I'm really unnerved in Tokyo

Chapter 1038 The Frozen Room

Chapter 1038 The Frozen Room

"Sister Hanyu, Lu Dou, you are waiting below, let's go up first to confirm the situation."

"I am very grateful to you two for your attention... But as a part-time driver, I have no qualifications and no plans to go up."

Facing Araki Sousuke's question, Atsumi Luto, who was holding the steering wheel, waved his hands with an expression of "thank you for not killing me".

"Alright, I'll finish collecting the 'external observation' materials here first."

On the passenger seat, Mai Hanyu had already picked up the "Eye of Reality" in her arms, and "clicked" towards the outside of the building.

"The signal trace of Ms. Gu Yuansha's mobile phone moved from Tokyo to Wako City four hours ago, and she should have been evacuated with the evacuation team..."

Leading the two of them upstairs, the detective respectfully reported the situation.

Since the "Aum Truth Society Supernatural Terrorist Attack" in Tokyo, I have gradually learned that there are many unknown "hidden energy field life forms" in this world, and the "Soul Eliminator" who can fight against them has become the only one. hope.

"After our people locked the apartment based on the signal records, they contacted the local police force to help with the investigation, but when they asked about room 305, something unusual happened."

"Officer Matsumoto, who was knocking on the door to inquire, suddenly froze here, and then police officer Nagai, who tried to take him away, also had the same abnormal situation because of physical contact."

Going up to the third floor, two police officers standing motionless outside the door of Room 305 appeared in front of the three of them.

"In order to prevent the same situation from happening to someone else, we are temporarily unable to contact and measure the vital signs of the two of them. We can only confirm that the body temperature is normal, but there are no signs of breathing or heartbeat..."

"Your response was very timely. This is indeed not a situation that Lesson [-] can handle."

In Sousuke Araki's eyes, the two people whose movements were frozen and looked like sculptures were wrapped in a layer of dark and profound energy.

And this black energy just overflowed from Room 305 in front of them.

"This doesn't seem like resentment, let me try..."

A blue light flashed in Xiaoniao You Mayong's eyes, and he also confirmed the abnormality in the two of them.

"In the name of Chicheng Jiming, the darkness in front of me will pass away."

The two talisman papers with orchid flames, like butterflies, landed on the shoulders of the two police officers.

"The purification spell is invalid, so it should not be caused by resentful spirits... Could it be the effect of resentful things?"

However, the talisman paper that contained Chi Cheng Ji Ming's divine power did not "eliminate filth and purify" as before, but was solidified by the dark energy together with the two of them.

"Whatever he does, it's important to save people, leave it to me."

Araki Sousuke stepped forward and patted the shoulders of the two police officers with both hands.

"Hi... is anyone home?"

"Matsumoto-kun, what's wrong with you?!"

"Hey, Nagai-kun, what are you pulling me for?"

As the black energy faded, the two police officers resumed their previous actions just like exiting a suspended video tape.

"Oh hehehe... Not only the body functions, but even the thinking have been 'suspended' together. Is there a black hole hidden in this room?"

"Hey, old lady, didn't Araki-kun say to wait for him to confirm before coming up?"

"What are you talking about, wouldn't you miss the precious first-hand on-site observation data?"

At the same time, Mai Hanyu with the "Eye of Reality" walked out of the stairs with Toukai Ludou, and switched to "Photography Mode" facing the door of Room 305.

"Everyone, please keep your distance, there may be resentment in the house."

Looking at the two police officers who continued their actions before the "pause" and collapsed into a ball, Kotori Yumasumi frowned secretly.

The black energy in this room has obviously involved the category of "rules".

"Understood... you guys move away a little..."

When everyone retreated to the stairs, Araki Sousuke turned around and kicked in a roundabout, and kicked it precisely on the door lock of Room 305.


The wooden door fell down, revealing a porch that was filled with black energy, making it impossible to see what was going on inside.

"Tsk tsk, it's already very light, but it's still a little too hard."

Araki Sousuke, who originally only wanted to kick the lock, touched his nose in embarrassment, pulled off the blindfold, and looked into the room again.

The dark energy that filled the entire room disappeared like air in the "heavenly vision" of his right eye.

"I found you, Bird Youshi's friend (C)."

The ancient principle sand that was poured on the wooden floor next to the simple stove appeared in front of his eyes.

In the room, apart from the motionless girl, even the flames on the stove, the slightly boiling water bubbles and the rising steam all maintained a "paused" state, as if time had frozen at a certain moment forever.

"Don't come here, I'll go in and take a look first."

Araki Sousuke, who entered the room, was like a "human-shaped eraser", erasing the "black paint" that seemed to be able to swallow everything in the room, revealing the original appearance of the room.

Striding across the entrance, Araki Sousuke bent down and hugged Gu Yuansa.

"The signs are normal, she seems to be asleep... Let's take her out first."

The black energy faded from Gu Yuansha's body like a tide, allowing her to regain her steady breathing, but she didn't wake up immediately.

"Sleeper, look carefully in the room, is there anything strange?"

Outside the door, Mai Hanyu's reminder came.

"Is it a strange thing? This place looks like a very ordinary otaku single room..."

Holding Gu Yuansha across his arms, Sousuke Araki looked around the ordinary-looking room with TVs, computers, bookshelves, and low tables.


It seemed that he stepped on something, and there was a crisp sound under his feet.

"Pain, pain, what is this?"

Araki Sousuke raised his leg in a bit of embarrassment, and looked at his feet.

There, two corks were mixed among the finely shattered glass and black gravel.

When he raised his head, the darkness that was forced to retreat to the base of the wall disappeared instantly.


In the frying pan on the side, there was the sound of boiling water...

Above the stove, the entrenched steam also resumed its flow...

Even the news screen that was frozen on the TV started playing again...

The room, which was still frozen in darkness just now, returned to its original transparency, as if nothing had happened.

"That thing, is it an hourglass? It can pause time in a certain area, what a terrifying feature..."

Gu Yuansha was safe and sound, and the room returned to normal, but Yumami Kotori stared at the broken hourglass, frowning even tighter: "If it's not safe this time, I called Mr. Araki over..."

Regardless of the fact that Sousuke Araki just broke into the room like a robbery, he easily solved the abnormality in the room.

If it was other spirit removers who came, I'm afraid they would just be "frozen" in front of the door like the two police officers, helpless.


(End of this chapter)

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