Shadow trail of the beautiful world

Chapter 452 37. New Troubles Have Appeared

Chapter 452 37. New Troubles Have Appeared

"Hey, hey, buddy."

The sharp blade of the Vibrating Gold Sword Buster touched the neck of the alien Jack Gibbs. The danger of his head being cut off at any time made the unsightly alien immediately raise his hand.

He stammered and said to Merlin:

"Calm down... take this thing away, okay?"


Merlin said casually:

"You tell me the answer I want first, who did you sell that gun to?"

"I do not remember!"

The alien screamed:

"No matter who bought it, it was a long time ago... I haven't sold that type of weapon recently, and there are very few people who can find this place. People who know that I sell weapons here Even rarer...I mean, give me some time and I can check the books."


The door of the pawn shop was pushed open, and J, who had barely recovered, pushed the door and came in. He saw the scene of daggers drawn before him, he hurried forward, stretched out his hand to hold Merlin's wrist, and said:

"What's the matter? Did it provoke you?"

"It's not just as simple as provoking."

Merlin looked at the trembling alien in front of him, he withdrew his long sword, and said to J:

"This guy sold weapons to some crazy scientists. I just dealt with the trouble they caused. I can tell you responsibly, J, this guy is not as honest as you think. I suspect that he may have some The alien technology was sold to that organization..."

Merlin looked back at the alien Jack, and he said:

"Am I right?"

"I do not have!"

The ugly Jack Gibbs subconsciously shook his head in denial.

But the next moment, Merlin saw J take out a silver pistol from his pocket, with no muzzle, only a jewel-like light focuser, and put it against Jack's head.

J asked with a serious face:

"Jack, there is an agreement between us! We can tolerate you playing smuggling games, but alien technology... This kind of thing is forbidden! You bastard, is what he said true?"

"No, it's not! Hell, it's not!"

The thing screamed, the muscles in its face contorted.


J shot without hesitation, blasting the alien's head off in front of Merlin, and the disgusting green liquid splashed everywhere.

"I appreciate your decisiveness."

Merlin leaned against the counter, he looked at the headless body still twitching, he said to J:

"But you killed it, where do we find the memory restorer?"

"Get rid of it? No."

J put away the pistol and said to Merlin:

"There is another reason why we have to compromise with the bastard Jack... It is a race that is almost unkillable."

In front of Merlin's eyes, Jack Gibbs' headless corpse staggered up, a group of rapidly growing sarcoma swelled on its wound, and in just a few seconds, the sarcoma seemed to be blown out. Like an inflated balloon, it returned to the alien's previous ugly head, with buck teeth and asymmetrical eyes.

It's like magic tricks that turn into horror.

"Damn! Do you know how much that hurts?"

Jack screamed like a cranky hamster.

The next moment, it was aimed at by a red magic wand. A group of dangerous green energy that terrified Jack was wrapped around the magic wand, just like a twisted and winding poisonous snake. Merlin said softly:

"Is it really impossible to kill? Is it the immortality of the body or the immortality of the soul?"

"I'm curious, will this magic that directly acts on the soul kill you here? Do you want to try it? Jack..."


The alien took a step back, looked at J for help, and screamed:

"Keep this lunatic away from me, you want an amnesiac? It's in the basement, but don't blame me for not reminding you, it hasn't been turned on for a long time... It's from the Kyaronian An old antique that was traded for.”

"And the alien technology you sold..."

Merlin said unrelentingly:

"Tell me everything!"

"I wanted to reject them directly!"

Alien Jack screamed:

"But they were offering so much money... I couldn't say no. Well, well, I admit it, I did sell some stuff to people I didn't know, but definitely not as much as you think many."

"What did you sell?"

J asked:

"Are there technologies of mass destruction?"

"No, no."

Jack said:

"I'm not stupid. What good is it to me to destroy the earth? It's hard for me to find such a free and good place among the stars."

他 说:

"The group of people are very interested in energy aggregation technology. They bought a technology from me to make a third-level civilization energy source. It was several years ago. As for the gun, it was from that transaction. Extras."

"Level [-] Civilization Energy!"

J slapped the counter angrily, and said:

"You are crazy! Jack, the earth is now a first-class civilization! You sold something that is 300 years older than our technology! Do you know what the consequences will be?"

"and many more."

Merlin was listening to the exchange between J and Jack, and he suddenly interrupted:

"What does the finished product of that energy source look like? Is it a thing the size of a Rubik's Cube? It emits an orange light and feels a little cold to the touch, like an ice cube?"


Jack turned to look at Merlin, it said:

"That is the copying technology of the legendary Cosmic Cube by the Monarchs, and it is also the energy source of their unmanned fleet. It is a very complete and mature technology. As long as those people don't throw it into the sun, that thing will not be destroyed." Will blow up easily... Dear J, believe me, I love the earth too, lo and behold, I even did a transfer of domicile at immigration..."

The guy frantically took out an ID card from his pocket, and said to the angry J

"I am also an Earthling now. For the sake of everyone being an Earthling, can you let me go? Just this time...I will repay you! I swear!"

"You have to go to the MIB interrogation!"

J dropped something expressionlessly, and said to the alien Jack:

"Until the results of the inquiry come out, you can no longer open the store! made a big mistake this time, Z will definitely be very angry. If K is still here..."

"He will certainly let me leave Earth on the nearest ship."

Jack breathed a sigh of relief, and the guy said embarrassingly:

"Maybe I should be thankful that the famous Agent K has retired... Well, come with me, and I'll take you to activate the memory restorer."

The escaped alien stretched out his hand and pushed open the door leading to the basement. He took Merlin, J, and the manipulated Gordon all the way into the basement.

There was a huge, rusted thing that looked like some kind of weird construction waste, made of interlaced iron bars gathered into an odd shape, and in the center of those bars was a handful of wire and rivets. Worn chairs fixed there.

This thing is connected to a computer with intricate wires, and its power source is a dismantled yacht engine.

This thing is like some steel crap that some hippie got drunk after drinking too much, and there is an uninhibited steampunk smell all over his body.

In other words, this thing gave Merlin the impression that it was quite unreliable.

"Uh, never mind."

Jack turned on the computer swiftly, and said to the people behind him:

"It does look a bit miserable, but trust me, this old antique works great, I've helped a lot of people restore it before... well, it's nothing to worry about, I mean, it will definitely work !"

"Let the eyeless friend sit on it."

While typing characters that Merlin could not understand, the alien said to Merlin behind him:

"You'd better hope he doesn't get seasick. Besides, if he gets dizzy, there's nothing I can do about it."

Merlin used puppetry to control Gordon to sit in the center of the intertwined and twisted steel. Jack fixed his body firmly on the chair with a fixing bar, and stuffed something similar to an electrode interface into him. mouth.

"You better back off."

The alien walked up to the yacht engine, yanked it hard, and started the engine. While manipulating the computer, he said to the people behind him:

"Back to the entrance, there is a safe distance!"

After speaking, it pressed the enter key.

The next moment, accompanied by a huge, ear-piercing noise, groups of jumping blue arcs began to move in the basement, and the surrounding light bulbs also began to flicker and extinguish. The scene was very much like a mad scientist's laboratory in a third-rate science fiction film .

Amidst Gordon's muffled sound, the rings of discarded steel outside the chair he was sitting on began to rotate rapidly, making people dizzy. After a few seconds, the flashing arcs on those rotating rings almost solidified lightning.

And Gordon's seat also began to rotate in the opposite direction, and the speed became faster and faster, and finally reached a shocking level.

The dangerous sound of steel about to crack came from around, making J take another step back cautiously, while Merlin stood still, and in Icarus' lens, the readings about unknown energy were rising rapidly, as if in a Like a bomb about to explode.


With a crisp sound, a cracked iron bar penetrated Merlin's abdomen at an extremely fast speed, causing Jack and J to let out a scream at the same time.

But Merlin didn't care. He continued to look at the rotating instrument in front of him. Gordon's painful voice came from it. It seemed that this thing had taken effect.


More than ten seconds later, there was another loud noise, and a cloud of unpleasant black smoke rushed up in the basement, and it stopped completely on the chair that was turned far away. Gordon seemed to have been scalded. Every strand of his hair stood on end, and he also smelled of burnt meat.


Merlin came to Gordon in a flash, and he asked:

"Are you awake?"


Gordon wailed in pain, panting, and said to Merlin:

"Damn it, Merlin, did I do something to offend you? Why did you torture me like this? Damn it, I feel like I'm going to be burnt."

"Well, it seems that he is indeed awake."

Merlin reached out to unfasten the straps on Gordon's arms and legs. He watched the staggering alien get off the seat. He asked:

"What happened before? Why did you appear beside me covered in blood? Also, who is the messenger you mentioned? Has he or she encountered any danger?"

"Don't worry, let me take it easy."

Gordon sat on the ground in pain, rubbing his head while saying:

"I have a mess in my head right now and I have to sort it out."

"Oh, that's normal."

The alien Jack stood next to Merlin with a mischievous eyebrow, and he explained in a doggy way:

"Memory recovery is a very complicated process. His erased memories came back, but his brain still needs a little time to get used to it. It's like renumbering those memories...well, a few minutes will suffice gone."

"In addition, this officer, look, I have done you a big favor, so, those things about me before...Can I write it off?"

It rubbed its hands, and some philistine said:

"Of course, I know I made some stupid mistakes, and I will make up for it, and I won't charge for restoring my memory this time."

Merlin glanced at Jack beside him, and he asked:

"Those Rubik's cubes, I mean, the technology you sold, does that thing have other uses besides providing energy?"

"Uh, yes."

Jack hesitated and said:

"It is essentially a highly aggregated energy. If there is a supporting weapon system, it can be made into a photon cannon, or an energy bomb. But no reasonable person will use it in This occasion."

"When I was in exile, I went to Monarch Planet. Those golden-skinned, self-proclaimed noble guys used this energy source to develop a very surprising civilization. Their cities are magnificent, but only a set of parallel Rubik's Cubes is needed. Enough energy to supply an entire city... Just a Rubik's Cube the size of a fist, converted to the electricity used by people on Earth... Well, it can at least allow a passenger ship full of people to run non-stop for more than 200 years .”

"And most importantly, as long as its internal energy does not leak out, it is harmless. It is a very clean energy source, which is what you... er, no, we, our earthlings need most."

Jack spread his hands and said to Merlin with an innocent face:

"Look, sir, I'm just selling energy, and what the guys do with it is out of my hands."

"So how do you use it?"

Merlin asked:

"I mean, how do you extract the energy? You can't use power strips and wires, right?"

"It has a dedicated energy extraction mode!"

Jack rubbed his hands again, and it said:

"If you need, I can give you all the information, of course... Hehe, this is not free."

"I remember!"

At this moment, Gordon, who was sitting on the side, suddenly said to Merlin:

"The messenger... the messenger is a member of the royal family from Attilan, and he came to warn us of a vital matter!"

"The Cree... The Cree have returned to Earth, they are coming to take what their ancestors left behind, and then restart the war weapon plan based on the Inhumans on Earth..."

"Warriors from Asgard tried to stop them, and we rushed there with the messenger, but we were ambushed..."

"The Kree...they brought Sentinels."

"We must rescue the messenger!"

Gordon grabbed Merlin's wrist, gritted his teeth and said:

"We must stop those Kree from unleashing Terrigen Mists around the world...Merlin, they're ready to move!"

"We don't have much time left!"


The Kree Sentinels are not the same thing as the X-Men's Sentinels and the Drug Sentinels.

(End of this chapter)

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