Shadow trail of the beautiful world

Chapter 62 20. Chapter Ying of Destiny

Chapter 62 20. The Response of Fate

"Ding Dong"

The sound of the doorbell echoed in the quiet room, and Merlin who was lying on the bed opened his eyes suddenly.

He looked out the window, it was already night time.

From morning to night, Merlin slept intermittently, but Merlin was still very tired, and the physical exhaustion had dissipated. This bad feeling came from a restless soul.

He got up from the bed, looked down and saw the blood-soaked pillow, Merlin reached out and wiped his nose, sticky blood immediately covered his fingers.

"It's getting more and more frequent."

Merlin frowned and wiped the blood from under his nose, then folded the pillow and comforter together and threw them in the house's washing machine.

The doorbell was still ringing, Merlin shook his head, trying to wake himself up.

He was dizzy, as if he hadn't woken up yet. He walked to the door, opened the door, and saw Garrett in casual clothes waiting for him at the door.

"Boy, it's time to eat."

The old cowboy-like agent said something to Merlin, he saw Merlin's bad face, he said with concern:

"Did you not rest well? Or are you sick?"

"I am fine."

Merlin stretched out his hand and pushed his glasses, and smiled at Gartler. He said:

"Maybe I'm not quite used to the weather in London. Anyway, I'm fine. Wait a minute, John, I'll change and we'll go."

"Okay. I'll wait for you downstairs. The restaurant is very close. We can walk there."

Seeing that Merlin didn't want to talk about it, the old agent decisively stopped asking.

As a senior agent, Gartler knows very well that everyone has their own secrets, and wantonly prying into other people's secrets is a very offensive behavior.


The door closed again.

Merlin took a few steps back, his body suddenly mist, and he appeared in the bathroom a few seconds later.

He clenched his fists and looked at himself in the mirror. His abilities were not affected, his body was still strong and powerful, and even his dark senses were functioning normally. He was not injured at all.

But what is reflected in the mirror is a soul that is being immersed in darkness.

The erosion of the soul and body by dark magic power has accumulated to a bottleneck.More and more frequent nosebleeds and nightmares meant that Merlin was getting closer to the dark transformation.

It's like a slowly accelerating train rushing towards the darkness.

Under the impact of the pattering water, Merlin clenched his fists, he was already looking for it very hard.

But he couldn't find a way to slow down, he couldn't find a way to weaken the dark magic, he got pieces of information like a puzzle from many places, but now he lacked a vital link to put these puzzles together.

He could only sit helplessly in the already fast train, watching helplessly that he was about to break through the restriction and rush into the dark realm.

He won't become a half-demon immediately, it's still a process of transformation.

But like a certain malignant disease, once it enters the onset period, the speed of transformation and erosion will become faster and faster.In the end, one day, Merlin Riley will disappear completely, and what remains in this body will be a twisted dark soul.

Half Demon Merlin.

A monster about to be born.

Nearly 10 minutes later, Merlin, wearing a gray casual shirt and jeans, walked out of the hotel, where Gartler was already waiting for him.

The commander of this European branch has a tough style and can bring a full sense of security to people. He has a sense of power in every gesture, and once he gets acquainted with him, he will involuntarily obey him.

This is a very charismatic agent, a very good commander.

Agent Gartler also has secrets, though.And he couldn't hide it from Merlin.

In Merlin's eyes, Gatler's vitality was very strange. Although he was stronger than ordinary people, there was always a feeling of poor circulation.

Merlin pushed his glasses. In the state of spiritual vision, he could see that there was an area of ​​Agent Gartler's waist that was not pure flesh and blood, but some kind of sophisticated bionic instrument.

It fits together with Gartler's flesh and blood, taking on part of the circulatory system.

"In 1988, on the outskirts of Vienna, Agent Gartler and Fury performed a mission together, but there was an accident. Agent Gartler was seriously injured, and it is said that even his intestines were interrupted."

Such a piece of information appeared in Merlin's mind.

This is not something he imagined out of thin air, but a fact that he made up through the conversation between Gartler and Fury when they teamed up to rescue Alexander Pierce a few days ago.

And in front of him, the weird metal organs in the old agent's body should be the "souvenir" left after that attack.

It is really hard to imagine that a life can survive tenaciously with such a posture.He should have died, but now he is still alive tenaciously, even more tenaciously than ordinary people.

"Well. A respectable warrior."

This idea emerged in Merlin's mind:

"A warrior who has transcended death."

This was his initial evaluation of Agent Gartler. He stepped forward and greeted the old agent. The two walked along the streets of Old London to the restaurant they had reserved.

This is a banquet to clean up the dust, and it is also a gathering of soldiers who have been on the battlefield together to deepen their relationship with each other.During this period of time in the Strategic Science Corps, through a series of precepts and deeds from Fury, Merlin has already understood a truth.

Friends, it's like toilet paper under the sink.

There is absolutely no harm in preparing a few more volumes at ordinary times.


"Hahaha, you don't even know the expression on Fury's face when he saw me on the battlefield outside Vienna in 1988, after he had run out of bullets."

In the restaurant, a slightly drunk Gartler patted the table and told Merlin the story of the past. With a vivid expression on his face, he said to Merlin:

"He was like seeing a ghost, he yelled:"

"My God! Did you crawl out of hell?"


Gartler imitated Fury's tone, and Merlin couldn't help laughing at that vivid voice.After laughing, Merlin picked up the wine glass and raised it to Garrett. He said:

"It must have hurt, right? I mean, crawling from where the bombs were blown up to safety, dragging a broken intestine..."

"It hurts, it hurts a lot."

The old agent breathed a sigh of relief, he subconsciously touched the piece of metal around his waist, and said to Merlin:

"I still remember the pain. For ten minutes, I felt that I had been thrown into hell... I even felt that I saw the scenery of hell, but I gritted my teeth and insisted step by step. climbed out."

"I climbed back to the world from hell, and scared the bastards who were about to retreat."

The old agent took a sip of his wine and said to Merlin:

"You young people are much happier now. You will never experience the kind of missions like killing battlefields. In our time, such missions were commonplace, especially in Eastern Europe, in the territory of the Russians. For a while , Every agent must leave a suicide note before accepting the mission and setting off."

"Anyone around you, even yourself, may never come back. You still have relatives and children waiting at home, maybe your lover. It's too cruel."

Gartler seemed to be caught in the memories of the past, he said softly with a little emotion:

"It's hard for you to experience the cruelty of being left to die, the pain of being in hell."

"What if I say, I have experienced it?"

Merlin drank the rest of the wine in one gulp. Under the stimulation of alcohol, he was a little tipsy. He coughed a few times and said in a low voice:

"Gartler, your body was torn apart in 1988, and I was torn apart in 1989, my soul. I don't know which is more painful, but if you talk about the scenery of hell, I'm in Wisconsin. In the deserted wilderness, I seem to have seen..."

"Magic, something that shouldn't exist, it destroyed me and created another me."

Gatler quietly listened to Merlin's narration of the past, and he poured another glass of wine for Merlin calmly. After Merlin finished speaking, the old agent raised his glass and said to Merlin:

"Come on, have another drink!"

"This cup is a tribute to the pain we have experienced, to the past that we never want to recall!"

"Do not."

Merlin shook his head. He picked up the wine glass and gently collided with Gartler's wine glass. He said:

"Regard new friend!"

"Haha, yes! That's right! Respect my new friend!"

Gatler laughed and drank the wine in his hand. Merlin saw the old agent so boldly, so he also drank the wine in one gulp.As a result, the alcohol went straight to his forehead, causing him to cough several times in a row, which drew a good-natured ridicule from the old agent.

"Ahem, I don't drink much."

Merlin stopped coughing and explained:

"As a kid, J... I mean, my adoptive dad, he was a very traditional guy, he didn't really like kids drinking."

Merlin almost said James' full name, but the rationality in his mind made him abruptly change his address. He looked at Gartler, only to find that the latter was looking at him strangely.

"what happened?"

Merlin asked suspiciously.

Gartler picked up the tissue on the table and handed it to Merlin.The old agent's expression became a little more cautious, and he said:

"You're bleeding."


Merlin lowered his head, the tablecloth in front of him was already soaked in blood, he hurriedly took the tissue and blocked his nose, but this time... this time, the blood couldn't be stopped no matter what.

It's like, like a certain valve in the body or soul is completely opened at this moment.


Merlin stood up a little flustered, and he said to Gartler:

"I'll go to the bathroom."

"You look like you need help, kid."

The old agent also stood up, and Merlin shook his hand at him:

"No! I can do it alone...don't come! Gartler, don't come...right here, wait!"

Watching Merlin staggering towards the bathroom, Agent Gartler's eyes narrowed. In his eyes, a search light became stronger and stronger.

He became more and more curious about the secret hidden by this young man, Merlin.



Merlin rushed into the bathroom. He turned on the faucet and rinsed his nostrils with ice-cold water, trying to shrink the broken capillaries to stop the bleeding.

But it didn't work.

Soon, the entire washbasin was horrified by the splashed blood.

Merlin raised his head, and in the mirror in front of him, he saw himself in a mess with blood on his face.

A strange double image appeared in front of his eyes again, just like the sequelae when his soul was torn apart that day. He felt that the world was spinning, and the whole world began to tumbling and subverting before his eyes.


Merlin fell to the ground weakly. He struggled, stretched out his hand with difficulty, and grabbed the handrail closest to him.

He could feel that his power was still there, but at this moment, his will was like being locked in a cage, no matter how he called, those powers would no longer respond.

To make matters worse, the ghosting in front of my eyes became more and more serious, and the whole world seemed to be distorted.

In Merlin's eyes, everything around him seemed to turn into raging flames. In the burning of the dark red ashes, he vaguely saw a floating island in the sky in the sea of ​​magma.

On the most central floating island, there is a tall bone throne, and a familiar figure is sitting on it.


Sangong Demon!

The erosion of dark magic power broke through a certain limit, and the dark magic power that grew rapidly in Merlin's soul began to instinctively call the source of his origin.

"no no!"

Merlin struggled, he shouted, trying to stop the magic in his body from continuing to radiate.

Can't go any further, if you go any will be discovered by Sangong!


At least not now!


"Someone help me! Stop!"


At this moment, a strange soft sound resounded in Merlin's soul, it was like the sound of...a dice being rolled and falling on the table.


Another sharp cry sounded in front of Merlin at this moment, it sounded like a girl's voice.

This sharp scream awakened Merlin's chaotic will for a moment. He raised his head with difficulty, and saw a girl standing in front of him, looking at him with curious eyes.

that girl...

Very familiar.


Pushing open the door, Miss Hermione, who was about to go to the toilet, looked at the man lying in a pool of blood in surprise.

Although her face was more mature and taller than the one she remembered, Hermione could still tell at a glance that the man in front of him who was in a very bad situation had rescued her and him three years ago on the land of North America. A train man hero.

"Merlin! Why are you in the women's room?"

Hermione squatted down hurriedly, trying to reach out to help Merlin up from the ground, but the moment Hermione touched Merlin's body, a spark of violent dark magic popped out from Hermione's fingertips, startling the girl .

"This magic power? What's going on here?"

Hermione took a step back, she looked left and right, there was no one in the women's room except her and Merlin, she gritted her teeth, and under the gaze of Merlin whose consciousness had begun to blur, little Hermione had a black fingertip. With the low sound of chanting the magic wand, a group of golden sparks quickly enveloped Merlin.

Like a curtain, it quickly isolated him from the perception of the outside world, and it was a little difficult to cut off the continuously extending magic power in Merlin's body from the distorted dimension.


The moment the magic boiling was stopped, Merlin's consciousness quickly returned to his body.He stood up, turned on the tap, washed the blood off his face, and tried to calm himself down completely in this way.

A few seconds later, Merlin turned his head, looked at Hermione behind him, and the magic wand in her hand emitting golden light, and asked in a hoarse voice:

"Little, are you a wizard?"


Hermione shrugged when her secret was broken. She looked at Merlin who hadn't seen her for more than 3 years. She pulled the corner of her skirt and made a very decent lady's gift. She said:

"Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, Hermione Jane Granger, a second-year Gryffindor wizard, greetings."

"The great hero, Mr. Merlin."

(End of this chapter)

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