Chapter 5 4. Weird

The high-speed collision of the two cars shattered each other's bodies.Acrid fuel oozed from the damaged fuel tank, flowing like yellow water at the scene of the rollover.This is a very dangerous thing. For these explosives, often only a little spark is needed to cause very extreme consequences.

The moment the fire and the oil came into contact, the dancing flame spread rapidly. In the eyes of the screaming crowd and the running Merlin, the dancing flame became more and more intense, just like a ignited flame driven by a violent chemical reaction. That dangerous force finally swayed in an explosive gesture.


Two huge fireballs wrapped in black smoke rose from the ruins, and the high-temperature flames engulfed everything around them. The force that escaped rapidly during the explosion was like a shock wave, rolling away in all directions , like an invisible fist, slamming on everything around.

Merlin, who rushed to the scene of the car accident, felt his body being pushed into the air by an invisible force. He heard more and more frightened screams from the crowd, as well as the sound of broken glass on the surrounding streets, and cars parked on the side of the road came and went one after another. security alert, the time at this moment seems to be stretched infinitely.

Merlin could even see those terrified faces, those expressions, and the flames of disaster rising inch by inch in the air while rolling.

And that smell that people can't get used to, that smell of fear.


He was slammed to the ground, and at the moment he collided with the ground, Merlin even had a feeling of suffocation.

But he quickly got up from the ground. Behind him, the terrified young man Phil had cold hands and feet. He didn't know whether to help his brother up first, or rush into the fire to see his father is still alive.

He was terrified.

"What are you still doing?"

Merlin rubbed his aching chest, breathing heavily, and shouted to Phil behind him:

"Come with me!"


Phil Coulson responded. He followed Merlin, went upstream among the fleeing crowd, and rushed to the scene of the car accident that was burning after the explosion.


The scene after the explosion was extremely miserable. When the two rushed into the scene with a small flame, the first thing that caught their eyes was a woman's body that was thrown to the ground and was burning. The pungent fuel and burnt smell make this place feel like hell.Phil only glanced at it, then turned his head pale and began to retch.

And Merlin's face was also very ugly, he tried hard not to look at those twisted corpses, in the scorching air of the flames on the burning bus in front of him, he took off his coat, and walked around on the ruins of James' pickup truck Slapping, trying to knock out those flames.

He kicked the small fragments away with his feet, looking for his relatives on the ground covered in blood and broken flesh.

Like a real madman.

The nightmare has come true.

But in Merlin's heart, there was a strange sense of happiness that he shouldn't have.

All of this is true, which means that the contract he signed with the devil is also true... the devil promised him that his father James would be "redeemed".

At least, he won't die!

"It promised me."

Merlin echoed this sentence in his heart, all those who believe in demons are lunatics, but in this hell full of death, he has no choice but to believe.


After experiencing the explosion, the shattered pickup was already overwhelmed. After cooling down from the high temperature of the explosion, the car began to disintegrate. While Merlin was searching anxiously, he heard the sound of metal shattering behind him. He turned around and just He saw James who was lying in a pool of blood behind the twisted hood that hit the ground.

His father was lying there.

He is still alive!

In such a violent explosion, the toppled car body was extremely lucky to protect James himself who fell on the ground at the moment of the explosion. The broken car body withstood most of the power of the explosion for him, but James was still affected. His clothes were burning, and he was bleeding profusely.

"Phil! Phil, come here!"

Merlin rushed to James' side, he yelled his brother's name, Phil, who was so weak after seeing the truly ugly death, turned his head, and saw Merlin and his father at his feet, the power of family affection exploded in an instant, overwhelmed Phil's inner fear.

The young man quickly ran to Merlin's side, and he and Merlin carried his father out of the pool of blood.

Flame chased after them, but seeing Merlin and Phil's rescue actions, the men in the surrounding crowd also walked out quickly.They turned on fire hydrants on the side of the street, or simply took buckets from a nearby store.

They hurriedly helped Merlin and Phil put out the flames behind and in front of them, allowing the two young men to save their lucky father from this damn disaster.

"Call an ambulance!"

Merlin laid the unconscious and dying James flat on the ground, pinched his neck behind his back, his pulse was still beating, but it was extremely weak, and Merlin half-kneeled on the ground, ready to start CPR to maintain his father's dying life.

While Phil stood at a loss, he yelled at a person beside him, and that person rushed into the coffee shop on the street and dialed the phone there.

In fact, there was no need to call for help. After James and a few other lucky people were rescued, within 5 minutes, harsh sirens sounded from all directions.

Police cars, fire trucks, and ambulances all stopped at the scene of the car accident. Several nurses pushed stretchers and rushed to Merlin and Phil. They accepted Merlin's first aid work, and they will be burnt, blasted, and burnt James. Coulson delivered the stretcher.

"Father is still alive, that's great."

Phil was so excited that he was about to cry at this moment, but Merlin was not at all rejoicing. He looked at James who was being taken into the ambulance, he looked at his adoptive father, James escaped death, but he suffered terrible His injuries, and even whether he will be able to wake up in the future are unknown.

Merlin is a student who is about to enter medical university. He has worked in a private hospital for three years. He has seen too many such examples.

Perhaps for James, the second half of his life is more painful than letting him die completely.

Merlin, whose face was covered in black and gray, looked back at Phil. There was an unexplained anger in his black eyes. He pulled Phil's arm back a few steps, and said viciously:

"Why didn't you agree to that contract! If you agreed, James would survive this disaster in peace! He only got half of the 'salvation'! It's all because you refused!"

"What demon? What the hell are you talking about?"

Facing Merlin's sudden anger, Phil looked confused, and Merlin gritted his teeth and said:

"Dream last night! I had the same dream because I said yes to it so James survived! It wasn't a dream, it was real."

"You're crazy! Merlin!"

Phil's eyes widened, and the young man shook off Merlin's hand, screaming:

"It was just a dream. There are no demons in this world! Be sober."

"No, Mr. Phil, demons do exist in this world. Although you often confuse them with demons, they do exist. As for you, Mr. Merlin, I can understand your mood at this time, but please calm down Some, making a scene can’t solve the problem.”

Just as the two brothers were arguing, a gentle voice suddenly sounded behind them. Merlin and Phil turned their heads at the same time, and saw a guy leaning against the door of the coffee shop, holding a cup of steaming coffee in his hand. .

He was wearing a black suit, with an outdated blue cloak behind him, a gentleman's hat that covered most of his face, black gloves on his fingers, and a white shirt with a stand-up collar, and there were three unique silver coin buckles , It seems to be a necklace made of silver coins.

The thing didn't even emit a shimmer in the sun, it was dim as if it had absorbed all the light.

This kind of weird dress, to be honest, people can't forget it after seeing it.But at this moment in the lively disaster scene, among so many people, none of them noticed the appearance of this mysterious person.

Until he opened his mouth, even Merlin and Phil, who were close at hand, didn't notice him.

"It's you!"

Merlin recognized him. This was the mysterious man he had seen once when he was a baby and again yesterday.

"Yes, it's me."

The Phantom Stranger stretched out his left hand and snapped his fingers lightly. Phil's expression became dull, as if he lost the ability to think in an instant.

"Mr. Phil, go and accompany your father to the hospital. Mr. James needs you very much, and your mother also needs your support. As for your brother, don't worry, he wants to stay here and try his best help others."


The Phantom Stranger said something to Phil, like an order.The next moment, Phil, who was waking up from his dream, turned around without hesitation, jumped over the crowd, and rushed towards the ambulance that was about to leave.

Watching Phil leave, the mysterious man turned his head to look at the wary Merlin. He stood up straight, turned sideways, made a "please" gesture, and then said to Merlin:

"Long time no see, Mr. Merlin. It's just you and me now."

"I know you have a lot to ask, you have a lot of doubts, and even anger that has nowhere to vent. But believe me, what happened to your father has nothing to do with me, at least not directly."

"If you want to know more, including how to avoid the upcoming hunt of demons, please take a few minutes to chat with me."

The Phantom Stranger raised his head, a smile appeared on his cheek covered by the brim of his hat, and he said in a very magnetic voice:

"Believe me, I'm here to help you."


The cafe facing the street was empty because of the disaster in the street outside.Even the fat and kind boss ran out to help.

On the window seat, Merlin sat there quietly.

Opposite him was the Phantom Stranger, holding a cup of coffee and crossing his legs.The gestures of the two are like friends they haven't seen for many years, but from Merlin's expression, there is no trace of excitement.

Instead, there was a hint of undisguised disgust on his face.

After experiencing the bad things about James, Merlin was full of vigilance and resistance to these strange supernatural forces.Although he knew very well that maybe it was because of the deal he made with the demon that James could survive.

Merlin and the Phantom Stranger looked at each other, and the two maintained this calm until 1 minute later, the Phantom Stranger took a sip of coffee leisurely, and said:

"Time is meaningless to me, Mr. Merlin, but it is precious to you now. And if you want to get an answer, you have to ask a question first, and the right question corresponds to the right answer..."

"who are you?"

Merlin pursed his chapped lips, his face was covered with black ashes and scars from saving others, and he looked a little miserable.The Phantom Stranger waved his hand, and the coffee machine on the bar started to operate by itself.

A few seconds later, a cup of coffee with sugar was held by an invisible hand, and it landed firmly on the table in front of Merlin's eyes.

Then he replied:

"I, my name is The Phantom Stranger. You can call me Judas. Of course, I have to explain. I'm not exactly the 'Judas' you know."

The Phantom Stranger raised his head, in the shadow cast on his cheek by the brim of his hat, there was an inexplicable light in his eyes, and he said to Merlin:

"I was the figure you saw when you were a baby. I saved you from the flames."

"Yesterday you saw me too... I didn't mean to scare you, I just wanted to remind you in that way, I hope you are ready, and now it seems that you are indeed ready."

"What to prepare?"

Merlin immediately asked back, the Phantom Stranger shrugged, and he said meaningfully:

"Of course it's a preparation for your real destiny. You don't really think that your whole life is going to be a doctor in New York, marry a wife, and have a few children, right? I think it's weird when you were young Afterwards, you'll understand..."

"Merlin, you are different from everyone else!"

"So, why me?"

Merlin's expression didn't change much, he asked:

"What is the 'difference' between me and others? Is it just because my soul is pure, as the devil said?"

"Ha ha ha ha"

Merlin's question caused the Phantom Stranger to burst into a series of long laughs, as if Merlin asked a stupid question. The mysterious man took a sip of his coffee and said to Merlin:

"The strength of the Sangong is strong, but its vision is very ordinary. It can only see the purity of your soul, but it cannot see the truth hidden behind this purity. If it learns the truth, it will only run away from you, and the farther away you are from you The farther the better. Unfortunately, it's already in the game."

"You don't need to worry about Sangong, at least not right now, it won't be a threat until you become really strong."

"As for your 'difference', I think I don't need to answer this question. You just need to face fate bravely, and then you will discover the truth sooner or later."

Sipping his coffee, the mysterious man said softly:

"I'm really looking forward to what choice you will make after discovering the truth."

After saying this, the Phantom Stranger moved his shoulders, stood up, opened his hands, and a faint blue light wrapped around his fingers. He looked at the vigilant Merlin:

"Okay, your question is over. Although you didn't ask the correct one, it doesn't matter."

"Let's get down to business first!"

I just learned from the big editor that due to some special reasons, the waiting time for signing this time may be longer.In order not to make the brothers wait too hard, let's update it 2 times a day from the beginning.Upload a new book, ask for a recommendation ticket, ask for a collection, thank you everyone!

(End of this chapter)

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