I'm really unnerved in Tokyo

Chapter 1050 Operation Tianmen, restart

Chapter 1050 Operation Tianmen, restart

"Oh? Use the Celestial Eye to deconstruct the power of shadows and erode your own body, so as to integrate into my 'shadow projection'?"

Chardonnay took a step back deftly, avoiding Zong Chun who was as slow as a tortoise.

"It seems that Master Zong Chun's practice here has indeed achieved a lot."

Looking down at the slightly swaying clothes, he narrowed his eyes vigilantly.

"However, even the Celestial Eye can't override the 'rules'."

A dilapidated hard hat with a headlamp and the words "Fangcheng Coal Mine" printed on it appeared in his hands out of thin air, and then lightly buckled it on Zong Chun's head.

"This is……"

The moment he was put on the helmet, Zong Chun's whole body froze...

"Sorry, little Natasha and I still have a lot of old things to talk about, please calm down a little bit."

A grey, rough rock texture spread from his head down.

"This "Fangcheng Mining Hat" embodies the obsessions of thousands of victims of mining accidents who were abandoned for preserving mineral resources, and will make the wearer 'mineralize'..."

"Maybe after a hundred years, diamonds will condense on your body?"

Jokingly glanced at Zong Chun who had completely turned into a "stone Buddha", Chardonnay turned around and looked at Natasha with a smile: "It's been a long time, little Natasha, you are still so beautiful... Seeing the appearance of those watchmen in the sea of ​​trees, I knew you came in first."

"Dr. Laszlo, I need an explanation."

Looking coldly at the man in front of him who showed no sign of aging compared to what he remembered, Natasha didn't feel the excitement of "reunion": "Since you are still alive, why haven't you contacted me for so many years, instead you used 'observer' , The identity of 'Chardonnay' is hidden behind the "Flower of Evil"? "

Her eyes fell on the giant wolf stone sculpture beside her, and her green eyes were filled with tears again: "With your help, maybe Reyel doesn't need this ghostly place to 'hibernate' until now."

"I'm sorry, Natasha, I know that you have been suffering in Japan all these years by yourself. But that time'Operation Tianmen' caused us to lose too many excellent companions, and the changes it brought to the whole world far exceeded your imagination."

"In that 'experimental accident', I fell into the gap of light and shadow where the curvature of space-time was so great that even light could not escape, and I survived only by the effects of a few grudges."

"Maybe, to this world, it's just a few years, but to me, it's an almost infinite time cage. I can't return to this world until my body structure is completely changed."

Speaking frankly, Chardonnay’s eyes flashed sincere guilt: “I have been looking for clues since I learned that Reyel disappeared because he continued the mission alone. In fact, as early as 20 years ago, I borrowed a certain A member of the Evil Flower caused the 'Hundred Eyed Demon Rebellion', and took the opportunity to sneak in here, and saw Reyel in this state."

"This plant that does not belong to the human world can passively swallow supernatural energy and isolate rules, but these two characteristics are not enough to bring Reyer to such a state."

With heavy steps, Chardonnay came to the giant wolf stone sculpture, carefully avoided the dense tree roots, and pointed somewhere.

"It looks more like he was seriously injured and was accidentally entangled when he wanted to use these tree roots as a cover."


Looking at the part Chardonnay pointed at, Natasha couldn't help but stare blankly, and covered her small mouth in distress.

"What kind of existence, after all, can make a demon wolf with Fenrir's bloodline so panicked and embarrassed that he even loses his fighting spirit?"

"The secret in it is like a poisonous onion, which can only be carefully peeled away layer by layer, even if it takes dozens or hundreds of years."

Under the intertwined roots, a strong forefoot of the giant wolf has been torn apart by Qi Gen, and disappeared, leaving only a terrifying wound...

"Before we find out what happened to the strongest among us, Mr. Reyel, and what happened to that 'coordinate', I, as the last hope of 'Operation Tianmen', can't confront the Japanese official organization and those strong men risk, rashly taking him away from this 'sea of ​​dead trees' full of unknowns."

"Isn't it the safest way to break up into parts in the dark and look up to the light? After all, what we are facing is the supreme existence from the origin of the universe."

"So, when Kukai and Tokimoto Ichiro fell one after another, half of Japan's spirit world collapsed, and Yinyang Liao couldn't take care of himself, you just appeared at the right time?"

Facing Shadonold's patient explanation, Natasha's face remained cold, but her tone softened: "It really fits your usual style."

"After all, I am a scientific researcher, not a fighter who fights and kills... The current situation, in your words, is the best arrangement of fate, isn't it?"

Putting the hat on his chest, and saluting slowly to the giant wolf, Chardonnay snapped his fingers.

"Don't worry, little Natasha. Since I'm here again, I'm naturally well prepared.

The figure under his feet flowed like a stream, extending to an open space that was not covered by black tree roots...

"Today, we not only want to wake up the loyal and reliable Lord Reyel, but also restart the 'Operation Tianmen'!"

Half of dilapidated European-style bungalows rose from the shadows.

"This... this is... from Wardenclyffe Tower..."

Looking at the "dangerous building" that seems to have experienced an explosion and may collapse at any time, a tall iron tower with a hemispherical dome appeared in Natasha's mind.

"Although the Wardenclyffe Tower was destroyed in the last experiment, fortunately the Taki survived, otherwise Nikolai's life-long painstaking efforts would have been in vain..."

"By the way, after experiencing the mutation of the last 'Operation Tianmen' and resonating with the currents of the entire ionosphere, "Wardenclyph Tataki" is now a terrible hostile object that contains a nearly infinite electromagnetic storm . "

Staring at the dilapidated foundation in front of him, Chardonnay smiled nostalgicly, and threw a black "keychain" into the air: "I declare that today is the day when 'Wardenclyffe Tower' will be rebuilt. !"


As soon as the words fell, the keychain swelled rapidly, turning into a giant blue and white tower, and pressed heavily on top of the "Wardenclyffe tower base"...

"Well, considering that the black tree reacts too much to hostile substances and the tower body can only be made of 'inorganic substances', so, in order to save time for new construction, I simply 'borrowed' the Skytree Tower."

With a height of more than 600 meters, the spire of the Skytree violently pushes away from the dense canopy of black trees, piercing into the blue sky and white clouds.

(End of this chapter)

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