I'm really unnerved in Tokyo

Chapter 32 I'm So Cold

Chapter 32 I'm So Cold (Please recommend)
While Araki Sousuke was busy "fighting mice", Ryoma was wearing a police uniform two days ago, sitting in a sentry box next to Shinjuku Gyoen, dozing off.

After Araki Sousuke left during the day, he went to the custom shop he frequented to experience a "new pattern", which consumed a lot of energy and was already sleepy to death.

In the crude sentry box made of tin, there are only a set of dilapidated tables and chairs and a large police communicator.

"Sand... rustle..."

Just before the second, when Ryoma was asleep with his head propped on his palms, there was a noise from the communicator.

"Is there signal interference?"

Ryoma, who was woken up, glanced at the communicator unhappily.

This police communicator is very old. Although it is set on an encrypted channel dedicated to the Metropolitan Police Department, it will occasionally be interfered by communications from some radio amateurs.

Just when he fell asleep again, the sound of "rustling" came from the communicator again.

"This shit..."

"Sha...shasha...I...I'm so cold...sha..."

Amidst the noise of the communicator, a man's voice came faintly.

"What? Mossi, Mossy... what boring guy is playing a prank..."

This communicator can connect to several sentry boxes in Shinjuku District. It must be some guy who is full of sleep during the day and is here at night to spoof.

"Yo, this is the Shinjuku Gyoen Police Box... please follow the police communication rules, don't occupy the communication channel needlessly... OVER"

Two days ago, Ryoma picked up the communicator and began to lecture seriously.

After the lecture, the communicator was quiet.

Before two, Ryoma continued to doze off contentedly.

"Sha...shasha...help...help me...cold...so cold..."

After a while, the voice sounded again.

This time, the male voice in the noise became clearer.

"Is there someone calling for help... This is Shinjuku Gyoen Police Box... Please tell me your location... OVER"

Before two, Ryoma immediately picked up the communicator and replied.

There was silence in the communicator.

"That guy Okita, remember that he is also on the night shift today?"

To be on the safe side, Ryoma took out his mobile phone two days ago and called his colleague at another nearby police station.

"Ah, Okita, you are on duty, right... Did you hear the distress call on the communicator just now? What, you just fell asleep and didn't hear any sound? Couldn't it wake you up with such a loud voice? You This guy can't also..."

After chatting with his colleagues for a few words, Erqian Ryoma's expression became a little weird again.

Okita, who was also on duty nearby, didn't seem to hear the noise from the communicator.

Assuming what that guy Okita said is true...

Two days ago, Ryoma took out a map of Tokyo from under the table, took out a pen and drew on it.

"Here is my position, and this is Okita's position..."

He marked two dots on the map with a pen.

"The effective distance of the trunked walkie-talkie is 15-30 kilometers... If the other party's signal can just cover me, but can't reach Okita, it means that my location is probably the limit range of the other party's signal..."

Two days ago, Ryoma immediately deduced a fan-shaped area on the map.

"There are radio amateurs doing pranks in this area... occupying the police encrypted channel, but it is a crime. If there is a large-scale manhunt in this area... wait, what does this matter to me, I am too boring Do you think about this kind of thing..."

The drowsiness hit again, before Ryoma simply pressed the power switch of the communicator, and continued to doze off.

This time, the communicator did not ring again.

Ryoma propped his hands on his chin before two, and soon started snoring.

In the dream, he seems to have returned to the custom shop...

"Sha...shasha...help me...shasha...I'm...so cold..."

Nearly three o'clock in the middle of the night, another noise came from the communicator.

This time, the man's voice was clearer.

Ryoma was woken up again two days ago, and the veins on his forehead burst.

"My uncle is busy teaching unemployed young men and rescuing young women who have lost their feet during the day, and he still listens to you bastard at night... Where are you bastard, as long as I catch you..."

He picked up the communicator and roared, but suddenly closed his mouth.

The power indicator light of the communicator in front of me is obviously off...

"Sand... rustle... I... am..."

The man's voice came again from the communicator that had obviously been turned off.


Two days ago, Ryoma's back felt cold, he dropped the communicator in his hand, pulled out the pistol at his waist, and quickly pointed it backwards.

Through the glass of the police box, there is nothing but the dark vegetation of Shinjuku Gyoen.

"Phew... I'm really too sensitive..." Ryoma heaved a sigh of relief before turning around to study what was going on with the communicator.

A man with a wet body, a pale face with erythema, and puffed and folded skin was tilting his head and pressing his eyeballs to the glass directly in front of the police booth, looking straight at him.

Ryoma was scared out of his wits two days ago, and immediately pointed the gun in his hand at the opponent.

As the pistol was pointed, there was nothing in front of the police booth, as if the man had never appeared.

"... Are you blind? Or is it the unrecovered aphrodisiac drink that you drank today, which has hallucinogenic effects?"

Looking around at the quiet police booth, Ryoma's whole body was already drenched with sweat.

"I'm...so...cold...help me..."

The voice appeared again.

However, the thing that made Ryoma's whole body stiff before the second was...

The voice came not from the communicator this time, but from behind him.

When he turned around, the terrifying-looking man was holding his neck close to his nose.

When he got close, he could see clearly that the pink markings and swollen rotting skin on the opponent's face were the characteristics of a drowned person.

Before the two, Ryoma subconsciously kicked the opponent's crotch, but the opponent's iron-like arm was completely unmoved.

Immediately afterwards, a large amount of yellow and rancid water poured in from the cracks in the doors and windows of the police booth, instantly submerging the entire police booth.

The man's iron-like hands and the muddy water coming from nowhere made it impossible for Ryoma to breathe.

Under the unprecedented suffocation, his consciousness gradually blurred...

At this moment, a ball of fire suddenly exploded in his trouser pocket, rushing towards the man's body.

The whole body of the man who strangled his neck burned with the flames, howling in pain, and slowly dissipated into black smoke.


After an unknown amount of time, Nizen Ryoma, who was lying on his back on the ground of the police booth, opened his eyes, panting heavily.

He looked around blankly, the police box was clean and tidy as always, and there was no scary man there, he must have fallen asleep.

A yellow liquid with a strong foul smell was flowing by his hand, which made his heart tremble again.

Looking down at the drenched pants, Ryoma breathed a sigh of relief two days ago, and cursed: "Damn it!"

Me, Ryoma, the partner of justice, the ruthless king of the red-light district, was scared to pee by a nightmare? !
(End of this chapter)

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