Shadow trail of the beautiful world

Chapter 498 23. Master's Fate

Chapter 498 23. Master's Fate

A few minutes later, under the obsequious escort of Tagus, the three of Merlin entered Sulfur Harbor safely.

Merlin also had a small purse in his hand, which contained jingling gold coins. Each gold coin had a painful human face on it. When he put the gold coin to his ear, he could still hear the screams of those souls.

This thing is the soul gold coin, a circulation currency widely used by demons and devils in the dimension of hell. As the name suggests, each gold coin seals the soul of a fallen person, not only can be used to buy things, but also can be used when necessary. be eaten directly.

"I didn't expect that you are still the son of Sangong."

Nissa looked at Merlin with some fear and some surprise, she said:

"Father never told me about it."

"Grand Duke Makinos is here to protect you, Miss Nissa."

Merlin put the soul gold coin in his hand into his pocket, and he said slowly:

"It's not a good thing to have a relationship with Sangong. But your perception is a little too slow. Do you think that a person like your father would casually make friends with an ordinary human agent?"

"I just suspect that you have some kind of special inheritance, but I didn't expect that your background is so great."

Nissa glanced back at Tagus, she said:

"You scared the bastard out... the first time I've seen Lawless Taggs in such a mess."

"It's just a mid-level demon with some strength."

Merlin looked at Sulfur Harbor in front of him, and said:

"Does it think that if it escapes from hell, it will be free from the shackles of the hell lords? It's stupid... You don't need to be afraid of it anymore, Nissa, my friend, it won't dare to blackmail you anymore, If it continues to tease you, please kick it in the crotch, don't show mercy, and don't worry, I can help with all the aftermath."

"Well, I should say thank you."

Nissa shrugged, she looked at the bustling underground city in front of her, and she said to Merlin and Elsa:

"In short, welcome to Sulfur Harbor. The family has prepared a car, and the distinguished guests don't need to walk anymore."


This is Sulfur Harbor, which is the largest gathering place for heterogeneous species in North America.

This place has become a place of legend with the passage of time and the changes of the world, but the rise of any legend needs to go through challenges, and now, this city is ushering in its own challenges.

An ambitious legend wants to turn the free Sulfur Port into his own territory. The people living in this city and the city itself are unwilling to give up resistance, but they are in the shadow of Dracula, How long can it last?

no one knows.

Merlin and Elsa were sitting in a slightly weird carriage, and Nissa was sitting opposite them. This carriage was very similar to the means of transportation used by nobles in the Middle Ages. On the low-key black carriage, the Supreme The redstone Venus ring symbol of the family, but the cart is not an ordinary horse, but a weird pack animal with scales all over its body, horns and mane on its head.

This is a city where heterogeneous people gather, and ordinary horses cannot survive here.

"When you told me there was a car to take us to Blood Street, I thought I was going to get in a real car, a car with four wheels and a steering wheel..."

Merlin looked at the luxurious decoration inside the carriage, and he said to Nissa:

"Not a carriage that should go into a museum."

"This is a strange city, Merlin."

Elsa was very curious about this medieval means of transportation, she said while flicking the golden tassel beside her:

"Not all the aliens are willing to keep up with the times. Most of the aliens still retain their own living habits. If the streets are full of sports cars, it will surprise me."

She looked out of the window, on the wide street, there were carriages like the carriages of the supreme family, and there were magic carpets made by wizards, or some strange mounts, and in the sky above the carriages, there were some The alien with wings flew over swaggeringly.

There are shops and residential buildings of various styles on both sides of the street, from steeple-shaped hotels to steampunk-style weapon shops, from low-rise taverns decorated with oak barrels by dwarves, to elves built under big trees or The clothing store on the tree, the magic signboards, and the aliens walking on the streets openly and openly without concealing their race.

Goblins, elves, dwarves, vampires, werewolves, humans in robes, and some ugly low-level demons and devils, lemurs, satyrs, etc., here are almost all the aliens in the whole world, and here they will not be like Just like the outside world, when they meet, they can't wait to smash each other's heads.

"Here, reminds me of Diagon Alley."

Merlin looked at the peculiar scenery outside the window and the scene where various architectural styles were mixed together, which made the streets of this city look somewhat scattered, but full of a sense of vitality. He said:

"But it's 100 times bigger than Diagon Alley...I heard from some wizard friends that they occasionally go to Sulfur Harbor to buy some materials? There's a black market here, right?"

"Yeah, there is."

Nissa says:

"The black market is in the center of the city. It is jointly operated by several major forces. It is the largest gathering place for magic materials and special items in North America. I heard rumors that the Magic Congress also has a part of the proceeds."

"Well, as I expected."

Merlin nodded. He looked at the aliens on the street, probably because of the recent unrest in Sulfur Port. The aliens on the street were in a hurry, many shops were closed, and there were some armed aliens. They are on patrol.

And in the northwest of the city, a dark spire looms, which is the area controlled by Dracula.

"It seems that the situation is really not optimistic."

Pointing to the distant tower, he said:

"Dracula's zone of control is there, right?"

"Well, yes, on the other side of Brimstone Harbor."

Nissa says:

"Near the edge of the demiplane, here is the cave area. The dwarves' shamans and psychics are guarding nearby. They have established a large and rigorous defense line, and they are always watching Dracula's movements."

"The legendary man is not a reckless person. After showing his strength in the previous battle, he did not set off a large-scale cleansing and confrontation. Instead, he started to win over the dark wizards. He was very keenly aware of the The filth among the major forces in Sulfur Harbor, and they are splitting up, I heard that some dark wizards in the caster camp already worship Dracula's power, so they defected."

Miss Vampire said with some concern:

"But the situation won't last like this. Maybe in a few days, Dracula's second wave of offensive will come. Once the mutants under his command break through the defenses on the edge of the city, the entire Sulfur Port will fall rapidly." Stuck... really bad."

"I want to go down for a walk."

Merlin suddenly said to Nissa:

"Where should I go if I want to ask for news?"

"Sheep's Head Bar."

Nissa didn't stop Merlin, she rang the bell to signal the carriage to stop by the side of the road, she said to Merlin:

"Just 3 blocks away, there is an antelope skull on its signboard, which is easy to identify. It is a place established by some devils, and it is a gathering place for news from the whole city, but the people there are very mixed. have."

"It doesn't matter, as long as you can find the news I need."

Merlin says:

"Where is Blood Street? After we collect the information, we will go there to meet you."

"Blood Street is just east of Sheepshead, about 11 blocks away."

Nissa says:

"There are not many vampires in Sulfur Port, so when you see vampires wearing redstone and gold star rings, it means that you have entered the range of Blood Street. I will notify the subordinates here. Once they encounter You, will take you to the High Family's stronghold in Brimstone Harbor."

"Be careful, Mr. Merlin."

Nisha watched Merlin and Elsa leave the carriage, and she instructed:

"I know you are strong, I know you have your own means, but there are still some scary urban ghost stories in Sulfur Harbor. Some say that there are several demigods living in this city, and some say that there is a direct way to the city. The alleys of the hell dimension, and some people say that this city is actually the capital of evil gods built on top of a sleeping city."

"In short, try to keep a low profile."

"We'll keep an eye out, bye, Nissa."

Merlin waved to Nissa, and Elsa beside him quickly put on a gray hood to cover her face and eyes, and put the two swords into the magic pocket, just like Nissa and Supreme According to the Grand Duke, witchers are not welcome in this strange city.

The two were walking on the intricate streets of Sulfur Harbor, and a few minutes later, they came to the street outside the Sheep's Head Bar.

Sure enough, as Nisha said, the signboard of this bar is very conspicuous. A huge antelope skull is hung on the signboard filled with demonic characters. There are still green lights beating in the eye sockets of the antelope skull, which looks really evil. .

"Icarus, compare the positions."

Merlin pushed his glasses, he said:

"Where we are now is still in the physical world?"

A jumping cross section of the ground appeared on Merlin's glasses, two red dots shone on the distorted lines, and Icarus' voice sounded in Merlin's ears:

"According to the comparison of the ground coordinates, Mr. Merlin, the place you are in should be in a cave about 1500 meters below Manhattan, but according to the geological survey in recent years, such a huge cave terrain should not exist below Manhattan, so It is not ruled out that you have entered the distorted space. But it is also possible that the geological survey has made an error due to the cover of magic."

The voice of the artificial intelligence seemed a little confused, and she said:

"There are too few test samples for magic power in Icarus' database, and Icarus cannot draw definite conclusions."

"Well, it seems that in the magical world, you are not as magical as the real world."

Merlin said something with a chuckle, he looked back at Elsa beside him, and said:

"Girl, this place is full of heterogeneous, vicious guys. Once your identity is revealed, the heterogeneous in the entire bar will probably attack you. Are you afraid?"

"Huh? Scared?"

Elsa raised her head, and the beautiful green cat eyes under the hood stared at Merlin. She looked left and right at the strange people coming and going in and out of the bar. As a witcher, she really rarely entered such a place .

"With you here, what am I afraid of?"

she says:

"Won't you protect me? Just like in the past."

Elsa stretched out her hand and put it on Merlin's arm, she said softly:

"Or are you going to leave me here alone, and then turn around and run away?"

"If I did that, Raven would kill me."

Merlin chuckled lightly. He stepped up and walked towards the Sheep's Head Bar in front of him. He said:

"Of course I'll protect you, dear girl. Nobody wants to hurt matter who it is."

The bar opened by the devils is really extraordinary. Merlin and Elsa step into this bar, and they see all kinds of strange creatures gathering here.A half-giant with three heads and one body, like a bug, with a big face on the top of the head, a alien drinking heavily on the wine table, and two headless horsemen in armor and suits playing cards .

On the table next to Merlin, three lemurs were drunk and fighting for a piece of inferior magic gemstone.

The two werewolves stood and watched the excitement, and a goblin yelled as if trying to make them fight more intensely.

A few non-pure-blood demons were lying in the corner of the bar, looking at everything around them with gloomy eyes, but after seeing Merlin walk into the bar, they immediately checked out and left in a tacit understanding, as if they didn't want to for a second Stay longer.

The most surprising thing was that Merlin was still on the other side of the bar and saw an acquaintance who shouldn't be here.

Chas Chandler...the fat cab driver who got on with Constantine.

He's just an ordinary person, how could he appear here, surrounded by a group of people who are neither human nor ghost, drinking heavily with a depressed face... Did something happen to him?

Merlin remembered that he had met Dupont some time ago, and that guy had indeed asked Merlin to help Chase again. He said that his good friend had encountered some more troublesome things.

It now appears that Dupont's conclusion was correct.

Chas would be in the Devil's Bar in Sulfur Harbor, which doesn't look normal by any means.

Merlin didn't ask Chas right away. He took Elsa to the bar counter of the bar, dragged a drunken troll off the chair, and sat on it by himself.

Merlin knocked on the table, and said to the bartender in front of him with six eyes, a chin full of moving tentacles, no nose and no mouth:

"You're Perry, right? I'm a friend of Grand Duke Makinos, and I've come to ask you some news."

"I do not know anything."

The bar with its chin full of tentacles stared at Merlin with its six eyes, said something in a low voice, and then continued to wipe the wine glass with its own wrist.

Merlin frowned and said:

"But I haven't asked yet."

"I do not care!"

And the queer fellow said:

"Even if I know something, I don't know anything. It's been weird lately, everything's been tense."

The bartender named Perry, with three eyes on Merlin and the other three on Elsa, said:

"Sulfur Port is no longer what it used to be. It is now full of people who live by lying. There are a lot of soft-boned people leaving, and the soft-bodied people are running to the west... That arrogant legend is about to cause some big things, unknown I've got to keep a low profile, I've got to try to hide."


Merlin half-closed his eyes and said:

"I just ask one question, you just need to answer whether I am or not."

"Has Ulysses Bloodstone appeared in the city?"

Facing Merlin's question, the bartender Perry paused in wiping the wine glass. A few seconds later, the weird guy let out a weird laugh, and said:

"I can answer this question for you... because many people know the answer, and many people saw him that night."

"Ulysses is dead..."

"He was killed by Dracula himself..."


The wine glass in Elsa's hand shattered at this moment.

(End of this chapter)

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