Quickly wear the host, she is beautiful and sweet

Chapter 760 Lord Hou is sick and disabled (20)

Chapter 760 Lord Hou is sick and disabled (20)

"Don't wear it." Xie Jinglan held down her hand that was about to insert the hairpin on her head.

Chu Wu blinked her eyes, and her curled eyelashes trembled, making the lower eyes as bright as daytime.


Xie Jinglan's lips moved again and again, and finally he only uttered one sentence:
"You already look good."

Chu Wu's eyes opened slightly, showing a little surprise.

For a moment, it seemed as if countless tiny spots of light had all penetrated into her eyes, and they gathered together to form a vast and bright sea of ​​stars, shining brightly.

Whenever wandering in it, it is full of softness, comfort and contentment.

After a moment, she laughs.

The two were so close, the already bright eyebrows, eyes and facial features were even more alluring.

"Master Hou will do everything to prevent me from being a pretty widow. You should really let your subordinates take a look at this appearance..." Chu Wu joked, "But Master Hou's mouth is rare today. It's sweet once."

When Chu Wu was speaking, the movement stopped after all, the tails of her eyes narrowed, and at the same time, she inadvertently hooked Xie Jinglan's little finger with her fingertips.

Just a touch, it is full of numbness.

"Beauty is also maintained by daily wear. Only by stacking those details little by little can a real beauty be formed."

"That's for secular people, you don't need it." Xie Jinglan said again.

Chu Wu tilted her head, just as a ray of light leaked in from the gap in the horse curtain and fell on her fair face, instantly countless warm rays of light jumped among them.

And dyed with playful cuteness.

"Is Hou Ye praising me as a peerless beauty?"

Xie Jinglan didn't speak, just looked at her quietly.

After a while, Chu Wu smiled, and finally put down that hand. At the same time, Xie Jinglan also let go of the wrapped hand. The temperature of the touch gradually dissipated with the separation, but there was always a ray of light in the air. above.

In the next second, Chu Wu stretched out her hand to touch Xie Jinglan's still intact half of his face.

Xie Jinglan wanted to hide, but his legs were still being treated, so it was not so convenient to move them, and at that moment, he just met Chu Wu's eyes, and he paused suddenly, losing his focus for a moment. Machine, it seems that the body does not want to instinctively.

The tingling sensation on the cheeks became more and more intense.

She smiled and said, "Although I know that Master Hou is probably trying to bully me, but today what Master Hou said to coax a woman just hit my heart, I am very satisfied, I will give this hairpin to you."

Chu Wu directly stuffed the jade hairpin into Xie Jinglan's hands.

The carriage just stopped, and it was already at the Jinguang Temple. After Chu Wu said this, she was about to jump off directly, but when the curtain was half lifted, she suddenly turned her head.

The warm sunlight in the morning passed over her and shone on Xie Jinglan's body behind her, casting a layer of warmth on this overly gloomy man.

"By the way." Chu Wu said, "I bought these hairpins by myself when I went out for medical consultation a few days ago, not the ones sent by the palace, so don't worry."

After finishing speaking, the person jumped down in one fell swoop, and completely disappeared from his field of vision.

Xie Jinglan held the hairpin and touched it lightly.

The eyes that are always dark and gloomy are actually stained with a smile, not deep, but shallow, but it can still be seen that it is a smile.

This hairpin is clearly a man's style, or...

It was intended for him from the beginning.

--is his.
Those who can come to Jinguang Temple to offer incense are all people with heads and faces.

Xie Jinglan, no matter in the past or now, is a well-known presence in the capital, and he still has the iconic silver mask and wheelchair when he travels.

So, when the two got out of the carriage, they were recognized.

While those people looked at him curiously, they retreated far away, as if hiding from a raging beast.

It can be seen how frightening Xie Jinglan is today. Compared with the little general who was once welcome and admired by everyone, it is even more embarrassing.

Chu Wu took Xie Jinglan's wheelchair from the guards, and slowly pushed it, acting like a loving husband and wife, showing a weak and gentle expression on her face, but actually secretly poking Xie Jinglan's back back.

Xie Jinglan: "Huh?"

Now it is different from the time when both of them were sitting in the carriage, now that one is standing and the other is sitting, Chu Wu is actually a bit taller than Xie Jinglan.

In order to cooperate with the two of them whispering, Chu Wu bent down and lowered her voice so that only the two of them could hear.

"These people all ran away, it's all because you always have a straight face, that's why no one loves you."

Because of the breathy voice she used for speaking, she was tainted with a touch of coquettishness for no reason.

Xie Jinglan knew that it wasn't that reason.

After his accident, he became bloodthirsty, moody, and his temper plummeted, but the emperor still protected him, so no one dared to approach him, for fear that if he accidentally upset him, he would be punished.

This is also one of the means used by the emperor to weaken the past influence of the Marquis of Cheng En.

At this moment, Xie Jinglan looked at her sideways.

Chu Wu always has to maintain her weak persona when she is outside, especially when she is with herself. Now that she lowers her head, her pretty face may only be seen by outsiders, while she is sitting in a wheelchair. It can be seen clearly from this angle.

Xie Jinglan didn't like her timid and weak appearance, but for no reason, she was somewhat happy.

Finally, Xie Jinglan said, "Not as good as you."

"It's okay, after a while, I'll heal your face together, presumably these girls will come back to like you again."

Xie Jinglan imitated her and spoke in a breathy voice, but the male voice was supposed to be a little low, so it sounded a little confusing.

What can be said is disdainful.

"Because a face decides whether to like it or not. This is the first kind you said, superficial like?"

Chu Wu glanced at him strangely, "Choosing a mate should be done layer by layer, okay? First of all, you don't even have a good appearance, and others don't want to get close to you, so how do you dig out the shining points of your deeper soul?"

"Is this to lure people in first?"

Chu Wu thought for a while, "Well, it's okay if you understand that way." Chu Wu pretended to arrange Xie Jinglan's clothes intimately, but in fact the two brothers patted him on the shoulder nicely.

"Don't worry, I will take care of all these before I leave, so that you won't be a loner all your life."

The smile on Xie Jinglan's lips instantly subsided, and her tone became cold.

"Thank you very much then."
The two continued to walk in, and the people who came and went saw Xie Jinglan's silver face and avoided it, fearing that they would be dealt with by him if they took a second look.

Chu Wu sighed behind her, "It seems that the treatment of your face is imminent."

So what about the cure?
She is going to leave to find her ease?

As a result, Xie Jinglan's face became even colder.

When passing a corner, a young novice came running over in a hurry, stopped in front of the person and bowed decently.

"Amitabha, thank you benefactor, Uncle Liaokong, please go over and talk about it."

 good night.

(End of this chapter)

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