I'm really unnerved in Tokyo

Chapter 1063 Black Line Prison

Chapter 1063 Black Line Prison

In the intertwined black woods, blood-colored flowers, and white mist, densely packed withered corpses wandered in confusion.

As time passed, black lines of different thicknesses quietly emerged on their gray and white bodies...


Whenever these criss-crossing black lines accumulate to a certain amount, they will turn from black to red and ignite fiery flames, cutting those living corpses until their flesh is scorched black and their internal organs flow horizontally.

But after the scorching black wind blew past, these living corpses with different heads would re-condense their bodies and stand up as if nothing had happened.


A figure with a metallic streamer flitted across the forest at a speed that was indistinguishable to the naked eye...

Before the living corpses had time to turn their heads, their bodies seemed to have been cut by an invisible sharp knife, splitting in two from the waist.

Then, a figure as huge as a mountain and as swift as the wind smashed over the black tree and crushed the corpses, blocking the direction of the streamer.

For a moment, the ground shook violently, and coquettish blood-colored petals flew all over the sky.


In the forest glade, the mountain-strong demon wolf Reyel slapped the ground fiercely with his remaining right paw...


Under the blade-like wolf claws, a figure wrapped in liquid metal armor, closed with sword-shaped arm armor, strenuously propped up a world...

On his back, there is also a "Buddha statue" covered by gray stones.

"Amitabha, Abe's benefactor, if you stay here for a while, there will be black threads on your body, causing the disaster of splitting your body, which probably corresponds to the legendary 'black thread prison'."

At this time, the stones on the surface of the "Buddha statue" were slowly peeling off, revealing a handsome face that was indistinguishable from male to female: "Please put down the sinful monk and leave quickly!"

The Black Thread Hell, also known as the Black Rope Hell, is one of the Eight Hot Hells, where parents and friends are born with harm, and those who speak falsely and deceive one should fall into it.

"Shut up... so what if it's hell..."

Inside the armor with flowing silver light came the voice of Abe Temple: "Since I came today, I have no intention of going back alone."

The blades protruding from his arms were pressed by the wolf claws into trembling arcs and rubbed dazzling sparks, but they were still tenaciously supporting them.

Although he broke away from the "Fangcheng Mine Hat", the "mineralization" on Zong Chun's body could not be completely removed in a short time.

Abeji, who was carrying a "Buddha statue" on his back, was unable to get rid of it for a while after being overtaken by this fast-moving and keen-sighted demon wolf.

"Besides, I'm not the only one with black lines on my body... One, two, three..."

However, within a short moment of wrestling, three black lines appeared on the bodies of Abeji and Reyel at the same time.


The body flexibly fell to the ground, leaping back with the rebound force of the blade, Abeji disappeared in place in a stream of light...


At the same time, Reyel tilted his neck like lightning.

A belated sonic boom exploded on the side of his face, but only a handful of mane was left behind.

Two days of first-class, five rounds, and the volume of the sky.

"Tsk, it missed again."

Abeji quietly appeared behind the opponent, the double blades in his hands have set off flames and frost...

"The speed is similar to mine, and the body is as hard as a hostile object, and it is difficult for conventional spells to work... Not only that, but it also has this weird blessing..."

At the same time, the burly Reyel had already turned around at a speed that was difficult to distinguish with the naked eye, and two fingers protruded from his thick right paw, which just touched the double blades of ice and fire.

"Even ghosts and gods... are too invulnerable..."

The monstrous coercion of ghosts and gods on the opponent's body, the terrifying power from the sharp claws, plus the primitive intuition that is comparable to that of a master of swordsmanship...

If it is said that the bull ghost that the two fought hard at "Yoshihara Yanshang" was a ronin with a famous sword, then the one-armed demon wolf in front of him who used his body and strength to the top is more like an epee without a front, a great coincidence The peerless swordsman who works.

Abeji had no doubt that if the other party still had his left arm, he would have been a corpse long ago.

"Mr. Abe, please don't pester him. What is on this demon wolf is the blessing of 'fate' given by that woman. It is difficult to break through ordinary methods..."

In Zong Chun's eyes, the orchid threads transformed into "force of destiny" were intertwined layer by layer on the surface of Narayer's body.

"Careful, left!!!"

Before Zong Chun finished speaking, the huge wolf head opened its huge mouth at some point, and zoomed in rapidly in the eyes of the two of them...

"No, wait a minute, it's almost...four, five, six, seven..."

Struggling to resist the opponent's sharp claws, Abeji didn't seem to plan to dodge, his eyes were fixed on Reyel's strong body...


Compared with Abeji who was rushing back and forth, this Reyel, who had never moved his feet, had the number of black lines on his body, which had already reached eight points first!
Amidst the sound of gold and iron rubbing against each other, fierce sparks exploded from the black line covering Reyel's body, as if someone was cutting fiercely with a scorching chainsaw...

"Sure enough, even this black line with 'rules' can't completely break through the fate of its body surface?"

Even so, there were no more than eight shallow scorched black cut marks on the half-human, half-wolf body with bursting muscles.

"Then how about trying this trick?"

A phantom, bigger than Narayer, holding a sword in each of its four arms, jumped up directly from behind Abe Temple: "Respectfully, Dongyue Taishan Great God!"

Facing the rapidly approaching wolf's head, the phantom seemed to cut out four sword glows of different colors slowly and quickly!
At the same time, Abe Temple bent his knees and squatted, and the blade armor all over his body turned into a thin giant blade, which popped out suddenly...

He actually used his body as a blade, connecting the four blade lights into a huge pentagram, and stamped on Reyer who was close at hand.

Yin Yang·Five Wheels·Taishanfu Monarch Sword!

Facing this sword that combines yin and yang and swordsmanship, which is hard for ghosts and gods to resist, Reyel has no intention of dodging, but instead stretches his mouth even bigger...

"Could it be that he intends to..."

In a trance, everything in the eyes of the two of Abeji disappeared without a trace, only the wolf's mouth with upper and lower jaws that seemed to withstand the sky and the earth...


The pentagram transformed from the sword light, together with the majestic phantom behind Abe Temple, were all swallowed by the wolf's mouth!
"Okay, what a scary mouth... hiss..."

The sword light incarnated by Abeji brushed past Reyel and stopped ten meters away...

"Master Zongchun...you...can you run now?"

With a single sword on the ground, he struggled to stabilize his body, and asked in a low voice to Zong Chun behind him.

"It shouldn't be a problem now."

Jumping off Abeji's back, Zongchun moved his lower body wrapped in ore with difficulty, and nodded.

Her eyes fell on the other's left arm, and her pupils shrank suddenly: "Abe benefactor...you..."

"Well, it has nothing to do with you..."

The silver armor on his body faded like a tide, revealing Abeji Temple whose face was as white as paper...

"The dog's mouth is so big, it's normal that he couldn't escape completely."

His left arm that used to hold the sword had disappeared without a trace, leaving only a bloody wound!

(End of this chapter)

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