I'm really unnerved in Tokyo

Chapter 280 Angel Wings

Chapter 280 Angel Wings
"...May you rest in the arms of the Lord, Amen."

Seeing the three fallen corpses, guilt flashed in Siena's eyes, she stretched out her hand and made a sign of the cross on her chest, lowered her head and kissed the silver cross around her neck, and quickly ran towards the cockpit.

When boarding the plane, he obviously sensed carefully that the entire plane, including the flight crew, did not have any abnormalities.

However, since these three stewardesses were destroyed by the holy flame that could only burn evil creatures, it can only explain that something happened to them after boarding the plane, and their bodies were transformed into ghoul-like existences in a very short period of time.



In the cockpit at the head of the plane, there was a low growl that did not resemble a human being, mixed with the sound of chewing flesh and blood.

Through the cabin door, one could smell the smell of blood inside.

"Oops...if I had a gun..."

Stronger than Siena, facing the heavy cockpit door, also made a worry.

The cockpit door of the aircraft is mostly made of aluminum honeycomb core door panels, plus a bulletproof design, which weighs more than 100KG and is quite strong.

In other words, even if an AK47 is shot 6 times at one point in a row, it is difficult to penetrate; a 50kg metal heavy hammer hits the hatch at a speed of 5 meters per second, and it will not be deformed; will be blasted.

And the captain and co-pilot inside should be busy devouring each other at this time, and have no time to help themselves activate the hatch that can only be opened from the inside.

Theoretically, when it is confirmed that the people in the cockpit are incapacitated, the emergency code can be input externally. If the alarm sounds for 30 seconds and no one closes it from the inside, the cockpit door will be temporarily opened.

"...I didn't have time to ask them for the emergency code."

Glancing back at the stewardesses in the aisle who had turned black, Siena showed a bitter smile.

Before he could think about it, the plane was completely out of balance and plummeted towards the clouds below.

Siena scrambled and ran to the emergency exit, tied the suitcase tightly to her chest with a life jacket, and silently checked the situation outside the window.

At this moment, the fully fueled plane had already left the bottom of the stratosphere and headed towards the sea below.

According to this height and weight, even if Siena was allowed to enter the cabin at this time, he could not raise the nose of the aircraft.

the only thing to do...

"The Lord said, knock, and the door will open."

Seeing the approaching sea, Siena slammed open the door of the emergency passage.


With the sudden change in air pressure, Siena was thrown out of the cabin along the emergency slide.

The frenzied airflow crazily hit Siena's body, impatiently trying to take away the temperature and oxygen from his body surface, but was resisted by a layer of golden spiritual power.

Like a child embracing its mother, Siena opened her arms towards the dark sea below her, and fell down at an extremely fast speed.

Golden spiritual power began to gather on him...

"...Your broken wings will eventually grow back..."

A few hundred meters above the sea, a pair of golden wings made of holy light suddenly burst out from his back.

Holy Prayer [Angel Wings].

Under the dark night sky, Siena, like an angel, glides along the sea at low altitude with the pair of unflappable wings on her back.


Seto Inland Sea, Kurishima.

Located in the middle of the Seto Inland Sea, this small fishing village island, known for its literature and art and with less than 300 people inhabited, is sleeping under the quiet moonlight as usual.

With the sea wind, a figure with golden wings fell into the shallow sea extending from the beach.


Amidst the sound of rustling waves, a black figure swam out of the sea, lying on the beach, gasping for breath.

It was Siena who escaped from the plane crash.

Maintaining that light wing is extremely exhausting for him physically and spiritually.

As a result, he is now lying on the beach, not wanting to move a finger.

"Fak, this is the first time I jumped off the plane..."

Looking up at the magnificent Milky Way within reach of the sky, Siena couldn't help but swear.

Since voluntarily applying to join the Inquisition and stationed in the Middle East ten years ago, he has suffered various assassinations from jihadists.

Toilet bomb, hamburger bomb, ninja bomb, human bomb, car bomb, mug bomb...

He has also experienced many times when the plane was hit by a rocket launcher or a low-altitude jump without a parachute before the bomb exploded.

However, in peaceful Japan, escaping from a falling medium-sized airliner was an extremely exciting experience for him.


Two 10 minutes later.


The sound of helicopter propellers rang out over the quiet beach.

A small helicopter slowly landed on the beach in the night.

The first person to get off the helicopter was a middle-aged man in a suit.

"As expected of the black-robed priest Siena who is known as the 'Arsenal of the Holy Light'... unexpectedly even such an air crash is safe and sound..."

The middle-aged man sighed and bowed slightly with admiration on his face: "Let me introduce myself, Kazuo Tento, a full member of the Aum Shinrikai."

"An organization I've never heard of, is it a local cult infiltrated by "Evil Flower"..."

Siena stood up and looked at him indifferently.

"...So, you planned all of this?"

"Well, as a member of such an unknown organization, I really don't want to be an enemy of the famous Your Excellency, so I can only attack the innocent flight crew... But I didn't expect that Your Excellency could escape, but it will save us. It’s the effort to salvage that thing.”

Kazuo Amado smiled sinisterly, licked his tongue lightly at the corner of his mouth, and reached out to tap his temple.

"If it weren't for the disappointment of the people under me, I really wouldn't want to do it myself... After all, those who are dominated by my 'power of hunger god' and turned into hungry ghosts, those bad and disgusting eating experiences are all It was returned here in its original form.”

The god of hunger is a ghost gathered by resentful spirits that no one worships after death. It can transform people into hungry ghosts and eat on their behalf.

"Do not follow the counsel of the wicked, the Lord says, nor occupy the way of sinners, nor sit in the seat of mockers."

Siena's eyes slowly turned cold, she reached into her bosom, and took out the silver flask.

"God sends rain on believers and on unbelievers."

Along with the familiar prayer, the dense drizzle enveloped the entire Kuri Island.

Holy Prayer [Primary Rain].

The helicopter that had just parked on the beach lost power in an instant, and the propellers slowly stopped turning.

As soon as the searchlight of the helicopter was turned off, Siena turned into a black panther under the night sky and rushed towards Kazuo Tento.


In the darkness, a figure jumped out of the helicopter and blocked Kazuo Tento very quickly.

The two knives in the man's hands collided with the holy light on Siena's fist, creating fiery sparks.

(End of this chapter)

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