I'm really unnerved in Tokyo

Chapter 1090 It's All This Guy's Fault

Chapter 1090 It's All This Guy's Fault

"Offended by this act, the gods scattered humans across the world, and even changed their language. After the humans scattered and could not communicate, the legendary tower fell by the wayside."

Just as Shadonod spoke, giant faces distorted in pain reappeared from the sea of ​​blood that had recovered...

"In the 80s, as the president of the European Institute of Evolution, I gathered elites from various scientific fields, combined the advanced theories of multiple basic disciplines at that time, and coupled with the top 'extraordinary' in Europe, launched the famous It is a research project of "Operation Tianmen". "

"This project aims to reshape the Tower of Babel with 'science', open the door to the highest consciousness of the universe, explore the truth of the origin of the universe, and pull down 'God' from the supreme throne that tramples on life."

"Unfortunately, 23 years ago, we built the Wardenclyffe Tower and completed the last step of opening the 'Gate of Heaven'. However, due to the intervention of the 'God', we fell short and paid a huge price..."

Seeing more and more stalwart blood shadows, reborn from the sea of ​​blood, surrounded like a city wall, there is no despair and fear in the eyes of the crowd of spirit removers...

There is only the calmness of seeing death as home.

"Today, as the founder of the project, I am honored to announce with the testimony of all of you that the 'Tianmen' is about to open again..."

The pungent nitrogen gas filled the air, and an inexplicable suction force made the dust float quietly into the air.

"The martyrs who disappeared into the dust, the pioneers who fell halfway, may your will be with me."

The majestic current gushes out from the "tower base" under the Skytree, and goes up the steel tower covered with black vines...

The sea of ​​trees, which was filled with haze, was also shrouded by this continuous strong light, making it impossible for people to open their eyes for a while.

"What a beautiful firework, the last time I saw you was in Long Island, New York, right?"

Amidst the loud roar, the ground trembled wildly, and the strong current emitted by the tower evaporated the clouds, lit up the sky, and disappeared into the deep starry sky behind the atmosphere.

On the azure earth, dense electric lights appeared on the surface of the atmosphere, and it moved at a high speed...

"This... what the hell is this?!"

Even Tsukage Chikusa, who was lying on the side, deep in grief and anger, was awakened by the terrifying movement beside her.

"7.83 Hz, the frequency of the Earth's pulse..."

"According to the 'resonance theory' proposed by Nicholas, the "Lord of the Dark Net" during his lifetime, as long as a current of this frequency is produced and sufficiently strong and long-lasting, it can guide electrons equivalent to 2000 thunderstorms in the entire earth's ionosphere , moving in the same direction. "

"When these electrons enter an extremely high-energy state of more than 7 trillion electron volts and revolve around the low-Earth orbit in the ionosphere at high speed, the entire earth will become a super-large hadron collider."

Looking up at the strong light above his head, Chardonnay explained to him patiently: "Then, Your Excellency Hell Revolution thinks that if the massive soul particles in "Bamboo Tori Picture Scroll" are sent to this Colliders, with impacts 'supernatural' enough to create black holes..."

"Use the "Taketori Picture Scroll" that can break through the plane, and send the "Supreme Language" recorded in the "Necronomicon", what will happen?"

"Collider... black hole..."

Covering her sore and swollen eyes, Tsukage Chikusa stabilized her body in the increasingly violent tremors, and roared in confusion: "You... aren't you afraid that the black hole will swallow the earth together?"

"No, the mysterious black hole created by the collider will collapse in a short period of time, and it is not enough to swallow the earth. This has been verified when the gate of heaven was opened last time."

"In the vast universe, there are countless supreme beings beyond human imagination. Their unconscious divine thoughts will occasionally project onto the earth through cosmic rays or time-space fluctuations, leaving a very small number of 'worship' fires. We want to The important thing is to send a signal to the other end of the black hole, so that these higher-level life forms know our existence..."

"You lunatic, betrayer, how are you sure you will attract something?!"

"Of course, a 'beacon' is needed. In the last Tianmen operation, Natasha found an ancient worship object of the 'Witch Order' as a beacon for us, allowing a supreme being to come to us successfully time and space, but lost its trace due to the intervention of the native 'gods'."

Having said that, Chardonnay looked away from Sousuke Araki, and landed on the computer next to Tsukage Chikusa: "Fortunately, this servant of existence sent a ray of 'divine thought' through the black hole, bringing We led to a clear coordinate...Unfortunately, Reyel, who went to explore the coordinates alone, failed to return as scheduled."

"Spirit...beacon...you mean..."

Tsukage Chikusa lowered her head, her eyes widened with difficulty, and she looked at the computer at hand.

On the pitch-black computer screen, a giant blood-red eye slowly emerged and blinked at him.

"The 'divine mind' you mentioned resides in this thing?!"

Tsukage Chikusa was so frightened that she fell to the ground directly.

"Regarding this point, since I learned of the existence of His Excellency Hell Revolution, I have vaguely guessed..."

"After all, distorting reality through belief and energy to create a living aggregate of rules is beyond the capabilities of grievances, gods, and weirdness."

"No, it should be said that this has surpassed the order of the existing supernatural system on the earth, and is a field that can only be touched by higher-dimensional forces."

"Your Excellency, Hell Revolution, now, as long as you connect the 'Beacon' to the Tower of Babel, the 'Gate of Heaven' will open in your hands."

Chardonnay picked up a cable on the ground and handed it to Tsukage Chikusa: "A new era in which human beings are freed from the enslavement of the local gods and integrated into the supreme existence of the universe is coming..."

"You lunatic... No, it's you lunatics..."

Tsukage Chikusa, who was sitting on the ground, did not reach out to take the cable.

"In other words, if it wasn't for your idiot experiment, that man wouldn't have died in this sea of ​​trees and turned into a living dead wandering around the world..."

His body was illuminated by the electric current from the tower, trembling with the violent shaking of the earth, but he buried his face deep in the shadow, muttering words that only he could hear.

"Then, our family of three should live a peaceful life in Uji... Mom, she won't die... My life won't become what it is now..."

Chaotic thoughts condensed in Tsukage Chikusa's mind, as if the last piece of the jigsaw puzzle had been put together.

"All of this is your fault!!!"

Standing up like a wild beast, he roared and rushed towards Chardonnay who was close at hand...

Then, without a doubt, he passed through the other party, and his forehead slammed into the corner of the computer desk behind him.

(End of this chapter)

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