Shadow trail of the beautiful world

Chapter 425 10. Mutant War

Chapter 425 10. Mutant War

"Melinda, is there a problem over there in Mexico?"

Sitting on the plane heading to the base in Kansas, Merlin, the commander of the SDOLD department, looked at another screen. Compared with the tepid one in the Canadian theater, the Mexican battlefield was much more heated. On that shaky screen, a The clusters of flames and dancing lights illuminated the entire night sky.

It appears to be an abandoned factory, a stronghold of the radical mutants in Mexico.

"No problem, sir."

Melinda's indifferent voice came, mixed with the sound of bullets flying out of the gun chamber, she said:

"A group of mutant thugs tried to sneak attack us, but they were repulsed. We are now chasing. The Ministry of Defense has already begun an intrusion operation. Agent Rumlow led the response force to surround the fleeing guys on the periphery. It seems that everything It went well. Speaking of which, the powerful lady Lingdie beside me is said to be an old friend with you, sir?"

"Yes, old friend."

Merlin says:

"Is she okay now? I heard she was injured earlier."

"She's doing fine."

Melinda says:

"I just saw her cut down two beast mutants with one knife. It seems that you really like these fiery ladies, sir. If I remember correctly, Miss Elsa's fighting style is also like this."

"Fight your fight well, Melinda."

Merlin replied blankly:

"It's not your job to care about your boss's private life."

"It's curiosity, sir, pure curiosity."

Melinda says:

"I still have a question, sir, why is the Quen seal I released so weak? It just blocked a few bullets before it shattered. I see that Coulson's Quen shield is very strong. It can even withstand bombs." It won't shatter in an explosion."

"It's a matter of talent, Melinda."

Merlin replied:

"Some demon hunters are indeed good at magic seals after transformation, but more demon hunters still have a vague sense of magic power after being strengthened. Coulson belongs to the kind of people with a little talent, you don't want to learn his fighting style, Your advantage lies in faster speed and reflexes, specialize in the use of swordsmanship and long-range weapons, don't try to block dangerous energy attacks with the Quen shield."

"That thing is for your emergency use, not for you to rush into the crowd with it and slash and kill."

Merlin warned:

"Remember to take Hekna decoction and Thunder potion, these are very useful potions, but don't drink too much, your extraordinary body has not been tempered, and the resistance to poison is still weak, I don't want to I saw you were poisoned in battle."

"Okay, sir, I'll keep an eye on it."

Melinda responded.

Merlin was very relieved of this female agent who was good at frontal combat under his command. He hung up the communication and connected to the last war zone.

"Sharon, is Texas okay?"

Merlin asked.

A few seconds later, Sharon's voice sounded with a hint of gnashing of teeth:

"Not good, sir."

"The radical mutants here got the word ahead of time, they escaped, and we're now in pursuit."


Merlin immediately frowned, and he asked:

"Did the news leak out in advance?"

"No, it shouldn't be."

Sharon replied:

"They fled in a hurry 10 minutes before the start of the operation. It should not have been leaked in advance. I suspect that the mutants with sentience sensed our arrival, but it cannot be ruled out that there may indeed be interference from some ghosts inside us."

"Can you track them down?"

Merlin asked.

"Okay, it's easy."

Sharon replied:

"The traces they left are as obvious as the flames in the dark night. I don't need to take off my glasses to track them clearly."

"Well...then continue to track and pay attention to safety."

Merlin nodded, he turned his head and said to the assistant Agent Babbit next to him:

"Pass this news to Xavier Talented Youth Academy."

"Sir, do you need the X-Men to use the reserves immediately?"

Asked Barbie, Merlin looked at the screen and shook his head:

"No, there's no need. Those radicals who escaped can't escape. And when the two sides just started working together, it was necessary to show off their muscles."

"Yes, sir."

Barbie immediately turned to deliver the message, and after she left, Merlin rubbed his forehead and whispered:

"Is it you again?"

"The lingering Hydra."

He picked up the phone on the table and dialed a number. After a while, Fury's voice sounded in the microphone:

"What's the matter? Merlin, I'm in a meeting with Pierce. Is there anything important?"

"Furry, there's something wrong with Texas."

Merlin didn't hide the bad news, saying:

"The radicals over there got word ahead of time that they were fleeing."

"How is this going?"

Fury's tone became gloomy:

"Someone leaked the news?"

"I don't know, but I suspect it was our 'old friend' again."

He looked at the screen sent back from Sharon, and he said to Fury:

"In a pursuit battle, the soldiers of the Ministry of Defense are useless, and I think we should show our new friends a little bit what we can do. I mean, send a reserve team."

"Yes, you have the authority to mobilize them."

Fury said:

"But be careful, don't let them stay for too long, those things... are too eye-catching."

"I know."

Merlin hung up the phone and entered a series of special contact symbols on the keyboard in front of him. After a while, he picked up the microphone and said to the Aegis reserve team who was on standby at the other end of the microphone:

"The 'Dragon Knight' team was dispatched, targeting Northwest Texas, completed the interception task as quickly as possible, and then returned."

"'Dragon Knight' team received!"

On the other side of the microphone, a steady voice replied:

"We set off immediately."

"Mr. Dugan, control the rhythm of your appearance a little bit."

Merlin exhorted a little worriedly:

"I mean, try not to let too many ordinary people see it...the follow-up will be troublesome."

"Let's try our best."

Dum on the other side of the microphone. Agent Dugan glanced at the five Horntails that were ready to go and the agents who were assembling armor for them, and said:

"They are beasts after all, and they don't know how to keep a low profile."


Merlin on the other end of the phone said:

"Then do it quickly, go and go back quickly."


The old agent Dugan hung up the phone. He turned around and shouted to the agents behind him who were quickly putting the light but tough metal armor on the Horntail:

"Hurry up, lads, we are leaving. This is the first mission of the Dragon Knight team, don't mess it up."

After years of cultivation, the five hornets raised by SHIELD no longer appear wild and unruly, probably because SHIELD provided them with enough nutritious food, so that the size of the five immature hornets , several times larger than the wild juvenile Horntail, and has almost caught up with the adult Horntail that was raging in New York that year.

From the beginning to the end, it has broken through 25 meters, and the wingspan of the two wings is nearly 30 meters. It is an out-and-out colossus.

Of course, there is always danger in coming into contact with such unreasonable fantasy creatures, so Fury entrusts this difficult task to Agent Dugan, a trusted predecessor.

Five hornets were also transferred to the breeding ground at Pegasus Base, where they were trained by professional animal trainers to cooperate with human agents.

In order to prevent them from unexpected situations during the battle, the biologists of S.H.I.E.L.D. implanted chips into the hornets’ brains. It sounds cruel, but it is very effective. After all, once the hornets go crazy, it will directly lead to a very bad situation. .

The legendary fire dragons like the Horntail are very aggressive, and their flying speed is also extremely fast. They can easily exceed Mach 1.5 when flying at full strength. This speed is unbearable for ordinary people. Agent Duggan alone.

As for the other Horntails in the formation, they will carry out wolf pack-style containment operations according to the instructions of Agent Dugan.

Moreover, although these hornets have such and other shortcomings, the air formation composed of 5 hornets is still a trump card in Fury's hand at present. The dragon fire they spray together can easily ignite a small city. This is much better than launching missiles. From this point of view, they are already considered strategic weapons.

In the basement of Pegasus Base, Agent Dugan, wearing a special combat uniform, took the helmet handed by his assistant. He looked at the combination door that opened slowly above, leading to the sky. He ordered the agents around him:

"Ready to attack, the first-level shackles are lifted!"

Soon, this order was carried out.

"click, click, click"

With the automatic release of the heavy chains that restrained the five Horntails, these behemoths that were freed spread their wings and roared to the sky. The two bad guys even turned their heads towards the control cabin and started to breathe fire.

It looked like it was out of control.

"Hey girl, be quiet."

Agent Duggan, who was holding the helmet, didn't care about this. He approached the largest and most powerful female dragon, which was recognized by the other hornets as the leader. Terrifying deep-breathing female dragon says:

"Remember me? I risk being eaten by you every day to feed you. Be good... You want to fly freely, right? I'll take you flying."

The female dragon stared down at Agent Dugan with yellow snake eyes.

Compared with it, Agent Dugan was like a small ant, but it smelled a familiar and reassuring breath, and it slowly lowered its head, as if it was in contact with Agent Dugan.

A few seconds later, Agent Dugan put his hand on the female dragon's forehead, and he stroked the cold and hideous scales as if he were petting a pet.

Agent Dugan patted the female dragon's head, then turned over and jumped onto the Horntail's back. After being covered with a layer of black tough steel armor, the ferocious barbs on the Horntail's back could not hurt the rider.

Dugan sat on the saddle on the Horntail's spine, locked himself in there to keep himself from falling out, and said over the comm:

"Unlock the secondary shackles! Prepare to fly!"


With a soft sound, the last chains binding the Horntail's legs were released, and the five fire dragons were completely free, and the combination door above them was also completely opened at this moment.

After a long period of training, these Horntails saw above them, when the last huge helmet used to protect the Horntail's head slowly fell, they actively raised their heads to meet them, and let those mechanical arms lift the heavy Helms were buckled on their heads.

Horntails are not stupid. With the help of biochips in their heads, they understand that such armor can protect their relatively fragile scales and bodies.

The artistic designers of S.H.I.E.L.D. designed sharp-edged helmets for these five dragons, making them look like real mechanical dragons.

The scorching sparks sprayed from the nostrils of these fire dragons, which looked very intimidating.

"Fly, girl, spread your wings, fly!"

Dugan bent down and lay on the fire dragon's back. He patted the female dragon's neck. The female dragon let out a roar that shook the sky. It was the first to spread its wings and slowly fly away from the ground. Like a flying arrow, it rushed into the sky, and the remaining 4 dragons followed behind it, like a pack of wolves hunting for prey. Amid the cheers of the agents, the dragon knight team officially attacked.

They are like legendary mythical behemoths. Under the guidance of Agent Dugan, they flew in a straight line and quickly flew in the direction of Texas in the south.

On S.H.I.E.L.D.'s radar, the five red dots moved extremely fast, and in less than 5 minutes, they flew over the predetermined location.

"Agent Sharon, I am Dugan, Commander of the Aegis Reserve, and I have been ordered by Agent Merlin to help you!"

Dugan was riding behind the female dragon hovering in the night sky. The goggles on his eyes easily captured a dozen vehicles moving fast on the plain. Behind them, there were also S.H.I.E.L.D. vehicles chasing them.

Dugan said to Agent Sharon on the communicator:

"Now, let your agents retreat! At least retreat 1 kilometer!"

"Roger that!"

Agent Sharon's response came quickly, and the S.H.I.E.L.D. convoy stopped immediately.

After seeing this scene, Dugan, who was wearing a helmet, patted the fire dragon's neck. The next moment, the female dragon let out a roar, like an order to the herd, and the other fire dragons circling in the air immediately turned around direction, and swooped down towards the dozen or so speeding cars over there.

"God! What is that?"

The X-Men reservists sitting in the S.H.I.E.L.D. vehicle, and the Colossus in battle uniform stared at the black figure swooping down in the sky, and he couldn't help but look at his mentor, Qin.

Gray Qin also looked at the fallen beast shadows. She saw a dragon spraying out a pillar of fire from the sky, igniting the cars in the front, and seeing another dragon whizzing by, grabbing it easily with its two claws. He picked up a car, lifted it into the air, and then threw that car to the ground like a war hammer, stopping all the remaining cars from moving fast.

She said somewhat uncertainly:

"Looks like a... dragon?"

"Yes, it's a dragon."

Agent Sharon sitting in the front row said calmly:

"It's our dragon."

She observed the expression of the mutant in the back seat from the rearview mirror, and said softly:

"As I said, those guys can't run away... If your compatriots can just wait for us to catch them, they won't have to suffer now."

On the plain one kilometer away from them, the raging dragon fire ignited the night sky. Facing the sudden appearance of 5 fire dragons hovering in the sky, the radical mutants fell into a mixture of panic and despair. .

They ran out of the car and fled blindly in all directions, and some guys used various abilities to try to repel those behemoths, but unless they were particularly powerful ones, ordinary mutants were completely unable to resist this kind of walking out of mythology. creature.

"One last warning!"

With the female dragon circling in the air, Agent Dugan's indifferent voice echoed across the plains through the combat suit's loudspeaker:

"Immediately put down the weapon, put your head in your hands, squat in place, and wait for arrest!"

"This is the last warning from S.H.I.E.L.D.! Don't hold back! Otherwise, you will bear the consequences!"

(End of this chapter)

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