I'm really unnerved in Tokyo

Chapter 143 The body of ghosts and gods

Chapter 143 The body of ghosts and gods

Hearing the detective's warning, Xiaoniao Youmao quickly took off the demon bow [Yoku] on his back, and ran towards the main hall of the shrine.

The monk Hongfa still sat motionless in the center of the square, and began to recite Buddhist scriptures silently.

The shadow warrior in black armor strode towards the torii gate.

An invisible barrier appeared inside the torii gate, and the white divine power was constantly rubbing against the black resentment, which made him unable to take this step.

"Your life is more important than your life, and your name is yours. Today, I am only here to get back what belongs to me. Are you going to help the corrupt royal family to fight against me?"

On the rooftop of the Zangqian apartment, Hei Jiangmen scolded loudly.

Daikokushin and Shohiko are the other two pillars enshrined at Kandamei Shrine since 730.

In 1600, the Tokugawa East Army won the Sekigahara Battle on the day of the Kanda Shrine Kanda Festival and gained world hegemony.Since then, Kanda Shrine has been revered by the Edo shogunate and Edo civilians as the "General Guardian of Edo".

Perhaps he was moved by Taira Shomon's words, or maybe he had been enshrined by the Edo shogunate for a long time and did not have a good impression of the royal family. With his words, the divine power in the blue torii gate dissipated.

The shadow warrior in black armor stepped over the torii gate in a dignified way and headed towards the gatehouse.

Intensive gunshots sounded immediately above the gatehouse.

The spiritual energy bullet collided with the armor and produced a flash of fire, but it didn't slow down the target's speed at all.

Just as the black-armored warrior stepped into the square, the Buddhist scriptures recited by Hongfa in the center of the field became louder and louder.

The golden Buddha's light, centered on him, spread towards the surroundings with the sound of chanting.

Colliding with layers of golden Buddha light, the Shadow Warrior is like a drowning person caught in the waves and unable to move, his movements become slowed down, and the resentment on his body is also consumed at an undetectable speed.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, several detectives around immediately took out weapons such as pistols and spiritual power grenades, and concentrated their firepower on him from a distance.

On the square of Kanda Myojinja Shrine, gunpowder smoke and bullets roared for a while.

"Hmph, even the bald man of Buddhism wants to hinder me..."

General Ping on the roof hummed softly at the door, and the resentment on his body that was burning like a flame suddenly shrank.

At the same time, the grievances on the bodies of the shadow fighters in the Kanda Myo Shrine rose to the sky like fuel on the fire.

The originally sluggish black armored warrior suddenly sped up his movements and was about to slash at Hongfa in the center of the square with his knife.



The invisible arrow, with a weeping sound, shot precisely between the eyebrows of the black-armored warrior with an aura like a tornado.

It was the little bird You Mayumi who was standing outside the gate of the main hall that made the move.

Perhaps feeling threatened, or perhaps because of the shadow of Ping Jiangmen's death under the arrow, the shadow fighter immediately stopped and drew his sword, and the black Taidao accurately slashed on the invisible arrow.

Without waiting for the result of this arrow, after the first arrow was shot, Xiaoniao Youzhen Gong continued to draw the bow and lead the arrow as usual, just like practicing archery on weekdays.



The invisible arrows hit the black-armored warrior continuously, one after the other, with a sound like weeping.

The black-armored warrior cut off the weeping arrow one after another without fear.

In the square, the sound of Buddhist scriptures chanting and arrows leaving the bowstring continued to resound.

"This is Abe Temple, and Hei Shomon Kageshi has been temporarily frozen... The second joint team, except for me, there is no survivor..."

During the communication, Abeji's low and weak voice sounded, which made everyone feel uplifted and then down again.

At this moment behind him, the Shadow Warrior has been frozen in a huge block of ice.

In the gushing spiritual power, the sun and moon swords danced around him like living creatures, like a sword fairy reborn.

But even so, the lives that have passed away cannot be restored.

"Here are the first and fourth groups. They are fighting two shadow warriors on the double bridge... Four shadow warriors have been confirmed so far, and it is temporarily impossible to tell which one is the real body. If it is true, as recorded in the historical records, it can be additional There are six shadow warriors, there are still three shadow warriors who have not yet appeared, please be careful in each group."

Mochizuki Ayano's voice sounded in the communication.

On the double bridge, Yamada Kengo and [Cocoon] were still under the cover of the crowd, fighting hand-to-hand with the two shadow warriors, and the fight was inseparable.

"Hmph, is this the only strength left for the spirit remover under the false empress?"

Ping Jiangmen's real body on the roof of the apartment hummed softly.

On the square of Kanda Myojinja Shrine, Hongfa and Kotori Yumaumi temporarily held back the shadow warriors in the square by reciting Buddhist scriptures, Yao Gong Youcry, and the fire of the detectives.

Just as the battle situation was at a stalemate, another figure in black armor quietly climbed up to the eaves of the azure tower without knowing when.

A detective who was shooting with a gun on the second floor of the city tower suddenly felt a chill on his neck.


His vision began to spin and rise rapidly into the air.

The last thing I saw was a somewhat familiar headless body gushing blood.

"Be careful, No. 2 Kagemusha appears at Kanda Myo Shrine!"

When Xiaoniao Youzhengong came to his senses and shot an arrow towards the gate, the shadow warrior had already stepped on the roof of the building next to him, circling the Buddha light on the edge of the square, and attacked the main hall where she was.

And the Shadow Warrior in the center of the square, taking advantage of Xiao Niaoyou's attack slowing down, had already rushed in front of Hongfa and swung his knife at his neck.

Facing the chopping sword, Hongfa still closed his eyes and chanted sutras, as if he had never heard of it.


A golden bell made of Buddha's light and full of runes emerged from Hongfa's body.

The golden rune clock covered his whole body, and when it collided with the black katana, bursts of flames were emitted, and a mighty bell sounded.

"Be careful...his goal is the main hall!"

Yumako Kotori shot two arrows at the shadow warrior on the roof.

However, the opponent let the arrows of spiritual energy gather to pass through his body, bursting into a great deal of resentment, like a football player crossing the line, he jumped straight up to the main hall of Kandamei Shrine without hesitation.

The moment the Shadow Warrior stepped on the eaves of the main hall, a huge and pure white energy surged out from the main hall, and merged into his body like a tired bird returning to the forest.

The black resentment and the white energy entangled and collided with each other, gradually merging into a gray and white flame.

At the same time, as if echoing each other from afar, the Heishōmon deity and Kagebushi who were located next to the Kuramae apartment, Nijubashi, Kanda Myojinja Shrine, and Tokyo Station shot straight into the sky with gray and white arrogance, as if ghosts and gods had descended into the world.

"Not good, the fusion of resentment and the power of faith... This is the power of ghosts and gods!"

On the double bridge, looking at the burning grayness in the pupils of the two shadow fighters, Tokimoto Ichiro murmured.

"I have reshaped the body of ghosts and gods, and this world will surely return to my hands... Tonight, I will sacrifice flags to those of you who have served the false emperor first."

The shadow fighters who were silent at first, and Ping Jiangmen on the rooftop of the apartment, said in unison as if in resonance.

After saying these words, the main body of Herashomon in the Kuramae apartment turned into a burning gray flame, rushing towards somewhere in the night sky.

(End of this chapter)

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