Rebel Demon King

Chapter 587 Penglai Mountain (11)

Chapter 587 Penglai Mountain (11)

(Two-in-one update, one chapter makes up for yesterday's owed update, and there is another update today)
Every gambler's obituary will have this sentence: Give me some chips, and I can break the bank. ——Cheng Mo


Next, Cheng Mo behaved as if he was on the bar with Fat Floran, as long as Fat Floran placed a bet, Cheng Mo would definitely follow, even if the cards were too bad to follow, Cheng Mo would sneer In other words, two people are back and forth at the poker table, and the chips in front of Cheng Mo are slowly increasing, from only 200 left to 30 to [-], but this efficiency is not high.

This time it was Fatty Floran's turn to bet again. After checking the cards, he threw 30 US dollars in chips. This time, Cheng Mo finally got a good card, Club K and Heart K. Looking at it, throwing 30 means that his cards are not bad, but they will not be particularly good. Cheng Mo knows that when Floran gets a better card, he will subconsciously choose to make a big bet, make a small bet or even check.

Cheng Mo pretended to hesitate for a while, held the 30 chips, paused in the air for a while, and then threw it up, and said lightly: "Fatty, you want to steal the pot? It's not that easy."

Fatty Florin put one hand under the table, pinching some part of the woman next to him. In short, the black woman looked very bad, and with the other hand, she grabbed a stack of chips and let go. With the sound of the clay chips colliding, he sneered and said, "Yellow monkey, if you have the ability to continue all in, I will give you the pot."

At this time, the croupier turned over the public cards, K of spades, 5 of clubs, and 6 of clubs. In fact, Cheng Mo was not willing to see these cards. Cheng Mo was sure that Fatty Floran did not have a big pair, or big cards like AK, But his hand is very likely to hold a small pair, or a flush or two consecutive cards.That is to say, the public card is likely to make Fatty make a flush. Judging from the cards, the probability of Fatty Floran making a flush is 42%, and the probability of making a straight flush is less than 1%.

Cheng Mo has a 3.2% chance of making four of a kind on the turn and river cards, and a 21% chance of making a captive. In this way, it is very likely that Cheng Mo's top card will lose to Fatty Floran. flower hands.

If it were someone else, Cheng Mo would choose to fold his cards in this hand, but there are still four people on the table at this time, the Japanese man wearing a fairy mask, Cheng Mo's previous family from Tianzhu, Fatty Floran, except for Immortal Yijiao, the other two people are not good at reading the game. Cheng Mo decided to see whether Immortal Yijiao would call or not, and whether he should continue to call.

Fatty Floran saw the public card, and without hesitation threw another 30 US dollars in chips. Cheng Mo had already confirmed in an instant that Fatty Floran should have two clubs in his hand, not a pair. Clubs can form a straight flush with club K or club 5.

Then it was the Japanese's turn to place a bet. He sat in front of the table and looked at the community cards and thought for a while before choosing to fold.Then Cheng Mo saw that the Tianzhu man hesitated for a while, and followed the 30 US dollars in chips.

Tianzhu’s playing style is very stable. On a board with such a high possibility of a flush, if he has three 5s or three 6s in his hand, he should not follow. Therefore, he should also have two clubs in his hand, and There should be grass flower A among them.What Cheng Mo couldn't figure out was what kind of brand the Japanese man wearing a fairy mask was.
Now it was his turn to place a bet, but Cheng Mo became a little entangled. He had to read the cards of the Japanese in order to make the most perfect response. Cheng Mo unconsciously turned his gaze to the Japanese who was wearing a fairy mask. On the other side, the other party also noticed Cheng Mo's gaze.

Cheng Mo said in Japanese: "You are wearing a sage mask from a Noh play. I happen to be very interested in Noh plays."

However, the Japanese seemed to have no intention of talking to Cheng Mo at all, they just looked at him through the narrow eye sockets of the mask, and Cheng Mo felt that the eyes hidden under the mask were beautiful, with long eyelashes and black pupils like swirls At this moment, the Japanese suddenly closed their eyes, and it took a long time before they opened them.

Cheng Mo turned around, thinking that the other party should be implying something to him, Cheng Mo's brain was running at high speed, wondering if the other party was telling himself that he also had clubs in his hand, that's why he folded his cards?

You must know that there are only thirteen cards of the same suit. At this time, there are at least seven clubs on the table, and there are only five clubs left. Three people fold their cards, and six cards are missing, leaving 37 cards. The probability of winning clubs in two rounds is about 13%, but this probability is still very high
But if the Japanese also have two clubs in their hole cards, then there are only three clubs left. At this time, the chance of fat Floran trying to make a flush is only 4%, and among the six cards of the three of them There must be no 5 and 6, and Cheng Mo does not have five and six in his own cards, which greatly increases Cheng Mo's chances of being captured, one goes up and down, even if Cheng Mo does not get the captive, three Kings win the fat man Lorraine's miscellaneous cards are still easy.

After Cheng Mo understood the game, he knew how to play it. He decided to scare away the troublesome Tianzhu people first, and at the same time seduce Fatty Floran to place a bet, because Fatty Floran might not have the courage to bet after the turn card came out. Note.So when it was his turn to call, he pushed all the 200 million chips in front of him to the front as Fatty Floran said, and said flatly: "Since the fourth heir said so, then I'll go all in." Already!"

The fat man sneered, took two 100 million black chips and threw them up, saying, "I call."

The Tianzhu man Cheng Mo shot looked around, thought for a long time, and said: "Forget it, you fight, I will discard the card."

Cheng Mo didn't speak, looked at the croupier, the croupier turned over the turn card, a 6 of spades, seeing this card, Cheng Mo knew it was safe, even if the last fat man made a flush, he would lose deal.

At this time, the fat Floran knocked on the table and chose to check. Although Cheng Mo didn't look at the expression and movements of the fat Floran on the surface, he kept an eye on him all the time, and found that he habitually made a sign to check. Cheng Mo knew that he was gone.

Because Cheng Mo was already "all in", there was no need to call in this round, and the croupier turned over the last card, the Queen of Hearts, which meant that Fatty Floran hadn't even got the flower yet.

Cheng Mo flipped three kings against a six, this hand Cheng Mo not only broke his bank in an instant, but also won more than 100 million. The chips in his hand reached 620 million
Fatty Floran once again lost to Cheng Mo. This time Cheng Mo was not a bluff, but a rare big card. Thinking that he would still lose even if he made a flush, Fatty Floran's face turned a little better.

"You're lucky." Fatty Floran threw the cards back, his tone still contemptuous.

Cheng Mo smiled "hehe", and said in a contemptuous tone: "It's not luck, it's strength."

Seeing the croupier push a small pile of chips in front of Cheng Mo, Cheng Xiao patted his towering chest and let out a long sigh of relief, "I felt like my heart was about to stop just now."

Shen Mengjie also said: "Me too, but Zero's luck is so good that he actually got a prisoner."

Cheng Mo glanced at Shen Mengjie and said in a low voice, "I'm all in not because I want to bet on luck, but because the opponent's chance of winning a flush is much lower than my chance of winning a captive. Luck, then you must lose, you know, the most unreliable thing in this world is luck.”


The gambling game is still going on, Jing Xing watched as Cheng Mo's chips changed from one hundred thousand at the beginning to hundreds of thousands, then several million, then tens of millions, more and more, However, the chips in front of Fatty Floran became less and less, and his complexion became darker and darker. Soon, Fatty Floran lost more than 2000 million US dollars under the siege of several other people.

At this time, Fatty Floran was already red-eyed, and went to exchange 5000 million US dollars in chips and came back to try to get back the game.

Jing Xing shook his head, seeing that the fat Floran took a pair of aces and was about to fight Cheng Mogang, and soon the prize money in the pot accumulated to more than 1000 million. He shook his head and said, "This 5000 million is going to be fetched again." Float."

"This Lin Zhinuo is not in the same way as us." Jing Quan said flatly.

Jing Xing was a little surprised, "Ah? Why?"

"People like us who live a bloody life will more or less believe in ghosts and luck, but this person doesn't believe in it at all. He never believes in luck. He plays cards and bets based on statistics, and he will never bet on the future. card." Jing Quan said.

Jing Xing frowned, "But isn't that how good players play Texas Hold'em?"

"Do you know who that bald man is?" Jing Quan asked.


"Wsop Texas Hold'em three-world champion genius poker player Sidu Enge, he is not allowed to enter the casino, only when he comes to us can anyone play with him. I remember that in one round, Lin Zhinuo took the top card with a big surplus. Hua Dashun, and Sidu Enge took a straight flush, Sidu Enge tempted Lin Zhinuo to bet, but Lin Zhinuo did not choose to call to see the river card, but gave up the 3000 million pot bonus, Just fold your cards and tell me, if it were you, would you choose to fold your cards?"

Jing Xing was very impressed with this hand of cards, because he played at a very high level, not only Lin Zhinuo, but also the Japanese man wearing a fairy mask, who had three of a kind in his hand, also lost the card, logically speaking Three big cards appearing in a hand can easily accumulate the pot very high, but this hand of 3000 million is over, which is really unbelievable.

Jing Xing shook his head and said, "It's mine. I will definitely follow to the end."

"A great Texas Hold'em player is not so great in how to win, but in how to stop loss. It is against human nature to choose stop loss at the moment when you can win money immediately. To be honest, I have no way Do it, bet on an unknown card, and turn out a magical card. I think this is the charm of gambling. People like Lin Zhinuo can clearly calculate the probability distribution of winning cards, and can calculate the probability distribution of various cards. Even if he holds a handful of big cards, but the probability of winning falls below 50.00%, and if the chips he pays are too high, he will choose to give up without hesitation. What he pursues is not the excitement of gambling, he He is just counting money using mathematics, obviously he has no interest in gambling, but he is sitting here playing cards." Jing Quan said lightly.

"So...he's acting? But how can a person who doesn't like Texas Hold'em play Texas Hold'em so well?"

"You are not a genius, but there are still many geniuses in this world. Lin Zhinuo is one of them. At the beginning, he didn't end the game. He asked those two girls to gamble just to learn and observe. If you look carefully, you will I found that he didn't have any habitual moves, and even the way he looked at the cards was imitated by Stu Engo, who was opposite him. Although he looks like an old hand, he should not be on the poker table often. The reason why he can win is because of many All the cards in his hand followed the Japanese, and he never played against that Japanese. From the beginning to the end, he just spotted Floran, who was the weakest on the gambling table, and stepped on him. The chips in his hand were almost It was all won from Floran, he had planned to stimulate Floran a long time ago, and it just so happened that Floran also gave him this opportunity."

After listening to Jing Quan's explanation, Jing Xing felt a little hairy in his heart. At this moment, he realized that there was a big gap between himself and Lin Zhinuo in the video, or his brother. He didn't speak, and carefully observed the game Sure enough, Lin Zhinuo was playing cards in the way Jing Quan said.

When Floran lost all his chips in the match against Lin Zhinuo again, the fat Floran didn't continue, got up and left cursing.

Jing Quan stood up from the sofa, "Now Lin Zhinuo is leaving too."

As soon as Jing Quan's words fell, Jing Xing saw Lin Zhinuo throwing $[-] worth of chips to the croupier as a tip. Jiu's Jingquan said, "Brother, what should we do with Lin Zhinuo?"

Jing Quan thought for a moment, and said: "Smart people like this should not be liars. For people like them, the benefits are not directly proportional to the risks."

Jing Xing said vigilantly: "Brother, what do you mean that Lin Zhinuo approached us for a purpose? Is he an undercover agent?"

Jing Quan shook his head, "It's not like being an undercover agent. Such a person would not risk his life. Although he is not a bad person, he is definitely not a good person either. To be a bad person is to be a good person. It depends on which side benefits him the most. "

After a pause, Jing Quan said, "Take him to Lutai tomorrow and try again. If he doesn't respond correctly, he will be killed directly. If he doesn't look like an undercover agent, we still need a long-term investigation to find out his identity thoroughly." Only the details can cooperate with him, after all, the origin is unknown."

Jing Xing nodded, and then said: "Good brother, then I'll go first."

Jing Quan waved his hands, "Let's go!"

Jing Xing turned around and walked towards the door. Jing Quan turned around and called Jing Xing again, and said, "By the way, keep an eye on Bai Xiuxiu. If any man with short eyes dares to chase her, warn her first. The method tricked me to Mount Penglai, and I will handle it myself."

(End of this chapter)

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