Shadow trail of the beautiful world

Chapter 534 59. The Mysterious Chaser

Chapter 534 59. The Mysterious Chaser

Abstergo, the disguise of the Templars in modern society, is a group that claims to be a medical research company. It is well-known in the industry and has a good reputation.

If he hadn't been in contact with Cassandra and these kids who played assassin games, Merlin would never have noticed that a low-key company had such a big background.

However, according to Cassandra, when the Assassin Brotherhood fell three years ago, the Templars had actually almost declined.

After all, this is no longer the era when faith is the most important thing. Although modern people have various trends of thought, they are definitely not stupid. Few people take the initiative to abandon everything to join an organization that needs the support of faith.

Even Hydra doesn't recruit newcomers among ordinary people...

Times are changing, the struggle between free will and absolute order is no longer the mainstream, and it is no longer so easy for the Templars to control society.

So they chose a more extreme, more indescribable way.

"They're going to launch a 'golden apple' into space."

In a hotel in Athens, Leila said to Merlin angrily:

"The people at Abstergo are all lunatics. They plan to use that method to control a third of the world's population at once, and then form what they think of as a 'Utopia'."

"That's just the plan."

Miles was playing with the dagger aside, he said:

"In the files I peeked at, Abstergo's researchers are still looking for the 'Golden Apple'. They haven't found those magical objects hidden in history that can control the human mind."

"and many more."

Merlin stretched out his hand and interrupted the complaints and complaints between the two guys. He asked:

"Describe the 'golden apples' you saw."

"What I saw was a scepter."

Leila says:

"I was a researcher at Abstergo, and when I was doing research in Egypt, I accidentally activated the Animus, and I saw a scepter in the memory of my ancestor Bayek."

"What I saw was a round ball, golden, with weird scratches on the surface, and it looked like one piece."

Miles said:

"That's the 'golden apple' I saw in the memory of my ancestor Altaïr."

"And the 'shroud' of the historical record."

Sitting on the side, Victoria, who looked at Merlin with fear, whispered:

"That is the shroud of Jesus, and it is also one of the forms of existence of the golden apple. The Templars crucified Jesus because of this golden apple in the first century AD. It is said that the betrayer Judas is one of the Templars. member."

Merlin nodded. On Icarus's lens, the data stream was beating. After a while, the item information matching the characteristics mentioned by the three guys appeared on Merlin's lens, and Icarus' gentle voice echoed in Merlin's ear. rings in:

"The scepter information is unknown. The shroud is currently stored in the Vatican, but it is likely to be a counterfeit."

"In the S.H.I.E.L.D. 084 base warehouse, there is a golden spherical object with the number 45084-13, which has the properties of mind control and spiritual induction. It was removed from Hitler's eagle's nest after the end of World War II. The unknown strange object found and sealed up is very similar to the description of the golden apple."


Merlin nodded, he looked at Miles again, and he said:

"Did you learn all your skills from that machine called Animus?"


Miles raised his head proudly, and said to Merlin:

"It was the skill I learned from my ancestor Altaïr, which allowed me to survive the pursuit of those soldiers of Abstergo many times, and also saved Layla and Victoria."

"That's just the bleeding effect."

Victoria, who was the physician in the trio, retorted:

"That's one of the possible sequelae of the Animus virtual instrument. With such a sophisticated instrument, every exploration of ancestral memories is like a complicated and uncontrollable operation for you and Layla's brains. You feel that you You have learned something, but it is just a remnant of the memory in your mind, you do not have the physique to match the skills of your ancestors, and forcibly imitating the movements of the master assassin will only cause you to have fractures and fractures."

"You can say whatever you want."

Miles said with some dissatisfaction:

"But I do feel stronger."

"That's just an illusion!"

Merlin stood up, and he kept the Yaxi seal in his hand. These three guys belonged to the kind of people who were very vigilant. Without using the Yaxi seal, Merlin had absolutely no way of not hurting them. Next, get information from them.

"True power comes from a strong body, keen perception, and unyielding will. I don't believe that an ordinary person can make himself stronger by wearing a virtual device...that is the strength based on false facts, it It will easily cost you your life."

"So in the next few months, I will prohibit you from using the Animus virtual device, until your body and will reach the level that a fighter should have, and then we will start the second phase of training."

"Okay, mentor!"

Under the effect of the Yaxi seal, the three nodded in unison, and obediently handed their own Animus virtual instrument to Merlin.

"Take this!"

Merlin handed over the VIP card of his own Continental Hotel to Leila, and he said:

"Tomorrow morning, the three of you will go to the Continental Hotel in Athens, and someone will arrange for you to enter the training camp... If you are really talented, then I look forward to the day when you lose your cowardice and ordinaryness."

Merlin pulled the brim of his hood, his figure disappeared in the smoke, and he said:

"My disciples, I will help you erase the traces, and you don't need to worry about Abstergo's pursuit, but I will not help you eliminate them, that is your own task... We, see you in five months .”


After Merlin disappeared, the effect of the Axi seal on the three people disappeared, and Leila and Miles woke up first. They looked at the VIP card of the Continental Hotel in front of them, and the memory just now was still in their minds. remains.

"Are we bewitched?"

Miles asked solemnly:

"Why do we trust that stranger so much? He didn't even tell us his name, and the Animus, we just left it to him."

"Maybe it's because he's trustworthy."

Leila said a little uncertainly:

"Maybe he really was a Master Assassin... narrowly escaped being strangled by Abstergo and found us, and he's helping us. Anyway, he's given us a safe place to hide, we'll be there tomorrow Go there early in the morning!"

"But why do I have to follow you two to train?"

Victoria curled up beside the bed and said in a complicated tone:

"I'm just a doctor, and I don't have the ancestors of a legendary assassin..."

"You'll be a trained doctor, Victoria."

Leila comforted her friend Ji, she frivolously stretched out her fingers and lifted Victoria's chin, she said:

"Don't be afraid, we will take care of you."


After leaving the hotel, Merlin headed towards an inconspicuous hill outside the city of Athens according to the address given to him by Ms. Cassandra. Icarus called Thalia, and soon the call was connected. .

"Thalia, are you asleep?"

Merlin says:

"I need your help with something."

"I'm on the plane from New York to Gotham, and bloody Bruce won't allow my Damian to see me, so I'll just have to see him."

With strong dissatisfaction in Thalia's tone, she said:

"Perhaps I should have won the custody of Damian... Tell me, Merlin, why do you need to call yourself?"

"There are three young people who will hold my identity card tomorrow morning and register at the Continental Hotel in Athens. I need you to put them in the best training camp of the Assassin League."

Merlin says:

"Train them into real fighters at the shortest speed!"


Thalia didn't even ask about the identities of the three people, she simply replied:

"Nandalbat training camp, 4-6 months...but don't blame me if they die there."

"If they die, it will prove that the master's blood is nothing more than this."

Merlin casually said:

"And, there is still a group of people chasing them..."

"I'll take care of it."

Thalia says:

"Don't worry, my VIP client, Your Excellency Merlin."

"Well, I won't interrupt your trip, Thalia."

Merlin says:

"Rest early and have a good dream."

After speaking, he hung up the communication, and then jumped into the dark mountain stream below, where there was a mountain path blocked by forests and rivers, leading to Cassandra's treasure house.

It might seem irresponsible to throw three young rookies to the League of Assassins, but in fact, it was the best way Merlin could think of.

On the one hand, the activities of the Assassin League are low-key, which can well hide the whereabouts of the three of them.On the other hand, the League of Assassins is theoretically a branch of the Brotherhood of Assassins. Although the philosophy is slightly different, the training methods are the same. If the three of them can come out of the training camp of the League of Assassins alive, then they will definitely be reborn.

Merlin didn't expect to get three Batmen in 5 months, but at least he had to reach Robin's level.

Otherwise, it would be very difficult for these three apprentices to follow Merlin and participate in the things Merlin is currently involved in.

Since he promised Cassandra to train these three people into real assassins and help them rebuild the Brotherhood of Assassins, Merlin would naturally do what he said.A real assassin is not playing a game.


With a muffled sound, a dusty stone door was slowly pushed open.

Merlin walked into this ancient cave. He looked at the scene in the cave. There must have been a lot of weapons stored here before. The weapon racks placed in the corners have become decayed. Things are taken away.

But on the weapon rack in the deepest part of the cave, there are two other things placed there.

An exaggerated bow with flying wings, and a silver trident.

These two things are not in line with the assassins' pursuit of low-key behavior, so they have been forgotten here by the master assassins of all generations.

"let me see..."

Merlin looked at the two weapons in front of him. There was no doubt that they were great magic weapons. According to the perception of Spirit Vision, both of them were shining with dazzling magic light, and there were some tiny inscriptions on the weapons.

Merlin read them out.

"Gorgon bow...Poseidon's trident."

"Hmm...just the same name? Or, is this really a weapon from the Greek gods? Is it the spoils of Ms. Cassandra's tough life?"

Merlin stretched out his hand to hold the silver, gorgeous and exaggerated, and extremely heavy trident. He vaguely heard the sound of the sea's raging waves, and a stream of water waves danced on the blade, outlining a brilliant light.

"Well, it looks like the real thing..."

Merlin breathed a sigh of relief. He put the war bow and trident into his pocket, and then searched around again. Except for some decayed coins, he found nothing more.

"This kind of coin, if I remember correctly, it should be called the dramak, the currency used by the ancient Greeks."

Merlin looked at the dramak piled up like a sea in front of him, rubbed his chin, and whispered:

"It seems that Ms. Cassandra was an out-and-out rich woman in her era. Unfortunately, these are of no use to me."

A few minutes later, Merlin walked out of the cave along the way he came. His vacation was over, and he planned to go back to New York. He had to go to work tomorrow.

However, the moment Merlin walked out of the cave, a slender woman wearing a strange armor and holding a shield and sword stood at the entrance of the cave like a sculpture. Obviously, this uninvited lady was waiting with him.

"Hand over the relics of the Greek gods...!"

The woman said in a low voice:

"They don't belong to you!"


The angry halberd hit the ground, causing the stones under Merlin's feet to shatter. He looked at the female warrior who was dressed like an Amazon female warrior in front of him, and said calmly:

"They don't belong to, they belong to you?"

"It's a relic from my father's generation..."

The lady said indifferently:

"I'll send them back to Paradise Island."

"Ha, I know who you are."

Merlin waved his war halberd, and amidst the dancing flames, he said:

"Another Greek demigod, let me're supposed to be the literal daughter of Zeus, right?"

Merlin made a fighting gesture, and the lady also put on a fighting posture. At the moment when the two were about to fight, Merlin suddenly asked:

"Ma'am, are you afraid of cats?"


The handsome female warrior was taken aback by this question, she turned her head suddenly, and saw an orange cat with its mouth wide open to 180°, rushing out of the darkness, with crazy purple-red tentacles, from the orange cat It rushed out of Gu Gu's mouth, entangled the unprepared female warrior, and before her strength broke out, she was swallowed whole into Gu Gu's stomach.


Cuckoo landed on the ground, nauseated and vomited a few times. It glanced at Merlin, then swung its claws to open a space channel, and jumped in. A moment later, Cuckoo returned to Merlin's side in a flash of light.

Merlin hugged Gu Gu, and while stroking Gu Gu's neck, he asked:

"Where did you throw her?"


Cuckoo lazily pointed to the sky with his paw, and Merlin immediately understood.

"Ah, the moon...that's really far away."

"Since she is a powerful demigod, she must be able to survive in space..."

"Let's go, let's go home."

(End of this chapter)

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