Shadow trail of the beautiful world

Chapter 573 31. Codename: Old Driver

Chapter 573 31. Codename: Old Driver

"Drip, drop"

Accompanied by the unique whistle of taxis, two taxis drove into the underground garage of Bell Telephone Company in the 21st century one after the other. They followed the rotating road all the way down. A group of heavily armed agents was already waiting there.

The new director of SDOLD, Phil Coulson, held a huge pulse gun and looked at the two taxis in front of him vigilantly. He didn't relax his vigilance until Merlin opened the door of one of the cars.

"What are so many people doing here?"

Merlin glanced at the heavily armed agents, waved his hand, and said to Coulson:

"Let them go back to work, there is no need for so many people here, there is no danger."

"Uh, okay."

Coulson gestured, and the other agents quickly turned to leave.

"Preparation of two special affairs consultant contracts, the time is set for 10 years."

Merlin whispered to Coulson:

"In addition, the investigation of the social relationship between Dupont and Chas Chandler is now underway. The review process... I don't need it for now. The two of them are in special situations. By the way, prepare two permanent ones for these two cars. Parking spaces, book a wash and paint change, get a new interior and exterior, give them new license plates, put them in official vehicles."

"What about the secrecy level?"

Coulson asked, obviously, he already knew the true identities of the two taxis.

"The confidentiality level is set at... level 7."

Merlin says:

"Set the confidentiality level of Dupont's and Chas's personal information at level 7. If there are any spare safe houses, divide them into two and use them as a new apartment."


Coulson responded. He looked at the four people behind Merlin again, and said:

"Need me to lend you my office, sir."

"No, just give me a conference room."

Merlin smiled and patted Coulson on the shoulder, he said:

"Here, you are the boss. Go ahead and ask your assistant to deliver what I need to the meeting room."

After finishing speaking, he looked back at the four people behind him, and said:

"You guys, come with me."

Dupont, Chas, and Jessica and the magical man Luke Cage, the four of them didn't know Merlin's real identity, but when they saw the 5-story basement in front of them, the office area occupied such a huge area , and those agents who came and went with serious temperaments and wore uniforms, and those agents who passed by Merlin would actively make way for Merlin.

Well, it's not hard to guess, Mr. Merlin's real identity must be a big shot with a great background.

They came to the conference room very quickly, and when Merlin was sitting on the chair, a beautiful young lady soon brought drinks, then they withdrew and closed the door again.

"sit down."

Merlin said to the four people in front of him:

"There are some things you need to know, and some rules, and it's time to tell you. Especially you two, Dupont, and Chas, you two were involved in an accident, and now, you can't Get away."

Dupont and Chas sat in front of Merlin with fear on their faces, while Jessica and Cage looked better. After all, these two guys are capable, and they are different from real ordinary people like Chas and Dupont.

"Let me explain to you first."

Merlin picked up the teacup, took a sip of the tea at just the right temperature, and said to the two taxi drivers:

"Just last night, the world was invaded by an alien civilization, some robots from the stars who invaded the earth... Well, don't be afraid, this storm is about to die down, and we have the upper hand."

"What I want to tell you is that the changes in your car are related to these mechanical beings, but don't worry, your car, uh, I mean, your robot, is not a member of those villains, actually In fact, before this morning, they were still ordinary taxis, but they were mutated by some kind of energy."

He tapped the table and said to Chas and Dupont:

"You have to understand that your taxi belongs to you, but it is impossible for me to let the Cybertronians who have completed the 'awakening' be driven by you and continue to carry passengers on the streets of New York..."

"I understand, I understand."

Chas, the timid guy, wiped the cold sweat off his brow, and with a bad smile on his chubby face, he said to Merlin:

"I can give my car to the government, to your department, Merlin, for some money, er, or nothing."

"Me too."

Dupont nodded violently, this guy also knew the danger, he said:

"I don't want any money, you just take my car away."

"If only it were that simple, my friends."

Merlin sighed, he said to the two taxi drivers who were just ordinary people with some headaches:

"These robots, the Cybertronians, their technology is advanced, but their culture is very traditional."

"In the civilization of the Cybertronians, there is a vassal relationship. Whenever the Cybertronians find friends who are worth following or can be trusted, they will regard them as their 'knights'. Once the relationship appears, it will be engraved in the thinking logic of those robots and cannot be violated."

"Except for the death of the knights, the Cybertronians will always follow them. The problem now is that the cars of the two of you have just awakened, and they don't have much complex cognitive ability, so the original owner of the taxi is set as Your own 'knights', that is, the two of you now, have robot followers."


The door of the meeting room was pushed open at this moment. The tall, handsome, handsome and mighty assistant to the director, Agent Grant Ward walked into the meeting room with two documents, and he put the documents in front of Merlin's eyes.

Merlin looked at the young man, and he said softly:

"How is old man Gartler?"

"He's fine."

Ward said to Merlin in a respectful tone:

"He has already started to live a semi-retired life. He is tired of being with Aunt Liv every day. The two of them are traveling around Europe together. I heard that they plan to get married sometime next year or the year after."

"Oh, that's good."

Merlin smiled and said:

"That's a life I envy. Say hello to Gartler for me. I may be busy recently and don't have time to see him."

"Well, I will."

Ward nodded, glanced at the people in the conference room, and backed out.

Merlin handed over the two contracts he had just drawn up to Chas and Dupont, and he said:

"Starting today, the two of you will become special affairs consultants of the Supernatural Affairs Defense Observation and Logistics Department, a subdivision of S.H.I.E.L.D., for a period of 10 years. The monthly salary is 8000 US dollars, plus field subsidies and incentives, and a series of medical insurance. After officially joining the company, SDOLD will give you a new apartment, and your social information will be hidden."

"In addition, you need to come to SDOLD regularly to learn various skills, including a series of training. At present, we don't have a complete tactical system on how the Cybertronians fight side by side with the knights, but I believe that we will find out sooner or later. A suitable method, so that you can become qualified knights."

"Anything else to ask?"

Merlin clasped his fingers together and said:

"If you want to ask, hurry up... Oh, by the way, you don't have the right to refuse."

"Uh, I have!"

Dubender raised his hand, and he said to Merlin:

"I think my home is pretty good, can I not move?"

"No, we have to move."

Merlin says:

"This is to better protect you. You are just ordinary people with no power to restrain your chickens. Once your lives are in danger and the Cybertronians go out of control, the problem will be very serious."

"Then my cousin..."

Dupont said with some embarrassment:

"I still have family."

"Let her move together."

Merlin took out his pocket watch and looked at the time. He said:

"I believe you can convince her. If you can't, then I can only wash away all her memories of you."

"Well, I'd better persuade her."

Du Pengde lost his temper completely. While looking at the documents, when he saw the salary at work, to be precise, when he saw the string of zeros, his bad mood suddenly became better.

Alas, although the loss of freedom makes people feel sad, but thinking about it from another angle, the problem of money that I have been worrying about can be regarded as a temporary solution.

This is not a bad thing.

"Hey, Chas, do you think it's plausible?"

Dupont was already a little shaken, and he whispered to Chas beside him:

"Maybe, joining them is a good choice."

"Wake up, Dupont."

Chas, without looking at the document, and signing his name almost with his eyes closed, said to Dupont:

"We have no choice at all...Mr. Merlin can talk to us in another way. Haven't you seen the spy movie? Do you think you can survive waterboarding?"

"Instead of being tortured, being brainwashed into tool people, and finally succumbing, it's better to follow them honestly."

Chas held the pendant left by Constantine on his chest pessimistically, and said:

"If it wasn't for our friendship with Merlin..."

"Well, you're right."

Dupont thought about it, and felt that there was nothing wrong with what Chas said. He simply turned to the last page of the document and wrote his name neatly.

"Ah, very good."

Merlin took back the document, and then said to the two funny guys:

"Now you can go out, turn left and find Agent Ward, he will take you through the entry procedures. In addition, we don't have any waterboarding here, and the life of an agent is not as scary as you think..."

"By the way, I thought of a new code name for the two of you, so you can call them Old Driver One and Old Driver Two...Is there a problem?"


The two guys looked at each other and shook their heads at the same time.

They have no choice at all.

After the two funny drivers left, Merlin turned his gaze to Jessica and Cage who were quietly sitting aside, and he said softly:

"Isn't it exciting to hear these secrets?"

"If I had a choice, I wouldn't want to hear it at all."

Jessica complained:

"But after hearing everything, I guess it will be difficult for the two of us to walk out of here as if nothing happened?"

"so smart."

Merlin looked at Jessica, he admired:

"You girl, besides drinking and smoking, gambling and cheating, and bad luck, you still have good points... Then I'll just say it, I want you two to join S.H.I.E.L.D. like Dupont and Chas In the system, of course, as a non-staff, I don't need you to be agents, but if you want to contribute to the deteriorating order in Harlem, then I am willing to help you."

"You can continue to be street heroes, and I would love to see more people stand up bravely when bad things happen, but I hope your actions can be more legitimate."

Merlin turned his head to look at Luke Cage with a cold face, he said:

"Especially you, Power Man...every time you fight crime, you create a massacre."

"I reject!"

The divine man snorted:

"You people, there is no good thing!"

"Okay, I encountered a hard stubble, and it just so happens that I'm not in a good mood right now."

Merlin stood up. He stretched out his fingers and unbuttoned the first button of his collar. He said to Jessica:

"You can go out first, Jessica, Cage and I have something to 'talk'."

Jessica stood up without hesitation, she patted Luke Cage on the shoulder, and said softly:

"Good luck, friend."

Then the girl opened the door without any hesitation and walked out. She also just met the supernatural being, so there was no need to provoke such a terrifying enemy as Merlin for a guy she didn't know well.

After Jessica left, Merlin stretched his neck, and he said to Luke Cage who also stood up:

"On the way, I checked your social information. Luke Cage is a pseudonym. Your name is Carl Lucas. You grew up in Harlem and joined gangs. You are a complete villain and scum, but in When I became an adult, I suddenly woke up."

"Over the past few years, you've been framed and put in jail, but for a few months what happened was blocked from some Ministry of Defense information post... so I'm curious, what happened during those months What happened changed you from an ordinary person to an invulnerable superpower."

"Although I know you won't say it."

Merlin moved his fingers, and he said:

"But before I beat you, the program still has to go through, so I ask again, will you tell me?"

(End of this chapter)

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