Shadow trail of the beautiful world

Chapter 84 2. Pancho Bar【7100】

Chapter 84 2. Pancho Bar【7100】

Kohler, this is a guy who hates ghosts and is sent by some big shots to the Strategic Science Corps to sabotage.

His purpose is very simple, to destroy this intelligence organization that once deterred one side.

He is good at overwhelming people. When he first airborne into the Strategic Science Corps, he did a very good job. At one time, he suppressed many old agents, including Fury, very badly.

But with the failure of the political assassination against Alexander Pierce, the agents on Fury's side got support again.Under the instruction of Pierce, who escaped from death, Fury and his gang started a fierce counterattack.

Today, Kohler only has the title of Director-General, and all his internal layouts in the Strategic Science Corps have failed, and he is only one step away from being "resigned".

But in a sense, Kohler is also a ruthless character. Even when the fuel is exhausted, he still hasn't given up his career of making trouble for Fury.

For example, now, in this secret laboratory, Kohler is standing next to the corpse of the Skrull being dissected. He looks at the corpse of the alien in front of him with an attitude of superiority, and has a bad expression on his face. Fury.He said:

"Encountered such a big thing, a group of aliens with camouflage ability tried to infiltrate the earth. Fury, why didn't you report it?"

"Because things haven't been investigated yet!"

Fury poked his neck and said:

"Is this your first day as an agent? Kohler, just report it and leave the matter to other agencies to deal with, so what is the meaning of our existence?"

"The agents of the Strategic Science Corps can solve their own troubles!"

"The Strategic Science Corps is gone!"

Kohler reached out and pushed his glasses, he said indifferently:

"Now only the Strategic Danger Intervention and Espionage Logistics Service, Fury, as a level 3 civilian agent, you have no right to suppress this matter! I want you to issue an incident report immediately, and then send this corpse together with your report. Leave it to me. The higher authorities will take over this matter, and I will not allow you to continue to intervene!"


As soon as Kohler's words fell, there was a soft beep from the BP machine in Fury's hand. Fury looked down, and a smile flashed across his dark face. He waved the communicator in his hand to Kohler, and said :

"Before you came here, I had already reported this matter to the World Security Council. Chief Alexander Pierce has just authorized me to take full responsibility for this matter."

"Kohler, do you still have an opinion?"


The indifference on Kohler's face suddenly turned into embarrassment. He looked at Fury angrily, but the latter jumped off the chair indifferently, picked up his coat, and didn't care about Kohler's glaring. He turned to Kohler and said:

"If there is nothing important, I will leave first. By the way, Kohler, you'd better get out of here quickly, you have no right to interfere in this matter!"

"Block here!"

Fury opened the door of the laboratory and said to the soldiers guarding the door:

"No one is allowed to enter!"

After speaking, he looked back at Kohler, who was reaching out and touching the forehead of the alien on the dissecting table.

Fury said:

"Officer Kohler, you'd better get out of here quickly. Martial law is about to come here. And, you'd better stay away from it. Who knows if this thing is carrying some damn alien virus or something."

Fury's warning seemed to startle Kohler. He quickly withdrew his fingers, then adjusted his tie with a displeased face, and left the laboratory quickly.

"Would you like a lift, Kohler?"

Fury said softly:

"I can take you back to the base along the way."

"Need not."

Kohler replied in a cold tone:

"I can feel it when someone wants me out! Fury, you better hope you don't screw this up...don't let me catch you!"

He looked up, looked at Fury, and said in a low voice:

"As you said, the agents of the Strategic Crisis Intervention and Espionage Logistics Branch can solve the trouble themselves, so I will continue to follow up on this matter, and I will keep an eye on you, Fury, and you have no power to stop me. Isn't it?"


On the other side, while Fury and Kohler were fighting openly and secretly, Merlin was standing in an Internet cafe. Beside him, a fat technician was restoring the computer's search records.

"That woman was sitting here just now. She searched for something on the Internet and took a map. Don't worry, sir, I can restore the records right away."

"Well, I'm waiting."

Merlin was standing in front of the computer, looking at the screen in front of him, line after line of search records appeared on the screen, it was like looking for a needle in a haystack.

Between 1994 and 1995, personal computers were just in the stage of popularization. In the streets and alleys, such Internet cafes had a good business and a lot of traffic, but it took a little time to restore the search records of the previous 4-5 hours. time.

"That woman stole my motorcycle!"

Beside Merlin, a somewhat frantic biker complained:

"She must have done it on purpose! I swear I just teased her, because she was wearing clothes that made her look like a freak! By the way, sir, she also took my helmet, and it's still in the clothes shop next door. She stole a set of clothes, a black bomber jacket and jeans, and a plaid shirt, I didn’t even see how she changed, but in just a few minutes, my car was stolen!”

"Well, I see, just a moment, sir."

Merlin didn't even look at that guy, just stared at the screen, and said casually:

"We'll get your motorcycle back, you can go back and wait for news now...wait, this is it!"

Merlin's finger pointed to the screen. Among the messy search records, there was a very strange record. It appeared 4 hours ago, which was very consistent with the moment when Fury met that strange woman.

The search results showed that it was an unknown bar located in a remote area bordering California and Nevada.

"Pancho Bar?"

Merlin noted down the name and the route to get there.He said to the operator next to him:

"Turn back and look at the previous one."

The previous search record was also very interesting, it was a somewhat unfamiliar phrase.

"Project Pegasus? Project Pegasus?"

This sounds like a code name, but I don't know if it is an organization or a base.

But Merlin had already got enough information, he walked out of this small Internet cafe, drove his car, and followed the directions on the map, heading towards Pancho's bar. Two hours later, Merlin arrived at the place at the foot of the mountain. It was a very remote town surrounded by wilderness.

Merlin parked the car on the side of the road, opened the door, and looked at the small town not far away.

Under the state of spiritual vision, he easily found the motorcycle parked outside the bar. Judging from the details, it was the stolen motorcycle.It seemed that the mysterious woman had no intention of hiding her whereabouts at all.

Or, she is so confident in her own strength that she doesn't even bother to hide it.

Merlin raised his wrist and sent the address to Fury with a watch with a BP machine function.Then he looked around, quietly entered the state of the shadow cloak, and walked towards the bar.

Merlin walked to the side of the locomotive, stretched out his hand to touch the engine of the locomotive, and there was still a lingering warmth, which meant that the woman had just arrived here not long ago.

She shouldn't have left yet!

Merlin didn't act rashly. He waited for Fury's reply outside the bar. After a while, Fury's message came, only a few words:

"Watch her! 30 minutes!"

But before Merlin replied, a crisis warning from dark perception made Merlin's body suddenly turn into black mist and dissipate.

"Who's there! Come out!"


Accompanied by a soft shout, a scorching beam of light precisely hit the wall beside Merlin, tearing the wooden wall apart, and a large scorched hole appeared in the place where Merlin had just hidden.

While the sawdust was flying and sparks were flying, a blond woman rushed out of the hole.

In the hot wind from the explosion, her long blond hair fluttered. She was wearing a black leather jacket, blue slim jeans, and a pair of black boots. Breath, but the same as a female war god.

Merlin's figure appeared 5 meters away from the woman. He patted the ashes on his clothes. He looked at the woman with unkind eyes in front of him and said:

"I mean no harm! Ms. Firth."

"Sneaky guy, no malice, why don't you come in openly?"

The woman, or Firth, stared at Merlin with a hint of hostility.

Merlin noticed that blue and red intertwined halos danced on the lady's clenched fists. The energy was so hot that it distorted the surrounding air, making it look full of aggression.

This should be the kind of "light cannon" that Fury said.

Merlin took out his ID from his arms, put it in front of the woman, and said:

"You should have met my colleague Fury before, and you saved him from the attack of the Skrulls, which means you have goodwill towards least, we are not enemies, right?"

He looked at the energy coiled around the woman's fist and said:

"Let's lay down our weapons and have a good talk, shall we?"

Firth looked at Merlin, a hint of vigilance flashed in her blue eyes, she shook her head:

"No! You are different from Fury, he is an ordinary person, you are not..."

"You are different from ordinary life forms on planet C-53. Now I suspect that you are infiltrators or assassins from other planets, just like the Skrulls who wage wars everywhere!"

"Prove your identity first!"

Firth's request was a bit overwhelming, and Merlin frowned and said:

"I'm an Earthling, just got these powers because of some encounters. Maybe you can look at my identification, but that thing is not with me. Or, we'll just face off, and in 30 minutes, Fury will come over .”

"You trust him, don't you? Then he'll prove me."

Merlin's explanation made Firth, who was suspected of being an alien, frowned. After a few seconds of confrontation, she said to Merlin:

"The Skrull's disguise only has short-term memory. Now tell me a detail about you that a Skrull can never make up!"

"That's a weird request...but well, let me see..."

Merlin pushed his glasses, and after a while, he gave Firth a gentle smile, and he said:

"I like to drink water...and there is a fixed time, every 6 hours, I have to drink water at least once, this is the habit I developed after I met a mysterious person 2 years ago."


The energy in Firth's hand dissipated a little, and she said to Merlin:

"Come in. I'll give you 30 minutes, but don't do anything dangerous."

Merlin followed Firth into the empty bar.

He frowned and looked at the wall that was blown up by Firth's light cannon. The hole went straight to the outside of the bar, and people outside could see the scene in the bar at a glance.

It's not confidential at all!

Merlin put the suitcase in his hand aside, and he said to Firth who was staring at him:

"I'm going to fix that wall, and you don't want the news of yourself here to leak out, do you?"

Firth shrugged, she sat on the bar, drinking a glass of wine, she said:

"Whatever you want, but the wall is so broken it can't be repaired anymore."

"Not necessarily, Ms. Firth."

Merlin smiled. He walked to the wall and pulled out the magic wand Lola at his waist. After a quick incantation, a repair spell was cast on the damaged wall. With the injection of Merlin's magic power, the damaged wall The wall seemed to go back in time, and the shattered sawdust was sent back to the original place by invisible hands. Soon, the wall was restored to its original state.

"It's done!"

Merlin turned around, looked at the woman behind him, and said:

"It's not that hard, is it?"

Firth looked at the wand in Merlin's hand and the completely restored wall, and she said with great interest:

"I didn't expect you to be a warlock."

"Warlock? No."

Merlin shook his head and said:

"We don't have that name here."

"It doesn't matter what the name is. I've seen those esoteric warlocks in Hara. The energy they use when casting spells is very similar to yours."

Firth leaned against the bar, and she said:

"In our Cree civilization, warlocks are also very rare. They usually hold some sacrificial positions, symbolizing the ancient heritage of the Cree civilization. I just didn't expect that on planet C-53, they could also Birth of life like you... The energy concentration of your planet is too low, it stands to reason that it can only give birth to ordinary life, just like people like Fury."

"Speaking of which, is Fury okay?"

"pretty good."

Merlin stepped forward and sat on the chair next to Firth.The owner of the bar may have been scared away by this alien woman. Anyway, Merlin did it himself, got himself a glass of water, and said to Firth:

"After you left, Fury ran into a Skrull and nearly got attacked, but he killed the guy. Now the alien's body is lying in the lab waiting to be dissected."

Merlin took a sip of water and said to Firth who was looking at him:

"Fury thinks your warning is very important. He doesn't know how many Skrulls have sneaked into the earth, so he wants to get specific news from you."

"I do not know either."

Firth turned her head to look at the decorations on the walls of the bar, as well as the game consoles and microphones in the corner. There was a hint of melancholy and confusion in her eyes. She said to Merlin:

"The camouflage of the Skrulls is the strongest in the entire galaxy, and even the sharpest wise men of the Kree have difficulty distinguishing them. If you are lucky, there should be only a few Skrulls following me in your world." The Krulus, but if you are unlucky, your world may have been secretly invaded by the Skoru people a long time ago."

"Those bastards like to do this kind of thing the most. Pick a planet, infiltrate it with a disguise, then provoke a war, destroy civilization, and finally call their people to come and occupy the magpie's nest."

"Sounds like you're familiar with the Skrulls?"

Merlin frowned and asked:

"However, I have seen the broken souls of the Skrulls. I guess their appearance can be disguised, but the soul will always be exposed."

"Stupid! Warlock, your understanding of the creation of stars is too shallow."

Firth took a sip of wine, brushed his hair, and said to Merlin:

"Who told you..."

"The souls of the Skrulls cannot be disguised?"

(End of this chapter)

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