Rebel Demon King

Chapter 1333 Ragnarok of the Gods (105)

Chapter 1333 Ragnarok of the Gods (105)

In the disaster of destroying the world, the resonant voice of the First God General shook the heavens and the earth, like a mighty thunderbolt.

When the flow of time resumed and the name of "David Rockefeller" floated in the air like a banner, the densely packed stargate candidates above and below the clouds all cheered, and their shouts went straight into the sky.

"God Bless A!"

"God Bless A!"

"God Bless A!"

I don't know who used laser lights to lay down the huge stargate logo on the upper and lower sides of the dark cloud. The logo surged with the thick clouds flashing with lightning, as if someone was waving a flag in the sky to declare victory.

All the Stargate Chosen Ones believed that the outcome was decided, and the cheers became louder, like a tsunami.

The first God will come in person, just as God is in person.


On the Iron Continent, those fleeing people couldn't help but stop and look back at the place where the dark clouds were rolling in the distance at such a crisis-ridden moment.

The violent wind was howling, and the dark cloud that was shining with lightning was like a whirlpool, and in the center of the whirlpool, a golden four-pointed star beam pierced through the dark cloud from top to bottom, and inserted into the boiling sea.No one noticed that the rhombus-shaped beam of light had turned into a four-pointed star beam of light. They only saw the light cluster of the four generals bursting out with destructive light, and a red giant star bigger than the moon rose in the middle of the beam of light.In the doomsday-like scene, the chosen ones of the star gate became more and more courageous as they fought, while the chosen ones of the Tai Chi dragon turned into DNA helixes one after another, and the air front was about to collapse.Not only in the air, but the No. [-] Fortress on the sea surface has also become a small boat that may capsize at any time in the stormy waves, and may sink into the sea at any time.

Tai Chi Dragon has reached the most critical moment.

When the first god stepped out of the four-pointed star beam in the form of a "god", the world was silent.

"My God! It's over! It's over! The first generals are here? Who else among the twelve generals hasn't come?" Tang Muxuan covered her mouth and looked at Yuan Kong helplessly, "Why do we win?"

"The second general, Nebuchadnezzar, is also here. The tenth general, Fred Koch, has just read the name of the second general." Murong Yusi looked up at the towering cloud-like sky in the distance. The beam of light, and the looming fireball above the clouds, said softly, "What they want to deal with is the second general, not our Tai Chi dragon."

"Is the second general, Nebuchadnezzar, here to help us?" Zhang Xinyuan, who was in tears, looked at Murong Yusi, "Isn't he the bad guy of the Black Death?"

"Even if he's here to help us, it's impossible to beat the number one general and join forces with the other five generals, right?" Tang Muchuan said worriedly.

Murong Yusi looked down at the surface of the sea, only to realize that the waves erupting from the diamond-shaped beam of light tens of kilometers away are rolling in. The inconspicuous wave not long ago actually set off a tsunami hundreds of meters high. She pointed to the The huge white wave that was moving fast under the pouring rain shouted in amazement: "Don't worry about it so much, it's important to evacuate! Otherwise everyone will die here!"


"What the hell is this?" Benner Nelson stared at the "God" emerging from the four-pointed star beam on the screen, and shouted excitedly, "FXXK, is there really a Creator in this world? MD, there are all chosen ones." It’s a kind of thing, and it seems that there is nothing unusual about having a Creator!”

No one in the room answered him, everyone was dumbfounded watching the live broadcast, and could not make a sound. When someone found out the window, he could also see the four-pointed star beam that went straight to the sky and the huge statue like a statue. At that time, a group of people came to their senses. Some people knelt down and prayed, some picked up their mobile phones and started recording, and some asked in fear whether it would affect them more than 1000 kilometers away.

The live broadcast room was also detonated, and the subtitles in the communication area were raining down, making it impossible to understand what the audience was saying.Fatty Pi has a lot of peculiarities, so he knows that this beam of light can be seen not only in the sea of ​​NF, but also in most areas in the eastern hemisphere of the earth, and billions of viewers around the world are paying attention to what happened on Sidhu Reef.

Benner Nelson asked Fat Pete to open the window of the live broadcast room. He pretended to be pious and solemn to the camera and said: "I can't explain it except for miracles." He crossed his chest, "The Creator will judge the devil !God bless the people of God!"


The Izumo followed thousands of strange ships and headed towards Sidhu Reef.

When the dark clouds rolled in, the first mate ran to Xiyuanji Benimaru who was standing by the railing. After raising his hands in salute, he said in a deep voice: "Reporting to the bureau, there is extreme weather ahead, which is suspected to be caused by the star gate god general." .”

Xiyuanji Benimaru crossed his arms and stared at the beam of light which changed from a rhombus to a four-pointed star in the blink of an eye, "Don't be suspicious. It is the strongest magic circle formed by sacrificing four generals—"God of God Seal' (SigillumDei Aemaeth, also known as the 'Seal of God's Truth'), known as the 'miracle'."

"Ah~" The first officer opened his mouth, as if he wanted to say something, but in the end he only spit out a short syllable.He couldn't help looking back at the beam of light behind his eyes, then turned his head in a hurry, and after calming down for a while, he stammered, "That... shall we avoid it for a while, or continue forward?"

Xiyuanji Benimaru stared at the huge fleet that was still facing the sea wind and continued to advance towards Sidhu Reef in the distance. The scarlet flags merged into a red torrent in the manic sea wind, "Look, even those ordinary ships People are not afraid, so what do we have to be afraid of? Don't do anything that insults the spirit of the samurai! Okubo."

The first officer took a deep breath and straightened his body, "Yes! Your Excellency! We will continue to move forward!"

Seionji Benimaru nodded.

The first officer turned around and walked quickly towards the bridge command room. When he closed the door, there seemed to be a manic sea breeze.The sea breeze brought rain mixed with gunpowder smoke and the smell of gasoline in the distance, and the rain crackled and hit the ship and hit him.With the coolness coming, Xiyuanji Benimaru took a deep sniff of the air and looked at the dark chaos more than a hundred kilometers away. The beam of light in the middle was like an altar of light that cleansed the world.

Just like in the world, there is always some light, like hope within reach, but it is not enough to illuminate the whole muddy world.

Is it the end when the light goes out?
No, when the last light is about to disappear.

Right now.

He shed tears inexplicably, "I really like this atmosphere." He opened his arms as if to embrace the huge and solemn beam of light, "I really hope this is the end."


"The seal of God?" Napoleon VII looked at the four-pointed starlight pillar in the north, and his face became extremely embarrassed. "Could it be that the first general is also here?"

"The number one general? Lord David Rockefeller?" Clotte Gayon exclaimed first, then murmured with a wry smile, "Then what should we do? Is it too late to go now?"

"Tai Chi Dragon is about to die, order the fighter plane to take off, and Chabrol will advance at full speed." Napoleon VII turned around and walked quickly towards the rest cabin, and said anxiously, "I'll go to Sidu Reef first."


Fortress No. [-], which is like a mountain, is like a small boat between the torrential rain and the waterspout, swaying wildly from side to side.Debris and weapons were thrown around, and even the Chosen had to take a defensive stance against the hurricane.

Bai Xiuxiu had to turn on the aircraft to help her stand on the deck, and looked up at the four-pointed star beam dozens of kilometers away in the wind and rain. The clouds that covered the sky broke a big hole there, and the blood-red lava cross It is slowly rising, gold and blood are flying in the hollow sky.

Across the pouring rain, there seems to be another world, just like the afterglow of the setting sun passing through the thick clouds and flickering in the humid air. The sky is even more mournful.

The heavy rain drenched her, and the salty rain trickled down the ends of her hair, her eye sockets and her tightly pursed lips.Her pale face reflected the distant red light, and from time to time, colorful halos of the chosen ones turned into DNA helixes flashed through her pupils, and the number of chosen ones in Tai Chi Dragon was getting less and less, so the earphones asked for support The voices were also almost silent, as if most of them had given up their resistance, leaving only the silent electrical sound.The sound of the huge waves beating the ship became nearer and farther away, and then was covered by the rumbling roar as if the earth was breaking.

"It's terrible! Ms. Bai Xiuxiu, I'm afraid you will be disappointed. Yes, all of this is a trap, a trap set by Lord David to capture that cunning old fox of Nebuchadnezzar." John Chris Morgan He looked at Bai Xiuxiu, licked his lips, and said with a half-smile, "Now the hunting is over, let's enjoy the ending quietly!"

Bai Xiuxiu ignored John Chris Morgan. She held the glory bomb in her pocket and fastened the tab.

There are many regrets, but at least he didn't break his promise and he came.

And she, at least waited until this moment, so that she could gain some comfort when she died.As for victory, it has become an extravagant hope. Even though she has not accepted this reality in her heart, she still feels very tormented, but she also knows that the victory or defeat will be determined when the first god general arrives at Xidujiao.Even if she can successfully pass on the position of God General to the next person, there is still no chance of winning.

What's more, it wasn't just the first general who came, the twelve generals were all gathered except the third general.It is an honor to be able to make Stargate go all out.

However, Bai Xiuxiu still has too much unwillingness in her heart. Countless what-ifs flashed through her mind, but in the end she still didn't have the courage to imagine winning in this situation.

I can only comfort myself with what Cheng Mo said, as long as I have a clear conscience.

When death was approaching, she gained some calming power because of Cheng Mo's arrival as promised and these words.Maybe it's depression, maybe the meaning of everything is drifting away.

She tried to let go of everything and stared at the slowly falling fireball in the golden four-pointed star column, as if watching a clock counting down to death. The flickering flame was the last warmth in the cold storm.

When it goes out, she will embrace the flame.


Cheng Mo floated above the sky in a swooping posture, and Li Jiting was tens of meters away from him.The First God, transformed into the image of the Creator, will stand in the clouds like a mirage, overlooking them with a disdainful attitude.

And the four-pointed star array like a golden mountain emits beams of light that go straight to the universe, imprisoning them like a cage of light.As far as the eye can see, the sky is full of silently rotating gears, pulling the transparent silk thread stuck to their bodies, restricting their movement.And just below, the red giant star cross inlaid in it rises slowly like a torture tool, trying to sink them into the sea of ​​flames completely.

Cheng Mo sacrificed the "Seven Sins", trying to cut off those almost transparent silk threads, and the blade crossed the silk thread, as if it had crossed the light.He tried to swing his limbs and wings, but he felt that the silk threads like a net were like fishing nets. The more he struggled, the tighter he was bound. The needle-like pain hit his brain directly from his limbs and bones, as if to destroy his internal organs. Pull it out.

He turned his head to look at Li Jiting, even the man who was close to God seemed to be helpless in the transparent silk thread wrapped around his body, he could only let the gears tighten his wings and limbs, as if resigned to fate.

Thinking of what the first general had said, he was convinced that the root of all this was himself.

Where did the error start?

From the Hermitage?Or even further?So far that Li Jiting gave him this Uroboros to start?He thought again of the curse of the crown of thorns, and the imminence of death could not calm his mind.He shouldn't be a person who believes in fate, but at this moment, he can't help but feel that there is God's will in the dark.

He turned his head and looked down at the red giant cross, which was close at hand, and it was blown over with a blazing style, even hotter than when it broke through the atmosphere and went to the atmosphere.Death was imminent, he didn't care as much as he imagined, maybe it was useless to care, his strength supported him to control his own destiny.

At this moment, he was more concerned about dragging Li Jiting into the water. Speaking of which, the whole family owed Li Jiting's kindness, but he said with guilt because of this: "Master, I'm sorry, the 'tsar' is because It was launched for my sake."

Li Jiting smiled, turned a blind eye to the eerie lava hell in front of him, and said calmly: "I know, it's in the Winter Palace! It should be Yan Funing's doing it, why are you fighting the pot for him?"

Li Jiting's calm attitude made Cheng Mo feel more at ease, but he didn't know how to explain the matter about Yan Funing, so he sighed and said, "Anyway, it has something to do with me."

Li Jiting smiled again, and said lightly: "There is no need to blame yourself, Cheng Mo, I am already dead, and I should have died long ago."

"Master!?" Cheng Mo took a deep breath, he didn't want to give up, and he had no right to give up, "Don't be discouraged at this time. Isn't he your student? Give the apprentice a little confidence that you can crush him!"

"Students? All of you are my students. Lao Tzu has more students than Confucius, three thousand to the Nth power. That's the only number one general."

"What do you mean by that? Don't tell me that the teacher can't beat the students!"

"If I'm not injured, I have a [-]% chance of winning. But I can't stop him from leaving. Right now."

Cheng Mo knew that Li Jiting was whetting his appetite, even though he was always calm, he was unwilling to fight with Li Jiting on such a small matter, so he asked straightforwardly: "What's the matter now?"

Li Jiting said triumphantly: "Now I am still invincible. Even if the old man, the creator, comes in person, he can't kill me!" Only myself."

The words thrown suddenly seemed to cast a forbidden spell.Just as it flashed through Cheng Mo's mind, a strange light burst out in front of his eyes. That light was completely different from the golden holy light and the terrifying blood-colored lava light. It was more like a torch in the dark.When he turned his head, he saw Li Jiting burning in countless threads, he was burning like a torch, not dazzling, but surging with unparalleled power.Those transparent silk threads were ignited, igniting those balloon-like gears all over the air like a lead wire, and those rotating gears burned into ashes and fluttered in the scorching light, like colorful butterflies, and like thousands of families. lights.

"Truth: Einstein clock is slow!" Li Jiting whispered like chanting.

Hearing the name "Einstein", Cheng Mo's heart was shocked. It is said that "Special Relativity" and "General Relativity" each have a magical skill, but no one has ever heard their names.

Today he finally heard it.

There is no doubt that "Einstein's slow clock" is derived from the "slow clock effect" in "Special Relativity".The specific content is that the faster the speed, the slower the time. When you reach the speed of light, time can be completely still.

It's scary to think about it.

No, Cheng Mo didn't dare to think at all, didn't dare to think about how powerful this skill would be.

The danger in front of him was irrelevant, his heart was beating like thunder, and he stared at Li Jiting intently. He opened his eyes wide to see Li Jiting raised his hands in front of his eyes under the reflection of the fire, with the palm of his left hand facing downwards, and the thumb and index finger of his right hand spread apart, with the thumb against the palm of his left hand. Like a clock axis, the index finger is like a pointer, slowly starting to rotate.

Under the traction of the silk thread burning like a cobweb, his movements were a little slow, and his expression was even more solemn, like a solemn seal before holding some kind of ceremony.

When Li Jiting's index finger stopped at the direction of 12 o'clock, there seemed to be countless rotating clocks, oscillating electrons, and beams of light that split and gathered in the sky.Then there was a line of tones like an organ playing, it was Li Jiting's voice, he seemed to be singing, and he seemed to be reciting.

"My dear friend Einstein, please lend me the hand of time to measure the scale of the hour and minute hands in the tremor of the electrons. It is only the control of precision and stability. And I am the shadow of reality and illusion!"

As the three pairs of huge wings behind him opened and closed, responding to the chants, the clocks floating in the sky twisted into a ball, and one after another collapsed into countless ashes.Cheng Mo saw the shattered clocks drift away, but the shadow reflected on Li Jiting's face did not disappear.The shadows of the hour hand, minute hand, second hand, beam of light and electronic tremors are rapidly rotating counterclockwise.

Under the changing light and shadow, Li Jiting's three pairs of nearly withered wings regained their whiteness and luster as if they were new.His face, which was old and tired not long ago, was now full of youth and vitality.The gray withered long hair became pitch black and thick, and instantly grew to the waist, and even the figure became tall and straight, as if rejuvenated.

This inconceivable time reversal made Cheng Mo feel strange, he smelled the breath of returning light, it seemed that Li Jiting was consuming what little life he had left, forcing himself into the strongest state.And just as the first general said, the Creator is taking back the extra time given to him.

(End of this chapter)

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