Shadow trail of the beautiful world

Chapter 29 28. The Dark Walker

Chapter 29 28. The Dark Walker

The noise in the living room immediately attracted attention.


The door of the living room was pushed open suddenly, and the old butler Jarvis, holding a shotgun, rushed into the living room with a murderous look.He was also a good soldier when he was young, but he lost his military post due to some special reasons. After a coincidence, he became Howard's personal butler.

Although far from the world of fighting and killing, Jarvis can still be a good soldier again if needed.

However, Jarvis, who rushed into the living room with a gun in hand, only saw the young master alone, and there was no trace of anyone else here.

He hurriedly put down the gun to appease the manic Tony.

Tony grabbed Jarvis's hand, and he kept saying repeatedly:

"I knew it, I knew it! Jarvis, my parents' deaths were no accident...someone murdered them! I knew it."

He rushed to the edge of the living room, grabbed the phone, and dialed a series of numbers. A few minutes later, the call was connected, and Ms. Peggy Carter's deep voice rang through the microphone:

"Tony, what's the matter?"

"Aunt Peggy, I see!"

Tony gritted his teeth and said:

"My parents were murdered, you don't need to hide this from me... tell me, who killed them?"

"Take it easy, Tony, take your time. Tell Auntie, where did you get the news? Did someone tell you?"

On the other side, Peggy Carter pressed the button on the table while trying to calm Tony down with words.

In less than 10 minutes, several helicopters roared into the night sky of Manhattan.Under the command of Nick Fury, the agents of the Strategic Science Corps sealed off all the blocks near Howard's mansion in an almost impenetrable gesture.

They also activated special detection equipment.

It is a life detector similar to sonar. The secret of Merlin's ability to walk invisibly has already been guessed by the agents. The naked eye may not be able to catch this 'ghost', but under the same invisible sound wave lock, even if Merlin can walk in the shadows Even if he hides his figure, he will never want to escape from here.

The dark perception endowed by Spirit Vision allowed Merlin to feel the slightly vibrating air, but unfortunately, at his speed, he couldn't avoid the detection of these sound waves at all.At the end of his line of sight, the bridge entrance of the Hudson River has been cordoned off by soldiers. Obviously, someone is deliberately waiting or trying to capture him.

Merlin didn't know why these people came, and he didn't want to guess, he just wanted to get out of here, out of this mess and big trouble.


A black fighting knife jumped into Merlin's hand, it was his trophy after fighting the Winter Soldier.

If he could, he didn't want to hurt anyone, but under the pressure of self-preservation, he might...

Had to start a bloody escape.

"There are living organisms active in the woods at 1370 meters near the bridge! Suspected target! Get ready!"

Several improved sonar detectors installed under the helicopter quickly locked on to the target. In the night sky of Manhattan, Nick Fury took a communicator and shouted to the agents on standby on several nearby helicopters:

"Attention, agents! The goal this time is very important and dangerous."

"According to the information we have so far, the target is likely to have both concealment and energy emission capabilities. The infrared detectors you wear can detect him! Be careful not to get too close to the target! Put on rubber bullets and stun guns, our The mission is to capture, not kill, do not use lethal force!"

"set off!"

With Fury's order, four military helicopters flew across the night sky and hovered over the forest.At a distance of tens of meters from the ground, 4 well-trained agents, armed with weapons, wearing body armor and head-mounted infrared detectors, fell vigorously to the ground below.

The firearms they carried were filled with rubber bullets, which were special bullets specially used for riot suppression and peacekeeping. They had extremely strong kinetic energy, but they would not cause fatal injuries unless they hit vulnerable parts of the human body.

Some agents carried black stun guns in their hands, which is also a non-lethal weapon often used by the Strategic Science Corps.

Those who participated in the operation were all excellent field agents of the Strategic Science Corps. If Merlin hadn't been involved in the death of the extremely important Howard couple, Fury would not have the right to organize such a force in a place like Manhattan.

And from this aspect, in order to capture Merlin, Agent Fury also took great pains.

The agents fell to the ground, they communicated in sign language in a very professional manner, and then under Fury's command, they surrounded Merlin from several directions.It's like a pack of wolves that has entered a state of hunting. Under the command of the head wolf, they start to round up their prey.

Every agent involved in the operation, including Fury who directed the operation, no one thought that Merlin could escape in such a situation.

But Fury missed one thing.

Although he has been chasing this supernatural creature for 2 years, and has been eyeing him since the Chicago bombing, his knowledge of Merlin is limited to those abilities that Merlin has shown, hiding in the dark, and being able to cause massive damage. AoE damage explosion.

It's a pity that this is not Merlin's full ability. The contract of the Sangong Demon made him suffer a lot, but it also gave him some very precious things.

Such as spiritual vision, such as the...darkness perception endowed by spiritual vision!

Fury thought it was safe to start fighting hundreds of meters away from the encirclement, but no!

From the moment those agents fell into the woods, the actions of these agents could be sensed by Merlin who raised his attention to the extreme in the dark night.

He squatted halfway on the ground, with his fingers sticking to the icy soil, his ears pricked up slightly.

In the pupils of Merlin's eyes, the ball of light that is always like a flame is expanding bit by bit.

This was the first time since Merlin left home that he took the initiative to raise his darkness perception to the limit.And the power from the super demon Sangong did not disappoint him.

In the shroud of this dark night, the wind, fluorescence, sound, and even the slight vibration of the earth have become Merlin's eyes and ears, and his perception seems to be infinitely magnified. What he received at this moment Too much information...

The information that rushed to his face was so much that Merlin could hardly react, but his soul strength was far superior to that of ordinary people, and at this moment, he helped Merlin survive the terrifying flow of information.

It was like an invisible radar opened in Merlin's spirit, one after another, the agents approaching him, their positions were all under Merlin's control.


He reached out and pulled down his baseball cap, took out the small water bottle from his pocket, and took a sip of water.

He ran towards the east without hesitation. Since he could not maintain his concealment in front of the sonar and infrared detectors, Merlin simply let go of the shadow cloak and poured every ounce of power he could control into himself. in perception.

And Merlin's sudden movement was immediately noticed by Nick Fury, who was commanding the battle above. In the sonar image in front of his eyes, the light spot representing Merlin was moving towards the east.And that direction is the biggest gap when the encirclement circle of his agents is about to form!

"He noticed! Falk!"

Fury swears, and he immediately realizes that there is a problem with his estimation of Merlin.

"This guy probably has some kind of extra sense..."

"Team 1, move forward quickly! Team 2, move clockwise! The others move east! Quick!"

Fury issued a new order in the communicator, and on the sonar image in front of him, 20 light spots also began to move rapidly.

To Fury's relief, according to the moving speed of well-trained agents, they should be able to intercept Merlin before he rushed out of the encirclement.

But the information that Fury can see on the sonar map, Merlin can "see" by relying on dark perception.

He was running fast, panting, and his brain was still running fast, calculating the positions of the five agents who were approaching rapidly from the side. At the moment when the two sides were about to meet, Merlin suddenly stopped and quickly turned to the other side.

The action changed so quickly that Fury didn't have time to inform the team members. The next moment, five agents with guns ran to Merlin's side. Their infrared detectors clearly outlined the figure of Merlin's action in the dark. , the heat emitted by his body is very clearly displayed on the infrared detector.

But as soon as the lead agent raised his gun, Merlin held something up at him.

It was a strong flashlight that could be bought anywhere on the street, stabbing the agent with night vision goggles like a lightsaber in the dark.

The dazzling light caused the agent to turn his head subconsciously. The well-trained agent almost instinctively defended, but Merlin, who jumped out of the darkness, swung his fist obviously faster. It fell hard on his face.


There was a muffled crash from the head-mounted infrared detector, and the eye was struck, sending the agent staggering back.The stun gun in his hand was held by Merlin, and the young man pulled the trigger towards the agents in front of him against the rubber bullets flying towards him.


The fishing nets that flew out from the guns fell on the agents, and the strong electric current that followed caused the three agents in front of them to tremble and fall to the ground.

At the same time, Merlin's abdomen, legs and shoulders were also continuously hit by flying rubber bullets.


It hurts!

But this kind of attack does not harm lives, and Merlin cannot be aerosolized.

He could only bear the kind of pain that could make ordinary people lose their ability to move in an instant. The rubber bullet hit Merlin curled up on the ground, but he gritted his teeth to prevent himself from fainting.

His soul is tougher and stronger than the average person, which means that Merlin can endure more pain.

The most important thing is that 2 years ago, in the wilderness of Wisconsin, he even endured the pain of tearing his soul, and now this pain is nothing to him.

Merlin's tenacity, his tolerance for pain, is also his weapon.

He rolled on the ground, picked up the rifle that fell on the ground, barely needed to aim, and pulled the trigger towards the figure in the darkness in front of him between the tumbling pauses.

"bang, bang"

The remaining two agents were precisely hit on the torso by the rubber bullets flying out, and the two bullets precisely hit their chests. This sharp counterattack made them fall down almost at the same time.

Another advantage of having super perception is that when Merlin is holding a gun, he doesn't need to rely on his eyes to aim at all.

As long as it is within the range of his perception, he only needs to rely on the guidance of his consciousness, and then pull the trigger.


With the rifle behind his back and the Winter Soldier's grappling knife in his hand, Merlin limped to the fallen agents, stabbing them quickly in the legs, wounding them and bleeding them.

Most importantly, incapacitate them.

After doing all this, Merlin could feel that 5 more agents were approaching him quickly. They should be attracted by the gunshots, or someone was directing them!

Merlin raised his head and glanced at the helicopter hovering in the night sky in the distance. He rubbed the aching wound, picked up a stun gun from the ground, and staggered towards the other side of the woods.

"Agents are injured! Team 4, go rescue them!"

Fury was very angry at this time, and he found that he still underestimated a guy who could cause several supernatural phenomena.

In less than 10 seconds, he lost 5 agents.

This made Fury realize that his understanding of Merlin was not enough for him to formulate a capture plan specifically for Merlin.

From what I have seen so far, apart from super perception, this guy also has an extremely strong will. Not everyone can continue to fight back after being attacked by rubber bullets.Of course, it is not ruled out that Merlin may have a certain degree of physical enhancement.

As time went on, the situation went from bad to worse.

Merlin, who got the weapon, became more and more difficult. He knew that he could not fight the opponent with superior numbers for a long time, so he began to use long-range attacks to cause trouble for Fury's agents.

Within 3 minutes, 4 agents were accurately knocked down, and Fury added another one to Merlin's position.

This cunning number 89084 seems to be a sharpshooter.

Relying on the dark perception extended to the limit, Merlin repeatedly hit the agents chasing him with rubber bullets in almost impossible positions.

And Nick Fury was also an excellent soldier before he became an agent. He realized that Merlin's several shots were attacks launched in his own blind spot.It was as if he didn't need to see those pursuers at all to lock their positions out of thin air.

This is so weird!

It's like when playing an FPS shooting game, the plug-in for automatic aiming is turned on.

"He's running! Shit, we've got several brothers wounded, sir, request a trial of deadly force!"

Seeing that Merlin was getting closer and closer to the bank of the Hudson River, the agents chasing him finally couldn't hold back their inner anger.They are all the best field agents of the Strategic Science Corps, when have they suffered such tricks!

Yes, it's just a joke!

In the eyes of the agents, the target they were chasing was not an ordinary person who experienced supernatural phenomena at all, it was clearly a skilled soldier, or simply a vicious thug!

The agent's application echoed in Fury's ears. He thought for a few seconds and said in a deep voice:

"Use of deadly force authorized! Capture alive if possible!"

"Roger that!"

The agents who received the order threw the toy guns in their hands aside one after another, and pulled out pistols with real bullets from the holsters on their legs.

They spread out and fired at Merlin hundreds of meters away from all directions. The roaring rain of bullets was mixed with the smell of death, making the dark power that had been dormant in Merlin's body start to agitate.

But this...

Isn't that exactly what Merlin wanted?

Under Fury's surprised gaze, Merlin stopped running.

He turned around, and the tattered windbreaker on Merlin's body fluttered in the night wind.

He stood there, standing in the hail of bullets, and raised his middle finger fiercely towards the helicopter in the distant night sky.

The next moment, Merlin lowered his head, as if he was about to die, and rushed towards the agents who shot in the back.

Seeing Merlin's reaction, Fury's complexion changed drastically.

"Back! Back! Stop shooting! It's a trap!"



A brass bullet mixed with scorching flames drew a bright arc in the night, shooting towards Merlin's heart.

The moment before this deadly gadget touched Merlin's body, it was as if Merlin, who was running hard, was scattered out of thin air by an invisible fist, and his whole body rose into the air in an instant, turning into a deadly black storm.

Under the shocked gaze of the agents, the black storm mixed with inextinguishable sparks, like the black smoke of burning wood, roared towards them in a gesture of sweeping everything, like a hunting devil. rushed over.


Every agent's crisis sense was frantically calling the police, and they turned around and ran away.

But where can the speed of a person compare to a storm advancing at full speed?

During Fury's furious roar, the dozen or so best agents under his command were almost wiped out by the black storm, followed by a dazzling, violent explosion like a huge amount of explosives gathered together.

At the moment when the black smoke drifted away, one-fifth of the forest was completely destroyed by Merlin's final counterattack, and the ferocious force caused Fury's helicopter to shake in the air.After the smoke cleared, more than a dozen seriously injured agents were thrown on the messy land, as if they had been bombarded by artillery.

Yes, Merlin didn't kill them. At the last moment of the explosion, he tried his best to control the direction of the dark magic explosion.

He has no enmity with these agents, and he has neither power nor will to take their lives.He is not a person who devours, and he has no intention of being a butcher with blood on his hands.

This is just a warning.

Those wounded, those blood, this last explosion like a curtain, are all warnings from a dark walker who is driven to a desperate situation.

That meaning is very simple, and can be briefly summarized in one sentence.

don't look for me...

Don't force me!

(End of this chapter)

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