Shadow trail of the beautiful world

Chapter 430 15. Anti-Ambush

Chapter 430 15. Anti-Ambush

"Why are you still here? Are you planning to stay with me for lunch?"

Merlin frowned and looked at Clark Kent who was standing in the office in front of him. His father, old Jonathan, went out to pay the fine, but this young man was still standing in Merlin's office.

Holding the MIB document in his hand, he frowned, as if he was thinking about something.

Facing Merlin's inquiry, Clark thought for a moment, and he said to Merlin:

"You are different from everyone I have met before."


Merlin picked up another document waiting to be signed. While looking at the contents of the document, he picked up his water glass and took a sip of tea. He said:

"I'm not like 99% of the world. What the hell are you trying to say? Mr. Clark, I mean, if you have nothing important to do, can you leave my office? Standing here, would you Interfere with my thoughts at work."

"They're always trying to find the secrets I've been hiding, but you're not."

Not only did the black-haired young man not leave, but he sat calmly on the chair in front of Merlin. He said to Merlin:

"You seem to be dismissive of my secrets."

"I'm busy, kid."

Merlin was born in 1971, while Clark only came to Earth in 1980. He is nearly 10 years older than the superhuman in front of him. He is fully qualified to call Clark a "child".

Of course, Clark wasn't happy with the title, but he didn't refute it.

"Everyone in our business knows that everyone in this world has secrets, but not all secrets need to be revealed."

Merlin looked at the document in his hand. It was a request from the logistics department for funding to build a storage room. He frowned and thought for a few seconds, but he didn't sign it, but threw the document aside.

This represents Merlin's rejection of the grant request.

He picked up the phone and said to the assistant Bobbit on the other side:

"Barbie, check the logistics department. To be precise, it's the cash flow of the catering department. I suspect there is corruption there."

After hanging up the phone, Merlin raised his head and said to Clark Kent who was looking at him:

"And as I said before, you are not as rare as I thought, Clark. I have probably seen more aliens than women you have talked to. I am indeed interested in the things you hide , but that's just curiosity, pure curiosity, and cannot be an agent's code of conduct."

"Unless, you are willing to take the initiative to tell me?"

Merlin leaned back on the chair, he glanced at the ghost base behind him, then took out his pocket watch to check the time, he said:

"I can spare a few minutes for you. I have a meeting to chair later."

"No, I don't intend to reveal my past. We haven't gotten to that point yet."

The young man Clark stood up, and he said to Merlin:

"I just have something to tell you."

Pointing to his ear, he said:

"I can hear many things, but most of the time, I don't take the initiative to listen. A few days ago, at night, I accidentally heard something related to you and your base. I felt that you Kindness to us, so I thought, I should tell you about it."


Merlin said curiously:

"Is it related to this base? Then I will listen to it."

"There is a group."

Clark said:

"They are planning to break through the base's defenses and release all the mutants you have imprisoned. Their action is tonight."


Merlin nodded expressionlessly, and said:

"Very well, thank you for your message."

"Aren't you worried?"

Looking at Merlin's calm expression, Clark said:

"That group of people is not ordinary. I don't know much about mutants, but I heard that there seemed to be powerful mutants involved in the prison robbery operation, and some very dangerous guys."

"Isn't it better?"

Merlin pushed his glasses, he said:

"Waiting for them to throw themselves into the trap is much easier than my hard work going out to find them. Well, Mr. Clark, I'm going to a meeting, maybe you can leave with me."

He stood up and said to the dark-haired young man:

"I suggest that you go to New York as quickly as possible. The MIB monitors and protects the aliens living on Earth. With their intervention, the Eye of Heaven will no longer destroy the lives of you and your family."

"Well, I'll think about it."

Clark said to Merlin:

"Thank you again for saving my dad. He can be really silly sometimes, but he's a real good dad."

"He didn't answer my question just now."

Merlin walked out of the office with Clark, and he asked:

"Why did old Jonathan stop you from saving him?"

"My parents discovered my talent at an early age, but they didn't alienate me."

Clark said softly:

"When I was young, I couldn't control my abilities well and caused them a lot of trouble. When I was in school alone, because my abilities were out of control, I had to change schools almost every semester. I didn't have any friends, but they were my best friends. Good friend."

"My father is a sincere believer. He believes that my coming represents some kind of revelation from the Lord. He believes that I am destined to do great things in this life. Before my destiny arrives, I must hide my innocence. Being different, I had to be ready for that fateful moment."

"He wanted me to be a hero, like Captain America Steve Rogers, and he wanted me to fight for the best in everyone's heart."

Having said that, Clark smiled and said:

"I hope that I can integrate into the earth, treat this place as my own home, live with my family and fellow citizens, and he doesn't want them to exclude me... This kind of thing happened a lot when I was a child, those children, those teachers , they will alienate me, they don't understand me, they fear me, even if I help them, even if I save them."

"Do you hate them?"

Merlin suddenly asked:

"Those who slander you, those who alienate you, do you hate them?"

"how come?"

Clark shrugged. He said:

"I'm not a lunatic or a pervert... I won't beat others just because they insult me. I can understand them. People always subconsciously reject things they don't understand, which is normal."

"It seems that I was wrong before."

Merlin looked carefully at Clark Kent beside him, and said:

"Your parents have taught you well, son. Now go home."

He checked the time and said to Clark:

"After the security testing of the MIB is over, I can talk to you about another matter if you're interested."

"what's up?"

Clark, who was dressed like a farmer, looked back at Merlin, who put his hands in his trouser pockets and said to him:

"Didn't your father want you to be a hero like Captain America?"

"I can give you this chance..."


It was night, almost in the early hours of the morning, and the entire ghost base was quiet. It had been 30 minutes since the lights were turned off, and the mutant prisoners, no matter how noisy they were, had already rested.

But in Merlin's office, the lights were still on.

He was sitting alone on an office chair, holding a handkerchief, and applying sword oil to his two swords in a very professional way.

The silver sword Vlad had been wiped clean, and under the light, its sharp edge reflected a deadly cold light.And the half-sword of Zhenjinshou was held by Merlin. This sword was several times heavier than Vlad's, longer and wider, and it was very powerful when swung.

Just like all of Merlin's weapons, this sword also had its own name after it fell into Merlin's hands.

Merlin called it Buster.

That is the god of the black panther in Wakanda mythology, and it is very appropriate to name this weapon from Wakanda with it.

Under the light, Merlin carefully wiped the blade of the sword. On the table in front of him was a black firearm in the style of a sniper rifle.

The cybertron weapon module was given to Elsa, but Merlin still has a substitute. It is now 2002, and it has been 8 years since SHIELD got the Kree energy weapon sample. The reverse restoration of energy weapons has been completed, and the gun in front of Merlin is the most perfect product they have produced.

It has two shooting modes, bullet and ray, to deal with different situations. It looks no different from a heavy sniper rifle, but its technological content is very high.

However, those functions such as automatic aiming, automatic locking, night vision and multi-target tracking are not of much use to Merlin. What he likes is the extreme penetrating power and ultra-long range of this gun.

"Barbie, Trip, how's it going?"

Merlin put down the steel sword Buster, and he asked in the communicator:

"Is there anything unusual?"

"No, sir."

Agent Babette replied:

"Everything is normal outside, the drone has been released, but no valuable clues have been found."

"Continue to patrol the perimeter."

Merlin connected to the vision of Victor flying in the sky, looking around the ghost base, he whispered:

"Catch any suspicious guy first."

"Roger that!"

Barbie and Trip responded at the same time, and the communicator fell silent again.

Merlin carried the two swords behind his back. He carried the black sniper rifle, walked to the window, and looked down at the surroundings of the ghost base.Clark told him that an organization was going to infiltrate the base's defenses tonight. Although the news was not supported by any evidence, Merlin decided to lay a trap in advance.

After most of the forces of the Mutant Brotherhood were destroyed, the guys who dared to provoke SHIELD were either out of their minds or really confident in their own strength.

It's never a big mistake to be careful.

Ten minutes later, Merlin was still standing by the window like a statue. The glass smashed by Clark today has not been repaired, which just provided Merlin with an excellent sniping position.

Like the most patient hunter, he stood by the window, waiting for possible enemies.


Under Merlin's gaze, a group of rays of light appeared strangely outside the wall of the ghost base, and a somewhat petite figure walked out of the light, it should be a girl.

Merlin didn't shoot immediately, he wanted to see what the girl was going to do.

And under Merlin's secret command, Barbie and Trip's teams have already closed in on the place where the girl appeared from two directions.

Under Merlin's gaze, the mutant girl who seemed to be able to teleport took out a few weird things and threw them under the wall, like some instruments, and the same light spots as before jumped up under the wall, one after another. Guy comes out of the light.

In just a few seconds, under the inner wall of the ghost base, more than a dozen heavily armed guys had already gathered.

"Clear the obstacles!"

A deep voice sounded from a strange armor. The girl who appeared first shrugged. She took out a strange thing from her backpack and said to the people around her while inputting parameters:

"Leave it to me. You know, I can hack anything...and anyone."

As soon as the girl's confident voice fell, a whizzing ray precisely hit her wrist. In the stun mode, the strong current attached to the ray paralyzed the girl in an instant. With a scream, he fell to the ground trembling all over.

"Enemy attack! Enemy attack!"

Seeing his compatriots fall to the ground, a guy in dark red leather armor, with a hood on his head, and holding two knives suddenly let out a nervous and sharp cry. He seemed to be frightened and ran away. , screaming:

"This is a trap! Abandon ship!"

And at the highest point of the base, Merlin held guns in both hands, and after three bursts, the whole head of the guy who was running around was blown off.

But what surprised Merlin was that the guy's head was gone, and he was still able to run around alive and kicking.

Merlin narrowed his eyes, and he pulled the trigger on another woman who was also holding a sniper rifle and wearing weird purple armor. The female sniper wearing weird goggles shot almost at the same time as Merlin, and the bullets she fired pierced through It touched Merlin's forehead, but did not cause any harm to Merlin.

The ray flying out of Merlin's muzzle also hit her goggles, and the high-voltage electricity exploded, knocking out this terrific female sniper to the ground.

"Catch them!"

"This monster-like self-healing power..."

Merlin suppressed the trapped thugs with his shots, and whispered:

"I seem to have heard of it somewhere..."

"Wade Wilson?"

"What's his nickname? Deadpool?"

(End of this chapter)

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