things restricting Wang Hao from Earth and Star. First of all, the core of his own country and nation is here, and Earth and Star are currently very peaceful. Wang Hao has no way to expand too forcefully.

"Wang Hao. A true national scholar."

In fact, Tao Hongguo also knew in his heart that if Wang Hao chose to develop independently, it might not be bad, but the other party firmly defended the nation, which made him unable to ask Wang Hao for what he wanted.

Even if they didn't mention it, the other party had already made a concession that was completely unimaginable to them.

"Leader, I feel... if we put forward some conditions that are beneficial to us, the other party should also agree."

A negotiating expert showed puzzlement on his face, why should they further stop them from expanding their achievements. Judging from the mentality of the other party, it can definitely be used again to make the other party make another concession.

"You have to be clear about one thing. If you make concessions this time, you probably won't have the chance to make concessions next time, because the road is already have to take a long-term view."

Tao Hongguo glanced at the negotiator and said earnestly.

He knew in his heart that Wang Hao had a weight in his heart. If it exceeded this weight, then Wang Hao's mind would be biased towards another direction. Therefore, after Wang Hao proposed the benefit of giving up, he nodded without hesitation. Agreed, without giving the negotiator another chance to speak.


After listening to the leader's words, the negotiator's face froze for a moment, revealing a daze, yes, if he took advantage of the other party's patriotic psychology, then wouldn't he be overdrafting the other party's patriotism? Psychology is about to disappear.

Losing this sense of patriotism and belonging, how to get along with each other in the future will probably be a negotiation of pure interests against interests.

After Wang Hao came out of the conference hall, he also looked back at the conference hall with emotion. He was very comfortable with how the high-level people handled things.

Just as Tao Hongguo thought, the concession he proposed was no longer as simple as a negotiation, but the biggest concession as soon as he proposed it. If he wanted to negotiate conditions again, his impression of the management would be reduced.

Although such a reduction of points will not make Wang Hao do any radical behavior, it will definitely leave a trace of grudge in his heart, and with each such behavior, the grudge will become bigger and bigger, and it is not even right to part ways. impossible.

Wang Hao can see this clearly, and now he knows it too, and the higher-ups can see it too.

bell bell bell
"Hello, Xiao Tian."

When Wang Hao just walked out, the phone rang suddenly, and he glanced at it and connected.

(End of this chapter)

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