Black Technology R&D Center

Chapter 980 Inspiration

Chapter 980 Inspiration
"There are so many secrets hidden in the core of the Protoss."

After Wang Hao was called over by the dragon brain, all his attention was focused on Yuan Xing's anatomical protoss research institute, because he found that the core of the protoss was like a huge spaceship scaled in a fist-sized body. among objects.

The core of the Protoss is full of extremely rich content, which makes Wang Hao forcefully use violent means to dissect a core of the Protoss, and he is fascinated by it, feeling that he can't get enough of it.

"Unfortunately, for the Protoss core, forcibly breaking the protective wall will destroy the stability inside, and the information inside will disappear into the air at an extremely fast speed."

Although Wang Hao was enthusiastic, there was a trace of unspeakable regret on his face. If the core of the protoss was broken by him violently, the lasting time could be increased by such a time, which would be of great help to him.

You can even fully know the secrets in the crystal nucleus of the Protoss, but after the core of the Protoss is broken, it will dissipate at an extremely fast speed, even in less than a second. It is impossible to record so much data. too likely.

"Sooner or later, you will be captured by our Protoss, and you will be tortured forever..."

And just when Wang Hao was full of regret, the three surviving protoss looked at Wang Hao with a strong hatred in their faces.

Facing the hatred of the protoss, Wang Hao smiled and didn't care at all. Ever since he knew the law of the universe hunter, he didn't have much affection for this race that claimed to be a god. The reason was that this protoss was the universe hunter. Faithful enforcer of the law.

I don't know how many civilizations have been destroyed in the hands of the Protoss, and even as the Protoss is getting stronger and faster, the Hengyuan galaxy has only become one of the goals of the Protoss, facing a Protoss who wants to destroy itself , Wang Hao is not a saint.

After Wang Hao learned about it, he knew that in the universe, a saint would not live long. After all, in the universe, even if it is a peaceful civilization, although it is said that it will not attack other civilizations, the heart of prevention will never be lacking .

"Xiaolong. Dissected him. I'll see if the fresh Protoss core is different."

Wang Hao took a serious look at the three people whose actions were restricted. He just looked at his Protoss with hatred. After pondering for a while, he was naturally not angered by the words of the Protoss, but made him think of a possible .

That is, after the borneol dissected the analysis structure of the Protoss before, it took a while to discover the existence of the core of the Protoss.

But now he thinks of another question, that is, if the core of the Protoss is directly dissected, will there be any difference in the fresh one.


The borneol is in the criteria that Wang Hao set for himself, but he didn't mention the moral bottom line, he just obeyed Wang Hao's orders, and in addition, he took the Yanhuang tribe as the guideline. As for the gods, in his concept, It's no different than killing a chicken.


The three surviving protoss froze when they heard Wang Hao speaking in Interstellar Common Language, especially the protoss named by Wang Hao showed a look of horror.

The other two protoss seemed to be frightened by Wang Hao's actions, and they couldn't help showing a strong look of fear.

It's just the same intelligent race, but the development is faster than ours, so what's the difference in essence.

Looking at the appearance of the Protoss, Wang Hao couldn't help shaking his head. In his opinion, the reason why the Protoss has the current power is that it rose earlier than him.

It's really different. Is this considered engraving, engraving the required things in this core.
Once again, Wang Hao skillfully used violence to break through the core of the Protoss, and found that the core of the Protoss was not as active as before, and the duration was much longer, which allowed him to collect many Data about the Protoss core.

He found that the core of the Protoss is like a circuit board, and there are many small modules inside, which provide many functions. In it, he even found a suspected Protoss cultivation method, which made his eyes light up slightly.

"Dragon brain, take the remaining two protoss down, I have to think about it."

When Wang Hao saw this kind of operation similar to the same, his eyes showed a gleam, and his heart even showed a touch of uncertain thoughts. He needed to think carefully to see if he could catch his own flash. thought.

bearer bearer.

Wang Hao muttered to himself, he really had an unclear and unexplainable thought in his heart, which made him frown tightly, and made him bow his head and think seriously.

Regardless of the environment around him, the gray blood of the Protoss slowly flowed on the ground, but when Wang Hao looked down at the gray blood, he suddenly froze.

Blood. That's right, since the protoss use the crystal nucleus to carry the weight, can't I use the blood to carry it?
Wang Hao's mind seemed to have been bombarded with a new door. He suddenly thought clearly about a problem, which was also a problem he had flashed before, that is, since the protoss can use the crystal nucleus to carry out information inheritance, energy conversion, and battle Things that instinctively fit in.

According to his understanding, since the protoss can do this, he can also try to study it. Anyway, it is like marking the circuit on a circuit board, so he can also find a carrier and carry out data marking.
After this idea appeared, the more Wang Hao thought about it, the more he felt that this idea was right, but he didn't know that the appearance of the protoss crystal nucleus was just self-evolution, and it was not what Wang Hao thought at all. It is produced in batches, but his thinking is different from that of the protoss. He is all thinking about how to make the clone stronger.

But regardless of the specific situation of the Protoss, Wang Hao, who has figured out some joints, has burning eyes because he has discovered a new research direction, that is, blood as a carrier. Seriously speaking, it should be used as a carrier in the form of biological information records. , engrave everything you want into it.

"Maybe it's really feasible. You can try it."

After thinking clearly, Wang Hao didn't hesitate at all, and immediately started research in this direction. At the same time, he didn't forget that the earth and stars had entered the ice age. some different techniques.

He didn't even think about it, and directly handed over these technologies to Yang Lu to understand them thoroughly. This was his reward for managing the evolution of artificial intelligence into souls for Tianyan World.

In order to realize the idea in his mind, Wang Hao immediately talked to Su Yu and locked himself in the vast research center.

He has only one purpose in doing this, and that is to research and try to use blood as a carrier in the clone, and make it like a protoss crystal nucleus, which can carry countless information.

(End of this chapter)

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