Shadow trail of the beautiful world

Chapter 92 10. Raid 【15100】

Chapter 92 10. Raid 【15100】

"The loss of the Cosmic Rubik's Cube was the most painful thing in Howard's later years, although I didn't know the reason at the time. But his gloomy state in that year made me remember deeply."

Ms. Peggy Carter, who was very weak, personally took Merlin to the door with the support of her niece.

She held Merlin's hand and said softly:

"Howard is my best friend and the founder of the Strategic Science Corps. Without him, you would not be where you are now. He died in a despicable murder, and there are too few things I can do for him."

"I'm too old."

Ms. Carter said with regret:

"But you, Merlin, I hope you can try your best to retrieve our lost cosmic cube from the Cree, so as to comfort Howard's soul."

The lady said word for word:

"Howard is the smartest person I've ever met. If he thinks that the Rubik's Cube is the key to the great improvement of human technology, then for our own future, we also need to get it back!"

"If it hasn't been taken by the Kree, I promise to do everything in my power to bring it back."

Merlin promised Ms. Carter:

"It was something that belonged to us. After it was stolen, it should have been returned to its original owner."

"it is good."

Ms. Carter nodded, she thought about it, smiled and said to Merlin:

"I have retired, and I have nothing to reward you. All I can give you is blessings, Merlin. When we met, I asked you if you wanted to be a hero like Steve. ..”

The old lady stretched out her hand and brushed Merlin's hair. She said softly:

"You look a lot like him now."

"You're already on that road. Go ahead, kid."

Merlin didn't know how to answer for a moment. Every time she met Ms. Carter, she liked to compare herself with the legendary hero who had disappeared in history. own expectations.

Frankly speaking, the feeling of being expected by others is not annoying.

He took a deep breath, nodded seriously to Ms. Carter, then turned and walked towards the entrance of the villa.

There, Pierce's car was still waiting for him.This luxury car will take him directly to meet other agents, and then take the arranged jet military plane to Louisiana at the fastest speed.

After knowing the secret of Tianma Project, Merlin already knew what he was going to do.

Ms. Carter watched Merlin leave after the car disappeared into the street.She reached out and patted her niece Sharon Carter beside her.

The old lady looked at her niece and said softly:

"Sharon...what do you think of Merlin?"

Miss Sharron helped her aunt back into the room. She sat beside her aunt and said softly:

"Merlin has secrets, there is no doubt about it. I can feel that he is looking for approval, from people around him, or from himself. The past experience is still affecting him, and he is trying to make himself the one that others can rely on." Kind of people."

"He's trying to be a hero."

"Well, good observation skills."

Peggy Carter held her niece's hand. She closed her eyes like an ordinary old lady. She said:

"Merlin is still a little immature now, but he is growing rapidly. He will soon become an excellent agent. I thought it would be difficult to find a real successor in my lifetime, but in Merlin, I saw a glimmer of hope. "

"Perhaps, in the not-too-distant future, he will succeed me and become a new secret agent."


On his farm in Louisiana, Nick Fury is anxiously waiting for news.

He is now on Maria Rambo's farm. This woman was Firth's partner in the Pegasus project, a test pilot, and a single mother.After her best friend died in a plane crash, she quit her job and returned to her hometown farm with her daughter.

And Fury and Firth grabbed a plane from the Pegasus base and flew here directly. They arrived here at midnight yesterday and successfully found Maria and her daughter Monica.

Both Maria and Monica recognize Ferth, but the problem is, Ferth can't remember them.

I can't remember at all, as if the memory about them has been completely wiped out.

For the next day, Maria and Monica tried to help Firth recover his past memories, but with little success.

The Cree's memory blockade of Firth is very firm, like a lock, tightly tied in Firth's mind, unless the complete key can be found, it is difficult to fully open the lock.

And the most terrible thing is that after experiencing Kohler's raid, Fury is now almost in a state of panic. This old agent is experienced, knowledgeable, and has enough courage and wisdom, but he can't stand the absurdity of the situation in front of him.

The shapeshifting abilities of the Skrulls are just too buggy.

Fury now looks like everyone is pretending to be a Skrull, and any emergency will make him useless.His pistol is never far from his body.

"Drip, drop"

The BP machine fixed on Fury's arm suddenly rang, and he glanced down. It was a message from Merlin, and he would arrive here soon.

This made Fury almost immediately relieved.

He walked back into the room and watched the little girl Monica looking at old pictures with Firth while Maria was making dinner in the kitchen.

Fury leaned against the door, and he said to Firth:

"Don't remember yet? Carol Danvers."

A few seconds later, Firth raised his head. The blond woman looked dazed, and she didn't even realize that Fury was calling her just now.

"Sorry, but, this name... I really don't feel it, it's like a stranger's name."

Firth grabbed her blond hair, looked at the strange photos in front of her, and said to Fury:

"Can you understand? It's like... completely reading someone else's story."

"That means we haven't found the key yet."

Fury was a little regretful, he said a little anxiously:

"I haven't found the node that allows you to break through the blockade and recall the past... But one thing is certain now, Carol, you are an Earthling, there is no doubt about it."

"What are you trying to say, Fury?"

Firth, or rather, Carol looked up at the black agent, and she said:

"Are you implying something?"

"I mean, if either the Skrulls or the Kree wants to be bad for Earth..."

Looking directly into Carol's eyes, Fury asked:

"Will you help us? Or keep pretending to be a Kree and join the invaders?"


Carol didn't know how to answer the question.

Now, all the evidence she found with her own hands proved that she was a real Earthling, but the thoughts in her mind kept reminding her that she was a noble Kree warrior.

These two kinds of self-cognition collided wildly in Carol's mind. She didn't want to be deceived, but it was also difficult for her to go against her instinct.

Therefore, after a few seconds, she raised her head and said frankly to Fury:

"I don't know. But if they do come to do something bad, I'll do my best to stop it!"

"That's not the answer I was looking for, I thought we were friends already."

Fury vomited, he didn't know how to evaluate Carol in front of him.

He only knew that this powerful woman was really pitiful.She lost her identity and all memories of the past, as if she had died once and was resurrected.

No wonder Merlin said that Carol was a lot like him in the past, and he was.Her situation was even worse than that of Merlin in the past.

Although Merlin lost everything, at least he still had himself.

This woman... lost herself.

"We're friends, Fury."

Carol said seriously:

"So no matter what happens in the end, I will protect you from harm."

"Well, that at least reassures me."

Fury shrugged, he wanted to say something more.

But at the next moment, Carol's eyes suddenly looked behind her. She stood up and clenched her fists. The blue-red energy danced on her fists. She shouted to the empty living room behind her:

"Who's there! Come out!"


The shadows disappeared, and Merlin and Natasha appeared in the living room in full armor.

When seeing these two people who appeared out of nowhere, the little girl Monica screamed in fright and quickly hid behind Fury, while Maria, who was cooking in the kitchen, heard her daughter screaming, He also rushed out with a meat cleaver, and immediately saw the scene of swords drawn in the living room.

The black woman wanted to rush to protect her daughter, but was stopped by Carol.

"It's you."

Carol lowered her fist, she recognized Merlin.

The latter glanced at the dissipated energy on Carol's fist, confirmed Carol's identity, and threw a document to her.

"I found your past, Carol."

Merlin said to Carol:

"Look carefully, inside is your lost life."

After finishing speaking, Merlin drew Colt from his waist, pointed at Fury in front of him, and said solemnly:


Fury's eyes widened, and he sighed helplessly. He said weakly:

"Triangle bread..."

A smile appeared on the corner of Merlin's mouth.

The next moment, his gun was pointed at the little girl Monica hiding behind Fury, and Natasha's pistol was also pointed at Maria Rambo beside him:


"Merlin, they've been with us, they're real."

Carol grabbed Merlin's pistol, but Merlin dodged it, and he signaled Carol to calm down.

Merlin looked at the little girl and the former pilot beside him, and he said to Carol:

"Those Skrulls are gone. They may be nearby. You should understand that we have to be more cautious."

After finishing speaking, Merlin took out another document from his magic pocket. He looked at the angry Maria Rambo beside him. He opened the document and asked:

"Second Lieutenant Maria, please tell me your ID number in the Tianma Project!"


Maria glanced at Carol, who nodded to her.

So Maris thought for a few seconds, and then accurately stated her original number, which was exactly the same as in the document.

Merlin heaved a sigh of relief. He motioned to Natasha beside him to put away the pistol, and then said to Maria:

"Ma'am, now ask your daughter a question, preferably a secret that only the two of you know."

"What is this doing?"

Seeing her daughter being suspected, the ex-pilot suddenly became angry again, and she asked sharply.Carol comforted her former friend, and she whispered to Maria:

"Ask, Maria, remember the Skrulls I told you about? It's for Monica's sake."

Maria obviously doesn't trust Merlin who broke into her house, but she trusts her friend who came back from the dead.

Under Carol's persuasion, Maria turned her head and wanted to ask a question, when she saw the terrified little girl quickly grabbing the utility knife in her hand, and her body also changed instantly.

"Stay still! Cautious earthlings!"

The leader of the Skrulls, the alien Talos who once transformed into Korre, stands behind Fury.The sharp knife in his hand rested on Fury's neck, and with just one swipe, Fury would die on the spot.

This leader is taller and bigger than the average Skrull. He restrained Fury, and kept retreating under the threat of the two guns in front of him and Carroll's photon cannon.

There was a sly gleam in his yellow eyes, and in a strange voice, he said to Merlin and Natasha, who were pointing guns at him, and Carol, whose hands were shining with energy:

"No one is hurt, no one is bleeding, and no one is dying. So let's guess how long this peaceful situation can last..."

Seeing her daughter turned into a monster, the sudden blow caused Maria to collapse a bit. She waved the sharp knife in her hand and screamed at Talos:

"What did you do to my daughter! You bastard! Bitch! I'm going to kill you!"

Seeing that Maria was about to rush out, Natasha, who had quick eyes and quick hands, slapped her on the neck, telling the mother who cared about her daughter to "rest" for a while.

"This is between us! Talos."

Carol stepped forward, and she yelled:

"Don't involve anyone else!"

"You were the ones who attacked us first."

The green scalp of Talos the Skrull, reflected strangely in the light of the living room, looked at Carol, the alien's eyes sparkling with anger, and he said:

"We have no malice at all, we have no interest in your world, we are only here for you! Only for Carol Danvers! We only need a message, but you killed my friend and took away My subordinates. It was you who started the dispute."

"You lose one friend, friend, and if you're not calm, you're likely to lose a second."

Merlin put his hand on Carol's shoulder, and he whispered to Talos:

"Don't forget, you have hostages, so do we!"

Under the cover of Carol's figure, his other finger moved slightly.Behind the alien, the closed door of the living room seemed to be pushed by an invisible hand, and the gap expanded silently.

Merlin stepped forward with open arms, threw the gun in his hand on the ground, and said to Talos:

"Don't you want to know where the things Mar-Vell left behind are?"

At this moment, at the same moment when Merlin attracted Talos' attention, a silent black arrow shot out from the door, precisely passing through a gap that was only one finger wide, and pierced Talos' back fiercely. .

The strong electric current attached to the arrow exploded in an instant, paralyzing the alien who was caught off guard together with Fury who was held hostage.

Merlin's body turned into black smoke, enveloping the two people in front of him in an instant.


As the black mist rolled, Fury's body was thrown backwards, while the tall Talos was choked by Merlin's half-body fogged neck and hit the floor hard.

The young agent looked into Talos' yellow eyes, which had a hint of ferocity, and whispered:

"Here, no one is afraid of you!"

"Alien offal!"

(End of this chapter)

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