I'm really unnerved in Tokyo

Chapter 314 The Observer's Price

Chapter 314 The Observer's Price
Hearing the voice behind him, Higashino Xinghei tremblingly let go of the man in his hand, and turned around slowly with an expression of disbelief on his face.

This voice that has long been buried in the softest part of his heart will never be misheard.

In the darkness behind him stood a petite woman dressed as an office worker, looking at him with tears in her eyes.

It was Reiko Shirazumi who had died in the explosion a few days ago.


Tears welled up in his eyes, and Higashino Kohei stumbled towards Reiko Shirazumi who was not far away.

In every sleepless night after Lizi left, he was practicing...

When I "go down" and see Lizi, what expression and words should I use to repent and beg for her forgiveness.

But at this moment, all words turned pale.

There was only one thing he wanted to do.

Hug her tightly.

He was afraid that all this was just a dream.

The next second he opens his eyes, the lover in front of him will disappear from his life again.

But even if it's just a dream, please let me just sleep like this forever and don't wake up.

In the darkness, Shirasui Reiko also reached out her hand to hug him, but it swayed like a reflection on the water, and passed Higashino Yukihira through her body.

"Xinghei...are you alright?!"

Accompanied by Shiramizu Reiko's exclamation, Higashino Xinghei slammed into the wall so hard that the entire basement was shaken with dust.

"Wow, be careful, I managed to keep her who was wandering around the scene of the accident in the purest spirit state... There is no trace of resentment."

Shaduo Nord scratched his head in distress, as if he had done an insignificant thing.

"However, in the current state, before she has a 'body', the two of you probably won't be able to have intimate contact."

"Spiritual body? Possess...a body?!"

Regardless of the blood streaming down his forehead, Higashino Kohei looked at Shado Nord excitedly.

"That's right, I was still worrying about how to keep Miss Lizi's spiritual body pure. But now, it seems that you already have a pretty good container."

The other party's finger pointed straight at the pink diamond ring hanging on his chest.

"Mr. Xia Duo, please tell me, is there any way to revive Lizi..."

Without warning, Higashino Xinghei solemnly fell to his knees, his forehead hit the floor hard, and a flame called hope ignited in his eyes.

"No matter what the price is, I'm willing to..."

After experiencing so many things, he naturally knew that this world was not as simple as he knew.

Since there are so many unknowns that exist in possibility, if Lizi's soul is still there, there might be a way to revive her.

"Xingping...you don't have to do it for me..."

Reiko Shiramizu knelt down, hugged Higashino Kohei who was kneeling on the ground sadly and helplessly, but she couldn't contact him because she was a spirit body.

The two are clearly close at hand, but they seem to be far away in the world.

"Is it the price? As a businessman driven by interest, I like your wording!"

Without answering Higashino Kohei's question, Shado Nord dragged his chin with one hand and looked at the computer screen.

"Resurrection in the true sense still belongs to the domain of gods so far..."

He seems to have entered the "off-topic" state caused by being too talkative.

"However, according to my observations over the years, there are quite a few alternative methods, but they all have various flaws..."

"Your Excellency, please tell me... I am willing to do anything for it..."

Hearing the other party's words, Higashino Kohei kept hammering his head on the ground, smashing out bloody flowers.

"Heh, do you want to do anything? It seems good to have an immortal Assamite blood as an assistant and observation object..."

Looking at Kohei Higashino at his feet, Shado Nord showed a playful smile.

At the same time, the computer screen on the side automatically switched to a certain interface.

Glancing at the computer, Shaduo Nord scratched his head distressedly: "I'm sorry, both of you, please go upstairs to talk about old times... I have an important meeting about to start here."

"Okay, Master Xiaduo."

Higashino Kohei bowed respectfully, and when he walked upstairs with Reiko carefully and happily...

Xia Duo's voice sounded from behind again.

"By the way, you Japanese are too polite. I don't like people using honorific titles. You can call me Xia Duo directly, or you can call me another code name..."Observer". "


"No. [-], you took that 'magic object' over there, and you came back in such a state of embarrassment..."

In the dark room, the president of Aum Shinrikai, Kotomine Jiro was sitting at the head.

"Also, even No. [-] is dead... The whereabouts of that item are also unknown..."

The words were filled with uncontrollable anger.

"Sorry, I failed to live up to the expectations of the chairman..."

"Number Four" covered in scars was kneeling below trembling.

His mouth was covered with sutures and blood scabs. If he hadn't relied on "divine power" to relieve the pain, he would have fainted from the pain even if he said a single word.

"Originally, I already had the chance to win, and even the blood clan and the Holy Light Arsenal were suppressed by me..."

"Oh? After that, what happened..."

Hearing what "Number Four" said, Kotomine Jiro asked thoughtfully.

"Number Four" has followed me for more than ten years, and it can be said that he is loyal and quick in handling things. This time, I specially paid a price to trade "that" thing for him, but it turned out to be a failure.

"It's all the fault of that despicable boy with the stockings on his head! If he hadn't taken advantage of the time when I was using that fetish to sneak up on me, see through my figure, and completely disable my divine power..."

Feeling that the injury on his body was still aching, the eyes of "No. [-]" were full of unwillingness.

"By the way, the female policewoman with different eyes at the end is even more terrifying. Even after I put on that fetish, she seems to be able to see me..."

His weasel power comes and goes like the wind, and he is omnipotent with his elusive figure, indestructible sharpness, trickery to eliminate pain, and whip legs that force him to trip.

Before setting off, the president specially bestowed upon himself the "resentment" that could eliminate the wearer's sense of existence and force the enemy into endless fear by asking questions.

Although the side effects are also obvious, the power of the sickle weasel can also temporarily eliminate the adverse effects of pain.

It can be said that it is an existence that perfectly matches with one's own divine power.

Originally, he suppressed the audience as soon as he appeared on the stage, and he was about to finish it perfectly, but he kicked the "steel plate" with a whip kick, and was severely injured by the opponent's ruthless iron knee. Several front teeth were broken, and now he can't even speak.

When he woke up, Kazuo Tento had turned into a puddle of meat sauce.

And when he was escaping, he was shot by the foreigner-looking policewoman.

Meeting two spirit eliminators who restrained themselves one after another, and almost lost their lives, it feels like just kryptonizing a 998, only to be beaten into a pig's head when you go out, which makes you irritable.

"The abilities of those official spirit removers should not be underestimated, and it's not surprising that they can see through your whereabouts..."

Hearing the words of "No. [-]", Kotomine Jiro's eyes under the mask gradually became deeper.

"...However, the divine power has completely failed, and it feels very familiar? It's a pity that the man is wearing stockings..."

The chairman seemed to recall some bad memories.

"...You go down to recuperate first, I have a meeting here."


Late at night, Roppongi.

"Enough, you online religious scams, keep procrastinating..."

The soft and angry loli voice echoed in the room.

"...I want to uninstall this APP, and then send a more powerful monster to sanction you..."

Tsukage Chikusa's saliva frantically sprayed on the laptop screen in front of him.

"Prepare for the wrath of hell..."

This group of secondary school students who call themselves "Hua of Evil" have delayed and delayed the "sincerity" they promised to show.

It's okay to have no real progress so far, but he still has the face to initiate a communication with himself.

"That's right... Even taking me along for a trip was useless... Although there are unexpected gains..."

On the communication interface, the node representing the "observer" also echoed his words.

"Your Excellency "Hell Revolution", please control your anger. In the extraordinary world, any 'accident' is understandable..."

The node representing "Kotomine Jiro" flickered slightly.

"Every item that allows people to step into the extraordinary, there are countless lost lives as the price behind it... For 'that thing', I also lost a lot of capable men, and there is still a lot of mess to deal with, Don't waste your time."

After speaking confidently, the node of "Kotomine Jiro" went offline.

5 minutes ago, at the beginning of the meeting, "Kotomine Jiro" had already stated that because "that thing" was destroyed in the battle, he officially withdrew from the mission.

After all, "Hua of Evil" is a loose organization with a point system, and there is no mandatory superior-subordinate relationship between members, and others have no position to condemn him for failing in missions.

"Well, I said, it's useless to be so stiff. I happen to have a collection here that meets the requirements... It's not as good as the sincerity that your Excellency "Hell Revolution" wants to see. Let me prepay first..."

After a long silence, for some reason, the "observer" opened his mouth and became a "peacemaker".

"Afterwards, Lord of the Dark Web, you only need to pay me the corresponding recruitment points..."

The internal points of "Evil Flower" are blockchain currency encrypted by "Dark Net Lord", which can be used to exchange items, information, knowledge or ask for help from other members.

"That's very good. As expected of a resentment dealer with a wide range of channels, I will thank you "Observer"... For the next thing, please communicate with the two of you alone..."

"Dark Net Lord" said this in his emotionless voice, and then he went offline to avoid suspicion.

"Hey... has no one asked my opinion..."

Tsukage Chikusa complained in a low loli voice, but she clenched the mouse tightly with her hand, and her eyes sparkled with excitement.

"Forget it, since that's the case, let me introduce that thing first..."

"Before I introduce it, let me confirm that you must be very clear about the existence of [Resentment], right?"

"Observer" asked sincerely.


Tsukage Chikusa responded with a burst of blue veins on her forehead, which made no sense.

Resentment?I only know pickles...

But you have used rhetorical questions, do you want me to answer "I don't know at all, please tell me with great mercy"?

"...For ordinary extraordinary people, grievances and obsessions are condensed, have equally powerful positive and negative effects, and are difficult to destroy. They can only be used when minimizing or suffering side effects..."

In line with the logic of "the creator of the weirdness must be very clear about the grievances", the talkative "observer" began to talk to himself.

"However, "Flower of Evil" is different. "

Listening to the other party's words, Tsukage Chikusa quickly took notes like a good student in the first row of the classroom.

"As a member of "Evil Flower", after paying a high amount of points, you can use a special alchemy formula to decompose, extract and fuse the rule fragments in the resentment, so as to obtain no side effects... ..."

Following the words of the "observer", the door named "Supermanence" finally opened slowly to Tsukage Chikusa who could only hide behind this computer and shiver.

(End of this chapter)

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